Categories: Ishq Subhan Allah

Ishq Subhan Allah 10th August 2018 Written Episode Update: Kabir against Zara again

Ishq Subhan Allah 10th August 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Kabir says to Imran that what God wants? even this meeting went bad. Imran says nobody is ready to invest in project, Kabir says we have to pay lawyer too, Shahbaz is paying right now but I have to give it back to him soon. Miraj arrives there and greets Kabir. Imran says how dare you come here? Miraj says to Kabir you keep this puppy with you, are you still a priest? Kabir grabs him and says Miraj I am a priest and I dont want bloodshed. Miraj says if you get bank loan by killing me then do it. Miraj pushes him away and says you are not powerful, are you not feeling well or Zara is not taking care of you? Kabir gets angry and beats him. Imran pushes him away and says dont do this, its not worth it to have his blood on your hands, he will die on his own, he takes him from there.


and Imran comes home. Kabir asks Zeenat where is Zara? Zeenat says Zara left home with Nilofar, she was in hurry. Kabir thinks and asks Imran to call her, Imran calls her but she doesnt pick up. Kabir says she must have gone to meet Abida in halala case, Imran calls her again. He asks where is she? He says okay. Imran tells Kabir that Zara is going to Irfan’s house, Kabir says okay I will pick her up in evening. Kabir is about to leave but some men come in his house and says priest Hashmi wants to meet you. Kabir says I never met him. Priest comes there, Kabir kisses his hands. Priest asks him to sit down, priest says I know everything about you, your pending divorce, your sharia board issues and others. Kabir says you can show me the right path. He says I can just suggest and bless you, you know I have many schools, factories in country where muslim people have work studies and work, Kabir says I know everything, Priest says my mission is to help all my men to become capable to live a good life, but I am getting tired and I want to choose you take my mission ahead. Kabir gets elated and says that would be my honor, let me call Shahbaz, Priest says I will meet him later, I want to talk to you today.

Zara comes to Irfan and hugs him. Zara recalls how Abida said that my husband gave me divorce by saying it three times and left me and my girl alone, we had to face everything alone. Zara cries and says I feel for Abida, she will breakdown if she doesnt get justice, please expedite her case. Irfan says sure.

Priest Kibla says to Kabir that I will solve all your troubles, you just have to do one thing for me, its about nikha halala, he tells him some information and says halala cases have put a bad image of us, I want you to fight this case halala case and fight it in favor of halala. Kabir is stunned.

Zara says to Irfan that when I look at Abida, I see my problems are nothing infront of her, her life is nothing less than a hell, when I see her, I forget all my problems but you will see, I will punish her husband nicely that he will get nobody to take help from.

Nilofar comes to a mechanic shop and asks where is Wasim? Wasim comes to her and asks if she wants to repair her car or want some other service? Nilofar asks if he is Wasim? She asks what do you need? he moves near her. Nilofar says if you take another step then I will slap you. Owner of garage comes there and talks to Wasim, owner says to Nilofar that we are not servicing cars today, she says okay, I will come later, she silently takes Wasim’s picture and leaves from there.

Scene 2
Zara comes home, she offers water to Kabir. Kabir says who do you think you are? you have to take care of whole nation but not take care of your husband, zara says how much do you want to scold me? am I your wife or punching bag? Kabir says you are a punching bag as you dont check your phone. Zara checks her phone and sees 11 missed calls from Kabir. Zara says wow I am happy. Kabir says you want to be happy? I will call you many times a day but please stay at home. Zara says I am happy in any case but when I see women bearing so much then my heart hurts, you should see Abida’s condition. Kabir says I think I should handle that halala case. Zara gets happy and hugs him, she says then Abida’s husband will be punished. Kabir says no, I am thinking to fight in favor of nikah halala. She is stunned and says what? Kabir says yes.

Nilofar comes to meet Miraj. Miraj says good to see you. Nilofar says I have befriended Zara and she might become my best friend. Miraj says great, how did you come here? Nilofar says there is a case in sharia board so Zara took me with her, there is some Abida girl who have filed case against nikah halala and Zara is taking her case. Miraj says you dont know how much you have helped me, now I will take revenge from Kabir.

Zara says to Kabir that you know nikah halala have tarnished our image and you are taking its side? Kabir says I am not doing it right away, I will study it, this tradition has been going on years so it must have some benefits. Zara says what are you hiding from me? Kabir says nothing. Zara says tell me what is it? Kabir says Nawab Hashmi came to meet me and thinks that this case is tarnishing our image. Zara says eradicating it is the solution, there are many countries where halala is banned so why cant we do it? Kabir says enough, I am going to fight in favor of it. Zara says I wont let Abida’s halala happen at any cost. Kabir glares at her.

Zara talks to Nilofar and asks what happened with Wasim? Nilofar says he is a very bad man, his character is bad, Zara says you must know many bad people too, whats Miraj’s news? Nilofar says I dont know. Zara says Kabir wants you to become witness in his case against Miraj so stay near.

Miraj comes to Wasim’s garage. Wasim says we are closing the garage. Miraj says I am interested in something else, why do you need halala with Abida? Wasim grabs him and says who the hell are you to ask me if I do halala with Abida or kill her, how do you know her? Miraj says calm down, he gives him money and says why do you need halala with Abida? Wasim tells him something which is muted. Miraj says a girl will come tomorrow to meet you, you have to keep her busy and dont let her go from here. Wasim nods and leaves.

Shahbaz and others are having food. Kabir says to Shahbaz that Rawab Hashmi came to meet me. Shahbaz says such big personality came to our house and you didnt call me? Kabir says he wants me to fight halala case and win it. Shahbaz says thats such a big honor, he is such a powerful man, God has given you respect, you should be thankful to God. Kabir says yes. Shahbaz says Hashmi can make all your dreams come true. Kabir looks at Zara and says what he wants has a cost. Shahbaz says he wants you to stop people throwing filth at our nation, its a good deed, Shahbaz says to Kabir that if you follow Hashmi’s footsteps and fill the gap between Hashmi and Irfan then your life will be set. Zara says gap? whats their differences and animosity?

PRECAP- Zara says to Kabir that you are starting an argument that will affect our relation, you and your father are complicating things, our relation is getting suffocated by these constraints, why dont you kill it? why dont you end it all by giving me divorce? Kabir gets angry and shouts you want divorce? I will divorce you right now, Zara looks on.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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