Fan Fiction

Ishqbaazi….. Episode 43

Hey guys thanks for ur overwhelming comments….lets go with the update….
(Scene near the dhaba where all are panicked because ishana is missing….shivomru are finding in each and every direction around dhaba to get at least a clue about ishana…while Soumya is consoling a worried anika…suddenly om gets a call)
Om:- hello….

Om:- no….no wait…..hello hello….
(All the gang come towards om hearing his scream)
Shivaay:- what happened…why are u screaming….
Om:- (stammering) v..vvo…. Iss. Ish …..ishana……
Anika:- (worried) kya hua om….kya hua ishana ko…please tell me om…
(He gets an MMS…and all the gang look at the video…)
(In the MMS…it has a shabby hut in a background with ishana tied around the chair and mouth has been taped….she has wound on her left side of the forehead….she is seen struggling in the video when suddenly a mask man enters.. )

Masked man:- u people think u are very smart Haan…especially Mr. Omkara Singh oberoi….what u people thought if ishana is staying with u…u can give her full security and we can’t harm her….but see…we kidnapped her and u couldn’t do anything….shocked…to know that how did I came to know that ishana is helping and supporting u….well u underestimated me oberois….i know every damn thing….now u will have to pay and the amount is…..hmmmmmmmmmm….. ishana’s life….yess….for this mistake ishana will have to pay her life…..(looks at ishana) hmmm u don’t want na…ok then I will give u two choices either ishana aur anika and her child’s life…..(all get shock hearing this)
Anika:- (crying) I would give my life…please leave my sister…please…please…I m ready to give my life…
Shivaay:- shhh shaant anika…..

(In MMS kidnapper goes and opens ishana’s mouth…)
Ishana:- no no no….don’t kill my di please ..she is pregnant….u have enemity with me Na….so kill me…..
Masked man:- okay then ..5 4 3 2 1……
(And he shoots ishana on her forehead two times she falls down with chair and )
Ishana:- bye omkara…take care of urself and my di too….and anu di….do take care…love u all….bye…and she closes her eyes….
Om:- nahi nahi ishana…u can’t leave me alone….ISHANAAAAAA………
(All the gang stood there shocked seeing the dead ishana on the phone…..while om cries loudly…he goes to anika kneels down and cries)

Om:- I m sorry bhabhi….i couldn’t fulfill your promise of protecting ishana….i failed as a boyfriend…I failed in keeping your promise….i m sorry….i m sorry bhabhi…..
Anika:- (murmuring in trauma) no…ishu can’t go away…shivaay shivaay…(shivaay comes and hugs anika while Anika holds his collar) ishu can’t leave me like this….she had promised me to be with me every time….shivaay tell her na to get up….shivaay please tell her…..
Shivaay:- (cries seeing anika’s vunerable state and consoling her) calm down anika….nothing has happened to ishana…..calm down…

Anika:- (crying)no Shivaay she died because of me…..she sacrificed her life for me and my child….i m a very bad sister…..I killed her shivaay…..she sacrificed her life for me….i m a muderer……I want to die Shivaay…I can’t live…..I want to die…..I want t….(and she faints)
Shivaay:- anika….anika…wakeup….anika…..rudra…gaadi nikal….we have to take her to hospital….
(Scene in hospital….shivaay is Pacing in the lobby waiting for the doctor to come while rudra and soumya were consoling om who was in trauma…doc comes out of the ward)
Shivaay:- doc how is my wife….???

Doc:- she is fine…just because of stress and exhaustion she fainted…I have given her medicines for rest and sleep…but Mr oberoi so much of stress and exhaustion can affect the health of ur wife and baby….u have to be careful next time….don’t let her take stress….make her happy….and make her eat her food right on time….These are some of the medicine in case needed ok…
Shivaay:- (takes the list) ohk thank u doc…I will take care of her….
(Doc goes….shivaay comes where omru and soumya is sitting…soumya goes and brings water for Shivaay as he sits on the chair)

Soumya:- bade bhaiya…paani….how is bhabhi now???
Shivaay:- (after drinking water) she is fine…doc told that due to stress and exhaustion she fainted….nothing much but also has said to keep her away from stress and exhaustion as it can affect her and baby’s health…
Rudra:- can we meet her….???
Shivaay:- she is sleeping now….
Rudra:- but Bhaiya what answer we will give her when she wakes up…??? Because bhabhi will ask for ishana di…

Soumya:- and we can’t tell her or make her remember about this else she will again take stress as she thinks due to her ishana Didi got killed…..
Om:- I made everything wrong….i failed shivaay…all this is happening because of me….I failed as boyfriend….because me bhabhi is in this condition… I could not save my ishu….i m bad…I m very very very bad….all are in trouble because of me….
(Shivaay sees on in this condition and hugs him tightly)
Shivaay:- no om…u are not at fault….anika is in hospital because of stress…u are not bad om…and in case of ishana’s death….we won’t leave her murderer….we would give him worst punishment than death….don’t blame urself om…..

Rudra:- yes om….u have to be strong….for bhabhi at least….we have to handle bhabhi….and we won’t spare that bl*** muderer….he would rot in jail but he won’t get death easily I promise….
(And they have an emotional obro moment….)
(Suddenly Soumya gets an call )
Soumya:- hello…

Soumya:- what….!!!
(Screen freeze)

Precap:- more suspense….

So hey guys….thank u all for missing me and loving my ff so much…..well here is the update…hope u all like and enjoy it….keep reading and commenting…love u all…..


So... I m a crazy girl... Not a serious serials which are romantic comedy and my ff to know more about me....!!!?

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