It’s the time for finding true love {Kabir & Katha Four shots – Shot Four }

The girl looked Kabir and smiled

” Hi I am Katha Malhotra , one and only daughter of Dheeraj Malhotra heir of his whole property and soon will be handling Malhotra Industries too. ” She extended her hand towards Kabir

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Kabir didn’t responded .

Deepika : Kabir , what are you doing ? Give her shake hand

With a fake smile Kabir shook his hand with her.

” So Kabir , I came to know aboyt your professional skills. And I am much glad that my future husband is very efficient . So this is the first gift from my side . Take it. ”

She extended a cover towards him. Kabir looked her confusingly.

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Dheeraj : My beti has gifted you it specially. I am sure you will like it very much.

Kabir : Aisa kya hein iss mein ?

Dheeraj : Jiss se tumhein sabse zyada pyaar hein, iss mein wahi hein.

Kabir : What ?

Kabir opened the cover and find a letter.

Kabir started reading it. He folded the letter and kept it at the table

Kabir : Who told you that I need this ?

“Come on Kabir . Shreya is my close friend . She only told me and my parents about you and your ambitions . So smart you are sharp minded . Poor Shreya ,I could see the clouds of tears at her eyes when she was telling about you . She is so desparate to see you being happy always . A part time job , a dress for you …..Oh no feels like she has feelings for you. But knowing your big dreams she herself left the way and allowed me to place my feet here. Tell Kabir…… What all things you need , A bungalow, estate …It’s not a big deal, you are going to become more rich. ”

Kabir : Where is Shreya ?

“What Kabir ? I thought you will jump and dance in joy after being appointed as the Managing Director of Malhotra Industries.”

Kabir : I am sorry, I don’t want this Managing Director Post .

“But you always wished to have that post .And now you are getting everything which you want , then why are you denying it ? ”

Kabir : I agree I desired a lot to have this in an easy way. Without seeing you and knowing you I agreed for marrying you also because my whole aim was to become a millionare in short span of time . I have seen my dad’s struggles and transfers a lot and now though we are having very much money we are not multi millionares .My dad was a police and every one knows according to the post only salaries are given to officers. He got promotion very late and afterwards we didn’t faced any tough times for money . But I always aimed to have money without any sort of struggle .But now I realize this money won’t give me peace or any sort of love.

” Then for you what is love ?”

Kabir recalled the way Shreya was telling him about the feel of true love.

Kabir ; It’s the time for finding my  True love .

Kabir in rush went towards the gate . He sat in his car immediately.

Dheeraj : Kabir , where are you going ? You can’t cheat my daughter .

Kabir : I am sorry sir. I never expressed my wish of marrying your daughter .I was telling that about to Shreya only . I don’t know why she told this to your family , my parents and this alliance……Sir to be frank , she is not in my heart . I can’t do it

Radhika : When did you started listening your heart ?

Kabir : Mrs and Mr. Malhotra can you please provide me the address of the house where she is staying ?

Rupesh : Kabir what’s wrong with you ? You don’t want your golden swan

Kabir : Dad Please don’t make me to feel more ashamed . I have realized money is not everything.

Deepika : And what about this girl who came here to meet you ?

Kabir looked her and said : I am really sorry. Unknowingly or Knowingly I have hurt you. But I can’t marry you. Please try to understand .

She smiled and said : No problem . You are in search of your true love. I know where she is

Kabir : Then please take me there

She sat in the car . Kabir quickly started the car . As soon as they left Rupesh asked Dheeraj : Dheeraj, yeh sab kya hein ? Why you didn’t bring your own daughter ? Why you made we also to act in this

Radhika : Bhai saab calm down. You will get to know everything soon.

Kabir and that girl reached at the entrance of a small rented house .

Kabir quickly get down from the car and walked forward. He saw a middle aged lady who was sitting in arm chair. Shreya was reading and narrating the story book to her .

Kabir gently called : Shreya !!

Shreya turned her eye sight towards him .

Middle aged lady : Shreya , tum aa gayi beti .

“Maa !!! The girl who came as fake Katha ran towards her and hugged her.”

Kabir : Shreya !!!

That girl : I am not Katha Malhotra, I am Shreya only. Katha and I studied at the same school. My Paapa was a cleaning staff at Malhotra industries and my Maa is a tailor. But due to cardic arrest my Paapa passed away and afterwards Maa alone struggles a lot for the upbringing of me and my elder  sister . I wasn’t able to complete M.B.B.S as in between my Paapa’s demise happened and after wards we had lots of expense in spending money for making my didi to get married too. Moreover my mom was doing over work which made her health condition much bad, she is an Arthritis patient. So  I dropped studies and started doing the attendor job in Malhotra industries for paying back the loan which we taken for marriage of didi and also for managing household as well as Maa’s treatement. Katha saw me one day and asked me why I haven’t become doctor ? Hearing my painful story Katha told me that she will take up job in Malhotra industries as a clerk and will also stay as a paying guest in our home .So that she will be giving rent from her salary and also she started taking another job too for having money .  She didn’t took even a single penny for herself. The salary which she got from attendor job and the little money from the part time supplier job made me to pay my semester fees and now I was able to  join back to my studies. I am pursuing my studies only because of Katha.  She didn’t allowed me to do any sort of part time job as she said I have to focus fully on M. B B S and should become a dcotor. I told her I will repay the money once I gets teh job of  doctor. For this she said that she wants to see me in that position , a service of doctor towards the needy and that’s the biggest reward for her. I don’t know whether I will get these much true and good friend in my next birth , but if it happens certainly I wish it could be Katha only. She taken my name, my identity there for helping her friend , Kabir .

Kabir looked Katha

Kabir : You didn’t told me anything , Katha ?

Katha : Kabir , the one who is talented should get all things he deserves. Shreya is the most brilliant student of shcool. It was sad for me to see she dropping her studies and doing small job for helping family. But I was really impressed with her decision. Because she doesn’t let her Maa alone to struggle a lot. She felt like after working for an year she will be saving slowly some money and paying all debts she will be joining back to studies. I felt why one year ? My friend should do it now . So I decided that I should do a job there. When I was telling my dad that I am ready to do job of a clerk my dad was asking me why I need a clerikal job, he will give me the post of M.D. But I don’t want anything in hurry. There are many who are better performers, who are seniors, and eligible who deserves that post . So I said I need to be selected for clerk only through the proper interview. There I faced rejection . But I already informed Damodar Ji that If I didn’t get selection  please give  me the post of attendor which Shreya handled. I didn’t revealed the exact reason of helping Shreya that time.  But I informed it later .

Kabir ; You was with me these much days and you didn’t felt to say your truth before me ?

Katha ; I would have told you the truth earlier. But without knowing your heart how could I tell that to you, Kabir ?

Kabir : You only said that I told my heart’s word and that’s enough for you . After that also you didn’t felt to tell me anything .

Katha : I was feared what if you will love me only as Katha Malhotra , the millionare golden swan ? So I lived again as Shreya and tried to do all things which could make my Kabir very much happy.

Kabir took the letter from his pocket.

Kabir : You think I will like Katha only if she give me this ?

Katha : Kabir!!

Kabir : You did all goodness and didn’t left even a single chance for me to express what my heart needs from you, Katha. It doesn’t matter me wheteher you are daughter of tailor , or you are daughter of millionare you are the girl who made me to realize myself . I doesn’t want this post as a favour from you.

Kabir torned the letter into pieces and pieces .

Katha : Kabir, why you did it ? It’s your dream

Kabir : All of a sudden, overnight no one becomes a Managing Director. No one builds a bunaglow in one day , for gaining each penny one need to work hard , behind our parents earning there is a saga of struggle which they often hides from us . You made me to realize it’s value today. Your dad would have never let you know about the struggles which he faced, each and every parent do this with their child. Because they want their children should get better facilities , better ambiance, better education and children like me will trouble them for getting an unwanted recommendation rather than allowing self struggle. Academically I would have  been brilliant, but from heart I was never a best person but you are really the best daughter , a best friend and ……

Katha : And what ….

Kabir : A true person like you should get true love. Perhaps this greedy Kabir won’t suits you

Katha : Kabir !!!

Kabir : Thank you for everything Katha. And Shreya you are really lucky to have these much good friend . Your dad can be free from all worries as I won’t trouble him for asking promotion and all. I will be doing the job which is given to me . And Katha please don’t skip those coffee times where we spend time together .I wish you should get that M.D post when the right time arrives and I …….I mean…I am leaving

Katha : Kabir !!! How can you leave me without saying what your heart feels for me . Why Kabir ?

Kabir : I am not a true soul, a man with good qualities . You have seen how is my mind . You should get a best person in life who is so pure from heart who can love you immensely without any sort of barriers . May be I can’t

Katha quickly placed her palms on his lips : Please don’t say that. Just say your heart’s words only . Your pure tears are telling me that how much you have changed and I don’t need any best person . Because you are the one who is best in all aspects . It’s not easy for everyone to admit their mistakes and become guilt free. You have did it and now there is no need of thinking over what was your perspective . It’s been erased and now your heart is very clear and I can see it in your eyes, Kabir. I can see me in your heart , hey naa .

Kabir : When I shut my eyes only your face is visible to me , Katha . It’s the time for me to find my true love and I have find it ..It’s you, Katha

Katha : I truely love you Kabir

Kabir : I love you too Katha

They both passionately hugged each other .

Shreya : You both are made for each other .

Shreya’s maa : My husband used to say that god will send angels to help us when his devotees are in trouble. At what form they comes no one knows it , but I believe Katha is that angel in my and daughter’s life who is been send by God. Kabir, you are really fortunate to get her as your life partner .

Kabir : It’s true Aunty. Perhaps in my greediness too I was having little percent of goodness. That’s why god send Katha for making me as good from heart in all ways .

Katha : God has gifted an honest person like you also. Your best quality is your straight forwardness and honesty , Kabir. You didn’t pretended anything and that’s what I like you .

Shreya : Kabir, sorry for all those words. But actually the plan was of Katha’s dad Dheeraj’s only. That day when he saw you both in road he felt much anger on Katha. He scolded her a lot for selecting a wrong person to love . He was not against of love, thing is he was feeling that you will love only money you can never love a girl truely. So he feared if you will ditch her . When we both told him that Kabir is nice,just that he is not seeing his heart he said he wants to see it.  Then he made a plan to test you and I came as his daughter .

Kabir : Oh!! So Mr. Malhotra is behind the whole drama, is it ?

Katha : Kabir !!

Kabir : Katha , why can’t we also do some drama ?

Katha : Are you sure ?

Kabir nodded his head

Kabir and Katha went back to Kabir’s house.

Dheeraj and Radhika was happy to see them together .

Dheeraj : Finally you realized Kabir , Katha I am happy for you.

Kabir ;  I am interested in the post

Dheeraj : What ?

Katha : You heard it right , dad.

Dheeraj : So you need my daughter

Kabir : Of course

Dheeraj : That means still you want her only because of that M.D post, money , You won’t love her

Katha : Dad, dad!!! Relax, Kabir just mentioned post only….Not M.D

Kabir give a letter to Dheeraj

Dheeraj : What’s it ?

Kabir : Open it and read, you will get to know

Dheeraj started reading the letter. Every one were curious to heard it

“Respected Sir

I hereby inform that I have madly , deeply fallen in love with a girl who is your daughter Katha . I started liking her without knowing her truely . But after knowing her very well I feels myself very much proud to love a good hearted girl. I heard from the tailor’s daughter Shreya about all the struggles which your daughter took, I have heard a saying that A friend in need is a friend indeed and now I really can’t lose my golden swan at any cost. Golden swan means not in the sense of money lender but in the sense of that golden love bird whose heart is much more valuable than pounds of gold. I have realized that money is not only the valuable thing, love is much valuable than tons of money and your daughter have taught me that lesson which I will never forget . My dream for acheiving M.D will be fullfiled only when the right time arrives, It should not be given to me as an offer. I will do my service towards Malhotra industries as clerk always and regarding promotion when the right time if you finds me as eligible and efficient then only select me for  that post . I won’t go to the path of short cuts any more as I realized there is no short cuts for success. You will get success only with your hadrwork and determination and I will always be a dedicated staff in my profession . I assure you that I will take care off your daughter very well and for that thing I am ready to take any sort of struggles as I love her truely. Please forgive me for my stupid thoughts and give me the post of your daughter’s husband only  if you find me as the most  eligible guy.                                                                                                                                                                                                     Thanking you,

Yours faithfully

Kabir Sinha

All were eager to see Dheeraj’s response . Dheeraj smiled and held Kabir’s hand

Dheeraj : You are appointed as my daughter’s husband . We both families need to prepare the appointment order as the form of wedding card

Kabir smiled in excitement and said : Sir !!!

Dheeraj : Sir nahi, Dad bolo

Kabir : Dad !!!

Radhika : We have got the world’s best guy for our daughter .

Kabir : Thank you so much Mom

Rupesh and Deepika : Kabir!!!

Kabir : Mom-dad!!

Kabir hugged them

Rupesh : Today you have proved that you are my son . Beta Katha will bring wonders in your life .

Deepika : Yes Kabir . She has created the magic of reforming you , I am so happy .

Dheeraj ; That’s why Rupesh I made all these plan

Rupesh : I understood it , Dheeraj. You gave me a good daughter in law, naa daughter .

After some months 

Kabir and Katha got married with the blessings of their families and beloved ones .

After marriage they had a reception .

Damodar ; Sir , Katha bitiya looks so good with Kabir

Dheeraj : I know it. By the way where is your son , Rudra ?

Damodar : He will be arriving , Sir

Shreya announced : Excuse me ladies and gentle man , now it’s the time for seeing the beautiful dance of the newly wed couple Katha and Kabir . Stage is yours my sweet love birds

Shreya moved to a corner for giving them space . But soon her leg slipped and she was about to fell. Suddenly Rudra saved her by helding her

Rudra : Are you alright , Shreya ?

Shreya :Yeah mmh…

Rudra : Rudra, That’s my name,. I am Damodar ‘s son .

Shreya : Oh, Nice to meet you.

Radhika ; Aap logon kaa filmy romance khatam huwa ? Meri bahu aur bete ko naachna hein

Shreya : Oh!!

Rudra and Shreya held their positions back. Kabir and Katha came forward and held each other’s hands . As the song started playing they both danced romantically

At the wedding night when Katha was finding hard to unsip the back  portion of her blowse  Kabir slowly passed his fingers and started unsipping the hook. Katha was feeling magic over her body when his fingers touched her back .

Afterwards Katha turned and looked Kabir

Katha : Kabir !!

Kabir quickly placed his finger on her lips

Kabir : I know you have lot to tell , we are in new step of life and this night is very special for us . I have kept a gift for you.

Kabir bought a plate for Katha

Kabir : I have made Kaju Katli for you, Your Mom was saying you loves this sweet very much, Why can’t we start this new beginning as sweeter with this sweet ?

Katha smiled and tasted it

Kabir : Is it good or bad ?Tell me honestly, I have made it first time

Katha : It’s nice, It’s so sweet but not much sweeter than you my Sweetest Husband.

Kabir : You liked it Sweet heart

Katha : It’s full of love from you there is no point of not liking it, I loved it.

Kabir and Katha smiled

Katha : Why you are so much good, Kabir ?

Kabir : Because you are with me Katha . Listen I will also give my half salary for Shreya’s studies .

Katha : That’s nice Kabir. It could be a big help

Kabir : If you haven’t entered my life I would have never realized life is much beautiful .

Katha : You are the reason of my smile, Kabir , After felling in love I always feel to smile

Kabir : And I will make sure that this smile should stay forever .

Katha and Kabir slowly held each other intimately and melt into the world of their love

After two  years

Kabir and Katha welcomed their first bady, they named their girl baby as Muskaan as they felt now she bought the smile of happiness in their lives

Shreya became doctor in a reputed hospital. Her mother’s disease was cured completely .

Shreya thanked Kabir and Katha for helping her in her tough times. Damodar approached Shreya and his mother for making an alliance of his son Rudra’s with Shreya as Rudra was already attracted towards Shreya . Shreya agreed to it and they had a purely arranged marriage .

Kabir and Katha started a fund programme in Malhotra industries for sponsoring the education of factory labourers . Dheeraj was impressed with them . He conducted another interview at the office for selecting clerks at accounts department .  This time Katha was much prepared and she answered all questions well. Katha was selected as clerk. Kabir and Katha both continued clerikal jobs at the company respectively on adminstration and accounts wings.

As now the parents of Kabir and Katha were happy they thought to take a break from their routine life. Dheeraj and Radhika went to a holiday trip .

Rupesh and Deepika thought some thing different . They recreted their wedding moments again by dressing up in bridal attires. Rupesh lifted Deepika in arms and stated that still he is very romantic.

They all lived happily .

AN : Thanks a lot friends for reading and commenting . Hope you all liked this version of Kunal . I really miss the movie and actress Soundarya who was the best in the whole movie. If you have seen any of her movies tell me which one you thinks as her best movie . For me she is best in Premaku Velayara, Ponnumani and Pelli Chesukundam. Do tell me which is your favourite . 


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