One day, Ishani come to my house and sadly said,” Ranveer I am going to Hong Kong for some days. I am not sure but we might be coming after 2 weeks.” When I heard that I felt like my heart is broke in thousand pieces. I cant live without Ishani for 2 weeks! I wanted to say something but she went sadly outside. I heard the sound of the car’s engine. I wanted to go down and say her to stop, to not go, to not leave her Ranveer here alone but I knew that it cant happen so I just sat their and cried. I don’t know when I slept. The next day, I was totally sad. I don’t wanted to go to school but I still went. At the games period, when all was excited to go down I said to mam,” Mam my head is paining so can I sit here in the classroom and rest as I don’t want to go to medical room.” “Ok!” she replied and went away to attend her next class. When all left, I went to the washroom and after some time came back. I opened a book. It was actually an album. Ya! It was Ishanis album. I was seeing her photos.

Soon period got over and everybody came back. It was lunch time and all were sitting and having their food with their friends and I was sitting alone. Mam said,” Where is my money? 1000 rupees are missing from my purse. Tell me who stole my money. Tell me right now I will not give you any punishment but if I find them myself then I will take that person to principal.” “Mam, Ranveer was only sitting here alone in the class. He had only steal the bag.” said Chirag mehta and gupta both. I was very angry at them but then I suddenly realized that both chirag wanted a revenge from me and that’s why they are trying to put the crime on me. “Ranveer have you stole my money. Give me back yourself.” “mam but I haven’t stole your money. Why will I? My parents get me what I want so what is the need of me to steal your money.” But she was on no mood to hear me. “I will check your bag.” she said and started checking my bag herself. “Here they are.” she said and I was shocked to see them in her hand.


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