Categories: Ishq Subhan Allah

Ishq Subhan Allah 12th December 2019 Written Episode Update: Kabir supports Zara

Ishq Subhan Allah 12th December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Zeenat says you beating that man his reduced all chances of father winning the elections. Shahbaz says see your worth first. Zara says if something wrong happens to me I will speak against it. I thought you would be with me.
Kabir says Zara, how did you send Zara there with the tea? Zara is part of this house. She isn’t a servant. Zara hears it and is in tears. Kabir goes upstairs.

Zara sits outside in tears and recalls what happened. She sobs. Kabir comes to her. He gives her a napkin. Kabir says it’s my mistake. I couldn’t protect you. Please forgive me. Zara says only you helped me. No one else did. Rukhsar comes there and says please come there. She what is she doing. Zeenat burns Zara’s clothes. Kabir says what are you doing? She says

the kind of clothes she wears provoked Javed to do this. His father called dad and he is joining a different party. Rukhsar says it was his mistake but this kind of clothes would provoke anyone. Zara says what? She says what is her problem with hijab? Zara says so he has the right to touch women without hijab? Shouldn’t men keep their gaze lowered? Kabir says Zara is right. Islam asks men to lower their gaze. You can’t blame Zara. He leaves.

Scene 2
Zeenat sees Zara and says Astaghfirullah. Zara is wearing sleeveless. Zara says you burned all my clothes so this is all I have to wear. Don’t try to put any pressure on me. I don’t live in cages.
Zara comes to the kids. They are talking to Seema, Azra, and Qazi. Seema says are you okay? Come to us. We miss you a lot. Zara says I will come to once the kids are done with reciting Quran.

Rukhsar gives lunch to Kabir. She says I am worried. Zara isn’t like our family. What if our kids learn from her? He says that would be my problem, not yours. He leaves. Rukhsar says I will make you mine only. I will send this Zara far away from your life.
Zara stops auto. Kabir stops his car and asks her to sit. She says where are you going? He says getting the school forms. Zara says that’s such a good thing. She says wait. Zara gives money to an old woman. Kabir says no. He takes the woman to a restaurant and says give her biryani. The woman says there are a lot of other hungry people. Should I call them? He says no. We will go to them. Kabir goes and serves Biryani to everyone himself. Zara looks at him and smiles. The woman says God keep your couple happy and blessed. She leaves.

Scene 3
Zara comes home and meets everyone. She tells them what happened? Everyone is shocked. Zara says Kabir stood by me. Qazi says don’t worry. I know Kabir is with you. You did what is right. Kabir takes care of everyone. Seema says his mission to live is his kids. When Zara was alive, Kabir wasn’t like this. Let me tell you. This is Zara’s diary. She was a passionate poet. She turned Kabir into the poet too. She wanted to give this diary to Kabir but she couldn’t. Zara says can I read this? She says yes. Seema says but it shouldn’t come in front of Kabir. He would get upset.

Shahbaz prays and says give me win as your blessing God.
He lays and hears someone saying don’t beg. The sinners only get bad things. God doesn’t do injustice. You will be exposed in front of Kabir. God will never pardon you. Shahbaz says who’s here? Who is saying all this? He opens the door. He wakes up. It was a dream. Shahbaz is scared. Zara comes there. He says what are you doing here? She says I was studying here. Kabir says is everything okay? Shahbaz says wasn’t feeling well. Kabir says don’t take the stress. He gives Shahbaz his medicines.

Zara reads a couplet. Kabir hears it. He is shocked. He completes the poem. He says that couplet, how do you know it? She recalls what Seema said. Zara says this diary. Kabir says what? She says Zara wanted to give this to you. I brought it here to read it. Kabir takes the diary and reads it. Kabir cries. Zara says are you okay? I am sorry. He says no. Let me show you something. He says she wrote so well. She used to write flower-like drawing a flower. May I keep it? Zara says it is yours only. She says Zara was so lucky to have a life partner like you.
No precap.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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