Jaana Na Dil Se Door 20th June 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Vividha worrying for Kangana. Atharv and Vividha leave. Kailash looks on and says you can find Kailash but not anything hidden by Kailash, you can never reach Kangana. Dadi goes to Kailash and asks what are you doing in kitchen. He asks why are you asking me. Dadi acts mad like him. Dadi shows the knife. She gets hurt by the knife. Kailash looks at her.
Vividha asks Atharv why did he ask Khushi, see she is so scared, I told you not to involve Khushi, I feel bad as she can’t even say she is scared. He says we have no option. Dadi asks Kailash did he forget she is his mum, do you think I m foolish, say something. Kailash says you are saying I m your son. She asks him to stop acting. He calls her Maa. He says when I say truth, you don’t understand, I m king. Dadi swears on her blood, she will get him punished.
She says I gave birth to a devil and cries. She scolds him and says you ruined everyone’s happiness, you will get my curse. He smiles. He says it will happen what king wants. He goes. She says I didn’t know my blood will be so bad. Vividha says I will be with Khushi. Atharv asks her to sleep, and sits on the couch. Atharv recalls Khushi and cries. Vividha sleeps. She feels cold. Atharv covers her by the blanket. She holds his hand. Jaana na dil se door…..plays…..
Its morning, Atharv checks Khushi’s temperature. Vividha wakes up and sees them. She asks what happened to her. Atharv says I gave her medicines, she will be fine. Vividha asks Khushi not to worry. They all pray. O palan haare….plays….. Sujata gives the aarti to everyone. Khushi closes her eyes. Vividha asks her to open eyes. Atharv asks what happened. She shows the incense sticks. Atharv says that’s Lord, what’s there. He goes to see and gets camera lens there. They all look on. Ankit says where is the other part of the camera.
Atharv says he has hidden camera parts at different places, we want camera for original recording. Vividha says Kailash is very clever, but I m sure we will get other parts too. Dadi says we have to take steps by thinking well, Kailash is not mad, he is acting. She recalls Kailash’s words. She tells them that this is small wound of knife, the pain will end, but real wound and pain is given to me from my child. She cries. Atharv says Kailash is very clever, we have to find camera parts, Kailash should not know this, as I said before.
Kailash sees Atharv with the camera. Atharv asks him to get his real face out, the camera has one death in it, it is proof of other death, I promise you, your end is written by my hands.
Update Credit to: Amena
plssssssss guys plssssss I request u plsssss comment now only a few days r left where r u xyz 143 sunanda di and many other plsssssss comment nice episode only
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
Hi aisha dear….did you have twitter account? ??
Can someone add me too on twitter? Pls
We r here dear..Always will be hear will never forget this page which gave us many happy moments and frnds…gud mrng dear
Hi dear aisha. I m also here .But actually don’t know what to comment .The jndsd ending news is haunting me badly .
And nowadays so many frnds r absent in TU page .I know everybody in same condition. But now everything is over our jndsd ,our vitharv,our Shivik ???.
But want to continue our friendship. I know everybody is active in twitter but I can’t create a twitter account right now. So now I will be active in TU page .Aisha pls go & register in TU page dear.
And Aailya where r u dear ?????.
I know u also in same condition but pls dear come back once plsssss. We all r missing u so much dear .And I know u have twitter account so pls share ur account name with other frnds here dear. And pls go & register in TU page so we can chat through activity page .plss hurry up dear plsssss
Interesting precap…
Atharv.. please don’t kill kk with your precious hands…. ask to some low class gundas…
so.. tomorrow or day after tomorrow the bomb will blast….
Oh!! Am waiting for tmrws episde?
Guys apart frm jndsd i dont know wheather u r all aware of the thing or not tat vikram is roped for another new show along with namik paul..they didnt decide the female lead yet but..if we all request in twitter there may be a chance ..we have to show our power …i have watched so many serials before but this is the first serial inwhich i m thinking tat leads should pair again its all becauseof their extaordinary acting skills and their chemistry also ..pls …dont be passive be active …dont worry abt the script channel and all where ever vikku and shivani show is telecasted they will definitely turn everything into a very lively manner plssssssssss…..watching their acting is just a visual treat for me…..plsss request for shivani surve opposite vsc @prateek..plss plsss
I heard a news that our vikku is going to do a new show in sony tv
I know tat no one in tv industry has consecutively acted together but lets try atleast they will consider ..later..guys if we leave this chance definitely vsc and shivani wont pair again because it is confirmed tat vsc is there so we all dont know wen tat series will be over and shivani wont be simply sitting …she will also be roped in som other series…plss guys request if u want to confirm the news just have a look at vsc fb
As usual another rubber episode. Precap is only thing worth watching
precap is quite interesting
nice episode..dear@Aisha sis thanks.you are still this page.thanks a lot..
today the episode was good
but precap is interesting….
dont know what will happen next???????
Nice episode
really amazing serial
I heard a news that our vikku is going to do a new show in sony tv
Gud news frndz atharv aka vikram singh chauhan and namik paul hero of ek duje ke vaste will be seen in sony tv new serial
Yes even i also listed the news serial name is ek dewana tha
Hello aisa….xyz Di,Suman Di and all vithatv fans…All these months I have just read the written update so the main thing is Jndsd is ending ???and I m gonna terribly miss our Vitjarv….luv u all…..Vikku….
Aisha and Vitharv…Sorry for the mistake s
Episode was gud….like vitharv scene and atharv kushi’s bonding is sooo cute ?
Egerly waiting for the nxt episode
@vimala dear there is no register member tag beside u r name…
If u Registered with another name it’s ok
AT top of tellyupdate page..left side there is menu bar…in that there is a option of MEMBERS….there click VIZ PINKY or SUNANDA12345
YOU will find our account…msg us…I think pinky is not commenting in tu page…you msg to my account…I will inform to pinky surely
In the upcoming serial of vikram also have double heros and the other hero is namik paul and is also a romantic series . I am afraid that in that serial will vikram do a character like ravish in jndsd or a negative character. I can’t imagine my vikku as a second hero or a villain. Vikku if your reading this comment please accept the project only if you are the leading hero. Otherwise drop it. Please don’t hurt your heartcore fan like me.
@sunanda i will contact u and what happend guys y r not writting FF.
Dear I am hear…I have kept private msg to u.now u will get notification click on that then u can contact with me easily dear
I hope they find the rest of the camera n put his ass away for good n also find kangana
Oh my God so sad news i will miss this cute And sweet couple i hope thy make a nother program just like jndsd i just love vividha and atharva

sunanda di can u plssss help me in making an account on Twitter I don’t know how to make plssssss help me and yes plsssssssssssssssss do comment everyone only
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
vividha atharva
Wow jndsd is still running and vikram already signed another show.. Coming to episode its good n precap is interesting..
Hey @vizpinky I got registered here.. I was the one who texted in Twitter
I also heard the news that atharv is going to do a new show??
Bt I don’t know whther Shivani is going in that serial or not