Ishra, abhagya and naagin love story part5 promo
Guy’s I have some announcement at the end
Destiny doesn’t want true love to break
Ishita Pragya Shivanyaandkhushi entry in India more memories to come
The villans follow the goodies back .
Maya also comes
What has destiny planned for them
There will be no post till September 11 or 10 since my school has started again so I’m busy for a few weeks I’ll be back on September 10 or 11
I have school work and many work so I’m sorry if I’m not able to post I hope you keep reading my fanfiction I’m sosorry
If you guys have any suggestions for the twists of Maya please comment and the best one will be mentioned in my story
guys see you in September looking forward to your comments
Guy’s tell me would you like to see a season 3 with a unique story so I can plan ahead
do what ever you want but please unite abhigya firstly.
Nice promo
U can do whatever you want But Please unite abhigiya first my dear bro or sis I dont who you are?????????
wow..nice one waiting for ur update!!