Fan Fiction

Jab love hua (ragsan) part- 6 ~fairy

hey guyz fairy is back wid another episode..thnku so much for such beautiful comments on previous chappy.

RUDRA charecter wl b played by-siddharth shukla(shiv from balika vadhu..hez also dere in humpty sharma ki dulhaniya)

thnku so much-
crazy,sally,lovely,shana,balaji,isha,spp,ashnoor,sindhura,akaashi,asw,dharani,fizoo,crystal,riya,asthu,deesh,vk,jazzy,anaita,asra,A.xx,ammy,akshata,kakali,ragz-teju for d comments.

n thnx a lot- sally,lovely,isha,ashnoor,asw,fizo,asthu,jazzy baby,anaita,kakali (my pyari patar patar) for gvng suggestions for RUDRA charecter 🙂

link to prev.episode-

so lets start episode 6……

“excuse me ,cn u please tell me d way to washroom!”-asked rags from one of d waiter passng by.
“ma’am go upstairs,n den take d frst right , d 2nd door is for washroom.”-replied d waiter.
she smiles n den proceed towards washroom.
“ah!!such a boring party..dont know y i came here??all r so BORING yaar,dere is nt even a DJ …huff!!i jst cnt bear it nymore”-murmered rags to d replica of her formed in d mirror while washing her dress.

suddenly someone tapped her shoulder to whch she jerked up n turned.

“u…….wt r u doing here?”-said rags nervously pointing rudra.
he fakes a smile n says-“vo i thought dat dis is my house n dis is my washroom!!so jst came to question …wt u r doing here???!!”

“ahh!!m sorry.!!dis is ur room..m really sry.actually dat waiter told me dat washroom is here “-said rags clearifyng her.

“hahahaha…its okay prob. …no need to justify urself..”-said rudra nicely.

she too smiles n den moves to go out.
but rudra held her wrist n said huskily coming near to her -“well! doctor ji u r really hot…”
hes standng really close to her n shez facing back to him.hez holdng her right wrist n placed his face near to her ears.

his hot breath is making her uncomfortable n she turned to face him immediately.

“welll!!thnku so much mr. rudra singhaniya sir…”-said she removng his hand from her wrist n den cont.
“bt i already knew it dat m hot…so i dnt need nybodys aproval..”-completed rags showng a fake n full of attitude vala smile 😉 ..
“confidence…hmmm…i love it doctor jii…”-said rudra smelling her fragrance.

rags made an annoyed face ,n ws about to leave .wen rudra said-“ahh! doctor jii..i prefer u to call me jst rudra 🙂 ”
“mr.rudra singhaniya sir, sry to say bt i do wtever i feel to wenever i feel dat v r somewt close to eo to call by our names.den for sure i”ll call u rudra nly…bt as for now let it b sir “-said rags confidently .
“hmmmm!!!so u mean to say u r selfish haan!! impressive”-said rudra givng an evil smile.

“no not selfish bt self concerned”-said rags proudly lookng into his eyes.

“didu!!where r u??”-sound comes to dem..
rags heard swara’s voice n goes hurridely from dere .

“hmmmm!!meet u soooon doctor jii!!! hahahhaha”-said rudra smirkng…
“ragini today dere is a special appointment .actually my bst frnd’s son is coming for his i want u to handle his case,okay!coz i cn nly trust u for dis.n i dnt wnt ny complain hmm!!….”-said an old doctor(rags senior,Dr.PK SINGH)

rags is practicing under him in his clinic 32 SMILE STATION.

“dont worry sir!i wont let u down!”-assures rags smilngly.

“excuse me .i have an appointment here.”-said sanky to d receptionist of 32 SMILE STATION.
“ur name sir”-asked d receptionist.
“sanskaar maheshwari”-said sanky.
“oh sir!! DR. is waitng inside for u only !!”-said d receptionist n takes him inside n made him to sit on d dental chair.

rags comes dere wearng mouth mask n head cap n gets shocked to see her so called ” narrow minded helper”….
she blinked her eyes twice to believe dat is it real or one of her wildest dream!!

rags pov-oh god!!dis is realll…ahh!!hes my patient..god y u hve done dis wid me???huhuhuhu…hes a VIP n PK SIR had so much faith on me.n if he gotto know dat m doing his treatment den he”ll surely create a blunder here.its better dat i hide my identity.thnk god my face is covered.

pov ends.
(her fce is fully covered,so sanky couldnt recognised her!)

“DR.PK”-asked sanky sittng in dental chair.
“ahh!no m nt PK SIR ..m workng under him.n i”ll b handlng ur case.”-said rags rolling her eyes nervously.

‘oh okay!”-said sanky n smiles.
“okay now plz lay down in dis chair”-told rags

after checkng him thoroughly,she told dat his one tooth is fully decayed n it should hve to b remove !

sanky said okay.n she started his treatment.
but our brave man got scared wen he saw injection in rags hand.

“wa…wa…wtttts dis”-sanky asked nervously pointng towards injecton.
rags sensed it n assures him dat nthng wl happen…

“no no ..jst take d tooth out…no need to gve injection..”-sanky
“bt widout injection we cant extract it out”-rags
“i dnt know nythng..if u cnt do it widout injecton den m going”-sanky
“wait wait !!u cnt go lyk dis…okay now listen!!!…take deep breaths ….n calm down..n jst listen to me..”-said rags tryng to make him comfortable.

sanky sees her twinkling eyes.his soul says dat he knows dese innocent eyes .he gets attracted to dose orbs n lost himself on it.

“chupke se aahista,
horaha hoo lapata,
uljha sawalon mein,
ab tere he khayalon mein,
kaise ye chahat hai,
roke ye na ruke,
har pal ye rahat hai,
dhadhkan gava chuke..
iss pyaaar ko kya naaam dooo..iss marz ko kaise sahoo…iss pyaar ko kya naam doo..kya naaam dooo..kyaaa naaam dooo.”
[title song of serial IPKKND2]
{plays in background}

rags is cont. tryng to make him calm.n wen she found him lost(unknown to d reason,dat her eyes r nly hypnotizing him;) )
she gve him d injection.

he hissed wid pain n holded her hand tightly,leavng some marks on it.

she assures him dat everythng is fine n continued her extraction..

after d stiching is over.she putted cotton ball in his tooth n told him not to speak atleast for 45 minutes.

AT dat tym Dr. p k came n met sanky ..he also greets him noddng his head.

“so is everythng okay”-asked dr. pk
sanky smiled n assured him dat hes totally f9.

“good job ragini”-said dr. pk to rags
“sanskaar meet my most fav. n bestest doctor RAGINI “-said pk to sanky.
rags smile nervously widout removng her masks. told her to remove her masks .

she unwillingly does so…. n dennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn……

sanky pov..
my eyes bcome biggest ..its lookng lyk dey”ll now come out..oh god!!i cant believe it!!d most annoyng grl i hve ever met ,from whom i nver wished to meet again …ws standng in front of me..not nly standng bt also had done my treatment…no no no i cnt believe dis dramebaaz…n wt if she havnt treated me well!!n even removed my teeth jst to take revenge from me…ahh!!!if so den i”ll not leave her..

pov ends.

sanky starts noddng his head in desbelief.n den holded Dr. pks hand n asked him to check him once he dsnt believe dis grl..

rags makes a ‘haww’shaped face . dsnt understamd nythng n tries to convence sanky dat rags is one of d bstest n she would hve done it correctly nly.

“yes tilak dhaari ,dnt think dat i have done all dese to take revenge..coz dis is my profession n i respect it a i”ll nver joke wid my profession”-said rag .
(bt if i ever get chance den i wl love to break all ur teeth wid lots of pleasure-thinks rags)

sanky atlast after soo much tym gets convenced .
Dr.warned him nt to talk much.
he atlast left from dere gvng death glares to rags.
n rags sits down on d chair holdng her head cursing her fate for makng her meet again wid sanky.
“i need every detail of dis grl,till tommorrow!!understand”-said rudra handing an envelope to one of his men.
“yes boss!!as u say”-replied d men n goes out.
rudra turned his chair holdng a pic.
“o my baby!!u r makng me crazyyy!!hahahahahahahah!!!m becomng obssessd for u…vl get u for sure by hook or by crook hahahahahahaha”-said rudra laughng evilly. .
“Dr.ragini pratap soon u”ll b in my arms”-said rudra seeing d pic n caressng his hair!!!!….
so guys RUDRA charecter wl b played by siddharth shukla (shiv from balika vadhu). n if u dnt lyk him for d role den jst imagine urs charecter 🙂 ….

sry guyz for nt replyng u all personally bt m really v bsy now a days!!n also sry for nt readng n commntng on nyones ff , n d reason is same dat m reallly bsy… bt i”ll try to reply to ur comments n read ur ffs soon..

n i”ll upload my ff on sundays or maybe sometimes on some other days also..

m really sry for all dese thngs…

n yaar m very much sad after hearng swaragini is going to end!! 🙁 🙁 ..i mean y dey r endng dis??wen dere r so many faltu shows still going on…i”ll really miss my ragini…my raglak…my ragsan…soo much!!!dere ivs…temish tevar ahh!!i jst love dem soo much.
so guyz done wid another chappy!!hope u all lyked it shower ur views in d comment box 🙂 🙂 🙂 …

lots of love
keep rockng n stay blessed
yours fairy 😉


i lve life to its full.. love to read supernatural n ghost stories:D.crazy dieheart tejasswiholic.. Dentist by profession. Watty id-@fairyFARII

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