Jaana Na Dil Se Door 4th February 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Suman slapping Vividha and scolding Vividha and Sujata. She asks them are they happy now, the curse has turned to Ravish, my son, you all felt he is a hurdle in way. They all cry. Suman says Vividha is the reason of all problems, of his bad fate. Sujata says terrorists kidnapped Ravish, but Ravish will come back soon, you don’t worry. Suman asks do you want what’s happening, thieves did not take Ravish, terrorists kidnapped him, Vividha removes her mangalsutra, that’s why this is happening, which suhaangan would do this, you have let this abshagun happen, you are problem for this family, you did not get anything except bitterness, I will never forgive you. They all cry.
Suman says Savitri got husband from Yamraj, and you have pushed Ravish towards death, Ravish is not just my son, he is this country’s son, you are culprit of this country. Vividha cries. Vividha goes. Sujata turns to see. Atharv and Uma reach. Atharv comes there and sees Suman crying. He hugs Suman and says nothing will happen to Ravish.
Suman pushes him and says stay away from me. She says its all because of you, Vividha never loved my son. Atharv says you can scold me, beat me, but at this time, none’s pain is bigger than yours, I promise you, I will not let a son get away from a mother, I will get Ravish back, and about me, Vividha and Ravish, we have come here, Vividha will tell her decision whom will she choose, and her decision will be my decision. Sujata comes and says Atharv….
She says Vividha locked herself in room and not opening the door. Atharv looks at Suman. He goes with Sujata. Everyone go. Atharv knocks door and asks her not to worry, army is trying best, open the door. He breaks the door and gets inside. He calls out Vividha. An army man comes and says Vividha has sent this letter for you. Suman takes it. Suman says Vividha’s letter….
Suman reads the letter. Atharv takes the letter and reads. He gets shocked. Sujata asks Atharv to go and find Vividha. Atharv says Vividha has chosen Ravish, between me and Ravish. Uma, Suman and Sujata get shocked. Atharv cries.
Vividha writes, I did not wish to hurt Suman and Ravish, seeing Ravish is pain, I m hurt too, you think I m the reason for Ravish’s every problem, so I have to take responsibility to bring Ravish back, he will come back to you, this promise is my duty, I will come back alone, either I will get Ravish or give my life to get him back. Uma says don’t know where did my Vividha go.
Vividha meets an officer at Pakistan embassy and introduces herself. She says I m talking about Ravish Vashisht, he is kidnapped by terrorists, I have to meet your ambassador. He says sorry, I can’t help you. She gets angry and argues with him. Sujata says we will go and find Vividha, come. Atharv says nothing will happen to Ravish, if Vividha said she will get Ravish, then she will get him, she does not need me.
Vividha says what are you saying, no one can stop me. The constables hold her. Vividha says its about someone’s life and death, leave me. The lady constables ask her to understand. Atharv cries. Jaana na dil se door…..plays………. Vividha says I will not go till you let me go in. The constables take her outside. The officer says wait, leave her, come madam, you got permission. Sujata asks Atharv where are you going now. Atharv says home. Suman claps and says wah Atharv, great, when your state was so bad, you did not have any sense, Ravish did his best to make you fine, when he thought our family member wants to harm you, he has sent family member to jail, today when you have to help him, its not your responsibility to find him, go from here, go your home, and you all also leave, me and my son do not need anyone, leave me alone. Suman cries.
Vividha meets the ambassador and asks him to help her in solving this problem, help in finding Ravish, Ravish is at Pok, its your area, just your soldiers can free Ravish. He says you are mistaken, he is not there, he is captive and kept in India itself, what can we do in this. She says we both know this well, that the terrorists told they will put Ravish’s dead body as flag, you are using him for politics. He says sorry, we are not related to this, talk to your govt. about this.
She says indian govt. is doing the needful, I was wrong to come here with hope, your country has terrorism and you sit here in AC office to do politics. The man says you are talking much, I request you to be in limits, we know you and Ravish have signed the divorce papers, you will not be his wife in some months, why this concern then.
Vividha says you won’t do anything, remember I will not go home without taking Ravish, this is a promise of an Indian. Vividha reaches Kashmir. A goon sees her.
Update Credit to: Amena
Vividha said that she vl get ravish back as she is guilt and everyone r thinking that she is the reason for his fate….. but she did not say that she vl spend her life with ravish..is it right???
S. but as usual CVS butchering all literally all characters
Hai Mia pinky and jyoti have a happy Sunday. Take care friends. We wish our captain will come back safely. And we wish for atharv s happy and peaceful life . For captain his job mother and country are enough for happiness. For atharv his mother Payal gun gun and his new business are enough for happiness. There are lot of good things in the world except love , and lover. So atharv love your business and mother. Cute captain love your country mother and family. Come on iron mans. Come on my lovely heroes these smileys for you today

Very very pleasure day & night to u my friend @eswari… Actually i always wait 4 ur comment bcoz 4 reply….. I AGREE WITH U… not necessary to write any thing.
I hate writter… Bcoz he is wasting ravidha character & using ravish to unite vitharv…. Any way i connect with u it’s enough 4 me. Bye

So sweet of you.I pray to God for you get all success. I also very happy to see your comment. When I open the t.up page I search my friends comments first. Jndsd give this happiness to me for that I thank to jndsd. I wish you get bank job soon. Have a successful life friend. Good night

So sweet of you . I pray to God for all your success. I am very happy to see your reply. When I open t.up page I search my friends comments first. For this happiness I thank to jndsd . I wish you get bank job soon. Have a successful life friend . Good night

Yes jnsd shud scrap the heroine..
I agree with u.
Hi every1 am new here
vividha is jst idiot nd poor Atharv He loves her so much
Tuuu yaak….Che …. ye bakwas directors of jndsd ..logonko paagalpan samajthe kyaaa
Ess serial ke laava koi aur serial buura nahi hua……..
Hahahahaha yes vividha ????????
Yess get lost vividha….Atharv deservs better 1
Hate her
Suman do not do over acting . They r trying to help u. I think Vivi took a good decision to repay his kindness. Love u vivi for this nature . Atharv way to go helping suman even though she has hurt u a lot . Do not worry Vivi and u will be together. Good luck Vivi and atharv and ravish hope he is

safe . Want to see his scenes soon?. And hi everyone
Hai sparkle,how are you?
Goodnite dear
Stupid serial …I hate vividha….adharv …u r Great ..
VIVITHA if you chose ravish then I will slapp you cant see my ATHARV’S pain
feeling pucham
What’s about ravish
@Yy.Nothing u stupid ,idiot .stupid ravish fan.
vividha n Atharv will save Ravish.I think dat vividha is doing all dis as a frn to Ravish.later she goes wid Atharv
I hate u vivida. Go…. Nd find ravish .U doesnt deserve Atharv
Please stop this ravish Mahaan vividha story bring new female lead for atharv ,I hate vividha
Stupid serial ..vividha I hate uuu….adharv u r great….
I want to c vividha and ravish together
Dear Director,
Please change the actor playing Atharv. This actor is really so gud and I think JNDSD followers watch it to see his flawless acting. You ppl have made a very sweet love story to nothing lesss than a disaster and Atharv’s character so low. We do not wish to watch this stupid story any longer…but this actor keeps us stuck to JNDSD. I humbly request you to change him so that we can watch stopping the show… Take him in some other gud show where his character is like the old Atharv character. I know its a stupid request but after seeing todays episode I can only think of this to stop watching this disaster
Bingo Niveditha, really pls replace Atharva so I can also stop watching this crap py show
Really this is the good one ..i’m wishing the same as u… pls directerji ..
So now not only the whole family is concerned about the divorce but the ambassador himself knows ther matters. And the whole episode is a complete nonsense, everyone is acting inadequate, and I m Vividhas fan but where is she going, against the terrorists alone….
This is delusional . Very bitter episode, just when I think the writers have reached their limits of nonsense and they actually go further …
Hahaha Evs1. ….surprise us with their stupidity!! Ans if we stick around we r soon going to lose our sanity and our ability to reason.
I thought athrav himself goes to save ravish.but on saying of suman he goes.i don’t like this.if it is ravish then he won’t be sit calm like athrav now.for sure he himself tries his best to save athrav.
Ravish help atharv not himself.. bcoz of his father wrote the letter ..so he helped atharv not himself…,remember that…don’t blame atharv
Wooww…Did Ravish’s father asked him to save Atharva’s life..Care for him wen he had memory loss..
Wow…really good point@janu.
After reading his father letter only ravish helped Atharv.
If u@teja remember, ravish took Atharv in vashistas house. Ravish was not happy for it.later he accepted Atharv as bro.
If u really watched today’s epi…u will know that, Atharv said to suman that he will bring ravish back. If not read update clearly.
Cheers @143 ..u got a stupid crap point to blame Ravish..if u are haappyy by tht ..gud..?
Enjoy ur silly sarcasm wid few pointless ppl..
Before starting.. Manali track. Director sab…given a shock its audience.
Made strong point to continue d show without end up.
Don’t know we will enjoy manali track or not….JNDSD team had fun in manali……but wat abt us it as Kashmiri
All Vitharvians….plzz read my FF Main Adhoora Tere Bina….and support through comments. There are so many fans for ViTharv but still I get very less comments. The FF has now reached 14th epi
As I said in the letter, where does it state vividha chose ravish? She’s been blamed for his being kidnapped and that’s why she’s gone to free him. WHY are you all blaming vividha. It’s a serial where the leads are doing as directed by writer, not on their own will. Stop thinking too much and saying ill of leads. Whatever happens will be what the writer has scripted. Only they know which way the serial is going to go. We the viewers can’t change what they’ve decided.
Vividha doesnt know atharv coming right thn how cn she write letter to atharv…wat a stupidity..
Now she went to higher authorities to confront abt ravish…wat did she do after knowing KK evil side she can go to PS n marry atharv right infront f KK coz she is a major…
N now coming to suman…i have no words to spk abt her…all vashist fmly shld GTH…
Neemu u r right dear this is soap so we wnt get logical answers….
Illogical show…illogical vashist family…
N strday some one said…army ppl cn b kidnapped by terrorists…its wrong…army ppl are taken under control…if dey do so also dey wnt kidnap a person…dey take control over entire team…
Hello everyone…good evening…
Goodnite @Neeth
Better kill vidha In terrorist attack. It will be good. Both brother will live without problem. She will keep on changing ha. Hell with this story
Hey I have another question . How did the ambassador know about the divorce. Did ravish send the divorce papers through the Pakistan embassy . Otherwise did vivitha tell herself ? Did our Indian news channels telecast the vivithas engagement with atharv. Great confusion keep it up directers ji
i like the episode verry much.now we will see a soldier vividha.interesting…..
@ eswari
Well said dear
I don’t know ki aaj me kya comments karu…..
But i also wish our captain RAVISH will come back safely…..
Have a great Sunday…dear eswari… Bye..
Writer don’t give pain to ravish…………… Vividha knows vry well that she loves only atharv.so why she didn’t made their misunderstanding clear.finally vitharv will unite bcoz vividha loves atharv alot…….BT plz……..Bring new female fr our ravish.vividha is just saving his frnd ravish that’s it and vividha diddntmentioned that she is going to save her husband ravish
Writer stop this nonsense and make vitharv united and bring new female fr our ravish
Radha u r right… I think ravish ka favour atharv or vivi milke chukt karke ravish ko fir se hurt karke chalejaenge or khusi se saadi bhi karlenge.
Yaar ye writter ko ravish hi milta hai kya vitharv ko milane… Stupid writter or stupid idea..
I also like vitharv but i can’t see ravish’s as a helpless.
Luv u ravish .. Plz come safely & unite this helpless jodi.
Gud n8 @radha
Pinky thank u fr liking my comment.take care and good night dear
Oh really,I never knew that vivi is such a brave girl that she goes alone to fight with d terrorists.Where did ur bravery go when atharv was beaten up by ur own father n bro.Directors use ur senses properly.Is it literally possible to go terrorists alone for a vivi type soft girl.I ur pagal ke mare ur brains gutnoe pe aagaye hai.Better get it treated first n then come direct a new serial with Vikku.Vikku ke alava iss serial mein kuch bhi accha nahi hai.I really swear.Zindagi ki mehak aur ishaqbaaz(dil bole oberois)with mySWEETEST SHRENU PARIKH se iss ghaav ko bharna hai.A verrrrrrrrrrrry goodbye to ur dirty serial.One last thing,I would like thank u soooooo much for first 100 epis.U cannot imagine how much happiness n joy those epis brought in my life which exactly needed for me at that moment.Bye bye vikku.Love u a lot as an actor
Plz make vivida away from both hero’s.bring two heroin’s for both of them.with this vivida no one can lead a happy life.disgusting.