Fan Fiction

Ishqbaaz – Rikara Trust 81

Shivaye was in his office, looking at a few files. OmRu comes inside to talk to him.

S: I am extremely impressed with all our operations.

O and R: Thanks. I know that we would not let you down.

Shivaye looks up and give them a WTF look.

S: I was not talking about you guys.

R: What?? Do you know how happy I was when you praised me? I felt valued for something else other than my looks and brains.

Om and Shivaye starts to laugh.

S: I was talking about Gauri. She herself made so many changes to or business and our profits are sky rocketing. I never knew we had such problems in our business.

Om takes the file from Shivaye.

O: This happened just in one quarter…

S: Yes. Om, I know this is about your personal life, but there is something that is really bothering me.

O: I think I have the same question as you too.

S: If she said that she hates us and wants to destroy the entire family, why is she helping our business? If I was her and I wanted to vengeance, I would kicked the entire family out from the Oberoi mansion. She actually saved the house from Svetlana and reunited your parents together.

O: Not only that, she controls the entire empire so I am surprised that she did not liquidate all the assets by now.

R: You guys do not realize something important that she did before she met us all as Kesha. She donated so much money to the trust. She does not need to do that.

All their phones beep and they look at it.

S: So Gauri is inviting all of us for a meeting at her designer office. Apparently, she wants to talk to all the key individuals in the empire. So tomorrow, guys get ready so we can all go together.

O: But, why did she invite me? Shivaye, you are the face of the empire so I do not need to come.

S: She sent you a personal request to come so we cannot ignore it.

O: But, the last time she made a personal request, she got engaged to someone and broke my heart.

S: I do not care, Om. You are coming and that is final.

Om and Rudra leave his office.

S(Thinking): Why is she helping us? Did we make a mistake? The only way I can figure this out to let Om talk to Gauri and look at her expressions. She has a plan and I will try to figure it out.


It was 3 a.m. in the morning and Om was in his room making a sculpture with the lights on. Outside, the lights were off as everyone else was sleeping. He was facing the door and he sees two silhouettes going past the door. It was a man and a girl.

Girl(G): Be quiet, there are people sleeping.

Man(M): Okay.

O: What are robbers doing in our house? I thought we had tight security in this mansion. I need to catch them before they take anything. Or even worse, harm someone.

Without cleaning his hands, he heads out and looks out. He sees the robbers heading towards Annika’s and Shivaye’s room. So he decides to follow them. But, instead, they go down the stairs.
O: Where are these robbers going? All the gold, property and money is upstairs. Usually, robbers will go upstairs and carry all the stuff they can in huge bags…

O(Thinking): What meeting? Maybe there are here to check out the mansion and draw out a plan.

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