Fan Fiction

#Ishqbaaz #ShivIka #Made for each other #OS

Hello peeps ???? how are you all??? Hope you all are doing fine… ☺☺☺☺Buddies one more time up with another OS of ShivIka with my mere imagination hope you all like it…

Scene starts from Shivay come to drop Anika after spa fiasco

Shivay: Anika, ever since I announced my marriage with Tia you started blaming and accusing Tia but this is not fair Anika just because you like and love me and feel something for me you can’t blame innocent Tia.

Anika: Mr.Stone Singh Oberoi no chepde and blind Singh Oberoi I do not feel anything for you and you now go from here…

And she turn her back on his face and started moving towards her home and started self talking

Anika: What the hell wrong with Billuji??? I am saying truth to him and he just blaming me nothing can be happen hof baghd Villa and what he said I feel for him not even my Chandani will feel any thing for that Calculator Singh Oberoi???

Same time Shivay move towards his care and while driving back to Oberoi mansion he to started self talking

Shivay: What wrong with Panika yet she is not believing that she is feeling something for me seriously nothing can be happen of Panika…

But soon his heart replied him

“But Shivay every time you blamed her and she said you something she always proven right and it might be possible that this time to she is right..”

And soon a bug of doubt started itching in Shiay’s mind and he make up a plan to find out truth and according to his plan next day morning he reached to Tia’s home and as soon as surprises and shock Tia who is talking to someone on call disconnect call and welcomes him and soon Shivay give one another shock to her

Shivay: Tia we’ll have salad lunch together at hotel Raddison blue so get ready.

Soon recovering from shock Tia mask shock expression and hug him and speak

Tia: Sure Shivay baby…

Soon she move to her room to get dresses and almost after 10-15 minutes constant beeping of messaging from Tia’s phone catch his attention and he pick up phone and after lil battle he finally decide to check Tia’s phone and soon a Baby named person whose dp is of boy message highlight which read my love I want to meet you today plz meet me at garden behind Friend’s cafe and this brust valceno of Shivay’s anger and he leave from place leaving message to Tia that an urgent meeting come up and he have to attend it and soon he call Anika and inform everything and inform her to come there.

Since last an hour Shivay is standing in a place from where he can see each and every person who is coming from main gate but no one is not able to see him rather to say can’t even notice him more half hour pass and niether Anika and nor Tia enter and once again Shivay’s mind and heart started their discussion

SM: What the hell wrong with every one why are they taking so much time to come here????

SH: Are you serious you are waiting for everyone???

SM: (Sounding low) Yeah

Sh:Do not lie you are impatiently waiting for Anika because you are in love with her and her mere presence give you mental peace and today to you are here because you yet not forgot that insult which Tia have done of Anika…

SM: Just shut up.

And before battle can continue further Anika enter from main gate and started searching for Shivay seeing her there unknowingly a smile crept on Shivay’s lips and as soon as his mind register that she is searching her after reading her text which is teadin “where is he?” Both her mind and heart feel happy and his heart started dancing happily which is continued till she come and stand beside her because as soon as she stand beside her butterfly started dancing in his stomach and soon they discuss plan and waiting for Tia’s arrival and in between both yhy fight and even Shuvay saw his ego to Anika saying he is there to prove Anika that Tia is not cheating on him (Are you serious Shivay shingh Oberoi????) And both they decide that they will not talk with each other Soo Tia enter with a boy hand in hand and they do not even notice ShivIka there and take their place in skulled place of garden and soon ShivIka followed them and sit behind them and started listening whatever Tia and that boy is discussing and soon Tia’s word

Tia: I’ll leave him baby after marriage I’ll divorce him and we will demand a big amount as alimony and then we’ll settle in another country baby and now we are near to out goal so do not demand such prompot meeting.

As soon as this words register in Anika’s mind she did not wait for a second reach to Tia and stand in front her this shocked Tia to death and she stand up and speak

Tia: Anika what are you doing here???

Now this is more then enough for Anika to control her anger she directly let her hand rest on both of Tia’s chick one by one.

And anger overcome Anika and she started beating Tia and that boy one by one and Shivay is shocked seeing this face of Anika but soon Om and Rudra whom Anika have informed to come there enter and handle Anika Shiavy to come into scene but now Anika started speaking

Anika: You cheap girl you wanted to cheat my billuji and you wanted to enjoy your life on my biluji’s hard earned Monet but do not forget I am yet alive and no one can cheat him when I am in his life.

Soon Rudra shut Anika by press her lips by his hand and now Tia notice Shivay and soon she started shedding crocodile tears and speak

Tia: Shivay baby see, this Anika want ri apart us by her cheap trick because she wanta you for your money, Anika why are you wanting apart us universe will never forgive you and Shivay now you want hire cheap girl like…

But before sentence can complete by Tia a tigh slap land on Tia’s chick by angry Shiavy and soon he speak

Shivay: Tia Anika may be not rich like you but she is not even cheap like you she is one million girl and you can’t even be like her shadow so stop blaming her and I know your reality so do not do any drama and yeah and he took out his engagement ring throw on Tia’s face and said
By for forever.

But seems like Tia is not happy with whole drama so she speak

Tia: Shivay baby his can you trust her she just said you All lie because …

But Shivay cut her in between and speak

Shiavay: Tia person can trust another person only when he/she us near to your heart and Anika is important in my life like Om, Rudra and Dadi so…

Soon Tia started shouting

Tia: Oh so this all is all both of your plans so you both can be together by proving me wrong and m character bad now…

Once again before Tia can complete her sentence a right slap in eack of her chick gifted by both Anika and Shiavay and Shivay speak

Shiavay: Yes I do love her but I do not need to prove you bad to get her you are the girl who believe in two-timing my Anika is pure a d innocent not like you and keep in mind Tia a more word for her and you’ll not be able to regret for spekong that word so.

Soon Anika come into action and speak

Anika: Tia neither I and nor Billuji need to prove you wrong or bad to love each other because we do not believe in showing off like you…. Seems like she do not know what and where she is speaking but as soon as realisation she shut up and hide behind OmRu and happy Shivay make Tia and that boy leave from the place and soon both Shivay and Anika is started looking at each other but pretend to ignore each other but soon our cupid OmRu come in action bring ShivIka close and On speak

Om: Shivay and Anika now no more hide and seek we all and both you know that you both are made for each other so…

But Rudra cut in between and speak

Rudra: Waise I’ve vesio proof of both of your confession so now no one from you both can denies and I’ll saw this to everyone now… And congatulation for sawing lady baba her olace …

And soon OmRu orders Shivay to drop Anika home and happy and content ShivIka leave from there hand in hand…

And Rudra tease them from behind saying

Rudra: Shivay bhaiya take you sweet Tim dropping her home and Anika bhabhi plz make bhaiya drink sairabanu set like you… ????

Ok done with writing phew lil lengthy and I think its totally crap one so I am ready to welcome all of your jutas rotten tomatoes and no egg as I am strictly vegiterian for this crap OS though I want all of your feedback whether its negative or positive or crap like this OS ….

Waise buddies I’ll be lil late in other updates as I met with an accident and both my hand is suffering from numerous injuries and I am typing like a tortoise so… Hope you all understand… ☺☺☺☺


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