@ city park
Laksh: rayan you remember everything I said
Rayan nodded his head
Ragini: rayan just be cool
Rayan: I am getting bit nervous ladoo
Ragini hit her head with her palm
Parth: we will go and hide behind the tree you be here only
Rayan didn’t reply anything
Laksh: come let’s go
We all were leaving and rayan caught my hand
Rayan: lucky you be here only yaar
Laksh: me with you
We came to city park to meet rachitha and she will be in 10 minutes and we were having plan to see them from beside tree
Kunal came there with two ice creams
Kunal: it’s very tasty
I gave a stern look to him
Laksh: kunal he is feeling nervous and your talking about ice cream
And ragini interrupted us
Ragini: kunal ice cream give me
She took ice cream and licked it
Ragini: super kunal
Laksh: ladoo
She saw me with a innocent face
Ragini:what lucky?
She again tasted it
Laksh: meri maa here rayan is feeling nervous and we should help him to be normal
Ragini nodded and again tasted her ice cream
“these people don’t understant what I say also”
Laksh:rayan feel relaxed everything will be good
Ragini: kunal I want another also and I will next taste another flavor
Kunal: even I am thinking the same ladoo
“ lucky control yourself they will make you mad”
Rayan gets call and its rachitha
Rayan: lucky rachi
Laksh: pick the call
Rayan picked it and kept in loud speaker
Rachi: hello
Rayan: h..hi
Rachi: I have come and I wore a yellow chudidar and you
Rayan: me…me
“ he forgot even what he wore”
Laksh: white shirt
Rayan: haa white shirt I wore
Rachi: ok I will come
He ended call and I sighed
Laksh: all the best rayan
We all went from there and rayan was sitting on bench with a smile on face and we were behind tree
Ragini: kunal ice cream…
I closed ragini’s mouth
Laksh: ragu maa please for 10 minutes shut your mouth for my sake
I removed my hand and she pouted and started eating it again
Rachitha came there and rayan immediately stood looking here, she pointed rayan
Rachi: you are rayan
Rayan: yes I am rayan
He forwarded his hand for shake hand but he didn’t get it but more than that he got a hug
Parth and I looked amazed at each other and the other two were in world of ice cream
Rachi: I am happy to meet you rayan
Rayan was on cloud9
They broke hug and I caught that the girl is feeling a bit shy
Rachi: rayan we will sit come
They both sat and started talking each other and I felt someone is scratching me
I turned and found it to be ragini with innocent face
Laksh: what?
She forwarded her ice cream which was some felt
She was acting something
Laksh: ragini speak out I can’t understand
Ragini: I am jaanu lucky
Laksh: haa jaanu say
Ragini seemed like a small baby girl
Ragini: you didn’t have ice cream take it I have some for you
“so cute jaanu , you make me too cool and I my name seem to set me when your with me”
Ragini: lucky take it
I took and tasted it and smiled at her
Laksh: very tasty
Ragini: I said no lucky it’s tasty
I nodded my head in agreement
Parth: what are they talking I can’t hear anything
Laksh: I will go and listen wait
But ragini interrupted me
Ragini: lucky one more ice cream for me
Laksh: no jaanu only one and you ate it also
Ragini made a puppy face
Ragini: another two only please I am your jaanu naa
I looked at innocent face
“ how can anyone can be that cute?”
I nodded my head noo
Laksh: what two? No your asking that’s why only one more
Ragini: lucky baby please
I vigrously shaked my head no
She at once hold my head and kissed my cheek
I was shocked
“ what just happened? She kissed me”
I opened my mouth and was in shock and I am trying to recall what happened
Ragini: shall I get 2
Laksh (half minded):ok
Ragini: thank you jaanu
I was in my own world and then
Suddenly rayan looked and called us their
We were shocked we walked towards them but
“ But wait a second ragini is not beside me and even kunal”
I turned and looked for them and I saw them near ice cream stall
I again turned to rayan
Rayan: they are my friends
Rachitha gave a warm smile
Rachitha: your laksh
I nodded my head as yes in surprise
Rachitha: and your parth?
Parth smiled
Rachitha: where are kunal,radhika and ragini?
Laksh: how do you know us?
Rachitha: he always says about you guys
By then ragini came
Ragini: jaanu this flavor is super should try it
She forwarded ice cream
Rachitha looked at her with smile
Ragini looked up and saw rachitha and was surprised
She slowly took back and looked innocently
Rachitha: ragini right!
Rayan came to ragini and side hugged her
Rayan: yes,princess in our gang
Rachitha: I am rachitha , you can call me rachi
Ragini smiled and gave the ice cream to her
Ragini: it’s very tasty , have it
Rachitha took and they were invloved in talking about ice cream

Superb dear, loved it a lot
Amazing part nd can’t wait for next
awesome dear…loved it alot…Our cute ragu…love her…waiting for nxt one…tkcr dear…
Awesome dear
Superbbbb.. I loved ds childish jaanu
Very sweet update dear
told u such a cute couple they are…..make them realize they love eachother yr….keep going like this…love u…..update soon…tc….
Awesome episode
Loved icecream….. Thrice for mine with different different flavour…. M tooo young…. So only hold three only at a time nd ate simultaneously…. Wooow
. ?????
Fantastic dear…Loved it
Awesome update
Simply superb di….post next soon
Awesome superb amazing
Interesting dear
Super duper part
It’s outstanding episode dear and Raglak scenes are really awesome. Totally mind blowing episode. Eagerly waiting for next episode and please post next part ASAP
Superb one, keep going
Lovely episode and raglak part is so cute
Amazing part
Great . Waiting for next epi .