Hey guys……plzz plzzz plzz forgive me for not updatng soon…..n i cant promise u for my next epi…i dnt know wen ll i update my next alsooo
N i m really really upset wid d low comments….i updated d last one full of shivika omish n rumya scenes n stll der wasnt a gud response as i thought…..
I m really busy as my clg strtd n stll i m tryng to update soon……
If i really get a nyc response i m gonna update next….otherwise i ll conclude it in 2 more epi n stop it…..
Soo here goes d epi…..
His lips moved towards hers…..
She knew wat he was upto bt she wasnt didnt have the strentgh to resist him anymore….she wanted to give in to him…..
He looked at her ….she is stll closng her eyes….he tucked d hair fallng over her cheeks…???..
He moved tooo close…n der was jus mms distance in btw themmm………
Shivaay encircled his hand around her waist n pulled her more close………he is starng at her pretty charming face wich always drived him crazy………???
He cupped her cheeks wid his other hand n carressed it gently…..
Anika is felt his warm fingers tracing her cheek n wanted it more longer……he heart raced against her chest………
Shivaays pov::
Anika…i have never seen a girl like u…..i have never cared anyone more than my family ….n now u joined them…i dnt know y i ll feel incomplete widout u….i feel a part of me also got hurt wen u r in pain…….i feel a lot of pain in dis care…its sweet but stll painful…wat is dis btw us??? Its driving me mad towards u…….
N now his heart strtd yellng at him…
“arey stupid….atleast kiss her now…otherwise those kids naa…they ll again disturb dis moment…..??? he smiles rememberng d last tym wen pinky n rumya broke their moment……
He looked at her glossy lips…….he was abt to kiss…..???
Der was a bigg baanngggggg……..
Pinky:: oh my mata anika…..wat r u dng in ur room??? Cum fast ……
That broke their moment again…….
Shivaay sighed …like “oh my god…..these ppl never allow me to be wid her….”
Anika looked at him wid her big big ankhain as now she was in her senses…..but stll in his arms comfortably staring at him……
Ohh jaaanaaaa playssss??
Pinky:: anikaaaaa…….kya kar rahi ho andar???? Jaldi aa…she knocks d door again a bit harder dis time….
Shivika breaks their hug…….anika feeelng awkward ….she looked away blushing…n shivaay stll staring at her…..
Finally she spoke:: shivaay …..wohh
Somu knocks d door now…
Somu: anika didi….open d door…i wanna come in….yeh lehanga mera jeenaa haram kar diya…..help me out plzzzzz
They look at each other n say “wat to do now????”
Ani:: go goo….go into d washroom now…
Shi:: wat d wack!!!! Washroom …i wnt….
Ani:: r u mad?? If anyone see us like dis….no no….. jus go now shivaay..warna raita phel jayega….her tone commandng….
Shivaay looked at her like nooooo…..his brows frowned….
Anika:: arey go….she pushes him into d washroom n “dnt cum out until i signal u …is tht clear???”
Shi just stares at her wid frustration…..
Somu enters d room….she checks d complete room…..as she found anika a bit nervous….
Somu:: kya hua di???
Ani:: nthg….nthg…..
She helps somu wid her dress….n immediately sends her out….
Somu finds it strange …. “yeh anika didi ko ho kya gaya??”
Anika peeps out to check if anyone is der in d corridor…n finding no one she took a great sigh….
She moves in n knocks d door….
Ani:: shivaay no one is der in d corridor…wait for 2 min n come out …..
Shi:: okay finee…..
His pov::
Oh my god…dis girl ??? he laughs reminscng all der strange thngs….n their fights……
Aftr anika left…shivaay also leaves ….
“finally no one saw us …..”he sighed wid a great relief….
“bhaiah…wat r u dng in anika didis room??” rudy asks shivaay standng jus behind him……
Shivaay closes his eyes… “oh my god….abb yeh rudy asks me thousands of ques n strts taunting me again….i have to do sumthng”
Rudy:: bhaiah …u dint answe me?? U became soo naughty des days….haaaa ??? he gives a naughty smile ????
Shi:: woh…woh…kuch nahi….
Ru:: i know bhaiah u cant stay widout anika di…
Shivaay doesnt know wat to answer….
“shut up rudra….i jus went inside to take a call….thts it” n he walks out quickly to avoid further enquiry…..
Rudy “bhaiah …u cnt hide frm me….i m d agent Rudy…i can find out even d darkest secrets” ???????
Tia on phne…
“wer r u man?? I m waitng for u….we have to execute our plan….cum fast”
Poc (person on call): i ll be der in 5 min…be ready ….within a few hrs u can Witness oberois destruction….
They both laughs….???
Evryone gathers for d pooja…….pandit ji asks anika to get a kalash wich is required for d puja….
Anika brings d kalash ….itis really heavy….n she is tryng hard not to slip as kalash is most sacred one …..
Shivaay notices dis n holds it from d other side…..his hands cupping hers…??
They share a pleasant eyelock……
( my real meaning of this scene…….it meant he ll always be wid her in her every hard time….he ll always share her struggle wid dis world no matter how difficult it is …..he ll be her support n protect her from all d challenges she would be facing……he is always hers)
Oh jaanaaa plays……??????
Khoya khoya rehta hain …dil tadap ke kahtha hain…tuhi meri jene ki wajah………………
They carefully place d kalash in its place……
Dadi smiles lookng at them………
tej gets a call……
Tej:: haa sveth…wer r u??? Do d arrangements carefully….or else i m not gonna spare u…dis puja is really prestigious for oberois…..
Sveth:: haa tej…dnt wry….i have done all of them……
He cuts d call…….
Roop:: arey veerji…..sare arrangements tayar hain….mazaa ayegi appka rona dekhne mein……
The 3 obros strtd d mahaaarthi….
Deva shree ganesha…..sng plays…..
Evryone involved in prayng goddeess durga…their souls full of devotion for showerng her grace on their family……..
Boooooooooom!!!!!!!!…….there was a big blast………n d hall suddenly filled up wid a poisonous gas………
A few minutes earlier……
Tht unknown man reached d oberoi mansion n called tia….d whole security system was under svetlana……
Tia n svetlana helped d man to enter d mansion widout being noticed by d security guards…….
N he hacked d security system…..n acc to their plan they released poisonous gas (d drug wich dey gave to dadi…)
Tht man locked all d doors by hackng d system……
Tia n tht man laugh out louder for being succeeded
Fb ends
Oberoi family n d guests get stuck inside d mansion……
Sumppl already lost their consciousness due to tht drug……
Shivaay was shocked for a moment n then he got an idea….he runs n tries to open d main door….
Om n ru tried opening d windows…..shivaay understood tht they r being trapped……
He gets an idea… “om ru…get all of them to d back door….we can find out a way frm der…”
Om ru somu ishu anika helps evryone takng them to d back door…..shivomru breaks d back door n tejanvi shinky sahil carefully goes out…all of them wer panting………due to d breathlessness…….????
They safely send each n evryone of d guest present der……..
Rudy goes out and turns back …he sees crowd of oder guests rushing out of d mansion…he looked around panicking….he cldnt see a certain person ….. suddenly he spots somu strughling to get out …he pushes through ppl and reaches her….he extends his hand for somu…..
She holds his hand n pulls her out……she hugs rudy cryng…….
Both wer pantng but stll rudy reciprocated d hug n pats her…… “ its okay somu…nthg ll happen to u till i m wid u…”
Agar tum saath ho plays……..??????
Om is becumng unconscious slowly…ishu notices dis n holds out her hand fr him…… om pushes it away angrily and continues to cough uncontrolablly…ishu looks around..der were stil lots of ppl to go until it was deir turn to get out and om was already taking in too.much gas…… she gets an idea and picks up her dupata and covers both hers and oms head so dat dey wld breth less gas..om tries to push her away bt he was too weak..she holds him up and deir heads collide under her dupta…
Om gives up fightn and leans on her fr support he watches her wid his drooping eyes as she struggled d whole way to get him…he knew she was struggling bt he cldnt help bt notice hw she never let him go
Toota hua jo tara…sajanavey..plays
She helps him gettng out n makes him sit on d bench…..
Om chokng:: ishu………shivaaay……shi…..
Ishu:: dnt wry om…i ll help him….
Ishu runs to shivaay n extends her hand…..shivaay was abt to hold her hand……
Shi:: ishana….wer is anika?????
Ishu:: bhaiah…i dint see anika didi…..
Shi:: shit….!!!!may be she is inside ….i ll go n get her……
He runs inside again……
Dadi went into kitchen to check d bhog…..
She took d drug earlier due to wich she fell unconscious immediately ….she culdnt breathe…..n fainted…..
Wen shivaay asked omru to help evryone to get to d back door….anika notices dadi missing n she finds her in d kitchen layng still……
Anika tries to take dadi in her arms….but she culdnt as she inhaled d drug already n feelng weak…….
Finally she lifted dadi in her arms wid great difficulty n she slowly walked to d back door……
As shivaay ran upstairs to check all d rooms…..anika passes by wid dadi…..
Shivaays pov::
Damn anika…..wer r u??? His hearbeat racng……he was sweatng profusely n feelng tooo weak….but his heart n eyes stuck on searching fr his luv……
Findng her no wer…..his heart breakng into million pieces not findng his lady…….
He comes running downstairs to search again…..
His vision is becumng blurred…n he can barely walk now…….
Anika slowly walked till d back door……n shouted “ishana”
Ishu ran to her n helped her gettng out…..dadi laid unconsciously….
Pinky n jhanvi strtd cryng….
Pinky:: mummyji….plzz get up…..
Jhan:: tej call d amubulance……
Tej:: its on d way jhanvi……nthg ll happen to maa…be strng….
He tried to compose himself…..
Anika collapsed der panting…..rumya cums to her rescue n make her sit n give her sum water…….
Ishu who was waitng for shivaay ran inside as he dint turn up ………
Anika:: rudra…shivaaay kaha hain???
Ru:: dii he came inside to search u only….he told her cryng……..n his voice shakng to see his family in such a condition…….????
Ani:: kyaaaa??? I m gng in …..she gets wid all d strength remained in her…….
Somu pulls her ….
Somi:: no anika di…u r sooo weak…ishu di went inside…..
(Om is really weak so ishu went for shivaays rescue)
As ishu ran into d hall…..she found shivaay gaspng for breathe………???
Ishu:: shivaaay bhaiah….!!!
She quickly make him stand…but he is not in a situation to weak….
Shivaays stood up takng ishu as his support…..his hands around her shoulder n she hold him givng her maximum strength to him……
Shivaay slowly walked ….his voice whisperng “anikaaaa”
Ishu:: bhaiah …anika didi is fine…..app mere saath chaliyee……
(aftrall tht family gave her a new life…they became her support n she is ready to do anythng for them…..she can put her life at any risk for savng him)
They slowly reached d back door……
By dis time om was a bit better takng d oxygen in…..omru anika ran to them….
Omru anika: Shivaaaay………
Seeng him in dis condition tears rolled down …..she strtd cryng….???????
D moment he came outside…..she ran to him n holded him……
Shivaay fell down unconscious….n anika holded him…..
Ani:: shivaaay open ur eyes…..plzzzz…….
She patted him on his cheek…. “get up shi….if u wnt open ur eyes..i m gomna shout billu infronyt of evryone….”
Her touch made him open his eyes….but stll dizzyy….
He saw her love infront of his eyes showerng love n care…cryng for him….
He slowly put his hand on her cheek…. “R ……..u….okay??”
Ani:: i m fine shivaay…..she make him sit slowly……n gives him sum water to drink…..n splashes sum water on his face……
He felt calm ……he took long breathss…he leaned his head on her shoulder ……
Anika supported him n they sat der entwining their hands ……..
Ohhhh jaaaaanaaaa……….???????
As soon as ishu stepped out……she collapsed…..
Om who was already searchng for her..fi ds her in a corner away frm evyone..he runs to her and pulls her onto his lap…. …
Om::: Ishu……wake up….look at me……… she was nt opening her eyes…om checkd her pulse and found it very faint….he knew den dat she had inhaled more gas dan anyone and dat she needs imediate medical attention…..he picks her up and starts running towrds his car…his heart filled wid fear
He takes his car out…laid her on d back seat…n drives at top speed to d hosp……
(Tejanvi shinky took dadi to d hosp already)
As shivaay became normal …….shivika n rumya strtd quickly to d hosp…….
To be continued………
Precap:: shivika hug……omish bond starts…..??
Guys i m not really happie wid dis update…..i m really low wid ur comments……
Plz reply me wid ur views….give it a score for 5…..
I thnk i m not makng it intrestng…….if u really not likng my ff i ll quit…..
Thnks for supportng me till now…n silent readers plzz plzz give me d score n share ur views…… weather its good or bad i wld love to hear u thghts…plz do encourage me
Take care……
Nice one Tulasi…shivika scenes are super….and I love Ishana a lot in the epic…
Di it’s really good ? plz don’t stop and I loved today’s episode. I will give u ? bcz u deserve it
Thnk u sooo much yaar…i m really happiee tht u liked it a lott
Nice episode…
Hey don’t quit your a gem dear don’t feel bad if you quit then surely we will feel bad dear but if you think that your storyline is not upto the mark so I am OK with ur decision dear but on one condition that you will make a comeback with a new fresh storyline like I am willing when I did voting I got maximum votes for Ishqbaaz season 2 its good but now I am bored with Ishqbaaz I wanna write more than this can you suggest me something….
If you ask me the same question so I would suggest you some triller like cid because daily soaps are like uff kitna likhe and in thriller we can introduce every time a fresh episode with suspense….
Coming to episode
Rating : ?????? 4
What I liked was the chemistry
What was missing : umm somewhere I feel that family bond especially sisbromance….
But yaa I understand that ek episode me itna hi milega..
I am??
Like seriously who write on CID?????????????
I think ishqbaaz is hit bcoz of love and bonds.so thriller part won’t go well with ib.and our tussy is giving best in showing those emotions and love ,passion.everything.
Sorry Ria but I totally disagree with you… And Tulsi I don’t want you too stop this FF…???
You can write another one but don’t stop this and my Tsunami you’re rocking and this I exam season may be so comments are low so just chillex baby and I am eagerly waiting for your next update and you know na you quitt I quitt…
Seriously shama…. I dont think its a good suggestion??…. I mean who writes on cid?? ???
I was just kidding guys ,I Also know it but I wanted to check it on you guys I know that IB and CID both have different shades I know that love stories works more than thriller so just take a chill pill my dears ….
And my real suggestion would be comedy …
And yaa you tested u guys I posted the same on fb sorry
Thnks for d suggestion shama…i cnt write thrillers ….i cn do only luv stories…….

…..love stories…..no prob s da start a new one……to be frank I like am planning to start a shots as I prefer that to cool …..??…..
So get a start u will get a way…….
Tsunami do not worry excluding your decision of quitting we are there to support you so relax and mind it I am not kidding han Tsunami…

Ya u are correct……as u know every single day we get new energetic ff here…….so even I am thinking of going to horror…….i don’t find any other series this much interesting…..as mostly I don’t see others………if a all I am thinking to go on cid……or crime patrol…..or like naggin
…..with black magic…..what u Sa b shama….
Arrey yaar yeh comments hi Nahi moderate ho rahe hai …
Pragya I say bigggggggg yessssss
To it and you know I have an idea for it ….
@ friends guys everyone has different taste no problem
super shivka scene and plz make shivka kiss scene and come back soon u donot stop ur ff is nice come back soon pplz pa
Tussy babybaby I loved it to ta core.its really superb.
Omani romantic moment was awesome
And tat kalsah scene is so emotional
Ishom emotional fight is so heart teaching.
And shivay running to save anika is fab.and ishana shivay bond is too good to imagine.
I am eagerly waiting for ishkara bond and shivika hug????????????????????????
Oops its not omani its shivika and its kalsah. Sry for tat.I was typing fast to convey my emotions. Love you tussy
Thnk u soooooooo much nandu…..chooddam ee epi ki vache comments ni batti….i ll write….okavela rakapothe i ll quit rey…… i m really feelng low
???? night kanta vastay chudu full comments appudu matladadam.
tulasi dr this is outstanding update, I’ll give u 7/5 yaar plz don’t stop….. eagerly waiting for ur next one
Di please update soon it was awesome…
Thnks dear
Awesome waiting for next part
Tussy dear…. I love the episodes…
Shivika scenes were lovely….. Ishkara were awesome……
But plzzz dont stop writing…..
Waiting for shivika hug….
Love u Tussy… ???
Thnk u sanu baby??
Tsunami first of all don’t you dare quitt and stop I am in love with your FF and come to score I’ll give you 11/10 for this update…
ShivIka are amazing… And Shivay is…????????
IshKara are good one…
And that Kalash moment and meaning if it is just wow…. Perfect piece…????????
Thnks dimple……????
Awsm….. Don’t u think to stop this ff… I really loved it…… I will give u 11/10 score because u deserve it…. Waiting for next episode…… Update new episode ASAP…….
Thbk u sooo muck sat

i ll try to keep entertaining u……
Thnk u
Awesome episode dear…U just nailed it perfectly. .Keep Rocking
Tulasi hai……
Sorry for not commenting……
So rating…..
I feel….it is not less than five…..as u deserve it………
And coming to the episode…
Its superb as susual…..one think be sure that Shivay’s buccinator works next time ?? …..apart from this everything is fine……
Regarding ur cloure…..at some point of time our own ff make s us feel bored so don’t worry so start up with next ……a fresh story……a fresh line….and one thing do inform us…….???…….
Thnk u soooo much di…….

Trushna/ tulasi di, how can u even think that your ff is boring??? It’s deserved 1000% for everything. Romance , comedy, thriller etc.
Thnks yaaar…..
Amazing part tulasi di Shivaay Anika part was awesome and pls post next asap??
Thnks yaat

di………how can you think your FF is boring its….. amazing plss continue it its not boring di….plsss
It is awesome episode ,,tushrna,,,keep writing,,,really waiting for next epi,,,,,
Thnks ruchii…??
Don’t stop your ff Di…. I want it more and what you don’t know is your writing is just flawless and can’t be explained in word I feel a sort of relief from your ff I can just find positivity every where everything is perfect and no… you made it perfect just keep going like this….. this episode is also another big bang…. I truly loved it to the core…… can’t find another fine writer like you in this vast TU….. so, don’t feel bad and end with it …. love you Bubbles??
Hey cutieeepieee…thnk u soooo mych dear……i wnt continue to write but i m relly low eid d comments…..
Oh god….u will make me die….just speechless about today’s episode…….so awsum….just loved it…..
Thnku soo much samaira??
Lovely moments!!!
Just loved that.
And pls complete the kiss in next episode.
Thnks ARK
You again broke my heart tulasi
i was expecting bigg french kiss 
it was outstanding… shivika moments were beautiful n romantic.. that kalash vala moment was realy thoughtful.. nd ishkara was cute
you nailed it again Tulasi
loved it dear
update soon
Thnk u sooooo much priya…i was really waitng for ur comment….ur soon gonna have d pleasure of readng it…..in 2 or 3 epi….

Hope so sweety :d nd you r tottally nailing it

i m in love wid yo ff
I loved your episode…
sometimes words from heart can create magic with words..but you have created wonders which are amazing…
loved shivika scene…
your words speak up the beauty of your heart and then this reflects on your face…
words expressed with emotions …
great work…
sorry dear for comenting late…had net problems for a while…
Thnk u soooo much dear????? it really brought a curve on my face……
It is wonderful update and please don’t think about stopping the ff. Reading you people’s wonderful ffs has become a part of my daily routine.
I will give it a score of 4.5 out of 5
Thnk u sooo much fama….???? i m not stoppng it…i decided to continue it…if its only 10 intrestd in readng my ff also…no probs …i ll write..its jus becoz of u ppl…..dedicated to my daily readers????
naughty boy Shivaay. Loved ishkara. Omi darling carried ishu yippee?? loved it dear?
Thnk u aksh?????
Nice and good story so far.
Do not stop it dear.
And sorry for late comment.
And sorry not reading it before but that time I was stick to only and only Pri’s work but now count my comment to on your update.
And thanks Pri for recommending this FF to me.
Awew thnk u sooo much rivanah……tht means a lott for me…???
Sry Dr for late comment .shivika rocked and don’t stop writing
Thnks dear?? n i m writng for my dear readers like u?
superb but shivika i m sad ohkkk but i know you always do the best i blindfolded ly believe so i need more shivika next timeeeeee…..
Ofc milega…..shivaay can mekt only for his anika…????? thnk u soo much tany…..be ready for d next epi….?