hello everyone, here is the 14 chap of this story, i hope you all enjoy this chap & ignore the grammatical mistakes & enjoy reading
part 14
Tej : Anika Rawte, Ishana Rana & Ranveer Randhawar ?? what else we don’t know ????
Om : dhanush Rana, Mr oberoi why does this matter, they all are police officers not some business persons, so why are you shouting ?
Tej : they are the top industries of world & their children’s become police officers, I can’t believe it
Om : not every father is like you, for some people their children’s happiness matter the most & before you broke in fit , shouldn’t you be happy and isn’t it what you wanted me being married to some rich industrialist daughter
Shakti : you’re not understanding the situation om
Om : I’m understanding it all perfectly chote papa
Rv : stop, the bickering right now, we are here for work & that’s it, everyone go to your rooms, we will leave early mrng tomorrow
Every member left from there, not happy at all to be ordered by someone & not getting any answers of their questions
Om : looking at Rv & D, let’s go guys, don’t you want to sleep
Rv : D, you go with Om, I’ll stay here , have to look after something..
Om & D : alright as you wish……….
In om’s room
D landed on the bed with thud & instantly went to sleep, he was too tired to even mutter good night to om, where as Om, sat in front of his laptop screen & starting the Draft of his other story, well the second part in the series if you ask him, well did he forget to mention, he was an mystery & detective story writer, his all stories revolved around an just ACP & his team, well he got all his ideas from his friends & their stories, he mix them all & in his words give life to it all, thinking about alternative endings & writing one of the brilliant piece, maybe another reason of his success was that he could connect with the thought process of the readers & they could connect with his characters, while writing the story he drift to the memory of past, when he was writing his first story & how ishana had just come from a mission & how she sat on his lap, resting herself totally on him & telling him about diff stories while he was trying to write something & work, how she glared at him & shut the laptop glaring at him & whining how this laptop is becoming her sautan, how he laughed hard at that making her more angry & the rest of the night he spent on manofying her, such sweet moments, soothing memories of his life started with her & ended on her too, she is his life, his heart beats, his world, he can write a book on her & still it won’t be enough to him…..
In shivaye’s room
Shivaye was sitting on the bed groaning as each time, he will close his eyes, her pain filled eyes will flash in front of him, making his heart bleed, he so wanted to be with her now, to hold her in his arms, sooth her pain & whisper in her ears that everything will be alright but he couldn’t do so, not with her so angry on him, but he will be her shield this time like she used to be his, he remembered one of their moments when she was hurt…
His heart was bleeding & he was taking care of her…
She was lying on the bed glaring at each & everything & making cute-cute faces at something or other, and it was really hard for him to control, he so wanted to take her in his arms right then & there, then come the time when he had to give her medicines & she absolutely denied even touching them, how he forcefully made her have the medicines, having one of their tashan wala moment while making her have the medicines, none of them were ready to back off & the fight ended with him somehow falling on her, how he accidently pecked her lips & when he managed to get up of her how he was totally lost in her innocent eyes, the pink hue adoring her cheeks, her long eyelashes down due to shyness , how can words describe what he felt that moment, if time could just stop then & there, he so wished that to come true, it was like nature was with him that day, signaling him about something special & he ignored it all, how light went out then & Anika hugged him tightly due to fear, how he consoled her & how in mrng he wake up to find a sleeping Anika in his arms, her head resting on his chest, her long hairs, spread on his chest, hiding her from his view, oh, what he would do to relive the moment, what would he do to feel her in his arms again……….
In Rumya’s room
Both Rudra & saumya were in the bed, pretending to be sleeping but sleep was far away from their eyes, both were lost in the memories of past , silently crying in the pain, saumya wanted so badly to tell him something was afraid of his reaction, she didn’t know what to do, she wanted to trust him, believe him, she also wanted to hate him but her love for him was immortal, she was hurt by his actions but she could never hurt him, she silently took her phone & played a random song & lost herself in the lyrics of the song
On the first page of our story
The future seemed so bright
Their first meet, she consoling him, he was like a baby crying for his brother, it reminded her of her own situation when she lost her brother
Then this thing turned out so evil
I don’t know why I’m still surprised
Then their meet at his college, when he even denied that he knows her
Even angels have their wicked schemes
And you take that to new extremes
How he tried to win Romi’s heart by being her friend,
How he just wanted to be with romi by being with her
But you’ll always be my hero
Even though you’ve lost your mind
How he saved her from her ex, how he used tease her every time & make her smile somehow & sometimes irritate her to death……
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that’s all right because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that’s all right because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
Ohhh, I love the way you lie
Their accidental marriage
How om bhai, shivaye bhai & anika bhabi got to know about it
And she denied feeling anything for him
Because of his happiness
How they lied & hid it from the whole family
And how the family finally got to know
And how he blamed her for everything
Now there’s gravel in our voices
Glass is shattered from the fight
In this tug of war you’ll always win
Even when I’m right
Then how somehow, she felt more deeply for him, she never thought that this kind of love was humanly possible but she felt it all for her, he had the power of crushing her without meaning to do it & she herself had given him the authority, how her happiness new no bound when he proposed her, he said he wanted to give their relationship a chance, but it all went downhill, the day Anika di left, how he believed romi over her, how he believed it was all her plan to get him, how he believed she knew about Anika di, she was in contact with her, how much she tried to make him understand, he never understood her & it hurt her, she wanted it all to end, she wanted it all to go away but she can’t, she can never win over him & now that all is out, she is feeling hollow, she is still afraid & insecure, she love him with all her heart but she can’t trust him anymore, she just can’t…..
In tejvi room
Jhanvi was sitting in front of the mirror, applying lotion on her hand, she was happy after so long, she had seen the brothers moment today & realized everything had sorted out b/w them, the strength of the house was back, she was not worried about prinku & om’s choices because she herself had seen unconditional love in their eyes for their respective partners, now all that mattered to her was to get out of the mess they were in, the life threatening danger that was hanging on their necks & somehow she knew that her husband was to blamed for it somehow, they have done something in the past , something terribly wrong, that was ruining the future chances of her children & she didn’t want it to ever happen, she was shaken out of her daze by tej shaking her by her shoulder
Jhanvi : what do you want Tej ??
Tej : can’t I just talk with my wife
Jhanvi : ( laughing dryly ) wife seriously , Tej as far as I remember you wanted to get divorced from me last time we talked & now I want the divorce Tej, I want a divorce
Tej : what are you saying jhanvi, are you in your senses think before saying something
Jhanvi : I’ve finally got my senses back Tej & there is no gain in holding on to some dead load & our relation was broken long time ago, I’m just finishing it officialy as you call it
Tej : I’m sorry jhanvi, I really am, I was wrong, I was so lost in my world, I was so lost in my obsession to become the best, I forget the diff b/w right & wrong, I’m so sorry jhanvi, pls give me one chance, one last chance
Jhanvi : it’s too late Tej, it’s too late do you think your one sorry wil erase it all, will your one sorry will change the pain I went through, will your one sorry change that my son was almost killed two times because of your mistakes, will it change the pain my children had to go through, will it change all the years of my life when I was drunk & missed the progress on the children’s life, it won’t change anything tej, I used to cry for you, I wanted you back even few years back but now I don’t feel anything, it’s too late tej & I think our children will be also happy if we get separated
Tej : pls, don’t say like this Jhanvi, I know my one sorry can’t change anything but pls give me a chance, pls give me a chance to prove I still love you, I will change for you all, I swear it jhanvi ,pls one last chance
Jhanvi : alright, we will be together till this mission ended & if till then I don’t feel anything, then we are over, saying so she left & slept on her side of the bed not sparing even a single glance to Tej….
It was late in the night, when the whole hall was filled with darkness, everyone were asleep or trying to sleep in their rooms , when a stealthy figure was shown walking down the corridors when the figure reached the hall, the lights were suddenly on & the figure stopped shocked to the core
Voice : may I know, where are you going ??
The figure turned & was shocked to see Rv standing their glaring at the figure
Figure : ACP, you r smart I never thought you will ever get to know about me, but you can’t do anything now my boss will get to know about you all & you all will be dead, my boss will not leave any of you, saying so he bit on the synide locked in his locket, before RV could even do anything
Rv : shit, how can this happen, he called Arjun : sir, a servant was also spy killed himself before I could do anything, yeah I’m sending the body for postmortem, yeah ok sir
Rv sent the body with shindey than closed all the lights of the hall & started walking in the corridors
He come in front of Priyanka’s room & found her twisting & turning in the bed, as sleep was far away from her, he entered the room & sat beside her on the bed..
Rv : what happen love ?? can’t sleep
Prinku : I’m scared Rv after all the happenings in the house I’m afraid, I can’t sleep alone
Rv : don’t worry I’m with you here now, right so sleep peacefully I won’t let anything harm you
Prinku rested her head on his lap, she smiled sweetly at him & he started patting her head gently
Prinku : u seemed tense, what’s wrong ??
Rv : nothing just sleep princess
Prinku wanted to protest but her body betrayed her & she slept peacefully in his lap
Rv pov
Watching her like this always soothe my heart, I can’t believe my stars I’ve got this angel just for myself, even after what I’ve done to her, she still understood my POV, she still gave me chance & now I can’t even imagine my life without her, she is my world, along with my family & friends, I hated oberoi’s with my whole passion because of what they have done but now I can understand I can’t punish an innocent soul for someone else mistake’s , I regret ever hurting her, ever being rude to her, ever making her cry & all I want to do now is to keep her happy always, like other girls she didn’t choose me because of my dad’s property , she choose me because what I’m & I’m glad I got someone as understanding as her in my life
End of pov
Rv looked at prinku with his gaze filled with undying love for her, he softly kissed her forehead & stayed in that position for the rest of the night
Loved it
thanks a lot
Fantastic post next part soon
thank you so much, i’ll try to post soon
U nailed it
thank you
It is awesome dear
thank you so much
Thx for the double update today…..
Wow what an awesome episode….loved it…..there was shivaay’s POv
Sorry I by mistake pressed post while typing….
Shivaay’s Pov, saumya’s pov, janvi’s n then tejvi’s talk n finally ranveer’s among all the other tit bits in between…. while last one was mostly on Anika n Ishu n their families…..so brilliantly u r giving each of the characters their space…..well done…..
Bye for now! Goodnight.
thank you so much, i’m so glad you like my way of showing the characters
When are u posting the next episode??
Awesome…. Shivika moments????
Thank you, thank you, thank you sooo much for the early update….
I just loved it. Awesome post. Everyone POV were awesome…
Ishana’s sautan? Shivika’s heart break, soumya’s lack of trust , RV’s guilt , TejVi’s divorce and last the sucide…
Every thing was awesome….
Amazing.. loved it ..
Awesome… superb….loved d way u describe everyone’s POV …
Hey crystal
Loved it
I just loved d way u wrote about soumya pov and the way u wrote it in a poem form..
It was lovely…
Awesome update.n