Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Jag Ghoomeya Thaare Jaisa Na Koyi Season 3 Shot 1 Part 2

Thank u so much For your like everyone. Please do comment and let me know how this shot was.
Voice: Idiot !!!
A girl is seen screaming at a boy.
The boy Runs and the girl runs behind him
Girl: give that back to me ..
Boy: come and get it na
Girl: its my wedding
Boy: who asked you to get married today?
Girl is very angry.
Girl: don’t spoil my mood give that bangle back.

Boy: there is no chances of me giving it back to you.
Girl: give it back or else i’ll break every single bone in your body. So give it back to me right now.
Boy: It will be a pleasure to get my bones broken by you.
Girl: you will never change Mr Maheshwari
The boy is revealed as Laksh Maheshwari.
Laksh smiles widely.
Girl: laksh..give it back to me..

Girl makes a sad face.
Laksh: what happened Preethi? Gave up huh.
The girl is revealed as Preethi Laksh’s childhood friend and his bhabhi’s younger sister.
Preethi: its my wedding and i don’t want to mess with you.
Laksh: do all type of emotional drama still you are not going to get this.
Preethi: Then go ..take that bangle with you i don’t want to have it anymore. And because of your this behaviour people leave you laksh that is why she left.
Laksh freezes

Preethi realises what she said.
Preethi: Laksh i am sorry i didn’t mean to …
Laksh: no its is your bangle..go and get ready its your wedding
He said faking a smile.
Priya(laksh’s bhabhi and Preethi’s sister) sees this.
Priya: Laksh don’t go listen to me she was..
Laksh: its ok bhabhi..i am not at all affected by it see i am smiling.

Laksh walks inside.
Priya: what is this Preethi?
Preethi: di i am really very sorry i didn’t mean to say that.
Priya: Preethi you are his best friend you know what he has gone through. Still why are you doing this to him?
Preethi: di i said na i really didn’t want to say that it slipped from my mouth.
After some time Laksh is sitting inside a room and trying everything to stop is tears.
Voice: Laksh..
Laksh: haan there anything you want?
Luv(Laksh’s elder brother): yes..your happiness.

Laksh: i am happy
Luv: how long are you planning to fool us like this Laksh..everyone know that you are not happy but you just acting that you are happy
Laksh: bhai what you want from me then?
Luv: your happiness..we all want you to be happy
Laksh: ask for something that i am give bhai…me and happiness we just broke up..just like me and her.
Luv: Lucky…
Laksh: no…bhai don’t call me that. Its Laksh…not anything else.

Laksh angrily leaves the room.
Luv looks on.
Luv: please Laksh..we cant see you like this broken breathing just for the sake of living. We want you back Lucky we want you back. And we are never going to forgive her ..never ever.

Precap: A marriage proposal
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Some stories are better left Incomplete

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