Hii guy’s ayesha here & sorry actually i m not well & aliya is going on school trip for 3 days so she is so she is busy with packing her thing and i m fine now i m so hapyy coz
i completed my 20th episode thanks for the support everyone love u all sooooooooooo much and sorry i can’t give treat coz i m using laptop and this is short episode coz i written
longg one as a treat in my twinki but my phone is hang and then i become sso i through my phone now only it’s repaired and i through my phone but then also i m feeling good let’s start:
ishana come in room aniya & friends gang also follow her
somo: ishu di
no response
just then sahil enter everyone is standing
sah: y u all r standing anyone give u punishment
everyone look at sahil
jaz: aye chutku no one give us punishment
sah: who is chutku ??
pri: u
sah:u jaz pez(sorry jazz) priya…(he think)triya(sorry priya)
Prizz make faces everyone laugh except ishana
sah: i want to talk my ishu di ishu di something missing
isha: what ??
sah: ur sweet sweet talk ur cute cute smile ur lovely lovely voice i m missing that
ishana smile & said
isha: u know if my mood is not good what to do
sah: hmm
They both hug aniya cough they both sign to join them they 4 have bro sissy moment friends gang see and smile
They breakk the hug
shama: ishu today u enjoy ur fight na with om
everyone: jiju
isha: shut up guy’s
Shivomru is standing outside they about to open the door
isha: only varun dhawan is ur jiju
shivomru laugh standing outside & inside everyone laugh
They listen someone is laughing outside shama open the door and shock to see shivomru she thought if they listen that they said om jiju
inside also everyone is shivering
shama: u 3…..
Tula: r here
aksh: what r u doing here ??
Shiv: y u all the shivering everything is fine na
Everyone get to know that they didn’t listen they all r relaxed
om: sorry ishu i mean ishana
everyone is shock
ishu: u can call me ishu and y sorry
om: i said u to much outside so
Ishu: it’s ok
they both smile
shiv: we came to say that tomorrow is party
somo: y party
rudy: coz we came after so long time so
everyone: ok we will join u all
Precap: Couple dance & Dhamaka(twist)
Thanks for reading and sorry for short update and no couple scene in next episode it’s surely couple scene r there comment below
By……take care
ur ayeshu or ayeshu di
Thanks u

Gud dear…hw r u nw..
Thanks di & i m fine

It was good even jaz pez. And no need to say sorry. Waiting for the couple dance and dhamaka cuz I just love twists.
Thanks jazz dear

Dhamaka!!!!!! Cant wait!!!? n dea ayeshu please dnt bcum sso as we cannot handle the original one. How can we bear 2 sso??????
Good one sahanaa??
Take care of urself ayeshu and the episode was as usual awesome and yaa I understand y ur episode comes short becoz ur using memo which has limited words I guess 1000 … And yaa waiting for the surprise eagerly…
Do read Cinderella ( naina) ff …. Afterwards read my comment if it moderated…
Thanks di and no i m not using memo my phone is all broken so i m using laptop i written longg one 2 times and it’s hang 2 time so i through my phone and all parts in different places and i read her ff i read everyone ff but i m silent reader of everyone ff not silent reader but i m busy so i can’t comment

Aww!! Shama Dear?? that’s so sweet of you….? You have suggested Ayeshu to read my ff WOW!! I Just can’t believe that???? Love you so much Dear???
Thanks & i’ll not become SSO only yesterday i become sso coz i written 2 time and it’s hang and again hang so i become sso and when i saw my phone it’s all broken but i feel relaxed after breaking phone

Hey dea.. y dont u write it on word and then copy paste it.. it will be easy na??
Its really so good waiting for dance part .post next asap
Thank u di


Waitng for d dhamaka….suprrb daaaa
Thank u Tulasi di

Waiting for dhamaka nice episode

Hi ayeshu. How is now….todays epi was really nice..specially when om said sorry to ishu….
And no need to say srry for smll epi..we can understnd ur situation… Im eagerly waiting for tomorrows coupl dance…….and take care diiii
Nice update dear

please any one do a ff of shlok and astha
That’s an awesome episode??….
I really loved when Om said sorry to Ishaana….????
And yeah I am eagerly waiting for couples dance….??? and that dhamaka twist?
Love you…???
Too good i loved it