Fan Fiction

Ishqbaaz – Rikara Trust 43

The Oberoi family were at the dining table and happily enjoying their dinner. Shivika were teaching their young kid proper dining etiquette. Annika was against as she believed that a kid need to grow in a discipline free environment. On the other hand, Shivaye believed in strict parenting so his child can get all the love that he was deprived of as a child but also carry on the Oberoi name.

Rudra and Bhayva were not at the table which was unusual for their couple. Jhanvi calls them downstairs and both of them come together.

R: Be careful when you are coming down the stairs.

He said in a striict yet caring way. As soon as Annika and Shuvaye heard it, they exactly knew what was coming ahead and smiled at them. Rudra pulls the chair for her.

O: Why is Dumbbell Oberoi becoming Romantic Oberoi? Bhavya he probably wants something from me. (Hearing that Bhavya blushes)

R: I need to be responsible now. No more being stupid because I am going to a Dad soon.

S: Dadra?? What do you mean? (Only Shivika understood what he was trying to say but was playing witb him.)

R: Omg duffers. I am going to be dad and you guys are going to be uncles.

The whole family congratulates the couple.

O: Hey Rudra. If you do anything stupid to Bhavya, I will kill you. Bhavya, let me.knoe anything happens so I can teach him a lesson.

R: From now on, no one calls me stupid and tells me to shut up. My baby will hear it and I do not want it to hear it. Do you guys understand?

Gauri comes from her room.

G: Congrats! I cant believe Rudra changed this quickly. The baby will be so lucky to have parents like you.

Dadi: You will understand thw value of motherhood, Gauri when you become a mother.

Gauri looks at Om and he looks back at her.

G(thinking): This marriage is going to end in a 2 months so how can I have a baby? This will be my one and only marriage and my husband will always be Omkaraji. I am so unlucky that I cannot have a baby of my own. Maybe I can adopt one all of this is over.

The entire family finishes their dinner. Om can sense that Gauri wanted to ask someone something.

O: Gauri, do you need something?

G No Om

O: Are you sure?

R: Om why are you bothering her? She is sending some sort of telepathic signals. Give the girl a break.

The entire family starts laughing at Rudra’s joke.

G: Actually, Rudra. I do want to say something to Dadi.

The entire family just stops laughing. Om smirks at Rudra.

O (Thinking): I was right. I know what my wife wants.

G: Dadi, you know how I will be graduating in 1.5 months. The school has told me that I am the class topper and will be receiving a gold medal. They have asked me to say speech at the ceremony. One of the top investmant bank firm has given me a job as well but I have to move to the US.

D: Really? Congratulations Gauri. Your hard work has finally paid off. When are you planning to leave?

G: 4 months after graduation. There is also one more thing I need to do. Bade Bhaiyya and Bhabi, can you both get up for a second? There is something I need to do.

Confused, Shivaye and Annika gets up. Then all of sudden, Gauri bends on and asks for their blessings.

G: I am truly grateful for both of you. If it was not for you, then I would not have gone to school and become a class topper. You guys helped me shape my life and I do not know how to repay the favour.

S: You do not need to repay me at all. You will always be my sister no matter what happens. Also, it was Om who asked me to prepare all this for you.

G (Looking at Om): Om might have asked you because he was feeling sympathetic. But, you are the one that did it. Thank you for everything. (Looking back at Shivaye) Can you help me with something? This is something a mentor like you can do. I have never written a speech before so can you please help me? I do not even know how to start it.

S: Let’s start tonight. Come into my room once we are done dinner and I can help you out with it.

The entire family was happy but Om had mixed feelings. He did not know what to do. It was a good thing that Gauri was graduating with a high standing but the fact that she was leaving especially to the US was something he could not even think of. The fact that she can never see him. The fact she did not even ask him before accepting the offer. Om just went upstairs and Gauri looked at him.

Dadi and the two couples notice all this and later decided to ask Gauri on her feelings for Om. The divorce hearing was after her graduation so they needed to know the current situation before planning their next move.

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