Categories: Ishq Subhan Allah

Ishq Subhan Allah 1st July 2019 Written Episode Update: Zara makes Kabir’s realize about his duty

Ishq Subhan Allah 1st July 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Zara is in jail and says to Azra that its good Rizwan got the bail, now we can find that boss, lawyer said nobody will know about Rizwan’s bail.
Rizwan gets ready and tells officer to keep telling Shahbaz that I am ill and in jail.
Rizwan comes to out of jail and meets Zara. He thanks her. Zara says we dont have much time, we will have to find boss, dont get seen by anyone. Rizwan says no worries. Zara leaves. Rizwan says nobody will trust me that boss is Shahbaz so I wont let truth come out like that, he took my mother so I will take his son, I will make him suffer.

Irfan meets his investor and says I want to sell my house. Buyer says its not right time, your house needs renovation. Irfan says I dont have time, please sell it, agent says okay and leaves. Irfan

says to Salma that I dont have a choice, we lost all money because of Zara’s treatment, I had to sell my press too. Amina gave us money but we have to return it. Kabir hears it and shocked. Irfan says we will find a solution. They leave. Kabir sighs and says no.. Zara is my responsibility, how could I forget that.

Zara and Azra comes home. Nussu says I was playing a game with Ruksaar. Azra glares at her and says she is our enemy. Zara says dont say that. Azra says why you trust her? Zara says she changed. Azra says I cant forget what she did with you. She leaves. Zara says to Ruksaar that dont feel bad about Azra’s words, she will take time to trust you. Ruksaar says its okay, I will win trust soon.

Kabir gets cheque of 2 lacs for next book. Kabir says I am doing my duty, I will complete it soon. He recalls Irfan’s words.

Zara says to Azra that Ruksaar is our guest, behave with her please. Azra says I can do anything for you. Zara hugs her.

Scene 2
Kabir is worried. Shahbaz comes to him and asks why he called him? Kabir says I dont want to hurt you, I am bad, I thought I knew what is right or wrong, I was praying for Zara but Irfan was paying for Zara’s treatment.

Zara and Azra are in market. Kid comes and begs for food. Zara says what do you want to eat? She takes them for food.

Shahbaz says to Kabir that 80 lacs are not a small amount, you are a priest, your duty is to pray, you dont have to earn or think about money. Kabir sees Zara coming there with kids. He is tensed and looks away.

Zara brings kids to restaurant. Manager says we will have to keep kids out, we have decorum here. Zara says this is wrong. Kabir comes there and says you cant differentiate like this, if you dont give placement to them then I will complain. Manager says I am sorry. He goes to kids and give them seats. Zara says to Kabir that I could handle it but thanks, she leaves. Shahbaz says to Kabir that you promised to stay away from her but why you keep going back to her?
Zara says to Azra that I forgot my bag in a shop. She goes to shop, two men come to her and says we are hungry, please give us money. Kabir sees it too. Zara says to men that you both are fine and young, go and work. Man says we are busy in prayers so dont get time to work. Zara says God has asked us to work, you can be a priest but you have to do hardwork and earn, thats what God and Prophet says, she leaves. Kabir says to Shahbaz that Zara was right, I have to earn too, thats my duty, I will earn and pay for Zara’s treatment which is my biggest duty.


Update Credit to: Atiba

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