Fan Fiction

ISHQBAAZ SS – Our Angel, Ishana- Chapter 7


IshShrav are about to leave from ShivIka Villa. Shravani looks at Ishana and thinks something. She takes her mobile and calls someone.

Shrav: Hello, ACP Shravani here. I can’t come to office right now. I’ll be coming in another an hour. And, suno, I need all the information about Dr Veer Prathap Chauhan. I want them as soon as possible. (Ends the call)

Ishu: Shravs, why did you ask to find about that guy??

Shrav: I don’t know, Ishu but I felt suspicious about him.

Ishu: You too?? In fact, I’m having bad vibes looking at him. I felt like I have seen him before this. But, don’t know where.

Shrav: Maybe you are thinking too much, Ishu.

Ishu: No, Shravs. I’m very sure that I have met him before this. I need to talk with Shivaay regarding this.

Shrav: (confused) Shivaay?? Who Shivaay??

Ishu: (bits her tongue realising what she said) I mean lord Shiva. (Folds her hand and looks at the sky)

Shrav: (slaps her head) Paagal!! Come. I’ll send you back first and I’ll go to office after that.

Ishu: (looks here and there and thinks) Where is this Shivaay?? Maybe he is still with his wife. It’s ok. I’ll go back first.

Shrav: (snaps her finger at Ishana) What are you thinking, Ishu?? Let’s go. (Sits on Ishana’s scooter and starts it. Ishana smiles and get on the scooter. They leave from there.)

ShivIka’s Room

Annika is pacing at the room thinking about something.

Annika: There is definitely something. Or why I should feel like that towards a stranger girl?? What is her connection with Shivaay?? But, Shivaay is in coma. (Holds her head) Aargh!! So confused. I need to meet her again.

Raichand House

Shravani already left for her work after sending Ishana home. Ishana is pacing at the living room and thinking about Veer.

Ishu: I have met him before this but where?? And, not long time ago, I just met him recently. (Holds her head) Think, Ishu, think. (Tries to recall but she can’t remember. She sighs in frustration) Never mind, I’ll have my medicines first. Then, I’ll think. (She goes and takes her medicine kit. She looks at the medicines and thinks something) These medicines, I just bought them two days before. And, I met Shivaay for the first time that day. (She smiles and about to have the medicine but stops thinking something) Wait!! Not only Shivaay, I met that guy as well. Yeah. I met him that day.



Ishana just finished her vaccination and walks searching for something.

Ishu: Where is this pharmacy?? Usually, Ajju or Shravs will buy the medicines before I finished my vaccination. Both of them are busy today. So, I have to buy myself. (She is busily rubbing her arm with cotton cleaning her blood stain and didn’t realise someone is coming in front. She accidentally collides with the person. She looks at the man who is staring at her. She makes an apologetic face.) I’m sorry. (The guy stares at her and nods his head. Ishana leaves from there.)

Ishu: (while walking) Why he stare at me like that?? I just accidentally hit him. But, he looked at me like I have crushed his bones. I’m the one must worried for bumping into his heavyweight body. Leave that, Ishu. Find the pharmacy first. (Looking at somewhere) One guy is sitting there. Let’s ask him. (Walks towards the guy)


Ishu: (back from the flashback) Right. I met him that day. So, he was there to see Shivaay. But, still I’m having bad vibes about him. I need to find out about him. Never mind. Shravs is collecting details about him. I will ask her after she got them.

Shivaay comes there and sees Ishana talking alone.

Shivaay: What happened, Ishana?? Why are you talking to yourself??

Ishu: (turns towards him) Because no one is here. So, I’m talking to myself.

Shivaay: Fine. Are you alright, now??

Ishu: Yeah, I’m fine.

Shivaay: You never said that you are having this problem.

Ishu: I’m used to it and never felt to tell this to anyone. Only my family and Navya aware of this. And, now your family.

Shivaay: So, Navya is the doctor that treating you.

Ishu: Yeah. In fact, she is one of the doctor who treats you too.

Shivaay: Yeah, I know that. So, that day you came to hospital for your treatment??

Ishu: Yes and to buy medicines as well. (She could feel Shivaay facial expression has changed) What happened, Shivaay??

Shivaay: I’m worrying about you, Ishana. Just now, your bhabhi said that you can’t get hurt and it can be dangerous if the wound is deep. I’m worried that you might face any danger if you help me. How I will protect you??

Ishu: Who said you can’t protect me?? Have you forgotten that you can touch me?? The God knows we both need each others help. That’s why he made me able to see you and you are able to touch me. (Shivaay smiles at her) Don’t worry, Shivaay. I will not back off from this. Whatever the problem is, I will be with you and we will find the solution together. (Shivaay smiles and hugs her)

Shivaay: (breaks the hug) Ishana, I promise you. I won’t let anything happen to you. I’m the great wall of Shivaay Singh Oberoi for my family. Not only for them, but for you too.

Ishu: (smiles) You don’t have to tell me, Shivaay. I trust you. Leave that. How is Annika?? She was very disturbed just now.

Shivaay: You are right. She is very disturbed. She could feel my presence when she sees you. She thought that she is getting mad because of missing me. I can’t see her like that, Ishana. We have to do something.

Ishu: Actually, Shivaay, she could feel your presence with me when you touch me. Whenever you hold my hand, she could feel you. (Shivaay nods agreeing with her) Fine. Now, tell me everything about you, her and all of your family members. We will see what we can do after that. (Shivaay nods and started to tell her everything)

ShivIka Villa

ShivIka’s Room

Annika is still thinking about Ishana. Khanna comes there that time and knocks the door.

Annika: (turn towards Khanna) Come inside, Khanna ji. (Khanna walks inside) Did you do what I asked you??

Khanna: Yes, madam. I got their details. That girl is Ishana Raichand, daughter of Manish Raichand, one of the famous businessman in Goa. She is having a brother Arjun Raichand and her bhabhi who came just now ACP Shravani Raichand. And she is having a friend who is a doctor at City Hospital.

Annika: Tell me about that girl, Khanna ji.

Khanna: That girl finished her MBA but doesn’t have any job now. She is having some medical issues and she is under treatment till now.

Annika: Nothing interesting in this. It’s just normal information. Just now you said that she is having a doctor friend at City Hospital, right??

Khanna: Yes, madam.

Annika: Shivaay also admitted there. (Mutters to herself) But, what it has to do with that??

Khanna: One weird fact about that girl.

Annika: What fact??

Khanna: She always like to roam at the graveyard. But, I couldn’t find the reason she doing like that.

Annika: (surprised) What?? Graveyard?? Strange girl. Roaming at graveyard?? Leave it, Khanna ji. Do you have her address??

Khanna: Yes, madam. (gives her a piece of paper) Here is the address.

Annika: (takes the paper and looks at it) Thank you, Khanna ji. And, please don’t tell anyone that I asked you to find about her.

Khanna: Sure, madam. But, why you asked me to collect her details??

Annika: I will tell you later, Khanna ji. You can leave now.

Khanna: Ji, madam. (Leaves from there)

Annika looks at the address again and turns to close the door but she is surprised to see Soumya there.

Annika: Soumya, you are here?? When did you came??

Soumya: (walks inside the room) When Khanna ji started to tell about Ishana. (Holds Annika’s shoulder) Why, didi?? Why you asked about that girl?? You are very disturbed since the girl came here. What happened, didi??

Annika: I don’t know, Soumya but I felt a strange connection towards that girl. I could feel Shivaay’s presence whenever I see her. Everyone is telling that I’m missing Shivaay a lot. That’s why I felt like that. But, why I have to feel it towards that girl?? (Cries. Soumya feels bad looking at Annika. She just hugs her.)

Soumya: Don’t cry, didi. I’m with you. What are you going to do now??

Annika: I want to meet that girl again, Soumya. I’m having her house address with me. I want to know it’s just my thought or anything else.

Soumya: Ok, didi. We will go tomorrow. Now, you relax first.

Annika: Soumya, don’t tell this to anyone.

Soumya: (smiles) I won’t tell this to anyone. Don’t worry. (Kisses her cheek and leaves from the room)

To be continued…


Love to sing, read and write... My stories are available in TU and wattpad... They are on IB, Naamkaran, Bepanah & Immaikka Nodigal... My wattpad ID: @ruby_MarNy

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