Ishqbaaz 28th January 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on
Pinky says I have thrown that girl out from my son’s life. She asks doctor to check Shivaye. Anika says you will get fine, talk to me. Some time before, Om says its not your mistake. Pinky comes and says its her mistake. She scolds Anika. She says since your steps fell in our house, our happiness and peace ended, not anymore, you will not ruin my son’s life further, get out from here. Anika cries. Pinky says I will not your bad shadow fall on my son, go from here. Anika says let Shivaye get conscious, let me see him. Rudra interrupts. Pinky says you don’t talk in between. Rudra says I will say, she is my Bhabhi.
Om says you can’t do this, Anika is Shivaye’s wife. Pinky says I m Shivaye’s mother. He says I won’t let you do this. She asks will you stop me and say what’s good for Shivaye. Om says he is my brother, I know about his happiness. She says he is your brother, then he is my son, that too own son, we have relation of blood, no relation is superior than that, this girl is a thorn. Jhanvi stops her. Pinky says if anyone stops me, they will see my dead face. She holds Anika’s hand and drag her.
She gets Anika out. Anika says let me see Shivaye once, I will go. Pinky says don’t ever return to my house, get out from here. She throws Anika on the ground and shuts the door. Anika cries. Shivaye’s operation starts. Anika cries standing outside. Shakti, Pinky and everyone cry. Jhanvi holds Pinky.
Anika says you can’t leave me and go, you promised me you will never leave me, if anything happens to you, I will die, I love you a lot, my mistake is I have never told you that I love you, you know my feelings, I m foolish, but you are smart, why did you risk your life to save my life, why, you can’t do this, you can’t leave me, please Shivaye. She cries and shouts Shivaye. Doctor removes the bullet from Shivaye’s chest.
Doctor comes out of OT. Shakti asks how is my son. Doctor says we did operation, but patient’s condition is critical, we can’t say anything till he gets conscious, we are shifting him to ICU to monitor him, go to admin office and complete formalities. Shakti and Tej go. Everyone cry.
Pinky and Dadi see Shivaye through the glass. Pinky prays to Mata Rani. Dadi says be strong, everything will be fine. Pinky cries and says which mum can be strong seeing son in this state. Dadi says don’t worry, the one who gave sorrow will make sorrow away, don’t lose hope. Pinky says you are saying right, we should not leave hope, our Shivaye will get fine right. Anika walks somewhere outside. She cries.
Pinky says the girl who was bad luck for my son, I have thrown her out of his life. Anika puts foot on some stick and falls. Pinky and Dadi see Shivaye getting critical. Anika senses it, being away. Dadi asks what happened to him. Pinky shouts Shivaye. Anika turns in shock. Pinky shouts doctor, see my son, something is happening to him. Doctor says we will see him, calm down. Pinky cries. Anika rushes inside the hospital. Shivaye gets treated.
Doctor gives cardio shocks to Shivaye. He checks Shivaye’s heart beat. He checks machines and says its emergency. Dadi and Pinky worry. Anika collides with a ward boy and runs. She comes there to ICU. Pinky holds her hand and stops her. She says don’t dare to go to my son. Anika says please, just once. Pinky says I told you not to get your unlucky face and come in front of my son. Anika says I will never come in front of you all, just let me see him once, I will do what you say, please. Dadi says leave her Pinky. They cry.
Anika gets inside ICU. She holds Shivaye’s face and asks him to open eyes. Doctor asks her to go out, try to understand. Anika asks doctor to wait. She asks Shivaye to open eyes once, you will get fine. Her tear falls on his cheek. He takes a breath. She looks at him.
She recalls her tear falling on him before which made him conscious, and Shivaye’s tear falling on her cheek, which brought her back to life. She smiles seeing his hand moving, and normal lines on ECG machine. Doctor says he is out of danger. She smiles and holds his hand. Pinky and Dadi look on.
Dadi says the one you thought unlucky for Billu, she got him back from death, we all had fear to lose him, but Anika had belief, see fears lost, a wife’s belief has won. Anika sees Shivaye and cries, resting her head near him. Pinky sees them. Anika holds his face and hugs him. She cries happily.
Anika comes out. She sees Pinky and says aunty ji…. Pinky says I fold hands, get away from my son’s life, please. Anika holds her hands and asks what are you doing. Pinky says I m warding bad sight from my son, a mother can do anything for child, I will hold your feet if you say, don’t come back. Anika says don’t do this, you are Shivaye’s mum, it will happen as you say, I can understand everything, your pain and sorrow, I m saying true, I would have not come back if Shivaye was fine, but don’t know why I felt that my breath is stopping, I felt he is not fine so I….. They see Shivaye. Pinky says if you worry so much for my Shivaye, go away from his life forever, please. Anika says I will go, just let me see him once for the last time, please, let me see him to content my heart. She goes and sees him through the glass. She cries.
Anika walks away from him. Shivaye’s tear rolls down his cheek. Pinky asks Khanna not to let Anika come inside and around hospital, else he will lose his job. Anika cries and stops, saying why do I feel Shivaye is calling me.
Update Credit to: Amena
Some dramatic recovery resources were used by MAKERS only to gain speed in story and necessary twist, otherwise hospitals were used to collect TEAR DROPS of loved ones of each and every serious patients instead of medicines !!!
Anyway, it is useless to expect 100 % reality in INDIAN ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY!
1-Mrs. KAPOOR , and there by TIA, is behind the false accusation against SAAHIL, ther by over ANNIKA. TIA kept silence over how ANNIKA saved her and her baby child too. For SSO it is very much cleared , both TIA and her mother are not upto the mark, and both are after ANNIKA to make her out of his life and there by from OM.
2-He had got the glimpse of GUN SHOOTER, and RUDRA was moving around for video shooting. From knowing the framed accusation over SAAHIL by KAPOORs, and thinking over the beneficiery of ANNIKA’s death, he may jump over the conclusion, CONSPIRATOR is only Mrs. KAPOOR, reality of whom SSO knows very well so far, and now what he need is only the proof which can be availed from RUDRA VIDEO CAMERA
3-SSO also might have got some clue for KAPOORs which also can lead SSO at the depth of conspirancy going on against OF.
4- RANDHAVA entry ay be expected in the MMS matter of PRIYANKA.
yes,potter fan the trailer of DOB has released on starplus. DOB starts 15 February sun-sat at10.30pm
The epi was full of emotions…poor anika
This episode was sad and emotional. Where tia in all this? Because pinky says that tia is his wife and she luvs him then why she hasn’t came to see him. Poor anika is shattered seeing shivays condition and pinky telling her to leave from shivay’s life. I think pinky should realize that anika loves shivay that why she’s their. That chipadi tia will be making excuses for not going to see shivay. I hope shivay ask Anika to take care of him when he release from hospital. I would to pinky and tia freak out. I can’t for Monday’s episode how rumya helps anika to see shivay. I luv rumya. I miss their romance. They both are cute.
*DBO release in 15 feb mon -sat at10.30pm
Annika ko proper kapde do yaar plz aur baal straight hi rakho plz
I watched 5mins of promo on YouTube that shivaay comes home anika. He want let her go he holds her hand in his hand and walks in house. I can’t wait for that episode. It will be interesting to see.
Wow lovely episode n emotional one…..I loved the way OmRu took a stand for Anika….
N this pinky is too much…..when her son is so critical, then which mother will think abt other things. N pinky still doesn’t understand that she has saved his live so many times…..Ok I now this one was a bit melodramatic n unreal, but still. N waiting for shivaay’s reaction when he comes to know abt this…
One more thing. WHERE IS TIA??
N WHERE IS SAHIL? I mean just before the Lori function he was eating ice cream with shivay n there he was no where in the function
I think IB writers are too much inspired from the phoenix in harry potter movie thats why only a tear saves shivaay… has healing powers…lol???
If next anything similar happens the oberoi should just use annika or sso’s tear…..would save them the hospital bills???
Another emotional episode…
dont know hw many more we hv to cry watching IB….bacche ki haan loge Kya?? ?
Another thing shivaye state is so critical where is TIA ??…no one paid attention dat tia is not their…nd prinku was also not their in hospital..
Stop dragggingggg yaar…IB should b on fast mode…
Loved dear bhabhi equation..
OmRu..i wish everyone gets devar like u both..
Heyyyy saku…..yes u are right every girl should get devers like omru…..then no need to worry….heyy now no more nakre noorjahaan….k saku baby telme is u are the same sakshinemane who is in insta
Yeah diii
Thank you lax, shila and ib fan for informing me. Have a great day.
Hey my pretty 200 + ishqies……….miss u all……a lot…….gud mrng ishqies…….have a gud day guys…….. How’s episode……….of course it was filled with much emotions………and actually i was just crying and crying only…..when i watched anika…….rushing 2 icu…….omg………so much……. pain……. and feel of love……overwhelmed with tears……..hats off 2 surbhi…..she just stealed the whole episode………..but guys…..still am feeling disappointing…because of pinky……i mean why they are intentionally spoiling her character by making her as a typical saasumaaa….which am not liking……..she just pulled anika ……and its quite annoying that her husband didn’t stopped her……only omru and jhanvi tried 2 stop…..and while she was doing this……dadi and sakthi didn’t noticed it………which is quite unbelievable…..for me……and…….the way anika realized that sso was in trouble…….and she rushed 2 hospital……i felt it like… anika also feels the sense……when her billuji……needs her….that was so beautiful and the best catchy moment of the episode as i felt…….another thing…..pinky has prblm with anika only na…then why she gave lecture on blood…….relation etc……before…omkara…… it a hint….2 show that omkara is actual son…or not….but am unable to believe that omkara is not actual son…..any ways that part will be revealed later only…..jhanvi stopped omkara by holding his hands……why she did it ??? she is a broad minded person and always she use 2 say that “bachon ke mamle mein humein interfere nahi karna chahiye”….just because pinky said 2 omkara…” tu rokega mujhe…….aaj koi nahi rokega”….jhanvi….let pinky to do what she want ……..she was the one person who tried 2 convince pinky when daksh lied about anika……she is sensible…..and yesterday…….how that sense disappeared? How she starts feeling insecurity or non-interference for matters….while she convince her husband also to trust shivaay and tells him to be happy when shivaay reaches more heights in business…….cv’s are doing injustice to characters……as am feeling now…….what do you think guys? another thing….where is prinku…. when sso was hospitalized she was there……but yesterday when every one were tensed and getting worried about sso…..they didn’t show what happened to shivaay’ and omru’s sister…….sso cares her a lot……naa….then why they didn’t show prinku…….
Acting wise i must say……pinky did the best……but am annoyed with her changing atitude and typical saasumma avathar……..shivika’s pov……we can say this was one of the best episode 4 shivika……track…….
evryone are giving suggetions that how shud anka propose but ther is no point of that bcaz anika know tjat she is getting divorced and the biggest thing is tia evwryone are thinking thats shivay is the father of that child so propose karne ka kya matlab abbe yaar ye suggetions dhundna chahiye ki tia jo kaisa xpose karna hai and usko baat thay can romance na aaramse agar iske pehela tia expose hui toh its gud
anikq ko kaise PROPOse karne ka nai tia ko kaise EXpose karne he yeh patake dena chahiya humme unko they are doing all this to make us happy betwwen all this rotilana boring unbearable kachra drama
mein tak gayihu surbhi praise karke…gal u r somethng else words …fantastic..u r the bestest yaar..loved the way omru took stand for anika..anika begging pinky to her love for one last time..yaar cried alot..surbhi is such an actress she make viewers cry when she cries n make laugh when she laughs..n I WIll BE So disspointed if anika proposes shivaay first …plz dontt do this..not fair..shivaay shd be the first..whats the hurry now..their bond is getting much better day by day..plz dt spoil it..
i think so shivomru also shud do drama that itself confesses her crim lik shyam in ipkknd they shud do drama wher Anika is killed by tia(just acting)ans she shud come as GHost and irritate tia and she will xposed robin ka bhoot bhi ayga tobhi kuch problem nai..hehe this all ideas com in my mind..even rudra ko bhi aisa ideas aa sakta he..wish universe lady baba ko pagal karde and uski chudail kapoor maa gungi and poti ho jai forever and swetlana pishash chudail k become paralysed forever and romi modern devi uske bhakt hee usko maarde aur voh jail me banaye ande
Shivika ko vote karo please mujhe nahi patha kaise wo link aap logo ko send Karu.most popular Jodi on Indian tv aisa kuch hai title shivika second position main aur thapki bihaan first position pe hai.mujhe wo Suhani si ek ladki ki written updates pe mila tha wo link.please sab log vot karo shivika ko pleease….
Hey Guys,
.and Im to jabra fan of his writing skills
:)…so don’t you think he should post some ideas to Star Plus.. …
As we all knw hw taleted is our Shekhar i..:)
Pls Shekhar send your fabulous ideas and share the same….
Lax, Shahabana, Mouni, Archi, Liji and others…pls tum bhi bolo..
Yes Pinku dear I’m totally fine.
And ros dear your comments made me laugh????? and also I’m totally agree with you.
And plz plz plz plz plz plz plz ANNIKA nahi balki Shivay pehele ANNIKA ko propse kare.kyuki annika pyar main thodi believe karti he par SSO bilkul nahi usse soft singh obroi ban ne do.lekin abhi nahi. Pehele nafratbazz ki gang ko khatam karo.fir jab SIVIKA ki divorce ki baari aygi tab shivay annika ko propse karga toh accha lagega. kyoki SSO ki koi guarantee nahi agar usne annika ke pyaar ko thukra diya ya fir obsession samajhliya to bechari ki dil tutjayegi.
Pehele mujhe bhi lagatha ki annika sgivay ko bilkul maaf nahi karni chahiye par baad main mujhe samjh aya ki annika biluji ko maaf kar sakti he. Ye such he ki sso hamesha annika ki insult karte ayye he par jabhi annika ko help ki jarurat padi he toh sso se uski saath diya he LIKE
1 janmastami ke din annika pe chilaya par gas wale attack se uski jaan bacchai.
2 prinku roka cerimony main sso ne bhot insult ki annika ki par gundo se usse bachaya.
3.diwali ke din bhi ussne annika ko sahara diya
4. Sahil ke jariye usne annika ko blackmail kiya lekin uski achi padhai ke liye bhi intzam kiya aur uske sath achhi bonding bhi banali.
5 tia ke baat pe aake annika ko pool main feka par fir uska khyal bhi rakha.
6.dakh ki baat ko lekar bahot kuch bola par akhir karannika ko bachaya.
7 aur iss bar majboori main hi sahi par annika ka dil dukhaya aur usse bachane ke liye apni jaan khtre main daal diya bina second thought ke
Halaki woh jitni taklif annika ko di he usske hisab se ye thodi kam par annika ka dil bahut bada he issliye syad woh usse maaf kar sakti he aur is wajh se woh usse pyar karne lagi he warana SSO jaise inssan se pyar karna koi assan baat nahi he??
Ek aur wajh bhi ho sakti he .Annika hamesha se akeli jindegi gujarti ayi he kisi se pyar bhari batein ya hamdard usse mili hi nahi. Jab ye sarri chhese usse mliti he toh woh khush ho jati he.isliye toh woh dadi ki koi bhi baat nahi tal sakti kyoki pehele woh hi thi jo annika se acchi baat karti thi .aur baad main dherre dhere Sso ki concern specially dakh ke mu clear hone ke baad sso annika taraf bilkul soft behaviour karte the isliye annika unki pyar main pad gayi.
It’s just my thinking.what are you thinking guys plz comment about it.
ya arpita…its not fair..first annika nai shivaay propose karna chahiye..plz guys give shivaay confession ka suggestion ..shivaay started his concern for anika from diwali day where he forwarded his hand to help anika..thereafter he showed his care for her in every situation some times rudeness also ..but she knows that eventhough he was harsh sometimes he so called special connection was there between them..n also she knows that she has some special space in his heart..
Hi, this situation one song is repeating in my mind as Anika’s POV for Shivaay..”muskata yeh chehra deeta hain jo pehra, jane chupata kiya dil ka samandar, oro ko to har dum saya de ta hain, vo dhup main hain khara khud magar. Chot lagi hain use phir kiyu mehsus mujhe ho raha,Dil tu bata de kiya hain irada tera.” (sry for any spelling mistake)
I don’t want that anika will propose first cz if it hepence then it will look like she is really after his property or a gold digger.. & firstly they have to expose kapoors.. then its good to confess their love to eacth other.. at least Tia should exposed.
Hey arpita .. well said… acha gana hai nur… n arpita ty somuch for responding to my msg i was so happy to c ur reply
Ok pinku dear
? keep commenting and enjoy ,
And nur perfect song for Annika.
tysm Arpita
Check the link for an article on Pinky’s feelings