Fan Fiction

Ishqbaaz – Rikara Trust 35

Everyone claps.

O: Before I announce the winner, I would like to say a few words.

He was extremely nervous but then he sees Gauri and she smiles at him and asks him to take a deep breath and calm down. He takes a deep breath and starts talking.

O: I love your passion for art and how just like me, chose art as your passion. You always needs to be inspired to produce good work. I have seen two pieces here where I can see the clear inspiration and passion for this. However, they are produced by the same person so I have decided to purchase both pieces for 60000 rupees each. The winner is ??. Can you please come up?

No one comes up.

Principal: ?? can you please come up? I understand that you are shy but you won.

From the back, a person is coming through the crowd. It was pitch black so Om could not see the face and was blinded by the intense light. She comes closer and was wearing a beautiful turquoise salwar dress.

O (Thinking): Gauri? She drew this? He was so proud that the winner was Gauri. The wife of the Omkara Singh Oberoi, won the college art competition. I just called her my wife? Well, she is my wife so it makes sense that I call her that.

He gives her the microphone.

G: My name is Gauri Kumari Sharma. I could not think of a pen name so I chose ??. Now I realize how crazy the name is. I really need to change it. (The crowd laughs at her joke.) Just as sir said, my inspiration was my friend. (She look at him and even though the entire audience was looking at, it felt like she was only talking to him) He was a good friend who supported me as I took each step. He saved my life several times. (Flashback to the mouth to mouth resuscitation) He motivated me to come out of my shell and told me to study (Flashback to when Om was teaching her). I just have my brother but his family taught me the true value of relationships and how to treasure it. I will never forget them, (Tears were in her eyes but she decided to keep her composure. )

She gives him the microphone.
O: Thank you for everything, Gauri. He snaps out of it. I mean, Thank you for a wonderful speech. (Om passes the certificate with the cheque) Here is your prize

G (Whispers): Thank you, Om. (She takes the microphone.) I have a confession. I am not rich girl. My education is funded by the Oberoi trust so to express my gratitude; I would like to donate the money to the trust. (She takes the certificate and gives the cheque back to him. Please donate the money back to the trust.)

Om was surprised by her response. Most girls will just go on shopping spree with this money but she wanted to donate it to a trust. Knowing her financial condition, her bank account was in no state to give this donation.

O: At least, take this. From an artist to an artist. (Gauri takes the wrapped art piece) (Whisper) Pease open it at home.

Gauri nods. Everyone starts heading out and Om is waiting in his car for Gauri. He gets a text message. It was from Gauri. “Om, please leave. I will come with my friends. I do not want people to think that we colluded. This will ruin your reputation.” Om agrees with her and takes her car.

Om calls the private investigator. “What is your progress on the investigation?

PI: Sir, so far, she is clean. A girl from Bareilly, never married, no affairs. I will send the report to your family as soon as I am done.

Gauri arrives home and as she enters, she can hear Om’s voice.

O: Look at these art pieces. They express so much meaning and my Gauri did this. The entire family is around the artwork. Shivaye, as for the money, Gauri sells her artwork and donates the money. That is how she is getting the money. She is so genuine.

G (Thinking): My Gauri? I am his Gauri. But why won’t he express his feelings to me? Two can play this game. Om, you will confess to me first.

Gauri walks in and everyone praises her but Om just says, “Good job!” and walks away.

Gauri goes to her room and opens the present. It was a pair of brown almond shaped eyes. On the side, it says, “A person’s eyes can express so many feelings. You can find out their feelings, the truth just by looking at this person’s eyes.”

G: Eyes? That was his prized art work. These eyes look really nice but whose eyes are they? Probably his mothers.

She goes to the mirror to take off her jewelry and makeup. Then she runs to shelf, where she kept the painting and brings it to the mirror. She looks at the painting and then the mirror.

G: They are my eyes.

Om is outside her room, smiling.

O: Yes, Gauri. They are your eyes.

Gauri can see Om in the mirror and smiles back at him, blushing. Om looks at her and heads back to his room.

G: Om, I love you and I will not tell you until you tell me. You have till my graduation to tell me this. I will make you confess no matter what happens.

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