Categories: Jaat Ki Jugni

Jaat Ki Jugni 14th June 2017 Written Episode Update

Jaat Ki Jugni 14th June 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

Munni stands in her room sadly. Bauji enters. Munni reminisces old man telling Gajendra killed senior Munni and Bittu and destroyed their love. Bauji asks why she is tired and sad since a few days. She says Jyoti’s marriage tension, she will leave in some days, then she will be alone. Bauji says he and whole family is with her and asks to rest. She asks what is love. He stops.

Phool Kumari brings lassi to Bittu and asks why he is so sad since some days. He asks howmuch she loves him. She says she is his life. He says she should get habituated to see him alone and sad as he has failed in love. She hugs him, smirks, and acts as consoling that everything will be alright.

Munni asks Bauji again what is love. Bauji angrily says it is waste of time and nothing. Munni says love

is the one which he and Munni bua had. He asks why she is remembering bua today. She says she had gone to store room to pick something and saw old pics, he and bua looked so pretty, she saw bua tying him rakhi in one pic. Bauji remembers bua tying her dupatta to him and asking to keep it with him always. Munni says love for family is so unique.

Bitttu tells Phool Kumari that Munni will not accept him and he will spend his life alone. Phool Kumari consoles him that everything will be alright.

Munni asks Bauji she knows he loved Bua so much and kept bua’s name to her, she was born when Bua left. Bauji reminisces his father asking to name his sister and he names her as Munni. That is why she asked what is love. Bauji says it is late night now and leaves asking her to rest. Munni thinks she will reunite her family and will make them realize the value of love. Savita hears their conversation and thinks Munni scratched Bauji’s heart, she will go and provoke him against Munni. She goes to room with milk and asks Bauji why he is tensed, he will feel good with milk. She tries to get intimate saying Munni did wrong and should not have questioned him. Bauji says she did not question anything wrong, asks her to sleep and goes to bed. Savita fumes that after so many years of marriage, there is still no love between them because of Munni.

Munni peeps into Pratap and Muskan’s room and sees them working without talking to each other, she thinks why are they so silent. Bittu calls him and asks what is going on. She says she is standing outside Pratap and Muskan’s room and they are not even talking to each other. He says they have rekindle romance between them. Their discussion continues. He asks her to go in and start conversation. She walks in. They both ask if she needs something. She says yes. Bittu asks her to ask about their children. She says your kids. They both get nervous. Bittu asks not to shoot questions directly and talk about marriage. She says seeing Jyoti and doctor’s marriage preparations, she thought even their wedding preparations must be so excited and if she can see their wedding CD. Pratap says yes and asks Muskan to give CD. Muskan says she does not know where it is. Bittu asks her to ask how can they forget such an important CD. Munni repeats. Muskan gives tea to him and then clears malai and returns tea. Munni says there is so much untold love between them and thinks she will rekindle romance in this house for sure.

Bauji on the other side angrily tells Bheem that he will not let love prosper in this house and will destroy anything that reminds of love. He continues fuming.

Precap: Bittu tels his plan to Munni and says they have to do this tonight at their house between mehandi rituals. She asks if this really happens. He says with his plan her bhaiya and bhabhi’s love story will start.

Update Credit to: MA

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