Jaana Na Dil Se Door 14th March 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Vividha saying I have to find out, what’s in Raghav’s house that Madhav got scared. Ravish asks her what is she thinking and going on. Suman thinks why is Guddi not calling me. Ravish asks Vividha to come back. Vividha says let me just go there and check once for my satisfaction. He says Madhav’s imagination is great, you know it, this never happened before, he was kidnapped and this affected him, everything will get fine.
Vividha says maybe you are right, please let me go there once and find out what is troubling Madhav, its important for us to know if something happened. He agrees. She says its Holi today, I m sure I will get all my answers. He says fine, be in touch, take care. Suman worries.
Atharv gets Guddi outside and opens blindfold. He surprises her showing Holi arrangements. Guddi says if Vividha reaches her and sees Atharv, Suman will not leave me, where is my phone. Vividha comes there. She thinks Ravish is not understanding what am I feeling, my heart is saying, something will happen. Driver says we reached madam. She gets shocked seeing Vashisht house.
She recalls incidents happened in Vashisht house. Atharv throws colors and wishes happy holi. Guddi says happy holi, I had to call Suman. He says call her later, come. Vividha cries and enters the house. Atharv plays dhol and smiles. Vividha sees him from backside. He gets surrounded by people. He senses something and turns a bit. Vividha goes to other side. He does not see her. She comes at same point again. He senses her presence and gets restless. Both of them turn towards each other. People dance and come in between. She misses to see his face. He dances with Guddi.
Vividha says Gargi ji, I will talk to her. People move off from her sight. She sees Atharv and gets shocked. Atharv dances with Guddi. She drops the gift.
Atharv kisses on Guddi’s forehead. Vividha gets angry and recalls celebrating holi with Atharv. Guddi turns and sees Vividha. She gets shocked. Vividha leaves angrily. Guddi thinks was she Vividha…. and worries.
Atharv asks what are you doing here, come. Vividha runs out and cries. She thinks of Atharv and sits crying. She thinks I felt strange when I spoke to Raghav, fate prepared me to see what I could not see till now, this is Atharv’s truth, so he never wished to return to me.
Vividha comes back to Ajmer. She tells everything to Ravish. She says what did I not do for him, I got enmity with the world, what did he do with me, what did he gave me, he has run away leaving me, I also moved on in life and asked myself one question, did I do mistake in understanding him, I was right, my decision was best to move on in life with you and not wait for him, he is staying in your house like a shameless person, Kalindi snatched that house from you, he was behaving like we have no existence in his life, his life is perfect. Ravish silently listens.
He asks and our life, is there anything less in our life, if you have moved on, why this anger, Atharv’s life is his own, he can’t interfere in our life, he took his decision, we took our decision, he is happy in his life, we are happy in our life, you know that house was not valuable for me than relation, Ramakant left that house for him, desires and wishes can be costly, but happiness can’t be costly, we have our world, we have loving and caring people, they love us and we love them, we have our diamond Madhav, Lord might have given a lot to Atharv, but Lord gave me a lot, Atharv is happy there, we are happy here, if we turn back, the way ahead disappears, be happy always. He wipes her tears. O re piya…….plays………… He applies her holi colors. She gets tearful eyes. He wishes her happy holi. She also applies him holi and wishes him happy holi. He smiles. She hugs him. Suman looks on and smiles.
Suman says Atharv and Vividha should not meet till Amavasya, I have to do something that Vividha gets busy in Ajmer. She adds something in Madhav’s milk. Madhav faints. Everyone get shocked.
Update Credit to: Amena
Just go to hell vividha and raveesh I hate u both…so madhav is raveesh son? ….noooo I can’t bear this, really I hate to see raveesh face…writers plz make him negative,many people want this only..if u feel it is not naya soch ,no problem we want the routine story lk hero and heroine unite
This serial is.. Bullshit..Chi,chi….Wat the hell writter are showing,completely disgusting.
1st of all,they showed lyk vitharv is the end,then y they r showing intimate scenes of Ravidha.,now I too don’t think vitharv deserves each other,very much dragging and disappointing……From today’s episode it is clr tat,for vitharv to unite,cvs will ruin ravish charectr by changing into -ve role..
Or they will show ravish vll die uniting vitharv….. as othr stories have
I don’t know if anybody else is…. But I’m quite miffed!
How could Vividha see Arthav, then go back Ajmer and not even tell his mother Sujata? That is woman’s only son! Despite what may or may not have happened as a mother she would like know her son is okay!
How selfish can Vividha be? She went for the sake of her son but don’t care about another mother’s feelings?
In love you want to know that the other person is happy even though they’re not with you!
That is what Arthav did for Vividha and has always done.
I can never come to like this Vividha character ever again!
As for Ravish, he’s the most selfish person ever! Failed as a son, brother, father and army officer! There is nothing authentic about fellow.
No individuality, no shame not sense of pride!
Vividha’s own custom-made door mat!
Is he involved with Suman? Frankly I don’t care because even up on finding that out it will make no difference in my opinion of him. He already dwells in the gutter IMO!
These writers have gone bonkers!
Hello Suman, Karan, Nazeen Nidha, Nikh, aaliya, 143, xyz….Hope all is well?
Sorry if I forgot any names!
Hi naveen.. Bakwas Bana diya story ko
Hey Suman!
Don’t know what’s left to see.
Show is ruined!
Too illogical, too much of the same things, no balance etc
I doubt they will ever be able to justify Vividha’s decisions. CVs has literally murdered her character that even strong Vitharv supporters have come to hate her. They prefer someone else for Arthav.
The girl who’s playing Guddi’s character would been perfect but they spoilt that too.
Why did it have to be such a complicated basely track?
Why couldn’t Arthav meet this girl who help him, then found out he was well but on going back he saw everyone busy in their life so he moved on based on that?
All this moon night, witchcraft etc is quite distasteful.
Hello guys, Yes agree, I wanted Vividha to feel the pain to see Atharva with someone else.
So now she knows what it feels to be ‘Hurt’.
And she justifies her decision to move on with Ravish?? Sujata and Atharva have given her all she blo*dy hell owns. She doesn’ t deserve Atharva, she never understood her and that’s the sad part.
She should have first discussed Atharva with Sujata but instead choose Ravish. Congrats Vividha!! Really trust ur good for nothing hubby because really Atharva is wayyyyyyyy too good 4 u!!
She never understood him*
Karan this girl is too dumb and undeserving of a man like Arthav.
After what she saw today she made the whole thing about her, her feelings, her betrayal etc
Get over yourself Vividha!
You don’t pop diamond neither does the world revolve around you, at least not Arthav’s world ????
Karan the highlight for me today was the shock on her face I was basking in her reaction………… Schadenfreude!????
Hi Karan.
@ NaveenS, me too. Sorry to say but I felt sheer pleasure to see her cry. Can’t wait till she gets to know the whole truth then she can hand herself !!
Dug a pit now lie in it Vividha!!
Btw How have u been?? Has been long since got sometime to check comments. Good to hear from u and many other pals out here.
Hope to see a.better track from here.
Hi Suman, have managed to read a few comments on and off. Hope allz good with u. Missed out on wishing u guys a Happy Holi!!
Hopefully will be able to comment often !!
Great episode
This suman uffffff
Ravish ?
This serial is getting worst day by day.
Now it’s clear that ravish is also involved in this all.
How much we loved ravish ,&what’s getting in return.
I don’t like this ……..
I always thinking that why ravish is quit after what’s happened with madhav.
Now it’s clear.writer wants to turn ravish in villain.
I hate u writer sahab/sahibaa.
vitharv and vitharv only,go die yourself ravish and suman
I hate to see the goody goody look of ravish face…. Something is fishy with his smile…. Let Stuart know the truth soon
I think the ghost is the terrorist lady… Lets see
I lost my hope.good by
this is the first serial that I ever sawed where villains are more than positive characters and victory for villians.. what the bullshit…really really fed up…plz make ravish as a negative character…otherwise stop this serial…we are waiting for almost 6 months…still there is no hope for vitharv…they are showing the hell stupidity ravidha…iam watching this serial only for vikram…but now…I really up for this dragging serial ..so bye bye jndsd…this is best love story from phase 1…but now this is the worst serial star plus and I ever seen…blo*dy hell…
I have to know this first

If she decided to live with ravish then where is mangal sutra ?
Why she told that he does not want to return to me ? What is the meaning of this?
Suppose after the memory recovery of atharv if he will come back to vivitha means what will she do ?
Why they didn’t show the ravidha remarriage again in that mandap ?
First let the writers to show the suman evil things then every truth will come one by one.
I can’t believe ravish and vivitha marriage
I can’t imagine ravish as a negative character. I don’t want ravidha I want vitharv . But I believe my captain. Directors please don’t disappoint me.
Sangiv puri told that ravish is innocent he don’t know about suman.
One guy told this two weeks before in the comment section itself.
Don’t imagine anything.
Directors all the best for more dragging and play with viewers interest.
But anyway to see the scenes of ravish and vivitha I am not happy. Deep love and affection untold magic is missing which are necessary to lovable couples.
If vivitha will tell the same dialogue ” my decision was best to live with ravish” after know the truth also means I will appreciate and feel happy not only myself all ravish fans will be happy.
But I don’t want that. Give justice to atharv he doesn’t know that all are acting in that house. He has no any true relation and well wisher also .
No need ravidha.
Ravish please you live alone.
I don’t know what I tell. Good concept and good love story totally collapsed.
End the show soon. Try to show any family based show. I don’t want love story . Bas itna enough hai .
Saravanan meenakshi tamil serial that love story is really better.
Jndsd sorry jndsd team I lost charm and interest .
Bye Mia take care . Don’t expect my comments daily. Today smileys for Mia only my sweet friend
Good night Mia and friends bye
I think ravish is also involved in Suman’s plan and he is the real villian .
If they made him villain em probably gonna leave watching this show…shashank is not at all a villain peice!!
I think its afterall a show we must focus on giving a gud msg to its audience…but the track in this serial is disgusting..only love z not of basic importance but morals too..this show lacks moral values..even though vividha is married to ravish she thinks of atharv n em sure wen she will be aware about Atharvs reality …she will rush back to him leaving behind Ravish…who is such a sweet and kind person….it was okay if Ravish character was a ill mannered man…but instead he is more than real,so patient and compassionate..he does not deserve this #truelyloveravish #humanity #idealman
@NaveenS U are absolutely right……..How can vivi forget to tell such shocking truth to sujata?????Love story is converted to a ghost story….terrorists are involve,black magic is allowed and wat not?????Now they will jst drag dis part and around 1month will go by dis track..and after dt vivi usse pyaar karti hai…..usse se nahi…..usse,kisse…nonsense….there might come a new male actor who will claim dt madhav is his son……..Bullshit…….
As I’ve said before, the CVs have gone bonkers.
I still don’t understand why Ravish is so passive. He heard about Arthav but absolutely not reaction.
Khalindy taking his house?
If I remember right, Ramakhant willed that house to Arthav so how does it belong to Ravish?
The whole Vashtish family has come together to ruin Sujata and Arthav even Ravish!
He’s taken on Arthav’s identity he just hasn’t changed his name and they gave Arthav a new identity.
Ravish is the mastermind
I think maybe tomorrow vividha will start to think what’s happening with madhav. Yes, she should tell sujata who then should tell her the truth, why atharv left the wedding mandap.
But I don’t think she will tell sujata as she wouldn’t want to upset her.
agaya maza. Today’s episode is perfect turning point of Vividha’s life for her move on with her kind lovely husband ravish. I am always said that this serial main concept is ravidha unite and adharv’s peaceful life. Then this track makes that way.
Again Today’s epi proves that vi…………………………dharv separation is necessary.
Precap is slightly interesting.
Anyway frnds gud ngt swt dreams.
Built on Graves of bechara atharv seriously Sudheer I was remembering u today. Wt happened to u.y u r not commenting . Congrats for ravish n vividha hug. ?
Sudheer brother may I know your opinion about these following questions?
She decided to live with ravish ok good then where is mangal sutra ? Why does she wear it in her hand ?
She told that atharv does not want to return to me what is the meaning of this ?
After the leap nearly one month completed they show ravish and vivi is hus and wife.
But they didn’t show any romantic scenes between them and they didn’t show any anniversary celebration in the first episode. Why?
If madhav is ravish son means how can she told that atharv does not want to return to me?
If you have any answers and belief means you can trust vivitha .
After know the truth what will she do ? Will she go to atharv again ?
If you have any idea means please tell me. Sudheer brother.
After know the answers for.these questions I will trust ravidha
Please reply me brother.
Bye thank you
Hi eswari sister gud mrng.
I have one only answer fr ur all questions. That is ravidha unite and adharv’s peaceful life. Cause
After ravidha knows d the truth ravish character only fr supporting vividha. But vividha definitely suffers & feels bad fr her wrong dessissons. That’s way firstly vividha questions herself about her love. After that ravidha tries to unite sujatha & adharv if adharv is in normal condition. After that ravidha breaks all relations even madhav relation also( like guddi death type acting). So ultimately ravidha unite and starts new life.
So adharv point off view- Vividha’s dead
But vividha point of view- she move on in her life.
So Sudheer u r saying ravidha move on without madhav. Thank God. Dat is enough for our atharv. I am least bothered about vitharv union. I want sujatha, atharv n madhav union. Even sujatha deserves little happiness. Madhav is enough. But without madhav will vividha lives happy life with ravish ?. As a mother I don’t expect dat.

I like your smileys .& seriously I don’t thought in my dream that our captain is turn negative……please CVS if u want UNITE VITHARV in end so please do it but that’s not means u make our captain as negative…. We can’t tolerate…. & yes eswari u are right RAVIDHA hug scane ….not happy bcoz the magic of love is invisible in their hug…..actually I lost my interest in VITHARV or RAVIDHA after leap bcoz if one pair is happen that means my one hero is totally unjustified or unhappy…. I only want happiness & justice for our both heroes ATHARV & RAVISH…..
Take care friends…… eswari jyoti pinky and all JNDSD FANS…… Bye bye
So as a father kk succeeded in gifting bestest husband n as mother Suman succeeded in giving happy life to her son. They r mother n father goals ?. They succeeded in giving moral values to younger generation (how to respect relationships). Ravish n vividha proved they are proud children of dem. Claps. It’s ok if our childrens happiness n morals of our society r built on becharas like atharv n sujatha. Can’t say more vividha n ravish jodi is sooper se upar. Just made for each other. Sorry made by great father n mother by destroying other lifes. It’s ok they r so innocent. They don’t even know wt their parents r up to. They simply deserve all happiness in whole world. Nothing matters for couple more than their happiness. Wah wah. N ravish saying hamare duniya humare loving people. He he he where is his own duniya n people solely belongs to him. Every thing belongs to atharv. Vividhas Chipkao
Built on Graves of bechara atharv *
Everybody in this world has not taken “thheka” of becharas.. bechara Atharva won’t be happy to live with a girl that is so opportunistic nd impulsive..This girl has got a habit of taking decisions in instances but Atharva believes wht he believes..!! Even I dun want Ravidha ..seriously..nd neithr Vitharva..but there has to be one..so I support Ravish nd Atharva ..nd the right for Ravish is to live with whom he’s married nd right for Atharva is to move on.. This makes everything pefect.. Or Vividha leaving both Atharva nd Ravish ..but Vividha leaving Ravish whom she promised to live with happily .. married at her own consent nd he living like a puppet of her is not right nd justifiable
Even I will support ravish n vividha if madhav is not son of vitharv. Madhav is innocent. He is having every right to be with his biological parents. Promises, society happiness every thing changes(priorities) after child birth. Wt is madhavs mistake to spend life with guardian. If ravish is innocent regarding his mothers deeds n he deserves vividhas love (by promising love can’t be generated n it’s impossible from vividhas side). Even madhav is after all innocent kid who deserves every happiness (which is parents love). Even he don’t know wt is going on n can’t even understand situation. Law can end marriage relationship, but can’t break blood relations. Even atharv is much innocent n sufferer. Even he deserves his sons love. Kk n Suman evil plans separated happy family. Sujatha, atharv, vividha n madhav. They deserve happiness.
Happiness of ravish not lies in Right of ravish(marriage with vividha). After knowing truth about his mother n how she separated a family for him will he be able to stay happily with vividha. For a normal human being it’s impossible. After knowing truth if he won’t try to leave vividha (if madhav is son of vitharv) uniting a family, how his character justified.
Nothing is justified here suman.. I don’t know which sufferings of Madhav are u trying to debate on.. Madhav hasn’t suffered due to his father ..Ravish nd he are a perfect father nd son duo.. When did u feel tht Madhav is being treated as a responsibility or Ravish is only acting as a guardian of Madhav? The only reasn ppl believe Madhv to be Atharva’s son is bcz wht had happened bw them in Jammu nd also bcz his attitude is angry man types like Atharva nd the main point tht Suman is trying to harm him ..ppl are still confused ..From Ravish nd Madhav’s bond nobody can make out tht he’s not his father..even not me.. So what is the suffering tht Madhav is having with his “unbiological” father.. You can’t take away the son from unbiological father unless u prove tht u’re a bettr father thn the othr one nd the son is being illtreated n provided the son is ready to leave father.. This is a legal procedure nd Atharva has no right on Madhav until he claims in it court ..I dun kno mch abt this bt I had seen it in Yeh hai mohabbatein nd Punarvivaah where the unbiological parents are given the children..Madhav would suffer more wen he’ll be called illegitimate by society .. Tht is more painful..
Here Vitharva can’t be justified until nd unless therr is a fault in Ravish ( -v) or if he dies.. Nithing can jistify Vividhaks deeds nd Atharva accepting his now-Bhabhi
Oh bahubali except biological parents remaining all treated as guardians(unless until adoption takes place). If atharv is not ideal father (some extreme cases on him or mental condition) den only adoption possible with consent of both d parents. Y atharv should sacrifice his son. according to u biological father is not required if guardian makes his life full of happiness. Just observe reaction between vividha n ravish. Vividha emotionally disturbed very badly n worried. On other hand ravish aap relax kijiye. Oh. Can’t tolerate dis dialog. Only parents know d pain of kids. Not guardians. N wt u r saying madhav don’t have any right to know who is his father. U r only thinking from pov of ravish. Wt is d relationship between r n m. Just love n responsibility,which r least considered by society n legality . You know dis better Dan me. Because ravish n vividha forced marriage (1st) justified based on dat only na.
Seriously fed up answering u bahubali. Instead of of supporting ravish, choose Gd or bad, ( love or society, legality) den only our time spent on dis discussion justified. U support ravish n madhav as they r bound with love, contract to it u r discussing vividha n ravish loveless life, legality n society. Which r two faces of a coin. N I used vividha did blunder means it doesn’t mean she did small or less mistakes. I don’t know extreme words to use for her deeds dats it.
Not contract it is contrast
bahubali what you said about madhav and ravish relation is absolutely right…
i don’t deny it but just think once atharv’s point of view…
with out any mistake suman is playing with him… and she is responsible for atharv and madhav separation right every one knows it….
why doesn’t atharv deserve his own child’s love??
what is mistake of him to separate him from his own child??
if madhav is ravish’s own child i accept that madhav is only ravish’s but here the case is not like that and i’m not opposing ravish’s love on madhav but i just wanna say atharv and ravish both have 100% right on madhav…
separating madhav from ravish or else atharv this both things are wrong in my POV…
i already said in previous episode comment section also krishna has 2 mothers devaki and yashoda they both have their own places in krishna’s life like that only here atharv and ravish have their own places in madhav’s life…
but we already saw bonding between madhav and ravish remaining we have to watch the bonding between madhav and atharv and i’m desperately waiting for that moment when atharv knows about his son…
Hey nikh u r supporting love again. You r doing ghor pap. We all r papis. As Indians we should respect rituals, society n legality. At least now we should change. Leave love respect legality n society. We all are wrong for supporting vitharv love. We don’t have any right to support ravish n madhavs love. Is it clear. U choose only one.
Leave love n respect society *
I mean give respect to society n law. Not for love*
After leap I like scane between guddi & raghav (atharv)….. I like when he call guddi baby in starting Please guys don’t misunderstand me I only try to say that how much atharv is caring & loving toward guddi he is not aware of truth of guddi …..now he think that he is raghav & guddi is his wife so he is very caring & loving towards guddi & his unborn child….(the all thing is false )……but his love is so true & selfless but when truth come out I don’t know what happened to atharv’s feeling here I like only atharv not guddi or atharv’s fake life……both time he show his true love for VIVDHA or guddi ( he think that she is his wife & he is raghav) & they both don’t understand or they both don’t deserve ATHARV love….. Here I don’t compare VIVDHA or guddi love story bcoz that are totally different but I compare atharv’s love that is always true when he was ATHARV & now he is raghav both time he is awesome…… In his character(ATHARV or RAGHAV) he is normal or he is not in his sence (in present condition) his feelings for his relationship is true….
U are correct ragini..absolutely right!! Atharvs love is always true..
This serial started with a message called empowerment through love, but has detoriated to its worst form. Supernatural things being included for nothing. Plastic surgeries, black magic, tantrik. Wat worse can happen to it more. Lead characters are so illogical. No difference between this show and other shows with illogical storylines. Crappy stories. Idiot writers, drunk directors. Go to hell.
@bahubali u re absolutely r8.well said.
Looks like again pagal atharv in the future episodes
Shivik holics instagram
It is just off screen video lakshmi
They can even bring baby Atharv again..or..like Vikram movie “Aparichithudu” type trio like…”Baby atharv…Raghav..Atharv”
Any think can happen…its all jndsd magic.
Vividha thinks she is clever n always does jasoosi then y cant she think of small things like…
Y did atharv change his name to Raghav…
They spoke to each other on phone N if atharv/Raghav really knows who vividha is will he ask her to come to his home..(she has seen atharv/raghav kissin gargi so there is no point in misunderstandin that he is not raghav)
Next upcoming story is dat only vamshi. Vividha as village girl n madhav as a girl. Changing their costume n going to vashist house for jasusi
yes madhav will become madhavi
ha ha ha….??????
Stupid vividha,what about het jasoosi in guddi murder case ,iam getting laugh when iam thinking about raveesh and vividha they both will feel lk great detectives ha ha ha ..
Anyways if it is move on story or writers change their mind bcoz of raveesh fan following whatever ,this serial will become worse than dustbin if raveesh is the mainlead
@suman., I think this drama is only to find..why madhav scared by going to that house, not for Atharv i think so..and that village girl getup is Becoz. no one will know there real identity especially Atharv..great idea by Vividha??
we want atharv vividha jodi back..sirph atharv vividha
Hi..good after noon friends.
coming to episode… i enjoyed.. till vivdha emotional scene. but after that…vividha return to Ajmer..and what the hell she said…to Ravish..spoiled my enjoyment..
And these stupid cv’s…flashbacks..means only black and white..stupid..how can you show Holi FB’s..in b & W… holi means color..u people don’t even know that..u gone mad..spoiling everything.
and oh my god…i am unable to this much of goodness from Ravish…
Really ur comment about Suman ji and kk is too good..well explained. such a charming parents they are…they want there children(Ravish and vividha) happiness.. that is y in point cv’s these suman and kk are godess to write there children fate by there own hands… love you Mr.Director/writers and jndsd for giving such good parents like suman and kk.
and yeah..vividha and ravish are innocent puppets…they can’t even understand..there own parents..till there true face come out.. great children of great parents will be alike.
and yeah….Atharv and sujatha are the most respective people for..all punishments(for there own fate)..from all..Bcoz.. sujatha let her husband to go away from her…and our fool Atharv sujatha not having a great father like kk..and fall in love with poor vividha!!!
Plz..someone save our sujatha and Atharv sujatha from all evil and selfish people..poor mother and son.help them to meet each other.
@ bahubali
G8 well said…. Here people think only atharv’s point of view now people say atharv is madhav biological father so he has to right on him &what about RAVISH & madhav relationship…… When VIVDHA married RAVISH (1st time) they are legally married ….so same people told about their love & no value of marriage & other thing only value of their true love….. But in present what about true love of father & son (RAVISH & MADHAV) here valid only biological father….. & ATHARV leave VIVDHA no matter what is reason…… Now how he right on madhav or VIVDHA…. & 2nd time marriage is done by both permission…… No forced marriage…. If RAVISH is no right on madhav so how can ATHARV’S right on VIVDHA (his brother’s wife) …….actually no mistake of both RAVIDHA or VITHARV FANS here CVS make mass of all relationship….. No more justification for any character especially ATHARV & RAVISH…..
Rajini leave characters in d show. First support either( love or society n legality) or (Gd or bad ). Den we can have discussion on dat. Wn vividha loves atharv u supported legality society n rituals. Now ravish loves atharvs son u taking u turn n supporting love. If ravish n vividha United Suman n kk justified first. N remaining all loose their happiness. Including ravish n vividha. They r living loveless life. Vividha proved it yesterdays episode. Den with out mutual love how ravish n vividha r justified. Indirectly they r victims of Suman n kk cheating. Their marriages r based on cheating. Every time for vividha ravish is second option. don’t know y ravish not taking stand for his own identity(which is nt a character of lead) instead of living second hand life as a husband to vividha n as second hand milkman for gun gun n payal.
Sorry ragini*
What happened to Madhav in precap!!!! this suman.. i just wanna kill you..how can you make a child drink drugs..such insult being mother for two children and being women/human.
ur loved son is settled happly with his love..now whats ur problem..u devil…….get losttttttttt
One doubt? if vivitha moved her life with ravish..then why did she said that atharv didn’t come back?? If atharv will come did she go with him ??
Vividah is very intelligent and opportunist because sometimes she thinks about atharav and ravish but atharav always think about vividah director sir please kill vividah character and introduce a new girl and not a selfish lady atharav and sujatha always facing problems by vashist and kailash family they are main villains to my atharav