After 60 days ishani was four months pregnant now ranveer was managing business since naina project was handled by manas she couldn’t spent time with ranveer
Naina and ritika plot a plan she will organise a cocktail party ,she was pretty sure that ranveer will come alone becoz a week ago employee’s kid birthday party was happen he came alone and said excuses like his wife could not travel much
She plotted the plan very well sharman who was not aware of it organised the party
Ranveer went casual over there he started to leave early but naina made some tricks ask some people to misbehave with her in front of ranveer
She pretend like innocent but sharman fought with those people instead of ranveer she somehow managed sharman and apologies to the guest she puntured her own car and ask lift to ranveer
He took it as casual thing which he can do to anyone he offered her they reached her flat as per ritika plan she turned off the fuse.
Sharman who got confused in the party got naina handbag since she was his boss he came to returned it.
Naina asked ranveer to leave her till door step she got scared of the people and darkness
Ranveer with no other way went with her the moment she opened the door it was dimlight she started to act like fainting everything happened as per their plan but sharman came to return her belongings was not in the script
Sharman got down from his car and went to her flat there he saw ranveer holding naina since she acted like fainting he got more angry and misunderstood the situation.
Ranveer made her sit on the couch he don’t know wat to do…he saw a jar with water in the dining table sprinkle water on her face
She slowly open her eyes and acted like she is weak
Ranveer :take care naina let me leave
Sharman was standing down in his car he saw ranveer coming down both stand in front of each other. Sharman went away from him climbed the stairs. He heard only naina conversation I didn’t expect him he will be dropping home
Rv really made me happy tokay he was so lovely and caring
Sharman got more angry he banged the door instead of knocking
Ritika got alert and hided herself .sharman returned her belongings and left soon from there.
Sharman was telling to ishani about ranveer and naina in the entrance of Rv mansion
oooooo wat a twist! i m sure ishani ll trust ranveer. bt hw ranveer is going to flop their plan… interesting. ….. now it is time to see ishani’s love. excited! !!!! expecting more! !! superb varsha ur writing skills r awesome! ! i hav already told u that reading ur ff is as if watching matsh on tv. keep rocking! !! Eagerly waiting for next update. pls update soon..
Loved it soo much didi keep it up keep rocking how r u
Very nice varsha but why not ishveer scenes today but the epi was very interesting really loved it. Waiting for what ishani will do next, hope ranveer will clear situation to all.
Nice episode akka and update the next as waiting for ishveer scenes
Very nice Varsha the episode was awesome eagerly waiting for the next episode what is going to happen pls update the next soon ?