Categories: Jagriti

Jagriti 3rd October 2024 Written Episode Update

Jagriti 3rd October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Inspector Pratap tells Jagriti that she is a Chitta and it is a crime for Chitta to sell fruits according to Kalikant and says Kalikant gave him the right, Inspector Pratap to punish her. Geeta asks Inspector Pratap under what section will he charge this girl. Inspector Pratap says to Geeta that this girl is a Chitta and says she is selling fruits and the crowd is troubled due to it. Geeta says if the crowd is unhappy with this girl it is their problem. Geeta reminds Inspector Pratap it is his duty to uphold the law and not to please others and asks him to leave from here. Inspector Pratap agrees and he sends the crowd away.

Jagriti gives the rs 500 note to Geeta and says this note belongs to her. Geeta apologises to Jagriti for running away from her. Jagriti says to Geeta that she doesn’t mind

it as everyone behaves like that when they learn that she is a Chitta. Geeta says she shouldn’t have behaved like that and apologises to Jagriti. Jagriti asks Geeta why do all the people behave rudely with her when they learn that she is a Chitta. Jagriti also says how some kids in a uniform threw her fruits away. Geeta asks if the school kids also threw her fruits away. Jagriti asks Geeta what is school. Geeta says to Jagriti that school is a place where the kids get educated and play. Jagriti asks Geeta what does she mean by education. Geeta says with education they will get strength to do what they want. Geeta says with education she can earn everyone’s respect and comments on it.

Durjan dances in the Chitta community. Durjan sees Jagriti and asks Jagriti to tell everyone what has she learnt today. Jagriti says when everyone learn that she is Chitta they will hate her and they will not buy from her. Durjan says to Jagriti that the society rejects Chitta and says Kalikant is the one who allows them to live and whoever dares to rebel will learn the same lesson as Jagriti.

Jagriti says to Durjan that she has decided to go to school. Durjan asks Jagriti what is she talking about. Jagriti says a school is a place where they can get education and education gives them the strength to do what they want. Bindi hearing it tries to take Jagriti away from there. Durjan stops Bindi and talks to Jagriti. Durjan says to Jagriti to tell him what she wants to say. Durjan asks Bindi what is the meaning of education. Jagriti says she doesn’t know about education but Mama taught her the meaning of education.

Durjan asks Jagriti who is this Mama. Jagriti says Mama is the customer who bought fruits from her and says they need to get education. The crowd laughs at Jagriti and comments on her.

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