Fan Fiction

Ishveer The LoveBirds ..(Episode 16)

Ranveer: No nooo my baby…. U keep our baby near u naw? So keep me also …
Ishani bows her head .
Ranveer comes close to her and Holds her hand and say (in a husky voice) :
Ishani …. Do u know?? Why im not touching u?
Ishani (makes a childish face with questioning eyes )
Ranveer continued : I can do whtevr i want wid u ….. I can touch u whenevr I want… I can Romance u whenever I can …. But I love U more than my Rights ishani… U r My BIGGEST right …. U r my BIGGEST responsibility my baby…. But I love u …. I cannot Give u pain ishani … For my happiness…. Coz my happines is U …. (And holds and kisses her hand )
Ishani : (hugs him but her baby bump doesnt let them in hug )
Ishani shyes away
…. Ranveer saw her cutely and takes her to bed

And Duo Sleeps Beautifully.
****** MORNING********
Camera panned to the Queen of the Queens and King Of the kings Face ….. They both were Sleeping Elegantly with their WOULD BE Heir Apparent….. They both were Going to be the Parents! …. Its nearly 8th Month’s end… Ishani wakes up….. She looks here and there…. The cool breeze was blowing …. As It touched The queen’s body a shivering reaction Passed down her spine… Her hair were on her cheeks … She was looking lovingly at his PRINCE CHARMING…. WHO WAS SLEEPING REALLY IN CHARM!
Ranveer (woke up Suddenly sits ): bhaoooooo (a frightening voice)
Ishani (who didnt know that ranveer is playing wid her ) : Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
Ranveer : hahahahahahahahaha see
….. Im the winnerr…. I frightened u …. Hahahah
Ishani : Ohhh nice Mr Vaghela… Thats good … And she makes a (childish but tired face )
Ranveer (wid a concerned look) Ishani……
Ishani : hmmm
Ranveer : Why are u feeling tired now a days? U r not behaving like my sunny baby… Wht happened ?? Is our Baby Disturbing u? (Ranveer looks down to her bump) : Baby…. Hellooo… Please dont disturb ur mom please… Coz i cannot see her in pain .. please my dear?? (Ranveer looks up to ishani with a lovely Hubby look )

Ishani : No ranveer…. Im Enjoying my Motherhood…. But feeling sleepy… If u r wid me No one can make me feel sad…. U are my life….. I cannot thankyou for the care and concern U gave me in my Preganancy! I have heard that Husbands leave their wives in pregnancy after fulfilling their Demands… But….
Ranveer (Put his index finger on his Lips): Dont even Think that Ishani…. I love uuuu…. Im not Like those Shitty Husbands…. Im ur friend… Ur love…. Ur Soul
Ishani (with a cute look) : yeah i know my Ranveer is not like that… (She saw him )
Ranveer (With his hubby’s Right and love) kissed her on her forehead. His eyes were Speaking what he was not not willing to say .

Sonia was seeing everything from a Distance…
She was Boiling in anger…

Precap : a Little fight but Love ?

Guzzzzzzz im sooo sorryyyyyyy im vry vry vryyy busyyyy in my studies…. I know… U all must be thinking that Im not entertaining u sorryyyy guyzz… Im very busy coz of my higher studies … Plzzzz will u forgive me?? Plzzzzz guyzzz … I hope u all will understand… Sorry for the short update coz im not able to write .. im feeling Hot dears… Sorryyyy but loveeee u ?????????❤❤❤❤
How was the ff? Not good sorry ?

Stay blessed
Keep smiling
Be happy
Cutie pie ??????


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