Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon Ek Baar Phir 6th May 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Renuka doing the baby’s Naam karan/naming ceremony. Jyoti comes and sits between the guests. Sid finds Jyoti sad. Renuka keeps the name Deep, to make her family name light. The guests like the name, as its simple and nice. They leave. Renuka scolds Jyoti for keeping the function so simple, and blames her for filling Sid’s ears. She leaves. Sid holds Jyoti’s hand and pacifies her. He asks her not to worry, as everything will be fine.
Astha thinks she was talking in Marathi. Indrajeet comes and asks her did she meet Shlok outside, why did she not tell him. She says she did not say, as she did not wish to trouble him, he has just seen him, he did not meet, as he is stranger. He asks why did she fight. She says I lost my purse and he returned it. She thinks why did she lie to him. He says that’s why I ask you not to go out alone, why don’t you agree. She says I m sorry, I promise I won’t go alone. She says she spoke in Marathi again. He says he said earlier she learnt Marathi from a maid. She says that’s what I was thinking. He worries.
Sid talks to Sojal and says Jyoti misses them a lot. He asks did Astha get her memory and asks her to trust Bappa.
Surbhi comes to Shlok and says I did not think you can love Astha or anyone so much. He says she brought many changes in my life, I can’t say how much I love Astha. She says I know it, I feel it would be good if you made me meet formally to Astha in old style. She says life is so strange, it creates situations and don’t know where anyone meet at anytime. He says he wants to create situations to meet Astha, to remind her everything without harming her.
Sid talks to Ananya and asks Jyoti to come. They start leaving and he gets a call. He says what, I m coming, I will cover the news. He tells her that flood came in nearby village and my team is going there, its big news, I have to go, sorry. She says Renuka is with her, work is important, you go. Sid asks where is Renuka. She says she went to meet someone. Sid asks will she manage. She says yes, but I was scared knowing the news, they need you more, please help them and take care. He says fine. Renuka comes and asks where is he going. He tells about flood incident. Renuka stops him.
Renuka says she will not let him to risk his life. Sid says people are in trouble and need help, I have to go, I know you love me, but how can you be selfish. She says she is not selfish, and wants his safety. Jyoti says if he can help them, its better to let him go. Renuka scolds her and says Sid won’t go. Sid says I will go. Renuka says as Jyoti is supporting you. Sid says I know Jyoti will not stop me, and asks her to pack her bag. Renuka prays for Sid to get sense and cries for his life risk.
Astha asks Indrajeet to have breakfast. He says not now, I have much workload, I have to go for meeting too, can you help me, its urgent. She says I don’t understand. He says you did it before, I trust your efficiency. She says fine, I don’t have any problem, I will do. She sits working. He thinks he will make her so busy that Shlok can never meet her, she can’t go out now. Apsara comes and says she prepared the puja plate. Indrajeet says I did not know you had to go temple, its fine, we will go together.
Astha says its fine, I will not go today. He asks are you sure. She says yes, we have temple at home too, I will do puja at home. He says fine and leaves. Apsara thinks Shlok might have gone to temple, how to convince Astha to go to temple. Sid thanks Jyoti and says he is proud that she understands him. He holds her hand and asks her to take care and not feel bad of Renuka’s words. She says I know she does not like me, and I know she is not bad at heart, I will try to win her heart.
She says she learnt a lot from Astha, how to react in tough situations. Sid thanks her and says he is very lucky to get her as wife, and says its not good to be so good. She says if she was not good, she would have not got him, she is lucky to have him. She says Lord is great and we should have belief. Sid says he will take her to Mumbai when he returns, and hopes Astha gets her memory and everything gets fine.
Shlok tells Sojal that he is going to temple. Kavya says give her my message that I miss her a lot. He says sure. Sojal asks him to have breakfast. He says I will get late, I can’t miss chance to meet her. He leaves. Sojal prays that they unite. Sid asks Jyoti to take care and sees Renuka crying. Renuka makes her have curd and sugar, and says mum is mum, Jyoti did not remember this. Sid takes her blessings. She asks him to go and come back safe. He leaves.
Apsara asks Astha to go temple and come back soon, as she believes in Lord so much. Astha says yes Kamla, but Lord will understand if I don’t go, work is also worship, I will worship at home, Indrajeet has so much work, I have to help home. Apsara thinks what to do as Shlok might have reached temple by now.
Apsara apologizes and tells Shlok that Astha will not come temple, as Indrajeet did not let her go and made her busy in work. Shlok says don’t worry, I will do something.
Update Credit to: Amena
Hmm..waiting fr next epi..wat vl b d tmple scene?
Nice epi,stupid indrajeet
Nice episode
M Eager to watch tmrw’s epi.
Good going… shlok will soon make his astha alive by heart and by mind
ok ok type epi …. when shlok will take help from astha’s father
i hate sojal. I LOVE ASTHA SHLOK. i hate star plus as they ignored ASHLOK for best jodi. for me n my friends ashlok is always no 1 jodi on star plus.
nice episode
No patience still to see Avina n Shal together.Waited with pati till now but no use u r dragging d show as Varad n Nir n Anjali ji quitted d show just as they couldnot see Avi n Shal always spending in makeup room together always and u dont have story with u few of sarkars family also quit d show as this show is senseless with shameless Avi n Shal.Poor Aastha as she has signed d contract as heroine she not able to escape from these cheap people.Bye, forever.
i like it super
waiting for morgen
thank u for update
East or west,north or south Aastha is d best.Aastha, just ignore the people around u who r not eaual to u in any,any quality.Do not even go to that age baar n characterless buddie animals marriage on 11 june.Let them go to hell with their marriage.Ple stay away from valueless juglee kutthas.I hate Shl n Soj very much.I spit on dem for their behaviour on the screen.
shourya u r right but where is the father why he didn`t com till now
du u think also that sid will die in the flood
mmm indrgeet is very stupid when Astha do his job she will get her memorey back may be in flash
Shourya,my friend,how can star plus nomi ASHLOK for best jodi they long back.Since June22 2014 this show is of Soial and Shlok till to day’s epi n till d end(August).On what basis Sp nominates Ashlok, u tell.U know very well that Star plus never support illegal(nazayaaz)relationships.They stopped retele in d day time compl. BRAVO STAR PIUS what a splendid job.Never give a chance to that Avinash showd in future also.
Avinash Sach is a big lier n cheater n a coward.Do u all remember his tweets,what did he say?Media n d reporters r cre rumours n they live on writing a fake rep n he pity on those who live on writing false news about their cele personal lives.Get areality check Mr.Avi these were not rumours n moreover these were d facts which u have hidden for 1year n cheated all d fans n media (what not u said to d media )as a World class coward.Shame on u nur part.U r not fit to be an actor n a human being.If U say aword infront of d WORLD,U should stand by ur words at any cost.U do not have values at all.U r a chaemeleon.
I think Sid will die
Yes ur right dear.Who is spreading this baseless rumours we r five we just hang out after d shoot. We are just friends.These r d words said by so called Avi in a high tone about Shal when d news came out about their affair.We all thought n wish these were rumours only. But we r unfortunate fans.How intellegent and smart he is.Made all fans fools.Now everyone hateAvi n on Shal for their cowardness.What ever ,congrats for ur sweetless life with second hand wife Shal.Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuak.
wow,its really nice episode I love uuuuu ASHLOK .
waiting for 2mrw
once again ASHLOK THE BEST.
Sid’s death is not is such a sweet couple.
Shrenu u r d back bone of d show.Show is a big anda if u were not there.Shrenu,u r so simple in ur real life,u wear normal dresses like common people though u r a celebrity.Hats off to ur simplicity ur kindness ur beauty ur smile which costs billion dollars ur innocence ur charater.Hope u come with new show n entertain us alot.This u choose a young n handsome guy not like Avi who looks 40 years n hunch backed old man with big hexagonal face.
Instead of killing all d beautiful characters one by one ,u should kill Sojal aunty who is d most waste candidate in d show.God please kill that witch n b*t*h Shalmalee by any acc so that many lives will be saved especially our poor Avi.
Why are you scolding sojal what she did and today it’s nice episode
Good question harshita.guys plz comment here on serial topic.dont discuss their personal life.aap logonki issi comments ke bajheshe sefial ki trp low hota hai.i like the epi.waiting fr next.i think something will happen with sid.
Good comment subhra. I also like today epi.i am also thinking the same.but i dont want sid- jyoti separation.they are cute couple specially sid is cute and he always stands fr jyoti.
Nice episode.
Har,Subhra,Sonal if u r such nice people as u think u comment what ever u want to ,n should leave.Why do u look n interfere in others comments just loke Shal who interfered in Avi’s engagement life n snatched him.U all r shal type characterless.U just preach others good but u do not follow.I would give one ex,all Indians MODI,if he does any wrong thing in his personal life,say of he stays with any characterless woman,wont the whole world spit on him n wont d people suggest him what he is doing is wrong n not good for him as his fans.No one will sit quite thinking that its his personal life.That is happening with Avi as his fans love him alot.If feels right he will follow.Otherwise just ignore thinking fans have gone mad.Why u people r so worried as if u r too good n others r waste.
avinash shrenu is best for uuu……… plz get not marry with shalmalee please……….. its request plzzzz plzzzzplzzzz……plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Githanjali madam its all over now. They even will be having hus n wife relationship by now.Avinash never neither cared his fans nor considered d genuine requests of fans.Avi like people can like only shal jaisi chracterless shameless multihanded selfish.Apni mathlab ke liye Shal jaisi characterless n selfish woman kuch bhi kar sakthein hai.Avi has com blind n dumb n deff in Shal’s love now.Not able to take any thing now.