Categories: Jamai No. 1

Jamai No. 1 16th January 2025 Written Episode Update: Riddhi Agrees To Marry Neel

Jamai No. 1 16th January 2025 Written Episode, Written Update on

Lokit warns Neel not to interfere between him and Riddhi. In response, Neel declares there is nothing between Lokit and Riddhi and orders Lokit to leave. Lokit moves toward Riddhi, but Neel attacks and beats him up. While leaving, Lokit vows revenge and says he won’t let them go unpunished. Riddhi confronts Neel, questioning his actions, and reveals that Lokit is her last hope. She explains she must marry Lokit to save Parameshwari and insists she needs to stop Lokit. Neel silences her, criticizing her for submitting to others. He questions how she can compromise herself so easily.

Riddhi, in tears, admits she feels like a failure as a grandchild. She shares how Parameshwari raised her and how she cannot even fulfill her grandmother’s simple wish. She fears losing Parameshwari and sobs,

but Neel encourages her to fight for herself rather than pleading with Lokit. Lokit, seething with anger, declares Neel as his enemy. He laments coming to the city for friendship but resolves to stay and fight out of enmity.

At the hospital, a nurse informs the doctor that Parameshwari’s blood pressure is dropping. Neel urgently requests five minutes with her, believing that emotions can work better than medicine. Riddhi pleads with Parameshwari to wake up. Neel, in an unexpected turn, claims he deserves respect from her family because he is going to be her future son-in-law. Shocked, Riddhi listens as Neel asserts that Parameshwari is insulting him despite her jamai being present. Parameshwari regains consciousness, holding Neel’s hand. He jokingly asks if he is her Jamai No. 1.

Parameshwari smiles and acknowledges him as the best jamai. She asks Neel if he truly intends to marry Riddhi, to which he promises he will. Relieved, Parameshwari blesses Neel and Riddhi, expressing her happiness and gratitude to God. Riddhi, however, confronts Parameshwari, asking if she is truly happy now. Parameshwari reassures her that Neel will always keep her happy and support her. Neel, though inwardly focused on his own motives, vows to fulfill his duties as a husband. Parameshwari insists on a court marriage the next day and instructs them not to inform Kanchan. Riddhi agrees, and Parameshwari reminds them never to let go of each other’s hands. Neel takes Riddhi’s hand, leading her out.

Kanchan arrives with her family. Riddhi greets Kanchan with a hug, while Pratham confronts Neel, questioning his presence. Riddhi calms the situation and asks Kanchan where she had been. Kanchan explains she visited the hospital and prayed at the temple for Parameshwari. She then orders Neel to leave. Pratham supports Kanchan, warning Neel not to glare and to exit. Riddhi intervenes, explaining that Neel was the one who brought Parameshwari to the hospital. However, Kanchan dismisses Neel’s efforts as insignificant, sarcastically suggesting Riddhi give him a gift and send him away.

Riddhi encourages Kanchan to meet Parameshwari, and Kanchan heads inside. Riddhi rehearses her gratitude speech for Neel. Approaching him, she begins to express her thanks, but Neel interrupts and reminds Riddhi about their 6-crore marriage deal.

Precap: Neel determines to teach Kanchan a lesson by marrying Riddhi. He and Riddhi reach marriage registrar’s office. Kanchan learns about it and challenges Parameshwari that she will not let this marriage happen at any cost.

Update Credit to: MA

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