Fan Fiction



Twinkle entered in her cabin and went to desk she throws  her hand bag on desk closed her eyes and Remember she meet with kunj and this project if she knows about this she surely backoff from this project but she can’t there are some rules she signed the agreements papers in which its written openly that after sign this papers later you can’t leave the project and backoff so now she is helpless she try to leave this after compensations is necessary that also not very less amount it’s very high without doing anything she can’t let her father now her company bear such a big loss no at all Twinkle now get frustrated totally she sits and hold her heads and thinking just how to deal with this problem and most kunj naam ki musibat.. )

A Glimpse of this mystery story….


One side@@@

A person reading something and smirked it and laughing while reading like a devil.

Twinkle and Kunj see what I had done with you I m so happy today to see you like this.

What did you think kunj haa you’ll get marry twinkle and stay happy with her but you forget something when I m alive how you cant Kunj Sarna(Yeh dosti hum nahin todenge Todenge dam magar tera saath na chhodenge haaa?????.. humming the song so loudly and throw the papers in air started dancing..

Today I’m so happy don’t know what to Say but I get what I wanted my revenge uff sorry someone is innocent just because of you even I have to do with her that I don’t wanted to do poor girl??.But everything is fair in love and war.. eventually everything going on what I wanted but one single mistake that going to kill me still I can’t caught by anyone I’m so closed still so far from your eyes..pyaar and nafart me sab jayez hai that I’m done it.don’t know from where this small part come that still let you and twinkle connected last thing huhu.It’s your good luck ? but not every time now your bad time have  come Kunj Sarna.. just because of one person another one too suffered what can I do heheheh unfortunately you are too.

I didn’t let your love take place before it’s starts I burn it???in my revenge fire.

At last I get relief jija ji yeh Phir my love of life hehe not good mean you reject me see what I have done.I can’t see you with anyone. you cant see love in my eyes for you haa. Like a idiot I was dancing with bandbaja mere hi pyaar ki barbadi me.. wiped tears..closed the fist punch on wall blood started oozing from the hands.

Next school..

Now it’s a lunch time in break all kids playing in garden..

Ammar Kunj Sarna
Romir Yuvraj Luthra

Romir: ammar where is your lunch box..

Ammar:why today you didn’t break it..

Romir:Arey I bring But I don’t wanted to have my lunch box your food is yummer than my..

Ammar:haa my Nani make for me.He give his lunch to him both having together.

Romir:ammar you know my papa brought new video games for me..Papa’s always the best then mamma’s

Ammar:haa I don’t know I don’t have Papa.

Romir:Arey why you don’t have Papa every kids have Papa. Why not even you too asked your mamma.

Ammar:Arey I asked her she told me my Papa went somewhere away from us so I don’t have Papa she is my Papa and mamma and I never asked her very much. I didn’t see my Papa till now.

Romir:hoo Leave it where is hiya..

They both see hiya busy with her friends..

Ammar: I didn’t understand one think why this girls show so much excitement to see their friends like hoooo babes where are you omg I’m so happy baby I can’t believe on my eyes. He said in so irritating way and funny too.

Romir:true if you see my mom and Nani they both too like Mahi baby how’s you.. first both kiss on their both cheeks mwah ??..

Ammar:hehehe.. karan and hiya come and joint them too.

Hiya:or both devils what you both eating.

Romir:first we aren’t devil and second you stop your nonsense..

Ammar:right you Danger Duck…

Hiya: and you nip*le face… they three of them laugh at hiya..

Ammar:miss Malhotra please don’t give your name to me it’s you nip*le face. Who always like this make pouty lips??.

Hiya:you buster..

Ammar: same to you.. little b*t*h..

Hiya: I’ll told your mom you abused me.

Ammar: go ahead did you have any proof I abused you babes???..

Hiya:yup she look at Romir and Karan. They both give her helpless look. You both.

Romir/ Karan: what..

Ammar: he come and his hands around Romir and karna Arms.. bros did you both heard anything I abused her. They both nodded in no..

Romir:nope I didn’t heard.

Ammar:poor hiya??.. don’t mess with ammar.. let’s go Romir and Karan we’ll play basketball. They three of them went while hiya look at them.

Hiya:this ammar and Romir is really devils.. pamper babies don’t mess with me did his mimic ??. She too run behind them.

Mahi and Noor sitting together in Chetan mansion. Chinki come and bring tea and snacks for them keep it on table..

Mahi:hi chinki hows you..

Chinki:I’m fine Mahi you..

Mahi:you should rest Chinki in this condition.

Chinki: haa Mahi.. she sit..

Noor: what doctor tells you Chinki..

Chinki:nothing mummy ji everything is fine.
Riya come with abhay..

Riya:hi guys..

Noor:finally you come’s your day.

Riya:great mom.they too sit they all chit chatting with each other’s..

Noor:mahi hows Romir..

Mahi:fine mom he is in school right now.

After sometimes later.. driver come to pick up ammar from school.Leela and Rt waiting for him at garden he come out of the car and run towards them. Jumped in Rt Arms and cuddled him..

Ammar: nanu…

Rt: my star come how’s your day.

Ammar:boring like always.. Leela and Rt laugh out to see his naughtiness..

Leela: acha you finished your lunch box.

Ammar: yeah Nani you know my friend Romir loved your food we both finished it.

Leela: hoo kal se I’ll give you two lunch box for him too.

Ammar: yup..

In kunj cabin..@@

Kunj: let’s meet twinkle ji.. now we are working together.. he called Yuvi and tell him to come in his cabin Yuvi come quickly. Great you come so soon..

Yuvi:hmm bok..

Kunj:wait bok hi raha hu.. what about twinkle now..

Yuvi: let’s meet with them abeer call me..

Kunj: hoo still she wanted to work with us..

Yuvi: yes strange Kunj I mean I thought after see you she must be back out..

Kunj:yup even I too thought Yuvi.

Yuvi:hmm if she is here we can’t do what we wanted it..

Kunj:problem is this only. Let’s warn her.

Yuvi: try one time.They both immediately left for Taneja office. Both look at office. Impressive Kunj. They went inside and asked receptionist where is abeer and twinkle she tell them to sit in twinkle cabin.

They went inside twinkle cabin.. and see everything before kunj and yuvi twinkle removed all ammar pictures..

Kunj: business women Yuvi she can’t handle kitchen today handing business quite tough to digest it..

Yuvi:time will change bro..

Kunj: yeh bhi hai.. they both sit.. abeer and twinkle entered in cabin and see kunj and yuvi sitting. Twinkle make annoying faces to see kunj.

Twinkle:he is here uff babaji.. (think)

Abeer:hey you both come good..

Kunj: hi abeer. They sit together.

Yuvi: now what is next..

Abeer: see twinkle is our head in this project.So she will tell us.. we’ll do as per her mind.

Kunj: head(murmured this siyappa queen have mind hehe before her mind doesn’t work now her top floor started working babaji what magic you have done on her.. twinkle heard this because it’s quite audible for her she didn’t listen what abeer saying it..

Twinkle: yup you people should be work like as I wanted because twinkle Taneja didn’t like in perfect work so I wanted each and everything on time.. Kunj look at twinkle..

Kunj:same here too Miss Taneja.I like our work of style is same. Both look at each other’s..

Abeer:than this would be great..

Twinkle:I didn’t think so Mr Sarna we are same.I heard about you lot you hardly attend your business meetings and I’m giving much time in my work..

Kunj:Arey waha miss Taneja you heard very much about me did you do research on me before start the work.. this too before working anyone I too get to know each and everything about my clients. Before didn’t you heard always your closed one dumped you first..

Abeer: mean??

Kunj: coverup. I mean abeer now we working together spending whole time together so we have to know about each other’s it’s help us..

Abeer: hoo right me and twinkle know each other’s very well what about you both..

Kunj:yeah we too know each other’s haina


Abeer: how she will know..

Kunj: Arey Just now she said she heard lot about me than she’ll knows na we are bro buddies..

Abeer: But you said deewan you both don’t know Each other’s..

Kunj: yup right I know him as my buddy but in business we both are business rival so no fam jam in business.

Abeer: hoo.. you are very interesting man.

Kunj: good you find me interesting otherwise people thought I’m boring so they love others company ? directly taunting to twinkle she knows this..

Leave about me jitan mujhe jaane ki koshi karo ke utna confused ho ge… back to the work.. yeah miss twinkle please..

Twinkle:abeer we both are in one team and this two in one so first we make the all reports of this project than we’ll show deewan sir what he’ll say..

Kunj:/Yuvi:whisper what that rascal says he’ll loved it..

Twinkle:this project for that orphanage kids so..

Kunj:right for those kids we should do everything best..

Twinkle:hmm in cold voice..

Abeer: But why the place in out of the

City I mean so outskirt..

Yuvi: hmm than only his main motive will complete na.. Kunj hit on his foot.. ouch.

Abeer:what happened..

Yuvi:nothing kunj give him death glares.

They four of then discuss about project..
After abeer take Yuvi to show him some papers. While now kunj and twinkle is alone in cabin..

Twinkle: how dare you come in my office.

Kunj:oyye I don’t have any interest to come here don’t forget I’m your partner in this project.

Twinkle:my bad luck.

Kunj:both standing in front of each other’s

Twinkle back off from this project than.

Twinkle: why I’ll have you can.

Kunj: I’ll not twinkle this would be good for you.

Twinkle:why you are so curious about me to back off from this project haa Mr Sarna. Kya hua Dar Gaye kya mujhe se..

Kunj: fear doesn’t even exist in my dictionary Kunj going near to twinkle while she going in backwards due to wall she stop.They were very closed each other Fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind twinkle Taneja Arey what should I’ll call you..

Twinkle: don’t take my name from your dirty mouth get it.. Kunj laugh out sarcastically..

Kunj: acha what you have for that you giving this tashan haa people didn’t talk in front of Kunj Sarna..

Twinkle: people didn’t talk in front of you because they scared of you not twinkle Taneja me. You asked what I have for that I’m giving this tashan so listen properly mr Kunj Sarna. I have very much that you don’t have you have money lot but you don’t have peace more over you can buy anything from you money but can’t buy love and trust..

Kunj:love sound very lame now from your mouth.. trust you are very good actor I mean you should chance in movies you’ll be awesome twinkle..

Twinkle:what about you.. ek totally arrogant aadmi jeshe lagata hai he can do everything just because of his money power haa. Don’t forget I’m not less than you I have money and power but still down to earth.. for you money is important for me pyaar and trust..

Kunj: from where you have learned this lines my ex wifey..

Twinkle: Mind your tongue..

Kunj:Arey what I said wrong in this you are my ex wifey.. you knows me very well still.

Stop thinking about me..

Twinkle:hoo don’t see dreams in morning.

Everyone knows about you but they don’t have guts to raise their voice against you but I have.

Kunj:you changed lot but for still same twinkle.Maze ki baath hai na.. I’m not criminal you were saying just strict and proud of myself where I’m today. Don’t you today.

Twinkle:why not I have lot. But I have love for peoples not like you hateness for everyone.. you just love yourself Kunj Sarna.

Kunj:yes I love myself because I’ll never cheat myself like others they cheat you anytime it’s better to love someone do yourself. I’ll give you big cheater award goes to twinkle great miss Amritsar.

Twinkle:I’m cheater really.Time will tell you kunj who is cheater or not. That time you’ll regret lot..

Kunj: that time we’ll never come baby.. leave about us our love story is not worth to talk hehe… tears having both of them in their eyes even anger too. You tell me how’s your baby..

Twinkle: it’s none of your business..

Kunj:Arey I just asked you about him.. how he is now he become big little last time I saw him he is so small.. by the way don’t make him like you even not his father vikram.

Twinkle:why right I’ll not make him like his father.But like his mother too..

Kunj:there is no difference in you and him. Both of them is cheaters where he is? I didn’t see your lover. Let me meet with you son.

Twinkle:stay away from my son get it last time I’m saying you kunj.don’t dare to go near him you don’t have any right on him.

Kunj:bas phat jayegi pagali.. itna gussa acha nahi hai.. do one thing it’s good for you I’m saying you.. don’t do this project leave it.. this will give you loss.

Twinkle:did you giving me warning ha it’s my wish I’ll do whatever I wanted I’m thinking to backoff from this project but now I’m too very much curious to work on this you can’t see anyone go further than you haa. I’ll do this project Kunj Sarna I’ll too see what you’ll do haa. I’m not no more that emotional twinkle that twinkle die in your hatness.. what allegation you and your mother put on me.. I’ll fight with you now.

Kunj:tashan uff humari shadi me hi tashan ta what did you said Always sm tashan e shadi..toh ab tu dekhana mere tashan..  hold twinkle from her both arms 

Twinkle:tashan toh tum mera dekho ge Kunj Sarna. Kunj hold twinkle hand tightly giving her pain kunjj leave me you hurting me..

Kunj: acha what about me you hurt me till now you are a betrayer twinkle who betrayed my love. Just for your another love.

Twinkle:you keep thinking this I’ll not explain you I give one time not again and again after that still you thinking about me this than please go ahead it’s doesn’t matter for me what you were thinking about me we come very far from Each other’s. Every time I’ll not give you explanation of my SACHAI Kunj Sarna I’m innocent I’ll remain till my last breath. Now leave my hands in loud voice you moron..
she push kunj.. both giving tashan to each other’s Tashan e tashan e tune play in bg.

Twinkle went out of the cabin in anger while kunj still standing..

Kunj:babaji this girl didn’t understand me.

Let her do this project.. why I’ll care for her he too went…

After this twinkle went Taneja Mansion. She went and sit in living fully in tension.
Leela and Rt come and see her face..

Leela: what happened twinkle beta are you okay. In this passed years they didn’t see twinkle this much in tension. Rt see tears in twinkle eyes sit beside her..

Rt: what happened twinkle tell me bacha.

Twinkle: wohhhh..

Rt: woh.. kaun..

Twinkle: Papa kunjj. Leela and Rt shocked to listen kunj names from twinkle mouth..

Rt: kunjjj means..

Twinkle:I told you na about project..

Rt: hmm..

Twinkle:even Yuvi and Kunj too in this project we working together.. tears coming from her eyes I’m sorry Papa before sign the project I don’t know they both are too..

Rt:don’t be sorry.So what twinkle I told you one thing long back don’t run away from anything just faced it like a warrior.

You just doing your work nothing else na. Don’t let him think his presence affects you.

Twinkle:Papa but what about ammar..

Leela:why you thinking about ammar we are here for him.Let him stay away from your office till when your project didn’t end it..


Leela: just do your work being a professional.. she kissed on her forehead.

Twinkle:where is my dumpling..

Rt:in your room..

Twinkle: MAA tonight deewan sir throw a party.

Leela: okay you go and we’ll see him..

Twinkle went in her room and find ammar jumping on bed mess up whole room..

Twinkle: what’s going on my baby..

Ammar: mamma you come back.. don’t call me baby.. it’s very girly.. twinkle laugh at him. She went to him and take him in her arms.

Twinkle:what my son do it in school.

He sit on her lap..

Ammar:mamma nothing why these schools are so boring.

Twinkle:acha school boring.what why baby love

Ammar:I love challenges mamma.

Twinkle look at ammar and remember something she went in flashback..

Twinkle and Kunj sitting in their room..

Twinkle: Kunj what do you like most..

Kunj: me first you.

Twinkle: I just love food shopping and my family..

Kunj: food moti??.


Kunj: since childhood I just wanted to win everything.

Twinkle: mean???

Kunj: in simple language I love challenges I didn’t leave any competitions in my school and college life just wanted to win..

Twinkle:acha jitna important hai tumhare liye..

Kunj:in this world people only remembers that winner but not others.. end.

Twinkle look at ammar and thinking about kunj..

Twinkle:why challenge baby. Jitna itna acha hai kya..

Ammar:hmm yup mumma everyone shout your names.even defeat also good sometimes.Even in that also have fun me and Romir enjoy both he enjoy my victory and I enjoy his defeat.twinkle shocked slightly because Yuvi and Kunj usually they do this.. twinkle lost in her thoughts..


Twinkle:haa bolo..ammar I’m going in party okay have your dinner..

Ammar:mamma you feed me na..

Twinkle: she smiled okay I’ll bring. What you’ll have..


Twinkle: okay I’ll bring.. she went downstairs goes in kitchen and make pasta for ammar.. she take and went in room back. Ammar eagerly waiting for food. Twinkle sit beside him and feeding him pasta..

Ammar: yummy.. mamma.

Twinkle: okay.. he complete and after twinkle changed his clothes ammar on twinkle arms she patting on his back he try to sleep.Twinkle standing in balcony soon ammar sleep in twinkle arms. Twinkle got call from his pa Rajiv.. twinkle pick up his call.. yes Rajiv..

Rajiv:mam are you not coming in party..

Twinkle:yeah I’m coming.. she went inside in room and place ammar on bed covered him with blanket and kissed on his forehead. She went towards wardrobe and. Finding what she wear tonight.. twinkle about to pickup nice dress but stop. I’ll show this sadu what I’m today. One day twinkle about to wear western dress in Raman and pini wedding anniversary party but kunj didn’t like the dress.. she take out one piece and went in washroom and she get ready and come out of the washroom and take her phone..

Other hand..

Kunj getting ready in his room maya come there kunj was shirtless.maya staring him Kunj turned and see her he immediately take his shirt.. and wear it..

Kunj:you here maya..

Maya:yeah where are you going..

Kunj: I’m going in some business party okay..



Maya:nothing.. just than Kunj get aditi call he get busy with her while maya still there. And think see this kunj don’t know from where this aditi come men.. here I leave my everything after my parents shifted abroad just to get marry kunj I’m here still he didn’t giving me shit.. if this going on.

how I’ll get kunj property after become his wife I’ll get his whole property..

Kunj:maya please can you go..

Maya:yup she went from there in anger..

Kunj get ready and went downstairs Usha see him.

Usha:see my son looking so handsome..

Kunj:thanks MAA..Kunj hugged Manohar.

Okay bye MAA.. Kunj left while Yuvi too mahi went forcefully with him..

At party venue in disco??..

Puru deewan standing with his business friends having alcohol glass in his hands.

Puru:enjoy Purushottam party..

Man:yes.your interview comes people really like your speech on humanity

Puru:this world don’t know what I’m. He take the sip of drink and smirked it.
Where is my new friends.
he see abeer coming with his wife mehar..

Even Yuvi and Mahi too come.. they went to puru and he hugged Abeer and yuvi than Mahi and Mehar touching their back. Yuvi pulled both of them..

Yuvi: hi abeer she is your wife.

Mehar: you Yuvraj..

Abeer: you know him..

Mehar:yeah I meet with him in one wedding..

Puru: where is my two stars.. twinkle give voice I’m here… all turned and see her she standing and looking so stunning.. make all boys heart pop out.. she come and meet with Puru he scanning twinkle. While Mahi shocked to see twinkle..

Yuvi: don’t be shocked and don’t try to show you know her please mahi we are working on same project so I Don’t wanted to lose this project..

Mahi:hmm how she is here..

Yuvi:that I don’t know okay.They both too meet with twinkle normally..they all went towards bar and take their glass while girls didn’t take the drinks..

Kunj entered in disco see the party..

he entered in side and see everywhere.
Yuvi see him and waving his hands. Kunj see him and he too raise his hands.

Twinkle:aagaya rakshasa.. ??..

Kunj went towards them Purushottam leave his friends and come to kunj.

Puru:finally my young man come..

Kunj:hi..he shake his hand with him…

Puru:enjoying the night Kunj Sarna..

Kunj:yeah I’ll.. Kunj eyes went on twinkle and see her look.She standing in tashan rolling her eyes.Kunj see her head to toe what she wearing her whole legs visible she looking extremely hot in this attire it’s first time kunj see her he see her but not like this..

Twinkle outfit

Puru:Arey Kunj you come alone don’t you have partner..

Kunj:no the way… he too stand beside Yuvi take the drink just looking at twinkle while puru at twinkle this make Kunj angry he closed his eyes. Kunj see mehar he give her smile even he too in return. Gestures him twinkle is here only.

Puru:today twinkle you make my night more beautiful and you really star extremely hot you are..

Twinkle:thanks for your compliment..

They all busy in party enjoying it..

Yuvi: what this twinkle doing yaar..

Kunj:let her do it na.. she think herself smart.. same like this Aa Bail Mujhe she have invited trouble upon themselves.

Yuvi:hmm right. Aditi come and give voice kunj loudly they heard and turned and see aditi standing others get confused…

Kunj give killer smile and he standing while his both hands resting on side like he opening his arms for her.. Aditi run and hugged kunj tightly. Twinkle see her..

Twinkle: who she is??

Aditi:uff.. BF.. where are you I’m calling you.

Kunj:I’m here only Aditi. He hugged her back. Kunj hold Aditi hand.. mr deewan you wanna meet with my partner she is my partner Aditi Khanna..

Puru: hi beautiful lady..

Aditi:hi.. deewan forward his hand to shake with her while Aditi didn’t give him. Sorry I have some rules I didn’t shake hands with strangers..

Puru:hoo nice but I love..

Kunj:everyone have their own rules like you..

Come Aditi I’ll introduce you with my new friends.she is mehar and abeer.


Aditi: hi..

Kunj: and meet with her most important lady.The great twinkle Taneja..

Aditi:hi miss twinkle Taneja.

Twinkle: hi they share a hug..

Aditi: looking hot my hero.. Kunj pulled Aditi waist.

Kunj:even my heroine too not less ?..

Twinkle went in side and see think something and take the drink and gulps.

She messaged someone and call him too come immediately.. party in full swing..

Twinkle get jealous to see Aditi and Kunj.

Twinkle: from now this new Fevicol come first that maya naam ka Magnet kam ta kya why I’m thinking I don’t care.Kunj see twinkle face expression enjoying it very much. Kunj take Aditi in side even Yuvi too there.

Kunj: why you come here..

Aditi: you both going in party so I’m too.

Kunj: acha I told you na about this party still you come and what did you wearing haa.

Aditi: I’m not looking hot..

Yuvi:na ??.. tum ladkiyo ko kapda kam pad jata hai kya…


Aditi:acha ji when you boys wanted than no problems haa.. what about your wife..

Yuvi:uski chodo..

Kunj:and where is your glasses..

Aditi:today I wear my lens ??..

Yuvi:see kunj her jeshe shadi me aai hai.

Kunj:leave now.. they both said something in her ears..

Puru: my friends why you all standing let’s dance na.. puru hold twinkle hand take her on dance floor. Kunj immediately hold Aditi hand while all Their partners.. twinkle see Someone and run to him.. Kunj see and after the man his anger went so high.

Twinkle: vikram baby you here..

Vikram: hi twinkle..

Twinkle: now what I’m saying do this only.

Vikram:hmm.. twinkle take him to everyone.

Twinkle: here sir meet with my man.. Vikram.taneja.. (Vikram surname is too Taneja)

Puru: hi vikram..

Twinkle: come let’s dance..they all ready for dance.. standing with their partners holding their hands.. music starts.. DISCO DEWAANE???in BACKGROUND..

There’s something about tonight

Something very special

Something about the way you move that thing

Something very special

Something about the way you have made

Something very special

There’s something about tonight

Something very special (Repeat once)

(They humming the song all together.. )

Here we go..
Kunj: Sari ki sari duniya bhula ke

Main toh tere naal nachna (Baby you’re so s*xy)Kunj hold Aditi hand and twirl her.. )

Twinkle:Boy you could be

My one and only

Main toh tere naal nachna

(See kunj and Aditi and than her hands around Vikram neck) dancing with him..

Kunj:Then I see you lookin’ on me
Aaja baat kar le dil ki

Hone lagenge afsaane
( he pulled Aditi closer himself she caressing his face)

You know it, so sing it ,Now do your hands up and say

(They all standing in one line and sing together and dancing on the beats)

Disco deewane
Aahan, aahan

Ho disco deewane
Aahaan, ahaan ho
Nasheeli hai raat

Ho haathon mein haath
Naachein gaayein saath..

Disco deewane
Aahaan, ahaan ho

Kunj: Ho hai na
Mujh pe nazar teri
Aditi:Aankhon hi aankhon mein
Baatein hoti hain

(Looking at twinkle with Vikram)
Aaja baahon mein aa meri
Aise hi to raatein
Shuru hoti hain
(Vikram pulled twinkle give her back hug)

Kabhi kabhi pal do pal mein yun
Fussy fussy baatein hoti hai

Do hi mulaqaton mein

Mil jaate hain zamaane

Disco deewane..

(They all lost in music and dancing)

Twinkle and Kunj just making each other jealous)

You know it so sing it

Now go your hands up and say

Disco deewane
Aahan, aahan

Ho disco deewane
Aahaan, ahaan ho
Nasheeli hai raat

Ho haathon mein haath
Naachein gaayein saath..

Disco deewane
Aahaan, ahaan ho

Kunj: Khel ja raaton ka
Khel yeh todi der

(Their partners get exchanged twinkle come to kunj while Aditi to Yuvi)
Jhoom ja bahon mein toh
Aa gaya meri thodi der
(Kunj hand resting on twinkle back)
Nazron se hi main (Aahaan)
Tujh ko samjha doonga (Aahaan)
Raat baaki hai sari hosh udda de bas thodi der..
( twinkle push him and hold Vikram hand)

Dance like deewana tonight

Move like mastana tonight

Party like parwana tonight

Jo kehna hai keh de

You gotta do the D.I.S.C.O

When everybody knows where we gonna go
Hotey hotey milte hain mil jaate hain bahaane

You know it so sing it

Now go your hands up and say

Disco diwane
Aahan, aahan

Ho disco deewane
Aahaan, ahaan ho
Nasheeli hai raat

Ho haathon mein haath
Naachein gaayein saath..

Disco dewane
Aahaan, ahaan ho

(Twinkle and Vikram very closed kunj take the drink and drink while dancing)

His mind and eyes just on twinkle..

Ishq wala love, ishq wala love, ishq wala love
(Kunj pulled twinkle towards himself)
Surkh wala soz wala faiz wala love
Ishq wala love

(Hold her tightly his face resting on her shoulder from back nuzzles his face in her back neck hook)
Hota hai jo love se zyada waise wala love

(All see them kunj dancing with twinkle passionately twinkle closed her eyes after a years to feel kunj.. she totally lost in kunj touch.. Kunj spin her she look at him their face just few inch apart twinkle hands resting on kunj chest.. Kunj leave her hand with jerk Vikram immediately held her hand.. )

There’s something about tonight

Something very special

Something about the way you move that thing all dancing madly.. Kunj went to bar and Oder the drink bartender about to open the bottle but kunj take bottle and drink in one go.

he closed his eyes and remember twinkle and Vikram..Anger visible in kunj eyes horribly.. Kunj turned and see twinkle with vikram his hand around her waist.. Aditi and Yuvi come they three of them drinking like mads..

All see them..

Kunj: drunken voice. Aditi you are the best.


Twinkle: look at this man.. pe aeshe raha hai jeshe pani. They totally drench in

Hangover.. can’t stand on their feet’s..

Kunj:hi twinkle..

Yuvi: haa…

Puru:drink how much you people wanted.

Kunj:yup.. even you too. Kunj give his card to bartender.

Puru:why you giving money too him..

Kunj: me pita apne paise ki hi hu..

Puru: acha.. itna pagal pan Kunj went near him and hug him.

Kunj:Kashti leharon se takrayegi … toh hi kinaare naseeb honge

Only when the boat will hit against the waves … will it reach the shores. In his ears he whispered put his hand on his pocket.

Puru: Matlab…I think you are running away from something like a lover..

Kunj: he laugh out. Me and lover no no..

Me nahi I wanted to win something..
Joh apne beete huye kal se bhaagta hai … woh zindagi ki race kabhi nahi jeetta

(One who runs from his past … can never win the race of life)

Puru: you are very mystery man..

Kunj: just like you..

Aditi: Arey Kunj come to me…

Abeer pulled twinkle and they all again drinking kunj crying inside in his heart..

Kunj: Unse mohabbat kamaal ki hoti hai … jinka milna muqaddar mein nahi hota

You love some people more than anything …. especially them who aren’t destined to unite with you he said to Yuvi while looking at twinkle so loudly..They passed out ?..


Episode end… 


how was the episode??

hope you all enjoying don’t why you so confused. Read and understand try to give you all hints if I disclosed And shows you all normally than there is no mystery become normal story if you all not enjoy please kindly tell I’ll stop…. okay bye love you all.. 


Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. Twinj lover ??. Sidmin fan??writing lover..????????

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