Haiiiiiiiii friends…I am back with next episode…Sorry…Actually i must have updated it yesterday evening..But i was pretty busy in completing my online aptitude tests…Thanks to all friends for your lovely coments..??????If anyone missed the previous episode,Then Have a look at previous episode..Here is the link..
PREVIOUS EPISODE: Omkara gives a nosecut to Anshi,Lavanya,Mitali by foiling their plan.
Prithvi and Bhavya to go to the Bajrang dhaba.
Omkara and Gauri to go to the same dhaba.
Anika to go to Besharam’s bakery to see the model cake.
Shivaay also decides to go to same besharam’s bakery to buy the cake due to Dadi’s request.
Will prithvi see rikara?Will shivaay and anika meet each other???
Here is the next episode…..
Pinky: Jethaniji,Where is Shivaay????I was searching for him for past one hour…!!!! Did you see him???
Jhanvi: No pinky..I didn’t see him anywhere…Maybe shivaay might have gone for office…
Pinky: But he said that he have a discussion about business deal with Malhotra Family today…And also he said that he is going to have that discussion in home itself….
Jhanvi: I dont have any idea about that pinky…You better ask someone..(Jhanvi said this without even seeing pinky’s face)???
Pinky: Ok.Jethhaanniijjii??
Pinky shows her attitude and leaves…Then she sees dadi at her room and goes to dadi’s room…Jhanvi also comes to Dadi’s room to ask about the arrangements for janmashtami..
Dadi: What do you want pinky?Come inside jhanvi…
Pinky gives jhanvi a ignorant look and jhanvi comes inside..
Pinky: Mummyji,Where is Shivaay???
Dadi: Ohh..I have set him to the bakery to buy some cake,as i am going to my friend’s grandson’s birthday party…My friends loves the cakes very much….
Pinky: Oh my Maata..???Whaattt??You sent shivaay to bakery….He said he is having a discussion about business deals with Mahotras…Mummyjiii why are you doing
like this???…He is already fed up in this business deals,MNC agreements…He is always bus..He dont even have time to blink his eyes…Oh my mata..!!!Why you
are punishing my child…!!!???
Jhanvi:Pinky,why you are enquiring mummyji and torturing her…Maybe Billu dont have that discussion today…So that he might have gone to bakery..
Pinky: Jethaniji,you will always taunt me..There are many servants here…Apart from that there are other two grandsons for mummyji here…
One is uselessly blabbering poems,drawing stones,trees and wasting his time,not even doing simple tasks..Another grandson, wandering around girls
hostels like a street dog,wasting time in bodybuilding….These two grandsons,who are fit for nothing,are living a royal life..But my billu is contributing all his work
to develop this oberoi industry….
Jhanvi fumes in anger..Her face turned red in anger…
Jhanvi:Enough of that….Shut your mouth…
Dadi:Stop it Pinky…Dont start your drama…
Pinky: Why are you getting angry??All my words are true…Your two sons are resting comfortably in Shivaay’s shelter..
Without shivaay,they are nothing…They dont have any identity..They are fit for nothing..
Jhanvi gives a very tight SLAP to pinky in her left cheek…As she was not satisfied with one SLAP,jhanvi slapped tightly in right cheek too..?????
Jhanvi: Dont interfere in my path..always treat shivaay as my own son…But how cheap you are??blo*dy…
(Jhanvi leaves from there in anger…Pinky cries..)
Dadi: I dont know when you are going to change pinky….If you are going to continue this attitude,then you are going to pay for your deeds…
(dadi leaves from there…Pinky is crying….)
In CSE block,the class was going.
Lavanya:I dont know anshi..Somebody stealed my memory card..There are many pictures in it…Also some videos which will cause a great harm to me…
Anshi,Mitali: All this is because of that GAURI…????We hate her to the core..Dont know how he trapped our Mr.handsome!!!!We must get rid of her…
Lavanya:Yes..My cousin is Great in this things….He owns a killer gang of 30 persons…He is doing this like a part time job.Omkara insulted me in front of everyone
Because of that gauri…I will not tolerate this anymore….I want my omkara..No one can seperate us…
Anshi,Mitlali: Then for what you are waiting??Ask your cousin’s help..We must start Mission Gauri soon..(Lavanya nodded yes)
Lavanya,Anshi and Mitali gave a wicked smile….
Deadly danger awaits for Our GAURI…!!!!????
both omkara and gauri arrives there…
Omkara: Gauri,forget about that..please enjoy ourself…If you are gonna be like this,then i will come to your room today like yesterday….
Gauri:Hey shankarji….Nooooo????I will forget that…Please dont do that again Nandi…(She smiles in fear)
(Omkara smiled after seeing her antics)?????
Omkara: That’s my cute gauri..(He holded her cheeks..)
Gauri:Omie,stop that..Everbody is seeing..
Omkara:OH MY GOD???…Gauri,we are caught..Your dad is coming here…(Omkara tries to frighten here)
(Omkara thinking”when she turns to see in the direction pointed by me,i will surprise her with a kiss..” Sorry for lying to you gauri)
Omkara:There he is….(He pointed towards a tall,slim middle aged man,who was coming along with teenage girl)
(That man was none other than Prithvi,that teenage girl is bhavya,but omkara knows only sharmila…he doesnt know prithvi and bhavya)
(when omkara approached near gauri to kiss her,she stopped him with her hand sign and said..)
Gauri:Come on omie..Come on…we must hide…if he sees us,he will kill me….Hey shankarji,please save your child…
Omkara:What?Really he is your father?
Gauri:Yes omie..He is my father and thats my chutki…Please come with me…I am going to hide in that bush..
(Omkara acted like coming with gauri,both Prithvi and Bhavya sat in the same seats where om and gauri was sitting…,after gauri hided in the bush,omkara stood up)
Gauri:What are you up to do omi?Please hide..He is gonna see us…
Omkara:You hide here..I am going to talk to my Father in law..(Omie gave a wicked smile????)
Gauri:Are you mad omi???Please stay here itself…Or else i will beat you black and blue…I will bite your fingers…
Omkara: Only rats do that…You are right..Its difficult to point out the even 5 differeces between The Rat and my Gauri(He laughs at her)Okay..I am going to talk
to my In-laws…Byeee darling…
(Gauri covered her head with her shawl and kept her hands in head….With a fake cry..)
(Prithvi sees omkara sitting near to bhavya,bhavya also sees mie sitting near to her….Prithvi gives a one inch smile..Prithvi’s eyes are asking omkara that who is he?,Gauri felt like she was suffering with high fever after seeing all this..!!!!!!!!)
Omkara:Haiii uncle….I am Omkara Singh Oberoi..Son of Tej Singh Oberoi..First young brother of Shivaay Singh Oberoi…Glad to meet you both.??
Prithvi:Oh great Omie…I know you already…I have the pics of all your artworks…I am a great fan of your artworks son…..I have seen you about five times in OM..But sorry,i was not
able to recognise you suddenly dear son…This is Bhavya ,my youngest daughter…
Bhavya:Hello bhai..I too heard about you..
Omkara:Thank you soo much for the compliments uncle…..I am on cloud nine…I am also studying in Prayaga engineering college…I also know that gauri studies in same college..
We know each other…
Prithvi: That sounds great son…Now i remember,once tej said that you are studying i prayaga,he also added that he is going to admit rudra too in Prayaga..Bhavya just now written
12th CBSE exams and she is waiting for results….I am also going to admit bhavya in same college..Even my elder daughter also studied in Prayaga…Just one year before my
elder daughter Anika completed her B.E.My daughters always stick together….They have a great bond….I always feel proud because of my daughters…
Server:Sir,your order please?
Prithvi:First you ask Omkara..
Omkara:One set poori with aloo masala and channa masala..
Prithvi:I need one plate of veg Fried Rice… Bhavya,give your order.
(Bhavya ordered Aloo parotta)
Omkara: I already know that uncle..
(Gauri’s hand pinched omkara’s left leg which was nearby the bush,omkara shouted in pain and suddenly pours a glass full of water on the bush)
Prithvi:What happened son?Are you ok??
Bhavya:Are you ok bhai??
Omkara: I think its a rat bite..
Prithvi:Dont ignore ratbites son..Rat bites and scratches may result in rat fever…Please consult the doctor soon..
(Gauri:what,you are calling me rat??Wait…i will have my revenge later..)
Omkara:Yes uncle..I will consult doctor..Even my dadi talks about your daughters frequently….She always compares our brotherly bond with this Sisterly bond..If bhavya and rudra
are going to join in the same college like me and gauri,then he will take care of bhavya…
Prithvi:Now i feel relaxed son.My elder daughter had undergone several stress due to ragging..Thank god…Gauri dont have this ragging problems..
(Hearing this both Omkara and Gauri’s face turned sad,thinking about the troubles caused by Lavanya,Anshi and Mitali..???)
Prithvi:Dear son,i have one request…Can you please take care of gauri in college…She is a very brave girl among three…But sometimes she become so sensitive..
(Prithvi shows gauri’s photo to omkara and asks this)
Omkara: Dont request to me uncle..you are elder to me..You order me…You are my Father’s Great friend….You know something..I already know gauri..
(Gauri:Omie,please…please..dont do this..)
(she talked to herself)
Prithvi:Really??How you know her??Do you know her by college??I visited OM with anika for about five times..So your family is familiar with anika..But gauri has never see OM..
Omkara:First day,She and anika didi enquired me about the CSE block…After that we met several times in college..We know each other..so dont worry..I will take care of her..
Prithvi: That’s great Omkara..I feel relaxed now..But anika too studied in that college..She knows about each block na??
Omkara:Our management built four new blocks uncle…They interchanged the blocks…That’s why anika didi was not able to identify the block..I will take care of gauri….
(Prithvi was impressed by omkara’s behaviour,discipline and respect towards the elders…He already knew shivaay and he decided to arrange for shivika marriage..After talking with omkara he dreamed about shivika,Rikara and Ruvya marriage)
Prithvi’s POV:
I can never get such good person for my daughter gauri…He will take care of my gauri by treating her as a child…He will protect my gauri from that kaali thakur…
After gauri completes her college,I must get tej and jhanvi’s approval..Tej already talked to me about this…So they will accept..As a dad, its my job to protect
my second angel from that kaali thakur…Shivika and Rikara marriage will take place at same time..
(Prithvi gave his phone number to omkara, and received om’s phone number…Prithvi and Bhavya bids goodbye and leaves after having lunch..)
(Omkara then told everything to gauri and he ordered chapathi and gobi manchurian for gauri..After she finished eating,he dropped her in sharma mansion and he left to OM)
Shivaay reached the bakery and he was confused about selecting the best cake,as there was about 100 varieties of cake…He was standing near the door..
Anika reached the bakery at that time,she parked her scooty in front of bakery,she didnt notice shivaay,she opened the door forcefully,shivaay due to the force collided and was about
to fall,but anika holded his hand…He turned and sees anika…Due to the heavy air,her moon shadow-black hair flew..
Shivaay:Hai…You are anika na…Elder daugher of prithvi roy sharma..I have seen you many times with your father in Om..????
Anika:I am so sorry..I didnt notice you..i am always careless..I know you shivaay…You are the backbone for the growth of oberoi industries..
I feel inspired by you…In this small age,you achieved great goals,Because of you Oberoi industries received many contracts
from abroad…I really feel proud of you as a friend..????
(When shivaay heard that one word “friend”, unknowingly he feeled heart pain..He doesnt know the reason behind that pain..Without even his knowledge,his face turned sad…He controlled his feelings,they exchange their phone numbers and after that)
Shivaay:Anika,can you please do me one favour?!!
Anika:Ofcourse shivaay…Ask me..
Shivaay: Dadi requested me to buy cake for the birthday party she is going to attend…I dont have any idea about the best cake…Could you please help me in this??!!
Anika:Yes Of course Shivaay…That cake tastes very good among all and it has a richy look…
(Anika pointed towards the Red Velvet..)
Red Velvet: Looked moist and dense with a light chocolate flavour..It was filled and frosted with vanilla buttecream.It was decorated with red velvet cake crumbs and a ring of buttercream rosettes..
(Shivaay was impressed by anika’s selection..He thinks”Her taste is very good..This cake is stimuating me…My mouth is watering”)
Shivaay(to shopkeeper):Pack that red velvet cake..No appeal for Anika ji’s selection..Thank you sooo much Anika ji…(He smiles widely)
Anika:Its ok Shivaay ji.Hope we will meet again!!!!!..(She said sadly)
Shivaay:Why are you so sad?!!We can meet tomorrow at coffee shop..I will share you the location in whatsapp..We can meet whenever you want anikaji..
Anika:Sure shivaay..(Shivaay left and anika too left after seeing the model cake and she also bought one strawberry cake…)
That’s it for today friends….Sorry for short update…I promise i will update next part tomorrow itslef…..I will update Bhavi’s birthday celebrations in next part…
Hope you all will belive that this is a MAHAEPISODE ??????I will disclose the secret behind ASWINI soon…Please wait….You can throw rotten tomatoes if you dont
like this episode…Very sorry..If i disappointed you..!!!!!!!
PRECAP:Lavanya,Anshi and Mitali to kill Gauri????
Someone will be Abducted……
Stay tuned for next update…..Byeeeee…Please leave your comments…plsssssssssss
Thank you for shivika part……
Love the episode….
Post next asap
Tq soooo much sumi sister

keep reading….Keep commenting….please dont discontinue reading 

loved PriKara conversation
loved ShivIka part as well
update soon
Tq soooooo much aashi

keep reading….keep commenting…please dont discontinue reading…

yeeee shivka finally met thnq dear…it was soooo sweet nd nice
Tq sooooo much deepu….Keep reading…keep commenting…hereafter you will see shivika scenes too…please dont discontinue reading

I wont discontinue dear..will read continously
Awesome loved it…waiting 4 nxt…post soon…?
Tq soooooo much yashu dear

keep reading…keep commenting….tq very much for ur support 

please don’t discontinue reading
I won’t discontinue reading it..?
damn awesome
Tq sooooo much shailaja…i will feel very happy if you read regularly and comment tilll the end of my ff…Keep reading….keep commenting

Link for 11th part shailaja…plssss read and comment..????
Aww..I loved the Shivika scene it was a different plot..??

SHIVVAY JI AND ANNIKA JI is totally not them??..No tadi in this quite interesting…?
Oooo..the precap has got some suspense stored in for us..?
Gonna wait for this one…?
And I loved today’s Maha episode…?
Tq sooooo much shirley…Thanks for such a long comment…Keep reading…keep commenting….Please dont discontinue reading dear….Tq very much for your support

Awesome…loved it shivika scenes ??om he is really cute??update next part soon
Tq sooooo much niriha…keep reading…keep commenting…please dont discontinue reading

It is nice one dear
Tq soooooo much niki

Keep reading…keep commenting..please dont discontinue reading 

Amazinggggg…. lovely …
Tq soooooo much lauren….keep reading….keep commenting…..please dont discontinue reading dear

Tq sooooo much apu…keep reading…keep commenting…please dont discontinue reading dear

awesome bro..Keep going .. the track is so gud..Luved the bond between omi and Prithvi..Aslo..Our gauri is “rat”.. Cute tag btw….so I think the only problm in Rikara luv is stupid Kaali and foolish Lavanya…
Tq sooooooo much bubbly….Keep reading….keep commenting….please dont discontinue reading….tq very much for your support

Logesh Bhai it wasssss Amazinggggg ?????…
Funniest part “JHANVI SLAPS PINKY”…??????….
PINKY needs treatment only…
Anywayzz…Now three witches are planning to KILL GAURI !…????….
Poor gauri unaware of this….
Shivika’s meeting was gooood in BESHARAM BAKERY ??????…(WHAT A NAME ???? STILL LAUGHING)….
Precap is Thrillingggg ???
Updt soon…
Tq sooooo much riana for such a long comment….
??Keep reading….keep commenting….please dont discontinue reading…..Tq very much for your support dear

Awesome epi dr.rikara scene was vry funny. They r so cute.n shivika scene also nice. Bt i’m feeling awkward coz they r frndly vth each other on their 1st meeting. Actually it’s coz i’m got used 2 their fights in d show. Waiting 4 nxt epi.bye tc
Tq sooooo much dinu….Keep reading…keep commenting….Please dont discontinue reading….tq very much for your support dear…As they know each other they started talking easily dear…They have met more than 5 times…Thats why

Awesome update dear….?? and specially pinky’s omm. I was witing for maha episode just for it but it didn’t came??and now it will happen tommorow ?
But now i am very happy after reading pinky’s omm here ?? and besharam bakery ?? shivika meet??
Precap :?? gauri in danger but may be our jatadhari will save her?
Tq sooooooo much chutki….Tq very much for this long comment dear

Please don’t discontinue reading….Keep reading….keep commenting….Tq very much for your support chutki….
Wow yaar.. The chapter is amazing.. And omkara and gauri’s scenes were superb and funny.. Precap seems very interesting.. Waiting for the next part.. Post soon..
Tq soooooo much kashu….tq very much for your support

keep reading

Take care
..keep commenting…please dont discontinue reading
very nice update Logesh…the pace of the story can be increased a bit to create the required curiosity…this is just a suggestion…as you are author you have your own ideas for the future story…so it’s upto you to follow the suggestion or not…please don’t mind as i have specified this….keep writing…waiting for the next episode eagerly…good luck
Tq sooooo much didi
you gave a valuable suggestion….Yeah my story needs more curiosity.. You are right didi…i will follow your suggestion didi…tq soooo much for your support didi

keep reading..keep commenting…please dont discontinue reading…
Tq soooooo much prani….keep reading….keep commenting…..please dont discontinue reading

shivika scene is very different I like it… and prikara scene is very nice.. waiting for next part.. hope you post it soon…..
Tq sooooooooooo much criz??????????????Keep reading….keep commenting……Please dont discontinue reading dear…Tq very much for your support ????I will update next part before tuesday night….?????
Awesome yaar…. Loved it..
Om was so cute wen talking to his father in law….
I am so curious for the next part… post it soon…
Tq sooooooooooooooooooo much sagithya dear??????????Kep reading….keep commenting…..please dont discontinue reading dear….Tq very much for your support…I will update next part before tuesday evening….Comment in upcoming parts too plsss…
Amazing dear!!! Loved rikara scenes in previous episodes….. I’m so sorry that I was not able to comment… But u rocked it dear!!! ?
Tq soooooooooooooooooooo much richa sister????????????????keep reading….keep commenting….Dont ask sorry

Tq very much for your support…please comment in upcoming parts tooo dear..plssssss..please dont discontinue reading dear????????
this is soo lovely chappy par 1 thing shivaay anika itne sweeeet ohh my goosh i cant stop laughingg heheh
dont worry i wont stop reading or commenting i was lil busy isliye
ur ff is ausual kidkitod wow
Tq sooooooooooo much shabu???????Keep reading….keep commenting…..tq very much for ur support…..please write new ff like STRANGERS dear…plsssss
Awesome…om prithvi talks were nice….loved it ?
Tq sooooooo much vanisha dear???????keeep reading….keep commenting…..Please dont discontinue reading dear….tq very much for ur support….Comment regularly dear????
Tq soooooooooooooooo much maha???????????????keep reading….keep commenting….please dont discontinue reading dear ?????tq soooo much for your support…
Such a wonderful chap yaar….
Waiting for next
Post it ASAP
Tq soooooooooooooooo much fidha???????????????keep reading…..keep commenting…please dont discontinue reading….tq very much for your support. ???????comment in the upcoming episodes too.plssssssssssss
Awesome episode as usual.Just loved it.??????
In previous episode,Pinky definitely deserved that two slaps from Jahanvi.??????
This episode is superrrrrrr.Anika is calling Shivaay as Shivaay ji in place of tadibaaz Billu ji,it’s interesting haan.???
Hey,but i want to clear one thing,in ur previous episodes,Om followed Bhavya to reach Gauri’s house bcoz he knew that Bhavya is the younger sister of Gauri and so many times Bhavya drop Gauri for college but in this episode he don’t know Bhavya.So,can u plz clear my confusion.??????
And i want to request u one thing that, in future will u plz send me the further episodes.
Sorry for not commenting on previous episode as my internet was off for five days.
Negisanyukhta,Tq sooooooooooooooooooo much for such a long comment ???????????????Yeah pinky definitely deserve that two slaps…tq very much sanyukta for pointing that mistake..i have to clarify that in next episode….Tq very much for frankly pointing out that mistake….Please correct me if i do any mistakes like this in upcoming parts too….He acted infront of prithvi like he dont know bhavya….When prithvi was coming inside,bhavya was coming back of prithvi…So om dont see bhavya…He sees only prithvi…Infront of prithvi om acted like he dont know bhavya so that he can escape…I forgot to mention this….??????????
Finally…this was a MAHAEPISODE???…it was just amazing…loved it….janhvi slapping pinky..lolzzz??..ponky deserves this….nd om indirectly taunting Gauri as rat..that part was hilarious…..
Nd one thing..in previous episodes u told that om recognised sharma house cz of bhavya nd..in very first day of college bhavya use to drop Gauri.. .nd now u said om don’t knw bhavya…it will create confusion..so take care of this in future episodes…overall episode was khidkitod…nd haan waiting for ur nxt darwaazatod chappy..post soon…?
Tq sooooooooooooo much shreyanvi….for such a long comment….i have to clarify that in next episode….Tq very much for frankly pointing out that mistake….Please correct me if i do any mistakes like this in upcoming parts too….He acted infront of prithvi like he dont know bhavya….When prithvi was coming inside,bhavya was coming back of prithvi…So om dont see bhavya…He sees only prithvi…Infront of prithvi om acted like he dont know bhavya so that he can escape…I forgot to mention this….????????
Tq soooooo much…keep reading till the end…keep commenting….please dont discontinue reading dear……i will update next part tomorrow ????????
Very nice…
Tq sooooooooooo much zavee?????tq very much for your support ????
Keep reading..keep commenting till the end…please dont discontinue reading dear…Comment in upcoming parts too ????i will update next part today or tomorrow ??????
Dat was an awesome update???
Tq soooooooooooo much reihana…Keep reading…keep commenting…Please dont discontinue reading sister….tq very much for your support….I will update next part tomorrow ??????????????????
i will read it for sure..bcoz its awesome bro
Nice update
Tq sooooooo much fenil…Read 11th part too and pls comment dear?????Keep reading…keep commenting ?????please dont discontinue reading dear ????take care
Very nice. I loved Rikara scenes and also shivika s meeting.
tq veryyyyy much karina?????keep reading…keep commenting…please dont discontinue reading dear ?????Take care…