Here is the next part . Thanks for all your lovely comments.
Link to previous part
Part 12 Here
Part 13.
The early morning sunrays tenderly caressed shivaay’s eyelids gently forcing him to open his eyes to feast on what was the dream come true scene for him. The sun rays filtering through the trees fell on Anika making various different patterns on her smooth skin enhancing her beauty. Anika was still sleeping cuddling him, she looked so adorable, angelic, innocent and pure while sleeping that shivaay couldn’t stop himself from kissing her. Oh how I wish to wake up every morning like this shivaay thought.
Few moments later Anika opened her eyes only to drown into the deep sincere oceanic blue orbs which were lazily staring at her.
S- hey sweetheart good morning
A- good morning shiv
S- shiv.. so i get a new nickname hmmm
A- yeah well we love giving each other nicknames so i thought you should have a proper one too or do you prefer bagadbilla or billuji
S- well then Ani I think shiv is perfect
A-Ani.. hmm…not bad
S- yeah i just returned the favour darling. He bend down and pecked her lips.
A- you know what shivaay ….
S-shiv call me that sounds better
A- yesterday after so many years I slept peacefully without any fear or insecurity.
S- Ani.. dont every feel down because of your past coz thats already gone. Our present and future is what is important and trust me its very beautiful ..
A- how can you be so sure…
S-coz its ours just ours and you and I together are world’s best team right in your language kidkitod couple
Anika smiled and slighty got up to kiss his cheek and then again rested her head on his chest.
A- shiv you know I am still a bit scared coz fate has also been cruel to me …. what if
S- not again Ani plz trust me nothing wrong will happen.
A- you seem very confident abt us. She felt very happy as she said this
S- I am Anika. You know for any relationship to work two things are most important. Trust and acceptance and we have both. we blindly trust each other and have already accepted each others qualities ,weakness and vices so there is no chance of any differences. And dont you also think that we already had been through enough misunderstandings for the lifetime– there is no scope now.
A-Awww shiv so cute
Shivika share another hug and any eyelock before they unwillingly get up.
A- I think we should leave
S- mera mood nahi hai
A-man toh mera bhi nahi hai but we need to
Om calls shivaay
O- look shivaay chotima has gone to temple with chotepapa will return in an hour so just make sure you come by then. We have covered up rudra told her you came late and were sleeping but still chotima wasn’t convinced.
S-thnx bro, will reach home in another 15 min. Chal bye
Shivaay drops Anika and returns to the Oberoi mansion and before his parents return freshens up and changes his clothes.
He goes to the kitchen and sees Om already present.
O- what happened shivaay ? How is Anika ?
S-Om woh actually…
Pi- oh my mata shivaay!!Where were you last nights? I was so worrys
S-Mom I had some work so. I returned late and didnt wanna disturb you thats why I didnt tell you I was here.
Shivaay said with a straight face convincing his mom that he was at OM last night.
Tej comes there
T- Shivaay that Australian company wants to finalize the deal with us for our Delhi project
S- really thats a great news bade papa. Having an international partner will give it a better push
T- So you need to go to Delhi today itself . I want you to finalize this deal. Afterall you are the only capable man here.
O- Mr oberoi and Mr oberoi this is kitchen and no business talks allowed.
T- Mr Artist I know its useless to talk to you but learn something from shivaay.
O- I dont need to learn anything from anyone. I told you I am not interested in business but I guess Mr oberoi has hearing problem.
Om bade papa plz…plz stop it.
Bade papa I will handle the deal. You dont worry. And btw have breakfast with us
T- no shivay. Have to attend an important meeting. Tum bhi pack kar lo you have to leave after two hours.
Shivay goes to his room to pack his stuff and go through all the imp files and quotations , he was upset that Anika would be working in OM and he would be in Delhi but the good thing was that he can spend entire night talking or chatting with his Ani without fearing that his brothers would barge in or pull his leg or tease him.
He smiled as he thought abt his Anika and as he was abt to call her rudra came..
S-(mind) wrong time again rudra why do you always come at wrong time.
R-bhai you too going to Delhi
S- you too means who else is …
R- me and Om
S- What!!
Plz read and comment
Kindly ignore grammatical error and typo.
cutest episode…. shivaye ka reaction might b oh my mata …??
Thanks a lot
Nice epi
Bechara shivaay??
Cute and sweet epi…. ?
shivaay ki omm hogayi…….lol………………btw nice epi
Lovely updt
Haha.. shivaay ki plan ki toh OMM hogaya…Bechara shivaay..
Amazing one!! Loved it!! Update nxt one asap!
Thnx. Will try to but m a bit busy this week
Shivaay ki toh oh my maata ho gyi ?? awesome episode ?, cuteness overloaded
Funny n cute…. post soon…
Beautiful n lovely epi….. Oh my maata!! Again bechara Shivaay…..ha ha ha!!! Eagerly waiting for next part….
o bete ki !!!!!!!

omr also going to delhi !!!!!!!
bechara shivaay
post asap…….
Thnx. Will try to post soon but Mayb next week only
Awesome episode?
Great job..pls upload next episode soon…
Awesome ??
Fabulous dear…. Pls post the next episode soon…. Waiting for the next…
Awwwwwwwwe shivay dying to spend time with his ani wow superb dr. …….I just love shivay….as always…???
Commenting here.. just to tell you that you’re a flawless writer seriously. Please update the next part soon & please try to post the ff daily. Hope you consider my request. Thank you.
Thanks a lot. I am really glad you likef my work. Btw i would have loved to update daily but right now I am a bit busy so will be update only once a week
Aww… once in a week ? sad news.. Itna wait karna padega but no problem your fc worth wait ?
Superb update..
Hahaha loved the cute update totally amamazing. Poor shivaay once again . Sorry for the late comment
Thank you