hello everyone, thankyou so much for the lovely & encouraging comments & I’m so sorry i couldn’t reply to your comments as I’ve got limited time, so I’m posting the part only, wish me luck guys, so i can do well in the exam & hope you all enjoy reading this part, stay happy & blessed always & i’ll be happy if i can make you all smile through my writing..
part 5
It was night time in OM
It had been ten days since om & anika had shifted in OM, in this ten days the kapoors, pinky , shivaye, rudra & tej hadn’t left a single chance to taunt Anika on something or other sometimes because of om & sometime like always her name & origin.
a girl was sitting in her room with a laptop in front of her, her whole attention was on the screen in front of her, she was looking at all of it like a hawk, she had a steaming hot cup of coffee in her hands.
Girl pov
I was watching all the live recording of the cctv footage of this whole mansion, as this mission is becoming more & more complicated, it’s taking a lot of time & the attackers are always one step ahead of us how I don’t understand, I’ve been doing so for the past ten nights to find any suspicious activity, any threat but there was none, I don’t trust the oberoi security team in this matter with Svetlana as the head of it, and when I looked dead tired & weak in the mornings with dark circles under my eyes nobody cared enough to ask how I’m??they acted as if they didn’t noticed anything, only dadi, jhanvi aunty & saumya did. Om & Priyanka as they knew what was happening tried to convince me to rest for some time, Om even made me rest in the days & himself watch the footages while promising me he will wake me up, if he felt anything wrong, Om & I’ve gotten really close in this past 6 months, he had managed to become my family & wrote his name with permanent ink in the list of people about whom I’m damn protective & possessive & also because Ishana loves him so much, Ishana &
I are like sisters in our team with Arjun bhai as director, when we first become team none of us were happy, we all were rouges & liked to solve cases in our unique way & liked to work alone, we thought the other doesn’t know anything about the hardship of life but slowly –slowly, we become close first friends then best friends then family, we all had seen the hardship of life & were born fighters, we had fought with people whether they were our own or the society, we knew the meaning of lose & had been gifted with many chances to leave the right path & follow the easy one but we stick with our principles & were the outcasts due to corruption, we were transferred here & there when we were so close to disclose some of this high class peoples dirty secrets & hence become the part of this team made by Arjun bhai The Special Task force also known as STF, the rule breakers we have broken so many rules to get hold of some info or to bring some needy people to justice &
our ways were out of the ways written in the law books & totally reckless but Arjun bhai was there to watch our backs & as we were able to solve every case, so no actions were taken against us ever & we’re happy that way as we are like the CIA of India, I was stopped from thinking more about my team, my family due to the sudden movement in the screen, a suspicious figure had entered through the window & was walking towards Tia’s room without wasting a second I rushed out of the room after him, when I reached Tia’s room I saw him with a butcher’s knife ready to stab her, I threw a vase at his hand making him drop the object, he was startled & afraid as he was caught & when he tried to run away by attacking me , I was ready for him & knocked him out cold leaving a wide awake terror stricken Tia with a deep cut on her hand which was may be by the pieces of glass which I will enquire latter as first I’ve to take care of this unconscious body, I dragged the unconscious figure to my room & tied his hand & legs & tapped his mouth & locked him in my wardrobe, I wish we could get some valuable info from him & checked the outer security of the house all the guards were in their place then how the hell did he entered OM, when I was looking at the outside security I saw that two vans were outside the mansion filled with people, I was 100% sure they were attackers & were here to kill the whole oberoi clan or held them as hostage to get the security weapon details & the documents & acc to my estimation they will try to sneak in 15 minutes, I know the security is not sufficient & I’ve to make sure the oberoi’s are safe, I called the backup & it will take max 30 – 40 minutes to reach here till then I’m on my own. I went outside the room to awake the whole family & make them aware of the threat but to my surprise they all were already awake & were standing in the hall, surrounding Tia in the hall who was wailing about god knows what, when I reached downstairs every eye turned to me, making me feel uneasy & Tia again wailed & sobbed pointing her figure at me & saying Anika tried to kill me, she attacked me… what the F**k??
End of pov
When the words were out of her mouth, all chaos broke out in the family, all the family members looked shocked then Mrs. Pinky oberoi with Mrs. kapoor & Mr. Tej singh oberoi started cursing me & speaking impropriate things, dadi , rudra, Shakti & saumya looked stunned & shocked, Shivaye was wearing one of his poker faces but what surprised me most was Jhanvi auntie’s expression her face showed she didn’t believed a single crap spoken by Tia & gave me a guilty smile, I was out of my daze of this strange behavior by Mrs kapoor shouting at me.
Mrs kapoor : what to except from cheap people like you, you classless , status less people, it’s second time you’ve tried to kill my daughter & that damn thief brothers of yours, couldn’t even know how to walk properly but know how to steal, you shameless people & now you’re again trying to kill my daughter saying so she went to slap Anika but Anika held her hand in mid, her eyes turned pitch black & she roared enough
Anika : you, how dare you blame my little brother, what the hell do you know about him, you can’t even think what I can do with you saying so she twisted her hand so badly that Mrs kapoor yelped in pure agony & fear, but Anika didn’t show any mercy on her & continued to speak if you ever I repeat ever dare to raise your hand on me or my brother if you ever even touch him I’ll break this hand of yours in such a odd angle that no & I meant it no one can ever fix it saying so she pushed Mrs kapoor on the ground who looked really pale & ready to faint any second.
Tej : you classless , cheap girl how can you treat a family friend of oberoi’s like that & do you know that I can make your life a living hell for doing so & no one can save you, not even your boy friend who unfortunately is my son, right now the police will arrest you & lock you in the jail & make you speak why you attacked a bride of oberois it will be better for you if you get out of this house
Anika : shut up, just shut the crap up,I don’t want to know what you can do but you don’t know what I can do, I think it’s in your genes to believe whatever crap is fed to you without using your own brains or checking whether it’s true or not & Mr oberoi don’t you dare to use the police threat on me & maybe you’re forgetting how many ongoing cases are filled against you but I do & trust me if I want I can make your life such a mess that you can’t ever recover &
I don’t want to live in this damn house of yours nor I’m after all those so called property & money of yours as you believe & I’m not here by my choice trust me if I had a choice I will be anywhere but here, you know what I’m here to protect you all cause I’m a damn ACP so it will do you good if you just stay silent & Mr oberoi from starting you are stating about class & status , what is the damn meaning of them for you, what is your class huh you’ve a wife but you don’t give a damn about her & from what I heard you loved her, you were childhood sweethearts, best couples, is that your love & care that you don’t give a damn that she is drinking because of the pain you’ve given her but you don’t give a damn on how badly that is affecting her health, you don’t know anything about your children,
you’re just busy in your own world with that assistant of yours what is her name yeah Svetlana even she is living with you here now because what she saved your life is that your class when you don’t even know the meaning of loyalty & Mrs pinky oberoi don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, I think you’ve forgotten about the so famous hindi muhawra ki jiska khud ka ghar seeshe ka hota hai voh dusro k ghar pr pathar nhi phekte , what is your damn class Mrs Pinky Oberoi, what were you before you were an oberoi bride before she could speak anything else the lights suddenly went out & anika froze & whispered to herself shit.. how could I forget about it, Anika you seriously need to control your temper
Anika : Om , it is the time, they attacked I want you to take them to your art gallery fast
Om : ok, lets go
Anika : it will be better if you guys follow us silently, it will make my work a little bit more easy
And for the first time they all listened to her without any argument
Om was leading the whole family while anika was in back checking out for any threats, om opened the door of his gallery in the mansion
Anika : om lock the door from inside & don’t open it at any cost unless me or any other officer you know ask you to open, take care
Om : what… you’re not coming ??
Anika : no, you know I’ve to protect you guys at any cost & if I’m also here they will reach here in minutes not finding you guys in your rooms, I’ll try to keep them as much as away from here for the time being. Back up will be here soon.
Om : but you’re alone & you don’t even know how many of them are there Anika you can get killed before they come, I looked at her eyes & know she will do it no matter how much I didn’t wanted her out alone.
Anika : I know om, I know what I’m leading myself into , hey take this gun & knife, in case you need them
Om : I took the weapons & kissed her forehead & whispered to her just don’t get yourself killed Ani
Om pov
She smiled a sad knowing smile towards me & went out, I locked the door behind her & turned back to my family they all were looking at me in shock, Shivaye was looking totally red I didn’t know that shade of red was even possible but I didn’t care as my family was in grave danger & my best friend was fighting alone, I told them to sit down quietly here & not to turn on the lights & if they have phone with them then switch it off, we won’t want them to get our location & kill us now do we, in the dark & dimly lighted gallery , I sat down alone on the cold floor praying god to keep anika safe, I looked around to find the other members following my example & sitting down looking scared & awe stricken looking at some of my recent works.
End of om POV
Jhanvi POV
In the dark & cold gallery, I was in awe by my om’s work, I know how much he loved his creations & how much angry he got when Tej used to taunt his work, today by Anika’s outburst I realized my mistake I was trying to hold a broken relation in it’s place, I was still siding with Tej & making my kids understand his POV, when he himself didn’t try to understand them, for him it was all business & he was even stooping as low as to use his own child for his profit to become more successful than his own nephew, and I was taking his side even after how much he hurt me, but enough is enough, this is not the same Tej I loved this is someone I don’t even know & now I won’t let him destroy me anymore, I will look after my children happiness, I would try to be a better parent to them & live for their happiness & not let anyone destroy their world,
I will become there shield, we all were so lost in our pain that we forgot to look after Om & shivaye & now rudra too, he is also becoming like his father & shivaye a arrogant businessman they have grown very much older than their age & have sacrificed many things for this family, but now it is enough I will make sure they got their share of happiness & not burden, I even don’t know about om’s life when he left this house because of all the drama going on here but now I have decided I will change it all, I’ll not let anyone snatch my son’s happiness & if it is with Anika if he loves her than he will be with her, no matter what Tej or pinky says I’ll not let any of his business deal destroy my sons life , I looked around the area to find om & found him silently sitting in one corner lost in thoughts, as I was going to sit beside him & console him, I saw prinku coming & sitting beside her brother & hugging him tightly & whispering something to om, after which he looked much better & calm, looks like I missed another development in my child life, the prinku sitting with om is not my little girl who was afraid of things but this one was a brave girl who was consoling her brother & was being his strength,
I sat beside pinky & looked around to find Rudra sitting hugging shivaye with mom & saumya beside them & Tej & shakti sitting on another corner a little bit away from shivaye & the kapoors & Svetlana sitting in another far corner of the room, I decide to ignore all of them & concentrate on priyanka & om , after few minutes firing started ,we all were startled & scared but om & priyanka looked at us & told us to stay as calm & silent as possible otherwise they will find us, I was surprised that priyanka was not having a panic attack hearing the firing as all of us were on verge of panic attack looks like my children had become too good in hiding their lives from us but I was proud 5of this & determined that I’ll find everything about them soon, I was in peace watching all the youngsters of the house being strength to each other in the scariest hours of my life.
End of pov………
wwwwaaaaoooo…nice episode…
Awesome keep writing wow anika ne aaj to sab ki o my mata kar di nice
Superbbbbb.. Great one
Awesome post Akansha…
Thanks for the update even though you had exams…
All the best for the exam…
Again a new MU….
Will wait for another update…
Finish your exams fast and then update…
Exams are more important than anythinh…
Best of luck?
Superb… both the povs were expressed so beautifully…loved it dear. You are awesome. Really all your episodes are just really really great. I am a jabra fan of your ff…eagerly eagerly waiting for the next part..?
Mind blowing ummmnnnnnaaaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaa. …
Mind blowing ummmnnnnnaaaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaa. …post not episode asap am waiting…
Mind blowing ummmnnnnnaaaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaa. …post next episode asap am waiting…
Nice,update soon
Read all the 5 chapters now and I love it! It is different!
Your plot is superb
Let anika get shot and shivaay saves her….
Oh God it was soo gud !!!!! Out of all episodes I loved this!! And the best part was Annika being a cop and saving the family from danger !!!
U r immensly cool!! ??
Please update the next ff soon
Waiting for the firing scene
OH MY GOD….. Fabulous episode yaar……
Mind blowing
All these words are less…..
Dude how do I put in to words OK let me try WOW,AMAZING,FANTASTIC especially anikaa outburst MIND BLOWING JUST WOOOOOOW???????
Awesome…. Loved it
Waiting for next part
All the best for ur exams
Superbbbbbb. ..Loved it..???
It is superbbbbbb dear… And waiting for the next update….
Amazing, update soon
Awesome… just superb….
U r just awesome pls update next part today itself
The best part of ur FF is that Anika is a strong character. Post ASAP
waiting fr d nxt…
its amazing….pls post the next part soon waiting
Loved it yaar…n anika awsum…eagerly waiting for nxt episode…
Superb update… loved it..
Really nice one yaar waiting for the next update and all the best for ur exams too…..