Jaana Na Dil Se Door 14th March 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Vividha saying I have to find out, what’s in Raghav’s house that Madhav got scared. Ravish asks her what is she thinking and going on. Suman thinks why is Guddi not calling me. Ravish asks Vividha to come back. Vividha says let me just go there and check once for my satisfaction. He says Madhav’s imagination is great, you know it, this never happened before, he was kidnapped and this affected him, everything will get fine.
Vividha says maybe you are right, please let me go there once and find out what is troubling Madhav, its important for us to know if something happened. He agrees. She says its Holi today, I m sure I will get all my answers. He says fine, be in touch, take care. Suman worries.
Atharv gets Guddi outside and opens blindfold. He surprises her showing Holi arrangements. Guddi says if Vividha reaches her and sees Atharv, Suman will not leave me, where is my phone. Vividha comes there. She thinks Ravish is not understanding what am I feeling, my heart is saying, something will happen. Driver says we reached madam. She gets shocked seeing Vashisht house.
She recalls incidents happened in Vashisht house. Atharv throws colors and wishes happy holi. Guddi says happy holi, I had to call Suman. He says call her later, come. Vividha cries and enters the house. Atharv plays dhol and smiles. Vividha sees him from backside. He gets surrounded by people. He senses something and turns a bit. Vividha goes to other side. He does not see her. She comes at same point again. He senses her presence and gets restless. Both of them turn towards each other. People dance and come in between. She misses to see his face. He dances with Guddi.
Vividha says Gargi ji, I will talk to her. People move off from her sight. She sees Atharv and gets shocked. Atharv dances with Guddi. She drops the gift.
Atharv kisses on Guddi’s forehead. Vividha gets angry and recalls celebrating holi with Atharv. Guddi turns and sees Vividha. She gets shocked. Vividha leaves angrily. Guddi thinks was she Vividha…. and worries.
Atharv asks what are you doing here, come. Vividha runs out and cries. She thinks of Atharv and sits crying. She thinks I felt strange when I spoke to Raghav, fate prepared me to see what I could not see till now, this is Atharv’s truth, so he never wished to return to me.
Vividha comes back to Ajmer. She tells everything to Ravish. She says what did I not do for him, I got enmity with the world, what did he do with me, what did he gave me, he has run away leaving me, I also moved on in life and asked myself one question, did I do mistake in understanding him, I was right, my decision was best to move on in life with you and not wait for him, he is staying in your house like a shameless person, Kalindi snatched that house from you, he was behaving like we have no existence in his life, his life is perfect. Ravish silently listens.
He asks and our life, is there anything less in our life, if you have moved on, why this anger, Atharv’s life is his own, he can’t interfere in our life, he took his decision, we took our decision, he is happy in his life, we are happy in our life, you know that house was not valuable for me than relation, Ramakant left that house for him, desires and wishes can be costly, but happiness can’t be costly, we have our world, we have loving and caring people, they love us and we love them, we have our diamond Madhav, Lord might have given a lot to Atharv, but Lord gave me a lot, Atharv is happy there, we are happy here, if we turn back, the way ahead disappears, be happy always. He wipes her tears. O re piya…….plays………… He applies her holi colors. She gets tearful eyes. He wishes her happy holi. She also applies him holi and wishes him happy holi. He smiles. She hugs him. Suman looks on and smiles.
Suman says Atharv and Vividha should not meet till Amavasya, I have to do something that Vividha gets busy in Ajmer. She adds something in Madhav’s milk. Madhav faints. Everyone get shocked.
Update Credit to: Amena
i hate this serial from now…nt interested in watching this anymore…fed up of current track..
Don’t know what 2 comment for today’s episode.
What message do writers want to convey us..? Today Vividha agreed tht she had moved on in her life with Ravish nd she is happy with him .Today i felt tht Vividha has a charcter which i mch bettr than previous one portrayed..
Now 100prcnt there should b Ravidha..no more Vitharva fom today.. The end is quite predictable now.. there couldn’t be a way tht Vitharva can now b proved right through ny flashbck scenes or any deal.. Cuz frm today’s episode it is clear tht there is no deal bw Ravidha but they’ve moved on in their life..so even if now vividha gets to know the truth of Atharva she doesn’t desrve him anymore.. Now i feel tht Madhav is Ravish’s son only .. Vitharva fans kindly forget abt Vitharva now..I think now there is no more peopl wanting Vividha to unite with Atharva.. No the thing which is left to see is how Atharva is justified..
*is mch bettr
*now the thing
Seee, Atharv has bcm a cheap person in front of his love
… I hate this drama
this story has lost its charm by bring ravish now i think that the story its about ravidha and not vividha and now suman has changed from villain to hero what shit story yaar
What is going on….
Hope on maha amavasya suman kills Cv
Dragging each episode……
Why that anklet girl didn’t helped atharv today?
Hope vividha tells sujatha abt atharav….
Everyone is happy expect atharv and sujatha….
For vividha it’s hard to forget her first love,& Last part was awesome?,so based on this Ravidha moved on?..love you Ravish??.
Happy b’day nidha…
Really I’m feeling disgusting..
I’ll stop reading this updates also..
This serial is really disgusting than anything…
There is no love nothing remains in this crap…
I’m unable to tolerate this..
Get lost and go to he’ll stupid cvs..
What they showed in fst phase is totally nothing now…
Sooper se upar. Vividha moved on with ravish. Den y she said Kabhi bhi mere pas nahi lautna chahta tha, kabhi bhi nahi”.
she was still waiting for him ?. Den how can u say she moved on with ravish. She was literally crying for atharv n guddi scene, but y. Many questions. If she moved on with him how vitharv souls connected. Wn ravish hugged vividha he gave weird smile like suman(i felt). He knows about Suman?After knowing about atharv, y he is not giving importance to brother bond? Wts going on ?.
I think ravish is involved in this…
That’s y he is arguing and not letting vividha to think and explore….
Yes @suman nd @hanshu.. To unite vitarva there’s a single way tht’s Ravish being -ve.. Bt this would be the failure of Jndsd which would only prove the fact tht if Ravish had been +ve it would only have been Ravidha! which is the failure of Vitharva bond itself.. So to prove vitharva right Ravish’s charctr bing -ve is the only possible way ..
Sry suman ji. Ravish didn’t involved in suman’s plan. Don’t forget yaaaar ravish is only person savior of adharv’s life and another thing ravish always obays his Father’s orders and requests. So don’t blame ravish guys.
I strongly believe This is only move on concept story.
S he always obeys father orders. Really r u joking. Wt ramakant asked give all his rights as elder son n give respect to vividha as badi bahu. It doesn’t mean take rights over atharvs property n people. Wt is ravishs character at present. Just owned every thing dat belongs to atharv. N failed in every aspect. He didn’t even full filled his own promise. Ramakant literally told vividha is ur babhi. Sooper obedient son.
Ramakant is not above god.. Ramakant wen made the wish din know what’s going to happen tomorrow.. He nevr said tht make them marry at any cost in any circmstances.. He supposed vitharva to be married at first place only..In which wish had he written tht even if Vividha marries another man/ (or my own son) still let Vitharva marry without thinking anything.. Dun give excuses on the wish of a dead man who nevr knew wht’s gonaa happen tomorrow… Suppose any father’s last wish is to make two person’s married tht doesn’t mean tht if one of them dies in case the othr still won’t marry one nd live like a widow/widower saying tht it was his/her father’s last wish.. This is illogical##!!
Yes ur correct on ur point of view suman ji but ravish do this all for adharv & Vividha. This is one of the ultimate twist of story. Then vividha knows his intentions she definitely move on with ravish. One more thing at the time ravidha marriage ravish doesn’t know d vidharv love. After he knows d vi……….dharv love he ready to sacrifice his wife but he didn’t look Vividha is his bhabhi cause he already loved & marriage Vividha. So that he only confused state. At the same time Vividha insists ravish for ravidha marriage. That time he accepted but I thought that his intention different ( he saves vi………dharv love & bond). U know that he sacrificed his whole life fr his father’s wish.
That’s way he do all this. So ravish stand with Vividha like as a Frnd. But vividha accepted heart fully ravish is her husband he will do his husband duties also.
So he never breaks vi……….dharv love at any cost/time.
So don’t balm ravish character pls.
Bahubali I am not saying he should obey his father words. As Sudheer saying he fulfilled his father wish. Dis answer is for dat. He didn’t even stand for his promise. How can I expect fulfilling his fathers last wish. Fact is fact. It won’t change.
Guys ,did really Viv hugged ravish??? M i dreaming??? Really she hugged him????????
what the hell the pain that she had by seeing atharva indicates that she still loves him,Bt wt the hell she did at the end??
u were absolutely ,right Viv u never understand atharv…never find him wn he went away…never wanted to analyze deep on the matter…u too moved on with ravish,naa???hv a 4 yr old boy…y u expect different frm atharva???
guys its terrible that Viv came frm thr without knowing a single bit if truth….
ravish is a gud man Bt i would say i don’t like his gudness…dont know ,y Bt have a terrible feeling he is hiding something…may be its abt madhav…
ravish nd Viv if u don’t like atharva thn y owning his things??? The tabela,the milk supply,etc. ND somewhere madhav may be…
really disgusting to see Viv range of love ,atharv who got fatal injuries in head several times,being druged fr 4 yrs, still has feelings fr Viv…even though he has wife guddi(according to,him),he thinks of Viv…
ths proves how strong was his love fr Viv,of course becz he only taught wt is love…
m completely shattered into pieces…
plz stop ths suman track fr nw and concentrate on a single track ,she is really a cheap,character less,mom nd aa widow aitch ….who uses a small kid inorder fr just her son’s happiness…
what is think o thank god vividha rememberes who is atharva and she got flashbacks of their holi nice and why she ran away to ajmer and why she said that her decision to stay with ravish was correct and somewhere she felt that there is some reason behind this and there is some misunderstanding only
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
guys guys guys guys the majers has changed vividha character a lot is this the same who get any misunderstanding than she start spying and when in episode she said that she is misunderstanding atharva she was right and she was but she didn’t started spying I don’t know how to epxress what I want to say buy I know you are understanding what I want to say and that ravish he is such a cheapster I hate him why he said that let atharva live his life and we are living our life happily doesn’t he knows that vividha atharva are one life such a bad man niw if he does any good work I will just hate him it’s his family only bcoz of whom vividha atharva life has sky and earth difference I hate you ravish and that hug was so bad soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad I don’t like ravish even touch vividha abd they are hugging each other only
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
and guys that ravish is filling poison against atharva in vividha mind I hate you till crotes and more than although I never liked you and guys plsssssss don’t think I am bad but I don’t like him at all and ravish
hu..gged vividha that time he was having a relief like a villian that thank god vividha hates atharva now plssssssssssssssssssssssss vividha atharva is only yours tilll now plsssss find out the truth and I have mayting to say but I know that most you will say so only
Vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
I am fed up too…. they confirmed Vividha has moved on, so to unite Vitharv seems not possible, looks like it is going to be Ravidha… in which case I am done with the show. Sujaya was such a devotee and always prayed for her son’s happiness .., they made all sufferings her to go to her son too; made the evil people succeed and may be they are trying to say evil wins over true love;
As is now I am going back to season 1…
Today’s spoiler:
Ravish tries to stop Vividha from going to meet Raghav. He tells her that Madhav is in trauma of getting kidnapped and facing problems at a little age. Vividha wants to meet Raghav for her own satisfaction and takes Ravish’s permission. She convinces Ravish. Vividha reaches Vashisht’s house and gets a big shock realizing Raghav and Gargi stay there.
Atharv surprises Guddi by showing the lovely and dazzling Holi celebrations. He dances with Guddi and celebrates happiness. Guddi thinks to inform Suman about Vividha coming to meet Atharv. Atharv does not let Guddi go away. There are many hits and misses between Vividha and Atharv. Finally, Vividha gets to see Atharv with Guddi, whom she assumes as Gargi. She does not know Gargi is her younger sister Guddi, who badly cheated her.
Guddi is cheating even Atharv, by having an affair with Chintu. Atharv does not know Guddi and Suman’s truth. Vividha breaks down on seeing Atharv and runs out of the house, shedding tears as memories start flashing in her mind. Atharv’s promises echo in her ears. Vividha feels Atharv cheated her. She heads back to Ajmer. She confides everything seen in Vashisht house with Ravish. Ravish comforts her and asks her not to hold any grudge against Atharv, as even they have moved on in life. Ravish wishes happiness for Atharv and themselves.
Don’t know what to comment but if madhav is ravish’s son why is suman harming him? Surely she can find another way to keep vividha busy in Ajmer. I too think vividha should tell sujata and I also think that vividha will think about what the person said about suman being a black shadow. As stated in previous spoilers, I think she will try to expose suman.
Just hope somehow atharv comes to Ajmer without Guddi or sumans knowledge and recalls his past somehow.
Still doubting if ravish is involved with the rest of his family.
This vividha is a selfish girl always,she don’t deserve atharv in this serial only negative people win always nothing good happen only Sujatha atharv suffered a lot she moved on her life why can’t atharv pls stop this drama soon pls bring beautiful female lead for my atharv otherwise stop this serial it’s better for you allready TRP is low , comments also decreasing by that you can understand how all are fed up with this serial
iss show start hoi thi sujata and artherb ki struggling ko le kar jo abhi bhi kar rahi hai.jinko dard milta ha bo serf dard hi pati hai.Witter vi thori khushi nehi likhi unke lea. lol. kailesh kashap is hero of this show coz bo jayse chaha show besa hi hoa
I have a gut feeling that may be ravish is involved in suman’s plan. His reactions when madhav was talking about suman is suspicious. Today also I didn liked the smile on his face when he hugged vividha in the last scene n also it looked like he was eager toget rid of Atharv matter frm her mind n looked happy dat vividha hates Atharv..i don know may be cv’s are intending to turn him negative..but if that happens it will be bad..i don’t like d idea of turning some positive character into negative just for the sake of showing some others in the positive light..this goes for all serials..hate it.it will look like the so called positive characters does not have an existance of their own..it is degrading both to the positive character as well as the positive turned negative character..
Me too me too. That smile is fishy
Renuka I don’t know whether they make ravish as negative or not… but I can say one thing. ..
Fst of all vivida took the decision to marry ravish this decision is a very big blunder no girl want to marry another person if she really loves a person.. I don’t know they are married or not but they showed that vivida asked ravish fst of all that way of thinking only wrong…
Then where is true love of vivida???
And she assuming only she done everything for atharv what atharv bared b’coz of her she totally forgot about that..
She knows only her greatness no one become this much blind in their own greatness..
Vivida feels herself like mahaan…
I don’t how can cvs justify her character but already they make her characterless.. she is a cat on Wall always…
Now this many mistakes are there at vivida’s side.. then how can ravish character effect vitharv relation??
Vivida never love atharv I’m really feeling this now..
Poor atharv he blindly love a stupid girl…
Vivida never deserve atharv…
If they unite any of them also no one has interest in this crap…
And this madhav … they are clearly showing madhav is atharv child.. how can they justify their characters ??
Full of doubts that’s it. .. Nothing else..
sry@nidha many many many happy returns of the day may you get everything in your life that you want I know I am late soory for that I sometimes don’t get time to read all comments but till night read all and now I am late sorry and yes the most special thing for me in this comment session and a hope in serial and maker that they will make only only only and only
Vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
and may this ravish goes out from vividha atharva bcoz I don’t like him any more and how dare he said that let atharva be happy in his life and we in our who is he to say this he doesn’t have right to be called a step brother not even he is nothing in front of atharva a person for whom his family and his country was same and equal he left his job rubbish don’t even have words to say spoing each character day by day just can only hope for a mirae to happen and when will vividha know about the truth and for sure than she will feel guilty of herself and all that just only only only and only
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
and madhav vividha atharva sujata
mothers name with father and fathers mothers name a complete family just these four and in vividha house as there are all except that kk and ankit bcoz of whom all this happened again only
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
i like this commnent…really superb.
artherb or vividha ka sath writer kohi manjur nehi.dunia kea manjur karaygi.
this is the most annoying serial I’ve ever come across…. All of them can kill themselves in that amavasya for all i care… And cvs continue with ur dragging till you reach 1m episodes and hope you find urselves watching ur stupid serial alone!!!
@Linah, love ur comment. Similar thought in my mind
Oh please jndsd production team, if you want to reunite vitharv why so much drama.. Enough of this confusion.. Enough is enough only.. Sometimes play with ravidha fans emotions nd sometimes with vitharv fans emotions.. Wow you should get a gold medal kiya story hai.. Now after all this nonsense it is better to make ravidha and gutharv.. Seriously after leap all these days I thought that ravidha wasn’t serious about their relationship nd the marriage was not so strong nd was only maintaining for Madhav.. Bt after today’s epi… I don’t know.. No words to describe
it’s like this jndsd production team has deceived us vitharv fans.. Soooooo hurt I am.. Really.. Now if vitharv meets also ravish. What would happen to him?? it would have been better after leaps 3 of the main lead lived separately.. At least we won’t feel about the characters then..
Sorry to say, but Ravish was the CHEAPO of today’s episode…
Even after knowing his brother is there in Delhi, the great ex-soldier went on praising himself and his love for relationships without even once trying to find out what had happened to his brother.
Suman is only trying to make her son’s life happy and is much better I feel ….
As for Vividha, I am gonna come over to where ever the writers of JNSDS are and bang on their head if they show her anywhere near Atharva now. She doesnt deserve him from when first she married Ravish..
As for a girl with self respect and commonsense she would have told her father the great Kailash Kashyap that he can kill Atharv, but next moment after he makes her marry to someone else, she will kill herself…That would have been a heroin’s way of justice to her love somebody like Atharva…
I had stopped watching JNDSD and soon will stop reading updates too if the writters stick on to Ravish….
Like Suman di had told, if they feel Ravish have lot of fan following pls start a separate serial with him like Dil bole Oberoi…I had a hope, the writte’s can kill him anytime as he was a perfect soldier for his country and being a martyr was honorable. But now no hope for that as he has become a milkman and only hope is payal killing him with her kick…
Sorry guys.. FRUSTRATIONS of an ex-JNDSD fan and Atharv fan
@Nivedhita.. I am wondering why u Atharva fans din comment when Atharva tried to unite Ravish nd Vividha juz to provide his lov -Vividha the secure life by making her marry Ravish..! Why din u all think of Brother bond when Atharva being selfish tried to spoil Ravish’s life by making him marry a girl who he knew would nvr love him.. Ravish being a stupid man thought tht Atharva is trying to give him Vividha jst bcz he has the duties of eldr brothr..but Atharva being selfish in love dcided to ruin his brother’s life by making Ravidha married.. But today ppl are coming to comment against Ravish for being a bad brothr.God knows wht goodness Atharva showed by doing tht..
Right baahubali ?? ..well said…and Ravish is main positive male lead..peoples don’t expect like ravish will turn negative.don’t had fake hopes ? .he will not be negative.
Sorry bahubali. No offense. Atharv never claimed ravish as his dear brother. He says in Kashmir track. Plz never meet me in any janam. He don’t remember his baby atharv phase. He don’t have any emotional bond with ravish. But saved ravish from terrorists. But other hand ravish claims atharv as his loving brother, he can do any thing for him, he never leave him. Etc etc. But his words says something n actions something. I am not saying wt atharv did is right. I mean forcing vividha on ravish. He was selfish in dat situation about vividhas happiness. He want to safe guard vividhas life as he is in last days of his life. If madhav is not son of vitharv definitely ravidha is justified. But if madhav is son of atharv no force in universe have right to separate son from father. (atharv is living such a life (separated from son, his mother)
That is some what correct
She also asked ravish to marry her. That is totally wrong.
But this is also true that unknowingly and unfortunately ravish has taken or snatched atharv lover and son ( still I believe madhav is atharv child) and his milk business also
Finally I can say this surely three of them suffer very much because of their wrong decisions in wrong situations . Three characters should pay for this .
We are only the responsible for our happiness and sufferings.
Good bahubali ji .
@baahubali i want u to watch d episode..where atharv wanted vividha to get married to ravish coz he was told that he was abt to die…n he doesnt waant vividha to be as a widow
Yes @suman..I agree tht Ravish said tht he lovd Atharv as a brthr but Athrva never did anything like nor did he say tht .. But today the matter of fact is tht Ravish has no more love for Athrava (as he thinks tht Atharva has betrayed them or whatevr) so he is not showing any concern for him nd doing nothing for him..Yestrday he had love for him bt today he believes him to cheat sujata nd family by going away..so he has no love for him since 4 yrs..So now why do u expect him to go to Atharva? At marriage time Ravish din go to find him cuz he left by himself due to th doubt tht Vividha love Ravish( his pov) but today he also doesn’t have any love for him(may b tomorrow wen he knows abt Atharva he regrets)
Yes Eswari ..I completely agree with you tht now whtvr circumstnces Ravish would b bearing would not b only bcz of Vividha but there would be equal responsibility of his in his sufferings rather even more than her! He has himslf invited the bull to have feast with him..by marrying vividha nd trusting her..
@Vaamshi.. I’ve clearly watched tht episode..
I would like to make one thing clear to you tht Selfishnss is not only definitn of thinking abt ur h@ppiness nd ur pleasur..it also includes the wrongs or harm which u do to others for ur lovd one’s sake without thinking abt the othr person.. If u don’t agree with me it would mean tht u dun consider Suman selfish due to th fact tht she hasn’t done any harm to others for her sake rather she has done all the sins for her family nd son.. But u call her selfish why? Cuz she has thought only abt her family nd son without bothering abt others lives nd sufferings .. Here Atharva had also wanted vividha to marry Ravish so tht she doesn’t live like a widow inspite of knowing tht she would nevr love Ravish nd he loved her alot.. Both the cases are same but Suman has stooped to the lowest level of selfishness
Hope u got my point
@baahubali hahaaha so u r comparing atharv sacrifice to suman black magic appreciate it.?? In ur POV thinkin of someones happiness is selfishness n harmin other people for d sake of own son is greatness…
@Niveditha bang on. Superb comment. With u on all counts!!!
Still vividha loves atharv nd atharvv loves vividha.. They feel each other presence.. What a pure love.. Got spoiled bcx of kailash at the first place nd now this suman.. I will blame kailash the beast most for all these things.. When vitharv was in ajmer he created all the misunderstanding Btw vitharv.. If not vitharv would have been together.. Now he must be enjoying the view of ravidha living in ajmer while atharv living in his real property in a luxurious life..
@anonymous – any relationship b/w two ppl(strong or weak),it depends on them only.
Coming to vitharv love story – viv has to be blamed mostly. Every person,at times has to make right choices. Otherwise we will loose chance. And chance always changes both destiny and fate.
1. Since the beginning, viv always have blind Faith in her father. False drug case, viv kidnapping —- she knows her father wanted to harm Atharv. She could not take decisions based on current reality (practical angle). She always wanted to value relationships. She don’t want to make to choice(Atharv vs kailash). She is preferring compromise. On the marriage day, (first time -marrying to ravish) she have realised that compromise (atharv and kaliash) never possible. But she made this choice,once she get to know abt atharv’s health condition.if she could made this choice,when indumati suggested her to elope with Atharva, the situation would be entirely different. Atharv respected her opinion though he knew that compromise never happens. At he keeps on trying to make her realize abt her father. But viv is so brainless fellow. I feel she is not selfish. But her decision making -lacks practical angle, lacks out of box thinking,always considers narrow limited priorities while making decisions. For ex: to save Atharv from Kk and goons, she agreed kk’s deal. She considers make Atharv alive,never considers abt after marriage life and abt ravish.
2. On the day,when truth revealed in front of everyone (after terrorist attack),she(along with sujata and pagal atharv) should say bye to vashisht house. She just considers ramakanth will and his intension to give property rights to Atharv,fulfilling ravish wish(obligation to fulfill his father’s wish). She never considers how it fuels evil intentions in the family. She knows very well that suman never accepted sujata. Suman never accepts truth. She always prefers relationships (let everyone under one roof). She failed to make choice again. In the end, dadaji(ex military man) became criminal. She is so senseless, so far they did not accepted sujata. How can they vitharv relation. She knew very well except ravish.. no one accept/support vitharv. They still feel Atharv illegal. Suman saved Atharva’s life in hospital. But when she get to know abt atharv’s love truth,she just thinking abt ravish but not abt Atharv pain and suffering. It’s pretty clear they wont accept vitharv. Again her choice lacks practical angle.
Part 2… I will comment shortly.
Wow lakshmi really wonderful . Beautiful comment. I appreciate you. Not only vivitha , ravish and atharv also not think in practical way. Ravish doesn’t know or not that his greatness gives only guilty feeling to vitharv and every one.
Atharv unknowingly used the word neighbour to represent vivitha in front of reporters the effect was that word is really ruined their life.
What is the necessary to arrange the marriage of vitharv in vasi house? Why ravish accept vivi again ? I can’t. . It gives confusion and head ache only
Anyway super super lakshmi
@eswari. Thanks eswari. I feel both ravish and atharv thinks practically. Whatever ravish did after he came to know abt vitharv,viv always respected him. This is the turning point in vitharv relation. Ravish wanted to gain some space in viv heart. He never wanted to leave her(even after atharv is back.. He showed his presence in her life). If ravished shouted at her, he may not be able to create soft corner,sympathy for himself…he is very practical guy. And also I see(personal opinion) ravish does emotional black mailing. (Causes guilty feeling in vitharv)-practically manipulating ppl.ravish himself promised to viv that he will get them married. Phir e Rona dhona kya hey???
Atharv knows kk will marry viv to some other guy… If atharv objected to viv opinion.. She will never ever realise bitter truths of her life. Atharv ready to make sacrifices for the sake of viv.
Some ppl say viv is selfish. But I feel ,to get married only to love of her life is every woman’s reasonable wish. yes She is indifferent to ravish feelings. Bcos Ravish promised her that she will get her love of life. He gave her hope. Viv may not be able to accept herself as mother of ravish children. I see it as she is unable to compromise but not selfish.
Yes… Viv always thinks she sacrificed so much.it looks selfish stmt. If u see it from viv angle may be bcos of madhav atharv sujata. Previously she never did any comparison of their sacrifices. In today’s episode she did. She is unaware of what are all happened(suman game)
It is not like I am supporting viv. I am just sharing my views abt viv character/behaviour. Usually,we see female lead as role model. But JNDSD,clearly shows what is best(ATARV) and worst(VIVIDHA) attitude. If we see viv actions from what should not be done,we will not get frustrated
Very nice interpretation for vividha. But fact is she still loves atharv n she didn’t move on with ravish. Her break down in todays episode tells every thing. Vividha n ravish words says something n actions some thing. She waited for atharv. Now also she is waiting for him. Dis is actual fact n truth. She can’t love any one other than atharv. According to me her marriage decision was blunder. N mistakes r common from every one. N wt u told About ravish also true. He was never selfless. He never want to leave vividha. But on other hand vividha was d one who fought for her love leaving no choices for ravish other than leaving. How he can sacrifice vividha, he never owned her. From beginning I am saying wt ravish doing is emotional athyachar.,which is dangerous than actual villainism. I hate men doing dis.
@Suman.. Inspite of Laxmi writing so many paras against Vividha’s charctr u’re saying Vividha has committed mistake..!!!! My goodness I’ve nevr seen anybody in my life getting so many chances after doing so many mistakes … Wht she has done on her marriage day to Atharva is a mistake acc to you.. True love nevr means impulsiveness nd getting married to anothr person (ur ex-husband) if ur bf leaves u at mandap… In real life scenario if even a girlfriend does this normally it is not said tht she has done mistake . If ur boyfriend leaves you whom u claim to love uncnditionally..u’ll com in relationship with ur ex immediately..this is also charactrlessness.. Ppl cry over their breakups n not go to their ex asking them to link up again immediately… This is wht vividha has done.. She has left her would b husband as soon as he left nd married her soon to be divorced ex-husband.. But she has done a mistake! ! I hope in real life also ppl get to do these mistakes nd then rectify it aftr 4 yrs..
Part 2….
3. Once they reached Ajmer,she requested Atharv to wait for sometime (marriage). I can’t explain itna faltu decision hey. She could not considers misunderstanding created when they stayed in Ajmer for one day(kk-damaging ravish car).Suman objected when ravish let viv go. Again here it aggravated evil intensions in suman. Major blunder and bad choice- viv visiting vashisht house to attend award ceremony. That to after bad fight with Atharv. Comparing ravish and Atharv. It gives required strength to suman’s evil plan. Viv(indirectly) expressed her Utmost respect towards what ravish did to her. Suman wanted to manipulate viv feelings.
4. Ravish arranging vitharv marriage-viv knew very well that Atharv doubting her love. How come she expected that he married her. She always requested Atharv for time. But she failed to return the same to Atharv. She failed to convince him abt her feeling. First of all,she never understood him well. She could not have accepted marriage function in vashisht house. It is very clear that suman never digest this. Still she did not object. Bcos she respects ravish. And she can not say no? Who said saying no is disrespectful??She is expressing care towards ravish. And also promises to maintain lifelong friendship with him. Again bad decision. She never considers how this friendship affects ravish feelings. Will he be able to change love to friendship. If another girl come to ravish life,how she will see this ex wife and husband friendship. She just wanted to give ravish something as she could not continue marriage relation with him.
Kk,dadaji,suman etc…(so many culprits)… Root cause one and only VIVIDHA. Time and again,it is proved that in her life.. she can not make compromise wrt to relationships. Even she realised (when she in Kashmir – in the temple she realised.. everyone blames her.. har ek rishta toothed ja… Something)..Once she returned from Kashmir,she continued to stay in vashisht house.
So many times. She got opportunity/chance to marry Atharv. But she could not make right choice.
Viv’s life – I personally feel,the person most cheated her is Uma. As a mother she never informed true face of ok to viv(except on the day of her marriage). Uma suggested viv to choose pure love(when Uma explained viv her love story) But Uma failed show true colors of ok to viv. How can Uma expects viv to make right choice? Her father,brother cheated her. Guddi(before het death drama)at one point warned viv. Dadaji tried to kill viv….
Atharv …..after bearing this much pain he never blamed her. From thee past happenings,she could have realised that athatv is the only person whom she can trust. But viv failed realise this. To my surprise,she never thought not even once why he did this??? Why he left sujata????let sujata to stay with viv?????
Atarv always says he is athatv sujata… He left his identity with viv… Viv … There is no limits to her stupidity.
Viv provided chance to all culprits to play with her life. Her bad choices made her to loose athatv. She badly missed chance to marry athatv. It changed not only her fate.. Athatv,sujata,madhav etc…
Whom to blame for her blind faith….km???
Viv knows very well.. Suman ko achha nahi lagaraye(vitharv).. She instigated evil intentions in sduman… Whom to blame suman????
After hearing so many bad words abt atharv(suman)… I personally feel she should have left to Ajmer from the vashisht house gate(press people taking ravish interview..suman saying viv as her bahu)..why did she stay in vashisht house.????? Whom to blame suman??????
Dadaji never accepted atharv. He openly expresses that.still staying there… At last he killed atharv…whom to blame dadaji????
If vashisht accepts atharv…sujata don’t have to suffer alone. Even ravish tried. Suman never accepted truth. Viv clearly says she can not leave vashisht house. Biggest blundert. Viv failed to make choice atharv vs vashisht….. Whom to blame for????? Is it not viv.
Viv is the only connecting point b/w atharv and vashisht. As sujata rightly said viv decision will change the Fate of atharv and ravish. But the fact is it will impacts fate of sujata and vashisht. Her choices are the causes for all this mess.
I din read ur full comment but everything I read is completely right nd undeniable ..
Every word is true. But vividha is just mad.
Fed up with vividhas nautanki n supporting characters.
Kailash kashyap.. Now will you come again to separate ravish nd vividha cx he is poor milk man and unite vividha with atharv cox he is a successful business man..
@anonymous, hahaha:))
We are gradually getting closer to the truth now.
It is understood dat vivi has misunderstandings abt atharv but what she talked abt atharv was out of my tolerance dat atharva has given her only sadness . then for whom he has suffered till date ? For whom he back after fighting with death ?
If he has to leave her means he could do that earlier also by not coming back
This girl has great ability to think negative about atharv but not a bit to think about his love and sufferings
And she said that its ravish’s house where they are staying But vivi can u think that where are u and ur ravish living and using whose properties?
Now Even I have a gut feeling that ravish character can turn negative bcoz that is the only way they can justify vitharv but if this happens Iam sorry to say but the cvs are the most foolish people they had already spoil the story hope they don’t do this if they want to unite vitharv then ok fine kill ravish but don’t make him negative plz frm todays episode my hope for ravidha has become stronger but don’t have trust on this writers I think even they are confused between ravidha nd vitharv they had spoilthe story so much that don’t now how they will justify every character ravidha
Yes @Aashu..there is none other way out to unite Vitharva until there is fault in Ravish.. Many fans here are wishing to have Vitharva but this is only possible if Ravish turns negative or he dies..In both of these cases Vividha is justified ..so if they want Vitharva they’ve to make Ravish negative.. But acc to me tht’s even not possible..Ravish’s charctr ha been loved equally as Atharva’s in the show (leaving some of the judgmntal nd hypocrite fans) so maker’s won’t turn him negativ..From the beginning itself it was clear tht Ravish would be a +ve charctr ..but no hole now cuz the way they’v ruined Vividha’s charctr they can spoil Ravish too…
***But the best part would be tht the makers take the story with the way the charctrs are cuz changing Ravish into -ve is the failure of Jndsd Makers whch would just ensure the fact tht if Ravish would’v been the way he is now (in case his charctr is changd) it was only Ravidha ***
I also wish the same writers wont do that . Jndsd will become failure if ravish turns negative and no vitharv .
We hope for.best