Fan Fiction

Ishqbaaz: Rikara – Trust Part 11

They all go to the dining table and Om can feel that something is bothering Gauri.

O: Is something wrong, Gauri? I have noticed you in the kitchen. You wanted to ask something.

Gauri looks at Om, curious on how Om can read her emotions. Does he understand me that well? Who is this man? Why is it that one time, he attacks me and crushes my heart and then the next time, he works hard to fix it? Cannot he not understand that my heart is already broken and no matter how much he tries to fix it, it is irreparable.

G: Bade Bhaiyya, you know how I can go to college right now. I am just curious on what I want to do. There are so many options to choose from and I do not know what to do.

O: It is your choice. You can choose whatever I want.

G (Rolled her eyes): I know that. But still, I need advice from both my mentors, well-wishers and bhaiya and didi. (She goes and hugs both Annika and Shivaye).

Omkara, at first angry at her comment, smiles at how much Gauri respect Annika and Shivaye. Just like he does. If it was some other girl, she probably would be demanded a property split, but she values family more than anything in this world.

A: There has to be something in your mind, Gauri.

G: Well, I want to follow Bade Bhaiyya’s footsteps and be involved in business, more specifically business management and finance.

A: Oh no, not another SSO 2.0. Imagine Gauri with all his tadi and tashan.

S (He does his signature move): Gauri, ignore her. If that is what you want, then I can arrange that for you. The best college for business is two hours away and I can get a seat for you. But, you may have to move closer to the school. Are you okay with that?

G: (Thinking): Move from this house? Away from Omkaraji? How can I do that? How will I know if he ate or slept? I cannot just leave him like that. Yes, we do not talk as much but the fact that I can see him is good enough.

O(Thinking): Even though she has not talked about her divorce all this time, she will use this opportunity to get away from me. I cannot allow it. I do not love her and never will but she cannot leave me like this.

O: I can drop her. My studio is on the way so I will not have a problem with that.

Gauri rebuts and says, “That is not necessary. A few of my friends are also going there so we can car pool. I will be able to kill two birds with one stone as we can travel to school and study at the same time.

S: I will handle it. Don’t worry.

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