Fan Fiction

#ishqbaaz Epilogue of #OS OF IB WORTH READiNG by #Annie

Hey everyone? What’s up?
Okay so this is me your annie? up with epilogue of my some days before uploaded os which was liked by many and epilogue’s demand was high so here you go and I have read all your comments

Thanks for Reading my ff’s I love you all a lot❤

I have considered your suggestions too so don’t think I don’t pay attention to viewers demand

Thankyousomuch again for the love you showered on me On my Os ???

Moving forward



WEDDING ended with happiness and Love

In rooms of 5 couple’s?

First shivika (elder you know)

Annika was sitting on bed with Veil on shivaay entered the room with smile on his face.

“I wanted to live with shivaay for forever but I didn’t knew pinky aunty will have to go away I can’t do anything in this matter as she did wrong and is Gonna pay for that”

Annika was thinking this when She heard his lovely husband’s footsteps and her breathes went high on K2?

Shivaay sat beside her, lifted her veil up and saw his Beautiful wife or should we say khidkitod beautiful wife

They both shared a romantic eye lock which was broken by non-other than annika’s scream

She screamed because shivaay accidentally touched her wound

Shivaay got really worried and took out First aid kit from his Side table’s drawer and put some ointment on her wounds seeing which annika smiled

“You gets happy seeing me in pain? Right ” asked shivaay in a taunting tune

“Seeing you in pain, Really shivaay? I think I’m the one who is hurt and have pain!” Replied annika with her raised eyebrows

“What if wounds are on your body, whenever you gets hurt I feel that pain as wounds are on me as if I’m hurt so if you’re hurt that pains me more than you ” replied shivaay with tears in his eyes

“Okay SSO, can I have something to eat?” Said annika with her puppy face

“Of course my life wait a min I’ll bring” said shivaay and left

Shivaay returned after sometime with food trolley

What’s this shivaay
Was her first question

“A food trolley with food on it” he replied

“Okay not so funny! I know that, but why so much?” She Asked

“Annika you need it if you want our child to be healthy and Strong” said shivaay and sat near her holding a soup bowl

“Shivaay you’re not happy na ? ” asked annika

“I’m very happy annika why will I be not happy?” Said shivaay while handing her the soup bowl

“I can see in your eyes shivaay you’re not” said annika while sipping soup from Spoon

“What you can see?” Asked shivaay while cleaning annika’s side lips with napkin

“That you’re missing pinky aunty” said annika

“I don’t miss her she’s nothing to meeee” shouted shivaay scaring annika and she left the bowl from her hands and it falls on bed and annika

Shivaay *getting normal* “annika I’m sorry but I didn’t wanted to hurt you or scare you I’m sorry are you fine?” Shivaay said while checking her if she’s fine on which she just nodded
Shivaay asked her to change and Come till then he will clean this

Annika left and shivaay asked a servant to change bed-sheet and he left to change too

After sometime they both came and sit on bed in-front of each other

Shivaay took a bowl of soup again and started feeding her

After finishing soup

“Shivaay” said annika
“Yeah” replied shivaay
“I’m sorry ” apologized annika
“Annika forget it” said shivaay

“But shivaay I know you’re upset, anyone can be upset after what all happened today” said annika

“Yes annika, I’m upset not because of you or anyone else but it’s because of my mom I don’t even want to call her my mom she just…” he paused

“Shivaay, you can’t bad mouth about her even if she did that after all she’s elder and above all she’s is mother your own I know what she did was wrong you’re hurt even I’m hurt if I wouldn’t have fainted I could have stopped her from leaving I’m sure..” stopped by shivaay annika looked into his eyes

“Annika… how can you be so sweet? After all what she did with you; you’re still by her side? How can you? How can you support that women who tried to break your house? Your love life?” Asked shivaay

“Shivaay it’s just because she’s not bad from her heart it was the effect of time… she felt like none loves her and took those steps I tried explaining her but she didn’t understood because it was her family’s duty to make her understand she needed love… nothing else ” explained annika

“She could have asked, I mean told… she could have told us about her feelings…” said shivaay

“Shivaay shivaay shivaay this doesn’t happens you have to guess it none will tell you I have seen her in her eyes she was hurt she thought that everyone love eachother but Not her even you could have noticed she was feeling complexion I mean try to remember the time when she showed that she is the member that none love?” Annika said

Shivaay remembered the day when pinky breakdowns and felt guilty

“I think you got your answer… so when can I have my Mom-in-law back?” Asked annika

“Definitely not now! Sleep now it’s too late you should rest” said shivaay

Annika complied and the both slept

Scene in Mahika room

Anamika was sitting on veil when Mahi entered lifted her veil and gifted her a ring as present of face revealing ritual

Mahi- okay it’s done you can sleep now

Anamika – how can I sleep leaving you all alone to cry and think and hurt yourself?

Mahi- it’s nothing like that-! I won’t cry

Anamika: I know you since childhood Mahi and even know that you’ll cry as you’re upset because everyone ditched you

Mahi looked at anamika

Mahi- nah nothing go change your dress till then I’ll change too

Anamika nodded and left

After sometime anamika came out from washroom and saw Mahi playing mouth organ she was facing his back, he was sitting on bed

Anamika moved near him and placed her hand on his shoulder

He stopped playing mouth organ
Anamika came in-front of her and he looked up into her eyes with tears in his eyes

Anamika – I told na you’ll cry

Mahi hugged her still sitting and started crying she patted his back consoled him…

And they both settled on their bed

Anamika – you can tell me everything what you’re feeling I know everything but still tell me by yourself so will feel comfortable and easy

Mahi- okay !

“What are you waiting for go ahead tell me” said anamika

” You know ‘mika’ (he calls her mika By love) I hated when anybody called me illegitimate and I defended but that was the only truth for me at that time so I never won but I was Happy! I was happy that I have mother who doesn’t show me but loves me a lot but today my every false hopes shattered when it was revealed that she wasn’t my mother but a murderer, a blackmailer, a cheater, a greedy person who used me for her sake only… she never THOUGHT about me my feelings I thought she does show me that she hates me so I can be strong, so I can be Rough enough to bear with this bitter world’s consequences but today everything was revealed my every thought…
Was destroyed when her reality came…
How much hard I try I can’t ignore that my mom? She never loved and today I have everything Dadi, bhaiya’s, Bhabhi’s, dad, bade dad, badi maa, but now I don’t have ‘Maa’ I lost my mom Real and fake both if one used me to take revenge so other never tried getting me back she never loved me because shivaay was her everything! I have no complaints with Bhai as he was unknown even maa wasn’t known to it but she knew it b4 Bhai still she never called me beta these thoughts of all hurts me” cried Mahi In front of her lady love

She hugged him again tried consoling him And he ended up in her lap placing his head in her lap crying

Anamika’s pov

He was Crying first time this much badly as he broke down from in out today whom he trusted a lot that person cheated him but I hope… not hope I know he’ll forgot everything after the love he’ll get from this family his own family and real family no Acting but real thing I was just running my fingers through his hair consoling him and he fall asleep, ^_^ well today was our first night… but nvm,will celebrate that some other day Today he need to sleep… more than regular sleep I kissed his forehead and Silently shifted him from my lap to his pillow And lay beside him covering us with blanket kissed him again and closed my eyes with The hope of better tomorrow and future for him and us!

Scene in Rikara’s room
(Same veil thing as Mahika)

After that

“omkara ji are you excited?” asked Gauri with over excitement
Om thought she is talking about their first-night
“Gauri, how can you be so shameless?” said om
“Hein? What’s so shameless in it?” said Gauri
“how can you be so excited about that? I mean you can be excited but you can’t show it like this this seems shameless” said om while signing through his hands
Gauri understood what om is talking about and “hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, omkara ji chiii so cheap I was talking about annika bhojai’s child who will be going to join us next year”

“oh so you were talking about that I… I’m sorry” said om
Gauri laughed and he too smiled seeing her laughing
Om’s POV
She is so sweet when she smiles I got lost in that her smile means so much to me. Gauri was innocent when I blamed her, I accused her, I pointed finger on her character I thought she’s just like Svethlana the 2nd women the home broker but I was so wrong she isn’t like that at all, in fact she’s the best women in the world, of course after my mom I thought this all and giggled
So my wifey noticed me giggling and doubted me if I have lost my mind she didn’t said it but she was definitely thinking that only “omkara ji are you fine?” she asked me while checking my fore-head as If I had fever “yeah absolutely” I replied “then why you were giggling?” she asked with raised eye-brows “so… it’s just the first day we got legally married and you started behaving like typical wife’s?” I too asked with raised eye-brows and a smirk “no, nothing like that I was just asking…just like that” she replied stammering “really” and I pulled her closer to me by holding her by her waist she was shocked as my that action was totally un-expected even un-expected to me I didn’t knew what happened to me “www…what are you doing omkara ji” she stammered I pulled her more closer leaving no space in-between “call me OM not omkara” I whispered in her ear and she smiled I could feel her warm breaths they were making me go crazy for her I tried stopping myself but she was looking ahm most hot & beautiful wife “Omkara ji what are you doing it’s not good na” she was stammering I took advantage of that and pull her more closer she held my shoulder and we were kind of hugging each other I was feeling amazing first time so much close to my dear wifey I could feel her warm breath very closely I was enjoying it it was a great pleasure I wished the moment should stop I kissed her on her neck while hugging her she closed her eyes I was enjoying it I moved forward and kissed her cheeks she kind of smiled on that and I took it as a green signal I lost my all controls and slammed my lips on on her lips leaving her all shocked I never thought this will happen this will happen between us I kissed her passionately I I was enjoying the sweetness of her lips she started kissing me back and then I enjoyed it more she left her mouth little open I didn’t left the golden opportunity and entered my tongue in her mouth exploring the each corner of her mouth tasting the chariness of her mouth

Gauri’s POV

First time I was so close to my husband this was amazing but somewhere I Wanted to ask him if he loves me or not but before I could ask him he kissed me and I too lost all my controls and kissed him back I was wondering if its real or a dream even I wanted this to happen but I wanted to ask him the question before all this but yeah I lost the chance as we go crazy for Each Other now we were not in our senses all we were able to see was each other no feelings mattered at that time I was not even understanding what we are doing is love or lust well this don’t matter now not for this moment but I promise to myself I won’t move any further till I get my answer I will not consummate my marriage until he cleared it to me that whatever he is doing is because of love not some lust after 5 minute of Passionate kissing and my these thoughts we got apart to get some oxygen and this was the only time I got to ask him whether he loves me or not and I did that and I asked him ” Omkara ji oops sorry Om I have a question to ask you I don’t know what you will think but for me it is necessary to know that can I ask you if you don’t mind” I asked Om ” yes of course Gauri you can ask me whatever you want I will never mind it after all you are my life my wife you have all rights to ask me anything without my permission it’s your right ok?” He replied me and I nodded with a smile and asked him ” Om whatever you were doing just a minute before this was love aur your lust I know this will hurt you little but our misunderstanding cleared just now only so I don’t want it to be in between us again I love you a lot and I mean it but do you? Do You love me?” I said in One go and he just smiled! Really? What was funny in this that he smiled? “Gauri, you know when I first met you there was some magic in our meeting I never said that I don’t love you I fell for you but the thoughts negative thoughts were stopping me from confessing that and today I confess it! I Love you Gauri” he confessed that and I hugged him tightly he reciprocated that… his body warmth was giving me relaxation some sought of pleasure I felt relaxed in his arms…
Let’s just give them some privacy! To complete their marriage

Scene to rumaya (there’s nothing to confess and no misunderstanding btw them so it’ll be short)
(Same face revealing ritual)
Soumaya- rudra you know I never thought I will ever get this right I mean being declared as your legal wife or you’ll ever love me, I felt it all like a dream, a dream came true!
Rudra- Really? I mean it was your dream to get married to me?
Soumaya- duffer! Dream was to get married to the one I love the most! And of course you are my love and I even got married with you so it’s a dream comes true…
Rudra laughed at his own non-sense and moved closer to her soumaya noticed it but she wasn’t bothered so she just stared the bed
Somya started breathing heavily and our duffer and dumbbell oberoi who claims himself a love Guru and A great flirter thought she is going through some breathing problem like asthma and took a back on which our chubby bubbly Somu got tensed that why he took a back and soon the confusion got cleared when Rudy held her hand and asked her if she need inhaler and why she didn’t tell him about her asthmatic problem on which Somu just gave narrow face expressions and asked him why he do think like that about her she being an asthma patient and he told her due to her heavy breaths and she burst into laughter and ran her fingers through his hair saying duffer that is not called asthma that’s called love when you got closer to me my heart starting beating fastly and even my breaths got high rudra laughed feeling embarrassed and to ignore and not to show his embarrassment he again got closer to her and this time he hugged her and whispered in her ear “I love you my Somu” she smiled and reciprocated the hug, after the hug rudra ran his hands on her bare back (half back blouse) which gave shivers to her and she closed her eyes, rudra kissed her on her neck and soumaya held his shoulder tightly closing her eyes more lightly, they were going crazy for eachother, their body warm was giving them some deep pleasure to them and they got apart from eachother and without wasting even a minute both went into passionate kissing exploring eachothers mouth and tasting eachother they lost all senses and end up completing their marriage !

(Ufff these romantic scenes are hard to right isn’t it?)

Scene to Priveer
(Same face revealing ritual)
Ranveer drank the milk which was on table sharing it with prianku…
Prianku told him she’s going to change her dress as its so heavy… on which ran just nodded…
Prianku went to washroom to change her clothes and after changing she was washing her face when ranveer hugged her from back as prianku left to lock the door…prianku got scared at first but got calm seeing him he leaned his head on her shoulder giving her shoulder kisses…she was stopping him but he didn’t and kissed her on her neck then turned her toward him and kissed her on her lips (u all know what passionate kiss is)
After 3 minutes of passionate kiss they got apart and ranveer lifted her in his arms and walked up to their bed he laid her down there and got on top of her: o prianku closed her eyes and ranveer turned off the lamp and lights (I wasn’t able to see further: P) and that’s how they consummated their marriage

(after some days even mahika consummated their marriage)

(I don’t know when this Pooja takes place so ignore if any mistakes)

After the leap
The mansion was decorated beautifully…
With lots of fairy lights of blue, red, green, yellow, pink, colors… lots of flowers all the colors Pooja was taking place in the hall this Pooja was one of the grandest Pooja in the history of oberoi family…
All the four bahu’s of oberoi family and the daughter one and only daughter of oberoi family was sitting on their places in hall in Pooja in beautiful dresses with their baby bumps (yes this was gaud bharai of all of them) lots of people were present there, media vip’s vvips all of them were their everyone was happy bua-maa was the happiest amongst them as she wished for one rattan but she was getting so many (:P in this she is shown obsessively in love with children’s thinking everyone as rattan)

After Pooja everyone blessed the 5 of them and gave gifts to them and left to their home’s
Lovely wifey’s were waiting for their husband’s to come and give gifts to them but none of them came with gifts leaving their wifey’s hurt
They didn’t talk with their husband’s and sat making angry faces…
Rudra- bhaiya please?
Shivaay- okay but how?
Mahi- they will be heavy to lift?
Om- I think so
Ranveer- let’s give it a try…
Girls were trying to listen to them but they were talking slowly just to irritate them more…

Dadi- okay stop it now doesn’t tease them more give them their presents…
All 5 nodded and lifted their wife up in their arms saying (zor lagake haishaaa…)
Girls slapped them on their shoulder and all laughed…
They took them to room there was no light’s in the room so they made them stand there and turned on the lights all were happy to see a room full decorated with children’s pics lots of toys… (all the child stuff)

They hugged their respective partner’s

Shivaay- I have a surprise for you annika…
Annika- you just gave me…
Shivaay- another…

And he said COME IN

Pinky walked in (in simple salwar suit no makeup no jewelry) all were happy pinky came and apologized from everyone and annika and hugged her…
Pinky thanked Annika for convincing shivaay on which she just smiled…

All were happy a lot happy gathered in hall sitting on sofa’s having chit chat pinky was sitting on a sofa Mahi and shivaay was on her sides…

All were one and happy family when annika shouted in pain Labor Pain…
Oh Shit! We Forgot her delivery date was near we needed to admit her in hospital after Pooja was shivaay’s lines and they rushed to hospital (all family as other’s date was near too and they needed to be admitted there too)

Annika was taken into OT for delivery when anamika too got labor pain and shifted to OT from GW Gauri, Somu, and prianku got little scared after seeing them in pain and due to hyper tenseion Their labor pain started too: P (funny is needed)

So after some time

Doctor came out from the opt and gave the good news of annika giving birth to twins…
They all were happy when got the news of anamika delivering twins too…
Happiness got double: P
Gauri gave birth to a boy while Somu gave birth to a girl and prianku gave birth to a boy too…

All got crazy in happiness
Annika gave birth to a girl and a boy so does anamika…

They all went to home after 2 days …

(I forgot to write about how and who went to bring pinky SO here’s a small Fb
Mahi and shivaay went to their village to bring pinky where Mahi broke down in front of this brother and mom he told her how much he wants her as after a long time he will get her mom please come with us and make place in everyone’s heart again they had an emotional moment and hugged eachother)

I haven’t decided the names give it by yourself happy ending

Bye Bye sorry for the late tata TC



#singer #Lover #Writer i love to read and write and that's what i usually do ❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️

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