Categories: Jamai No. 1

Jamai No. 1 27th December 2024 Written Episode Update: Neel gets electrocuted while working in the office

Jamai No. 1 27th December 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Riddhi says he would be punished but it is not that big if he puts his ego aside so she announces he would have to apologize to her other. Neel is furiously looking at them then walks to stand in front Kanchan before kneeling down. Riddhi is shocked seeing it. Neel holds both of his hands together saying there is no point in ego and she is just like his other so what is the shame in it and he apologies to her while even requesting that she gives hi her blessings so he would be able to work for the betterment of his parents but Kanchan turns away when Neel informs he has apologized to Kanchan as Riddhi mam but it is up to Kanchan mam to forgive him so now he would return to his work Riddhi stops him saying that it was just the first part of his punishment.

Suman is working in the kitchen

while just thinking about what Riddhi said to Neel before they left in the morning, she accidentally burns her hand so her daughter turns to her asking what happened when she helps Suman then says that she used to make the food with her eyes closed and asks if she is worried about her brother then mentions he can do anything and will make them pay but she replies her son cannot tolerate wrong and lies so this is why would leave the job but this time she knows that he is not going to leave as he knows this job is necessary for them all this is why he would bow down and apologize but not leave the job.

Neel says he will do anything as he has made the mistake but he really needs the job when Kanchan says that Neel would surely need it as their company pays twice the salary of the market and he can use it to give his family the luxuries required in the world. Riddhi says that Neel has to make the office lean just as before and even fix it but he just has two hours for it when Neel tries to explain that it is a lot of work so Riddhi asks if this job is not good enough for him but then Neel says he is surely going to do everything and only needs one hour

Neel starts to clean the office and is sweeping the floor of the cabin, the letter addressed as Riddhi Betu is still on the floor Neel keeps on leaning the office cabin and is even busy cleaning the office Kanchan thinks that everyone is busy in Neel and she is going to search for the letter in the cabin of Riddhi. Kancahn secretly tries to leave but she accidentally causes a noise so then Riddhi turns asking if she is going anywhere when kanahn says there is soe work but RIddhi replies the floor is still wet and she might slip so she helps her other sit on the chair saying it is risky. Riddhi is staring at Neel who is busy working when the mother of Neel tries to call him but he does not answer so she gets worried then his sister asks her to not be worried then his father says she should try again.

Neel is busy working and then he is told that someone wants to talk with him, Neel is shocked to hear the voice of Parmashwari who asks what kind of nae has he given her and he says that she got him this job so he has to work for his family and then he can even forget himself then he ends the call saying he just has an hour to finish it all. Parmashwari thinks she knew that there was a responsible person hiding behind all the mischievous activities of Neel

Vicky and Riddhi are busy discussing a file when Kanchan thinks she wants to see by herself if the letter got ruined as she made Riddhi believe that it was just her imagination but she knows the reality of it all and does not want Riddhi to find out about it as she wants to hide the truth.

Neel comes calling Riddhi boss mam saying all the work ended before she said ties up but Riddhi replies that her cabin is still left she says he has just moped the floors of her cabin while should go to sort the out and make sure they are dry, Neel follows her but Kanchan is worried thinking that the letter is in the cabin of Riddhi and she does not know what he would do after he finds it Kanchan herself starts searching for the letter in the cabin of Riddhi and even kneels on the floor. Neel says he would be blamed if the papers get ruined so Riddhi says it is the truth when he asks how can he un ruin the then Kanchan is about to find the letter and she spots it in the corner when Neel picks it up and says why did she bother as he would do it. Kanchan tries to threaten him however sees Riddhi so informs that it is not his work and he should give her the letter so Neel says he is aware of it but today he is the one who has to organize everything and he says he is going to do all the work relating to learning the and she should not be worried Neel turning back is shocked to see Riddhi and says he is sorry for being in her way after which he leaves. Riddhi goes to her other asking if she is fine and she replies indeed she is fine.

Neel is making sure the papers are dried in the best possible manner thinking what has been forced to do as he set water to his own dreams so after a moment Neel picks the letter thinking about where to put it then decides to read it for himself however Kanchan throws the water on him. Riddhi sees her mother so stops her saying she would herself be electrocuted, Riddhi hits Neel with the stick so he leaves the iron and so Neel gets unconscious and falls on the floor seeing which Riddhi gets worried

Update Credit to: Sona

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