Fan Fiction


Bonjour dear friends. How are you all?? First of all a very very very HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017. How did u all welcome this new year and what is ur new year resolutions, I wanna know all this only and only if u share. Plz share ur experience in the comment section. Anyways this is KEHKASHA reporting with another chapter of my ff O SAATHIYA. l am glad that you all are liking it. I got really good comments on my previous chapter. Thanks for giving me suggestions, l’ll surely work on it. Anyways here’s the link of all the previous chapters ?

SCENE:@Oberoi Mansion
Anika is super happy with the feel of meeting her long lost sister. She comes out of room after getting ready and immediately rushes to Om’s room to wake up Ranveer and tell him everything. Shivaay also got up and not finding Anika in room, he understood where she might be, so he also leave for Om’s room.
Outside Om’s room
Anika is banging the door calling out VeeRu’s name when Shivaay came there and finding her in that condition he assured her in her style by showing his hands and then as soon as he was about to bang the door, a sleepy ? head Ranveer opened the door and Shivvay tripped into the room.
Rudra- Wow ? Bhaiya u r so much excited to meet me that you entered the room falling and tripping.
Shiv- Shut up ? Rudra.
Anika- Leave all this….. Ranveer I need to talk to you..
Ranveer- Ya sure..
Anika- Actually I have to talk to you about Ishangi…
Ranveer -( confused) About Ishangi!!

Shiv- hmm… Actually Anika feels that Ishangi is her long lost sister…
Rudra – ( in amusement) Bhabhi u didn’t tell us before about ur long lost sis. It sounds too filmy… two sisters were going with their parents in any fair or mela and lil sister got missing in the crowd and after so many years the elder sister got that her lil sister is….
All in chorus- SHUT UP RUDRA!!
Rudra makes puppy face
Ranveer – But how are u so sure that she only is ur sister…
Shiv- Actually she saw a locket hanging around that sculpture’s neck…..the sculpture which u told was of Ishangi…….so…..
Ranveer – But locket can be of anyone……right…..may be it is of Omkara only…
Anika- No…u r not getting me…..she rolled her eyes ? in the room…..wait…..and goes to the sculpture took the locket and showed it to all…… Look l am talking about this locket.
Every one sees it and she continues….
Anika- I remember when Chutki….l mean Ishangi was born….mumma asked me what should I give to her…..she gave me this bracelet ( showing the bracelet in her left hand) when I was born……she was in tears…..and I thought for long…..then I pulled my papa near me and said him to make a locket which carry initials of me and my sister’s name so that she never forget me……and he did so….and brought this locket…..AnKi…..where AN denotes….
Rudra – Anika
Anika- nods in positive.
Shiv- and KI…..Chutki..
Anika- She was smiling with tears in her eyes.
Ranveer – Yes u r right…..she always used to say that this is given by someone very special…..but by whom she don’t remember…..may be coz…
Anika- Coz she was just five years when that incident happened….and we all got separated for ever…..she now bursts into tears…

Shivaay was looking at her in shock coz for the first time she spoke something about her life…..Rudra goes near her….
Rudra – Don’t cry didi, that doesn’t suits u and I am saying this to you as ur brother and not as ur devar…..if u will cry na then I’ll also cry coz Sumo has already named me that….and more than that I want to know everything about ur life as I have the right on u as ur brother…
All the while he was also crying ?, and Shivaay was just starring the lovely duo with tears in happy eyes.
Ranveer – Even I want to know that what happened with both of you as Ishangi have never ever spoken a word about her past life……l thought that Sir might be knowing anything about her life…….so I asked him………but he also didn’t said a word……but that day my doubt got cleared…..only he is the one who knows about her and may be your life also………completely.

All were confused…… So Shivaay asked…..
Shiv- Sir….about whom are u talking.
Ranveer – Actually these many years when I was far from my family due to my accident and memory loss I was with Sir and Ishangi only……they were the one who saved me……..then sir asked me to join police department……He was commissioner that time…..and now he is retired…….he was sounding quite sad …….he continued………Anika u might have heard the name of Mr. Kushagra Rai…….right
Anika- After thinking ? a lot…….no……not actually….
Ranveer – You don’t know……..but I thought u might be…… he is really very close to Ishangi…….she calls him Mamu..
Anika- Even I used to call someone mamu but he’s the same person…….. I am not sure……and the name…..I don’t remember..
Rudra- Let it be….but what to do now..
Shiv- I think Ranveer u should call her here at Oberoi Mansion and let us do a face to face talk..
Anika- O hello….she is my sister and not ur client that u will do a face to face talk with her……..let her come I’ll ask her everything which is there inside me….
Ranveer – So I’ll be back with her answer……and he leaves..
Shivika returned to their room and Shivaay locked the door…….Anika turned only to face Shivaay who was standing really very close to her with lots of questions clearly visible in his eyes…..her heart started racing…..she was shocked at Shivaay’s sudden act but understanding him she said,
Anika- Look Shivaay today I am extremely happy and that doesn’t mean that…….
Shiv- (coming closer to her) that….
Anika- That…..that……but she trips and holding Shivaay’s collar……both fall on bed with Shivaay above Anika.
Shiv- (in a really caring tone) I was really shocked listening to what you said just few minutes ago…. Anika I can sense the pain u have gone through……but I really can’t imagine what you have beared in these many years……without ur family…..without anyone’s support……why didn’t u told me before I would have……
Anika- What u would have done…..besides insulting me….besides calling me a road thrash……u know what you are not sorry for what you have done…..but u r sorry coz …….
But they got interrupted by the knock on the door…. They both stands properly .giving each other two different looks…..caring and sorry by Shivaay to Anika….and I don’t care for ur sorry on this matter by Anika to Shivaay….
Ranveer who was on the door shouted….
Ranveer – If u both have done with ur romance then plz come out…Om has returned and ….no come and see who is with him….
The screen freezes on a question wala look on Shivika…..
So guys done with update. Once again a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017. May u all achieve the success that u desire and deserve.
And friends one more thing with this new year my new semester has also begun and classes are also started so from today I’ll be posting on alternate days and I will try to be regular in this.
Thought for the epi.:


Keep living ur dreams…
Signing off,


Life is for living... Death is for dead... Let life be a song.. And death be a note unsaid...

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