Fan Fiction


Hello dear friends…. I am finally back after my tests…..and as I said….that now I will try to regular with my posts…… I know AMOUR EST…… is pending…..but I’ll try to post that too…… Anyways lets quickly resume the update…..


Ishi- Lets do a deal….
Everyone was shocked listening this….. While ishi looked confident……and a hidden smile was there on her face…..

Tej- Deal….!! What r u saying…..??

Ishi- U heard it right…… I wanna make a deal…..

Shivaay’s pov…
What….!! She want a deal….. Is she crazy….. She should shout….. She should blame us….. She should be sad…… But no….she wants a deal…..instead….. But the question is……what she want…… I hope she didn’t ask that she wants her right as our sister……. Of course she can ask for that……and we must give her that……but not at the cost of loosing Om…..
This girl is really intelligent……and more than that she is understanding……. I hope she won’t separate the three of us…….. I know she won’t do that…..but still the way she declared that she want a deal……I am afraid…..what will she ask for…..

All her words were ringing in my mind…..and more than that her confident face….and that a different kind of smile was haunting me…… Although if I would be in her situation…..then maybe I would have asked for those years…….which I lived a false life……. I would have turned like an adamant kid maybe……. Still I trust her…… And I really believe that she won’t ask her place…….replacing Om…..

“I want u all to forget what just happened…….and more than that what happened years before”…….she stated with a hint of self esteem hidden in it…… And this was enough to break the previous chain of thoughts running into my mind……..and a fresh one started…..
I have seen few examples of such strong women in my life…… Two of them r just out of everyone’s imagination…… My Badi Maa…..and my wife Anika…… They have shown a different level of being strong…….among all the girls or women I have ever met …….. Even my mom is not less…… But this girl……she is far from everyone’s imagination……. She said such a big thing so simply…….without even caring about anyone…..or anything….

“I know what I am saying right now must be going out of ur all’s head……but the fact is…. I accepted the truth…..and now I am rejecting it to enter and change my life…… And more than that…..we…ie… I and om….both r used to live a kind of life…..and it will be hard…..or basically equal to ten deaths……for us to change our world……just because a creepy past is now unfold…” she exclaimed beautifully…..and almost convincing us in her clear cut statements…..

A part of my heart was jumping in happiness……as she said exactly what I expected……without knowing that there is much more for her to say…..

She moved to badi maa…..and hugged her tightly……as if she understood what badi maa was lagging for….”I know it would be hardest for u to adjust and adjudge the situation……but u will do it….and I am confident about that…. Coz the way u loved Om….the way u devoted ur whole life for ur two son….and a daughter…..this can’t be replaced by any truth….” She said while being in the same position…. While badi maa tightens the grip on her…..while I saw Rudy just shedding tears of happiness…..

Somewhere or the other my situation was also same as his…… Then my stare goes to Anika……who was again having a proud gesture… the tears of her eyes didn’t stopped…. I summarized the day as the most significant one in my life……thinking that the matter resolved…..


But this was not the end…… Ishi had a lot to say…..and moreover……Om hadn’t reacted too….. But this case was different… all the family members were happy… as was shivaay….. This time Tej stepped forward…..and moves to ishi…..and then took her near Om….. In a very genuine and fatherly tone…….tej exclaimed…..

Tej- Om…..Ishi……if u can……then plz forgive us….. I know I have not done anything that good that i could expect ur forgiveness……but still….keep urselfat my place…..and then decide everything….. Om…… I know u hated me life time……for this sin…..that I did many years back……but plz forgive me….

This was another shock for everyone……..and the later half of tej’s statement just shook everyone’s trust………and more than that all’s believe……

” I know that u hated me lifetime…….for this sin….that I did many years back……but plz forgive me……” This was the only sentence ringing in everyone’s mind……and all turned literally paled seeing Om’s cold reaction on that…… Although Shivaay managed to cope up the situation first…….and he argued……

Shiv- But bade papa ur affair with Svetlana was the reason that Om hated u ……….right…… That was the reason why he became a drug addict…….that was the reason we almost lost the true and real om…….then what do that mean what u said right now……… (he said all this without caring his selection of words…..)

Om- That was not the reason shivaay……..infact that just added fuel to fire………

By now everyone had suffered through a no. of heart attack……..but this was equal to a haemorrhage……… They just witnessed Om like anything in shock…… While Om and ishi exchange glances of relief……

(Yes before coming to the place……ie….the hall……both had shared their own life with each other…………ishi told Om about how she did DNA test…….and what was Dhruv to her (except for that killing part)……and also what he told her about her relation with this family………..not before Om told her that he has hidden a biggest secret in his heart…….and that’s he know that he isn’t the son of this family…….. Thus both exchanged their feelings……about how they felt when they got to know about all this………it was just they were not sure before about ishi’s relation……but rest everything was sorted out…… least between them…..)

Om- (he moved to jhanvi) Do u remember the last time when I call him by the relation that we shared……. I was 12 years old…….but then suddenly one day I started addressing him as Mr. Oberoi…… U know why that happened…… Did u ever thought……that….at that time he was true to u… least in front of ur kids……..still I changed my behaviour to such extend……. Did u ever thought why…..

Jhanvi nodded in negative……and continued…..

Jhanvi- I didn’t cared about all that at that time coz…….. I was just getting self centred……. I just thought about me……my family… husband……my kids…..and the loosing relation…… I didn’t even tried to find out the reason…….that why u started doing so…… I just thought that u got to know about him from somewhere……..and that…..

Om cuts her in between and continued…..

Om- And that happened…….. I got to know about his affair with Svetlana…… (in frustration) Maa….u only tell me… could I call him papa…..when he is not my father…….and if one percent I do so for the sake of relation that we shared till then………then also…….how could I respect a person……who cheated on my mother……….. U only tell me maa…… I would have kept him saying papa……if I would have been unaware of the truth……same as rudra and prinku did…….even after knowing that he cheated u………. But things were different……

Rudra and Shivaay just hugged him tightly……..without even letting him continue any further…….. Both ShivRu..didn’t let him move an inch…….they just tied him between their tight grip of arms…….. All three of them were crying…….and Om was just starring jhanvi……..

Since dadi….and prinku were not in the condition to listen anything further…….. So shakti signed sumo……to take them to the room…… While Anika…just starred the trio……. Ishi too was starring the trio……and this time with swelled eyes…… Although she didn’t shed a single tear……

Mamu and Tej both were just standing like rock………and Mamu was keenly observing ishi’s reactions…..her gestures…….her movements……just to find out what she was going through……..but for the first time……even he failed in doing that…….

Om further continued….

Om- I knew this truth before and that is an undeniable truth…….. I might have never took drugs……if out of his frustration he won’t have said me those things…….. He continuously kept me blaming for separating her daughter…….for his losses……for his frustration……and even for those mistakes that I never committed…… And somewhere or the other this was the reason…..why I hate lies…….why I hate these hidden truths…….

Tej still moved to him……and said….

Tej- Om…. I know….. I know that I always hurted u…..and that too for no reason…….but just once…..think just once…..if I have not taken this step……then both the families would have been separated…….both the families would have broken…….

Om- (in a high tone) Exactly Mr. Oberoi…..both the families……the relations……the trusts……the reputation……and what not…… Now what… u saved both the families…….no… u broke them…….worse than before…… U didn’t even felt love for ur own daughter……..u never ever felt that she might need u……that she might need her family…… If u r sorry……then ask her to forgive u……and stop giving excuses and clarifications to what u did……

Tej- Om…. U r right…… Ur each and every word is true……and u know what….. I can beg forgiveness from……her throughout my life……without even failing a chance…… And she had full right on me to ignore my apologies…… She can do anything she like…..

Ishi who till now was standing quite…….lifted her head up…..and with same swelled up and deep eyes she cuts him in between………and clearly stated……

Ishi-Wait….. Tej uncle……just take a deep breath…..

As ishi said “tej uncle” Tej felt that he had died another death……..but he composes himself……

Ishi- Just take a deep breath……..and then tell me……why will u say sorry to me……or even Om…..

Now Om was confused……..even ShivRu……and Anika…….she again felt that her sister is something out of her understanding……..and imagination……..

Om- Ishi what r u saying……. He need to say sorry…….and not just u and me…….but to everyone present here………u know he should ask sorry to Ma…..Dadi…..Shivaay…….Rudra…..Prinku……to u…..and…..

Ishi-(cutting him) And Anika didi…..

Om- (in same flow) Yes…. (but then he realised what ishi meant…….he didn’t said anything but he gestured ishi that he got her……..while ishi returned him a smile…….a fading smile…..)

Ishi- (continuing) Tej uncle……u didn’t committed any sin……its just u took some wrong decisions…… wrong time……. It didn’t affected my…..or Om’s life…….Its just that it separated Anika di……from everyone of us…….. Did u all ever thought……that what would she had gone through…….in these past 15 years……… No….coz for u all I and Om……we r the one who suffered…… But what did we suffered…….we got love……care……concern…….and even relations…… So what if not at right place……..but from right people……. But in all this the only missing part was Anika di…… So if u r sorry……..then just ask her……what she is feeling right now…….what happened to her in these years………coz she was the one who was alone………and not me and Om…… We had a family………

All were simply dumbstruck at this side…….of the information that ishi brought to their notice……… They knew this thing before too……..but they didn’t realised the seriousness of the matter……… While Om looked at ishi lovingly…… if he made a mental note…….that his choice is best……no……bestest……. Jhanvi too agreed with the fact…… While Anika was crying……as she didn’t expected this level of maturity from her sister………and more than that……she didn’t even noticed this fact……….which her sis beautifully mentioned few minutes ago……..

Shivaay was now in a state of receiving new and more surprises about this girl………. He was amazed at the mental patience…….and control and cool that this girl carry………as how could anyone be so normal after knowing the biggest truth…….of her life…….. According to shivaay’s thoughts…….this girl is as strong as he is…….after all she is his sis… matter what the world knows…….or what we ignore…….but the fact is that this girl is much much more strong than anyone of us……even more than Om…..

Without making any delay…..ishi moved to mamu…..and…

Ishi- Mamu….lets go….. I am waiting for u…..outside in the car……

While mamu nodded in positive…….and rest others didn’t get what she meant…… she need space…..was the question going on in everyone’s head…….

While mamu cleared the situation by stating…..

Mamu- Last night ishi was extremely tensed……so she called me to take her away from this place…….as she can’t handle the situation anymore………and I came…..thinking that after knowing this truth…..she will drop her idea of leaving the place……..but I think I guessed her wrong…….she is much more adamant than her parents……… See u hopefully in future……

Saying so he just stepped out the mansion leaving everyone shocked and sad……..not before noticing the longing eyes of Om……



Precap- Convo between…. O’bros…..and ishi and mamu… their places….. Gun shots and everything is red…. Ishi collapsed….


So friends done with the update……will try to post the next part soon…… Thank you so much for ur appreciation and acception to the truth that I revealed in the previous part……. Ur all’s compliments really made my day…..thanks a lot for ur encouragement….. See u soon in the next update…..



With this….
Signing off…


Life is for living... Death is for dead... Let life be a song.. And death be a note unsaid...

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