Fan Fiction


Shivaay’s pov
I still dont believe it. Anika is actually leaving me and getting married to that Vicky…Oh Rudra ki language…Vikram Aditya Thapar. Its been just three months since our divorce and Anika moved on so easily. No, it isnt possible, Anika cant leave me like this. Did she forget everything that existed between us ? My blush lessons and our pool proximity along with our signature water fights . Everything. Did she forget our love and has moved on ? I dont know why Anika is doing this with me . Rudra says Anika hasnt moved on. Is this how she hasnt moved on ? I know I am getting her married myself but cant she just come and tell me that ‘ Shivaay, mujhe farak padta hai ‘ or simply ‘ Shivaay, aisa mat kijiye ‘ . She knows that I love her. Even then she is breaking my heart with the heaviest hammer and becoming Mrs. Vikram Aditya Thapar. I cant live without Anika. I LOVE my Anika and I cant see her becoming some one else’s. But, if she is not willing to tell me the truth, then I am also not willing to confess my weakness.

A tide of salty water made way to the most chameleon – like eyes in the world at the moment. Shivaay had a hard time to prevent that tide from rushing to his stubbled cheeky shore. After a few moments, he came back to reality and went to check if Anika was ready or not. In the room, Anika was sitting on the chair, dressed in a beautiful red lehenga with minimal makeup. Her hair was still a mess and she was struggling with the dori of her necklace. She looked materialistically beautiful but her face was pale and tear stained. It was quite evident from her eyes that she hadn’t slept the previous night, crying all the while.

Anika’s pov
I am getting married. Again. Without my consent. I dont want to get married to Vikram. But I cant tell the truth to Shivaay. Why is this happening with me ? People get married happily but in my case only Pinky Aunty and Nagini will be happy. I dont want to break Shivaay and I dont even want to destroy Vikram’s life. Please God, show me a way out of this. Please.

Having these thoughts , she breaks down again with a fresh layer of tears. She notices a someone standing behind her and looks up to the mirror, finding Shivaay standing behind her. He comes forward and moves her hair to one side, exposing her back. He then ties the dori of her necklace, his hand touching her cold, pale skin. The warm touch of his hand sent a wave of pleasure down her whole body, which seemed to light up at his touch. Her body was shivering, but longing for this touch from the past three months. She closed her eyes in satisfaction, and feeling full of his touch, knowing that this maybe the last time their bodies were in contact. He smiled seeing that he still had the same effect on her.

Shivaay: So, you are ready to become Mrs. Thapar. Great! You changed so easily from Mrs. Oberoi to Mrs. Thapar in just a few months. Congratulations!

Anika couldnt answer due to her flow of tears. Her voice had drowned in the sea of helplessness and sacrifice. Now she didnt have her voice. The thought of Shivaay thinking this about her made her think about ending her life.
Shivaay : Say something Anika. Dont stand here like that Anika whom I saw and forced to take seven rounds with me. That day also and today also. You didnt change.
Anika’s chantomai mind absorbed his piercing words but made a khidkitod plan out of it. Now she felt calmer, satisfied and a sense of winning her Shivaay again overlapped her sense of thinking and reasoning. A small and relieved smile crept on her lips. Looking into his deep , longing orbs , she said with a faint smile,

Anika : Shivaay, you wanted to know the truth, right ?
Shivaay was shell-shocked and his eyes expanded in bewilderment. He wasnt expecting something like this from her mouth. He couldnt believe his ears but as a reflex, he nodded in a yes.
Anika : I will tell you the truth. But there is a condition.
Shivaay : What condition?
Anika : You have to get me married….

Shivaay : What? I am already doing that.
Anika: Let me complete. You have to get me married to Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi.
Shivaay was in for another shock.
Shivaay : What the wuck ?
Anika now clutched his collar with both her hands and pinned him to the wall,
Anika : You have to marry me. You have to complete my journey from ex- Mrs. Oberoi to Mrs. Shivaay Singh Oberoi. I will wear your name’s mangalsutra and put sindhoor of your name. You will be my husband not for a day but for lifetime. It is not for my respect or anyone else’s, it for our whole life…. I know you werent going to get engaged to that Nagini and you also knew that I hadnt moved on in life. I was stuck at the same place where I had left you. Others have seen how I have spent these three months of my life….and I dont want to loose you again. I WILL get married to you, Billuji.

Saying so, Anika loosened the hold on his collar and sank down in a new flood of tears as she recollected how she had spread the raita three months back.
Shivaay was also in tears and was surprised at witnessing Anika’s bold avatar. He was still trying to get her words into his head and make out what she meant. All moments of their forced marriage were aimlessly lingering in front of him. History was repeating itself in roles reversed. Curious to know the truth, Shivaay immediately left the room to get dressed as the groom to get married to Anika. He was pretending to be helpless outside, but internally his heart was jumping with joy. Maybe this was all he wanted……

After an hour or so, the bride and groom came down the royally carpeted flight of stairs of the Mansion. Everything was like a normal marriage except that the bride was literally pulling the groom to the mandap. Hilarious ? No.
Dadi: Anika puttar, where is Billu ?
Anika : Dadi , actually Shivaay got a call for an urgent business meeting so he wont attend the marriage.

After everyone had seated themselves, the rituals began. Varmala. Check. Mangalsutra. Check. Sindhoor. Check. Phere. Check. Everything was done. Now was the bidaai. Anika took the handfuls of rice and threw them backward, to be caught by Omru as they were no less than brothers for her. They were all shedding tears as none of them wanted Anika to get married and leave them. More than that, they were upset because now Shivika wouldnt be together even though they are made for each other. With tear-stained faces, they all hugged Anika and the couple disappeared from sight.
After the guests had left, the newly married couple re- appeared at the gate of the house and stood there. The Oberoi family was more than just confused. Gauri and Bhavya , who probably knew what was happening, brought an aarti ki thaali and that decorated pot of kaccha rice.
Pinky : Bhavya, tu iss ka grahpraveshs kyun kars rahi hais ? Grahpravesh toh nayi bahu ka hota hai na. Aneeka, tu abhi tak gayi nahi ? Tu hamari zindagiyon se chali kyun nhai jaati?
Voice behind sehra: Because…woh meri biwi hai….
Everyone shocked hearing Shivaay’s voice.

Shivaay removes his sehra to reveal his charming face which left the whole family in a state of excitement and how-did-this-happen type of feelings. Yet , everyone’s faces turned to a shade of brightness as they felt glad of Anika’s return as well as the union of Shivika. They all wanted this to happen, deep inside their hearts. Everyone knew that they were soulmates and had no objection to their marriage. Only the Oh My Mata machine and Ms. Ragini Malhotra stood there fuming. Ragini went to her room followed by Pinky.
Dadi : Puttar , you both go and rest.

The couple proceeded towards their room.
The other two couples remaining there gave each other an all-is-well smile and returned to their rooms.

In Shivika room,
Both had removed the heavy wedding stuff they were wearing and changed to comfy clothes. Shivaay was getting restless as he couldnt wait to get his hands on the ‘ truth ‘.
When Anika was infront of him, he took a deep breadth and ,
Shivaay : Anika , now tell me the truth.
Anika came forward and held his hands.
Anika : Shivaay, the truth is ……that I was never engaged. I had just taken the place of Chanda for a few hours that day at the dargah. I could never move on in these three months. Everyday , I felt like a hundred daggers piercing through my whole body. I always wanted to come back to you , to be in your embrace , to have you beside me. These three months I have done nothing more than breaking everyday, remembering you every moment and trying to compose myself every second. All this Vikram , engagement and wedding, all this was just a drama , which gave me a lot of michmichi. I just wanted to end this…
Shivaay (teary – eyed): Why Anika?
Anika : Dont you know Shivaay ?

Shivaay : Tell me Anika.
Anika draws in a deep breath,
Anika: Because Shivaay, MUJHE FARAK PADTA HAI. I am affected by you and all your activities and everything concerning you. I was burning with jealousy every moment I saw you with that Nagini. MUJHE FARAK PADTA HAI, Shivaay, because….
This was not what Shivaay was expecting. It was the third shock he was getting in a few hours. He had now got his life back, his reason of living back, his love, his support system back , HIS Anika back. So , gradually, his lips also curved a bit and he hugged her tight.
Shivaay : I LOVE YOU TOO, Anika. And I cant live without you.
Both of them cried tears of happiness,

Shivaay : But Anika , you were going to tell me the truth behind your actions three months back.
Anika: Shivaay, what happened now is our life. Rest is all history…..
By the time Shivaay realised that he had been made a pappu by Anika, her lips captured his in a passionate liplock. He held her and reciprocated. All the feelings stored as restless energy from the past three months, came crashing down at once. Now Shivaay didnt want to know the truth. He was content with what he had in his arms. He thought that the truth would be in front of him some day , but now he just wanted to be with Anika, HIS Anika. The night moon which stood at the window, smiled at the reunion of the two souls…….


Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in rain.

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