Fan Fiction

Jaanemaan Part 15

Hey lovely people thanks for all your marvelous comments now as I promised Friday so here I am back with the next part….hope you enjoy it…do let me know your reviews….
Happy Reading?
Adi was glancing towards the magnificent mirror in front of him….he hated transforming into ehsaas whose mere existence was all fake…..he removed the lenses out and handed them ever so carefully while putting them on his dark brown orbs….he plastered the moustache on his attractive jaw stubble….. It was all radhika’s idea and how could he ever refuse her……ehsaas was radhika’s imagination which adi had turned into reality…..
His POV….. Ehsaas z ready to put on a show…..this z all because of you radhika….. Adi wouldn’t have dared to dream big for himself if not for you…..I wish this fact remains a secret that ehsaas z none other than aditya diwan….

He walked out of his vanity van and took long strides to the studio where everyone was desperately waiting for him…..the sight inside displeased him…..all the girls drooling over his looks and giving him all seductive glances…..he hated such kind of sl*ts who saw nothing but external beauty…..radhika taught him to love a person irrespective of his looks……he was ever so grateful to her for being in his life….even though she attached someone else name after her own…..

When he entered every time all he heard was ehsaas…. This people only talked about him ignoring the fact that they did not know him a inch…..he hated being the center of attraction….all he loved to stay aloof…… Ehsaas was a mystery for all….only few people saw his face which was always covered by a black cloak in all of his public appearances….he played it very smartly when it came to his private life….he never gave any interviews still he always stayed in news….he had crazy fans and they were fascinated to such a extent that they never hesitated to write letters to him with their own blood….he hated such kind of love which was forced because he himself was a man of principles and forcing yourself on someone was against his ethics….
He walked to the recording room and made himself comfortable on the king size cushioned chair….he hated auditions because half of them were only here to catch a glimpse of him which meant disrespecting music for ehsaas who himself worshipped it….

After about auditioning nearly 70 of them he thought to calm himself but when he heard the next was Arpita shukla he ignored his need to take rest instead he desperately mumbled…. Send her in….
If only he had excused himself from radhika he would have noticed how much much Arpita shukla resembled radhika mishra, the girl whom he loved more than his life….her brown eyes like his ladylove showcasing many dreams….her long lustrous hair spreading a air of confidence…. But adi was too much blind to notice all this ….radhika had occupied his heart and mind both it was very difficult to separated this name from his senses……
On the other hand,Arpita was on the moon today….her lifetime dream of meeting ehsaas had come true….she was not able to figure out why he had so much control on her…..maybe the only answer she could find to this question was her love for ehsaas…..

She cleared her throat to remove her melodious voice out…..she started her song only to get stopped in the mid by the man who was world for her…..none other than ehsaas himself….
Ehsaas (adi himself)…… Stop miss Arpita your vocals are perfect but you need to learn many things….you have to take a really good care of your voice because you are going to sing with me in duet for the consert….I hope I am clear…..
Her joy knew no bounds after hearing his pleasant voice which she wanted to hear all her life…..she was selected to accompany him for a live concert nothing could be better than this in her life….
New aspirations…. Hopes all clouded her mind….while her heart beating faster after hearing ehsaas and seeing him in real….
Adi was sure about his decision….he was waiting for her to walk in and charm everyone by her voice…he wanted to fulfill her dreams because radhika would have done the samething if she would have been in his place……

Radhika glanced at the mirror….today she was elegantly dressed in a baby pink sari which her dearest husband had gifted her… had a deep back….he had put a command for her to wear it only with him owing to his possessiveness for her….
Just then she felt his strong arm griping her waist…..his touch sending chills down her throat….he rested his chin on her shoulder and kissed it deep and mumbled….. You look breathtaking….. Do you know how much you torture my senses by looking this beautiful….
She whispered in a low voice…. No….
Arjun in a deep voice…. I wish I could show you my all cravings for you but I can’t….. I want you to promise me all your lifetimes in front of everyone….that day I will show you how much I want to see you without all the barriers of this clothes….
She stirred a bit and spoke in a choked voice….. Arjun please….

He distanced himself from her and placed a diamond necklace on her soft skin of her neck….
She was touched by this action of his and her eyes all ready to shed tears….arjun why you have to spend so much… could make me happy just by speaking the three magical words….you know it….
He turned her and made her face him…..cupping her face he whispered…. I know it….but I love to spend on you….I know you are not materialistic but still I love to pamper your beauty which drives me crazy….
She buried her face in his chest and whispered against his chest….I love you so much…
He detached her head from his chest and took her good look at her from top to bottom….
He went close to her and whispered in her ear….one day I want to see you only wearing this necklace and nothing else….even this diamonds can’t compete with your delicate skin….it z so much delectable…. radhika tell me whom do you belong to?…tell me who owns your heart….body and your soul?…..

She whispered…. You….
Arjun….you know you are my most priceless and precious possession…. I cannot even bear the thought of some man eyeing you except me….
He pulled her in a tight hug….clutching her close to his heart….
Manya had reached the airport and was waiting desperately to accomplish her mission to ruin her elder sister’s life…..
Her face got a wide smile when she saw prerana walking with her luggage….she hurriedly walked towards her and greeted her with a hug surprising the woman to the core…..but prerana was too much innocent to understand the evil plans cooking in manya’s head….she was rather easy to manipulate…..
Prerana was disappointed because she had expected her son and her daughter in law to receive her…. any mother would be….Neil had informed her about his incapability in receiving her but he had mentioned that Sam will be there but there was no sign of her either…..this pained a mother who was here to spend sometime with her son and daughter in law…..this feeling just needed to be fueled which manya was anyway going to do in sometime….

So guyzzz this z it hope you like it…..please do comment….eagerly waiting for your reviews…

Precap….. Adi and Arpita nok-jhok…..manya instigate prerana against Sam…..nesam fight….radhika to solve their issues….

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