Jashn E Ishq (Yeh Hain Chahatein) Episode 4

Guyssss… am backkkkk.. hey thanks thanks thanks thanks a lot yaar that u r liking my ffs so much. Jasminerahul yes Harshad is Abhinav and thanks for liking the episodes and the changes so much. Shivaniiiii u make me so excited and motivated to write my episodes and yeah u guessed it absolutely right hehe…R.ragavi!!!!! My silent readerrr.. am soooo happy that u commented and dnt wry, the changes will happen according to what u all wish it to be.. I added the changes that u would like to happen and plzzz continue commenting.. I dnt want u to continue being a silent reader.. the same applies to my other silent readers, am waiting to hear from u guysss… and Arpan , am trying my best to add more romantic scenes.. let me know if u liked the romantic scenes in this episode.. so lets begin!!!!

Recap : Riya runs away with Abhinav. Preesha narrates this to Rudraksh and they get married.

In the morning, Rudraksh goes to the kitchen and sees Preesha preparing coffee for herself. She sees him and ignores him. He smirks and asks her.

Rudraksh : what would u like to have for today’s lunch gharwali(wife)?

Preesha : Whatever…

She goes from there. Rudraksh prepares some food and later brings it to the table. She sees Preesha writing something in her laptop and peeks.

Preesha : Didnt u learn ever that it’s wrong to poke ur nose in other people’s matters?

Rudraksh looks around sarcastically.

Rudraksh : Other people? But u r my beloved wife!

Preesha : shut up!

Rudraksh : R u writing ur personal diary?

Preesha : No… am writing a book.. Since childhood I wanted to write a book and get it published.

Rudraksh : am sure u will succeed. Btw..(coming closer to her). I have prepared tasty food for both of us.. would u care to come and eat.

They both sit down to eat. Preesha likes the food and compliments him. He smiles.

Preesha : Rudraksh, look.. I dnt know how u changed in one night and started looking at me with a different perspective.. i dnt know what are your expectations toward me.. but I wont be able to fulfill the responsibility as ur life partner.. I dnt have anything for u.. I have other things to do in life and according to me, when in love, u cant do anything to succeed.

Rudraksh comes near her and holds her hand.

Rudraksh : I have no expectations from u that u have to stay with me forever and be my support system. But yes, I doubt that u also have feelings for me.. Didnt u question urself on sangeet night when u didnt understand why were u feeling attracted towards me? Even I felt the same since I met u and this cannot be any coincidence. I will never force u to stay in this marriage. But I wish that one day u will see how much I have started having feelings for u and how much u love me.. And I hope that it wont be too late then..

Preesha continues looking at him.

They have an eyelock… Yeh hain chahatein plays in the background.

Rudraksh : btw.. u can leave my hand if u want.

He shows that instead of him, it is she who is holding his hand.

She lets go of his hand and turns to go.

Preesha : I am afraid of love and commitment.. dnt make me weak like this.

She goes. Rudraksh thinks love was never a weakeness and I will make u realise that.

Its evening, Preesha is sitting in the garden. She gets a call from her mother and talks to her. She also gets a call from Riya.

Preesha : Riyu yaar.. where have u been? U didnt even bother to call me after everything that happened.

Riya : Its me who should have asked u all this.. why did u take such a big step for me ?

Preesha : arey.. its nothing serious.. we agreed on a deal and we will get divorced soon.

Riya : Did he sign the divorce papers?

Preesha stays silent.

Riya : Preeshu, I know my best friend and since he met u, I saw the way he looks at u but I ignored it because I was going to marry him. I even overheard him asking himself why is he getting attracted to u.

Preesha : Riya, u know am not into all these things. Please dnt…

Riya : Its ur choice.. but sooner or later I hope u realises the truth.. otherwise u two wouldnt have got married just for nothing. Maybe this is a sign from the universe.

Preesha stays silent and cuts the call. She looks on and remembers her moments spent with Rudraksh.

Rain starts falling. She gets happy and thinks God always has a way of making her happy through rain. She dances in the rain and enjoys. Rudra comes outside and sees her. He smiles. Mohabat barsa dena tu.. plays.. he comes near her and asks her permission to dance. She nods. He holds her waist and pulls her closer. They have a romantic dance in the rain. They then dance like crazy and laughs. They both slip and continue laughing. He continues admiring her. He pulls her closer and kisses her cheeks. She closes her eyes. He then realises and apologises to her.

Rudraksh : am sorry I kissed u without ur permission.

Preesha : Do u ask permissions for everything with ur other ex gfs.

Rudraksh : No, but u r different.. I dnt feel the same with u…

Preesha looks at him and they continue having eyelocks. She sneezes. He gets worried and asks her to go inside. She gets up and gets a sprain in her ankle. Rudraksh asks to help her but she refuses. She tries to walk but fall again and again.

Rudraksh :  R u such stuborn since childhood?

He lifts her and asks her to shut up otherwise he will kiss her on lips this time. She gets quiet.

He brings her to bed and puts ointment on her ankle. She looks at him. He asks her to rest and he will bring something hot for her to drink.

He brings her some hot drink and helps her drink it. He asks her to change.

Rudraksh : if u r feeling weak, I can do that also for u.

Preesha : shut up!

She goes to change and Rudraksh laughs.

She comes having changed and looks at the rain from the window. She sees Rudra on the bed and reprimands him saying that she hasnt allowed him to come on the bed yet. He teases her saying he knows she is dying to sleep with him. She hits him with a pillow. He fights back. They both have a pillow fight. She picks a vase and he screams asking her to stop. She laughs seeing that he got scared. He makes an angry face and comes near her. She continues laughing. He turns her towards the mirror and hugs her from behind. She asks what r u doing.

Rudraksh : u look so beautiful when u smile.

Music playss…

Rudraksh : and just look how cute and hot we look as a couple.

Preesha : ur this dream will never come true.

Rudraksh : the world lives on hope yaar.

Preesha : u wish..

He continues hugging her from behind. She asks him to leave her.

Rudraksh : no I will not.

He rests his face on her neck. She gets nervous and looks away.

Rudraksh : r u sure u dnt feel anything for me?

Preesha : n..nn..no I dnt!

Rudraksh kisses her neck.

Rudraksh : r u still sure?

Preesha : yes… I.. I.. am sure! Now u didnt ask permission before touching me… u forgot we are not husband and wife.. we are a deal and u didnt sign the papers yet!

Rudraksh opens his eyes and gets upset. He leaves her.

Rudraksh : yaar why r u doing this to me? R u not seeing that am so madly in love with u but u r so focused on signing the divorce papers that u… just forget it! U want me to sign it.. fine!

He takes the papers and signs it. He throws it on the floor and goes. She looks on.

She holds his hand and stops him.

Preesha : I told u not to have any expectations with me.. We dnt even know each other.. why r u so stuborn yaar regarding all this.. u told me that once ur mother goes we will make an excuse and seperate, if u love me then its ur problem not mine..I am not one of those girls to submit to an unhappy marriage forcefully. U promised me a deal and when am asking the deal to be executed u r making it look as if its all my fault!

Rudraksh : And am not such a guy who will force a girl to stay in this marriage with me it she doesnt want to. If I wanted to force u, I would have never signed the divorce papers and because u r trying to defame my love for u. That is why I signed this papers to make ur realise that u dnt need somebody to be here to love them. U can go and live ur life the way u want. I love ur happiness not ur sadness..

He goes. She looks at him and gets teary eyed hearing his talks.

She again stops him and holds his hand. He looks at her.

Preesha : It was not divorce papers that u signed idiot that u r reacting so much! When h were still asleep in the morning, I went to my lawyer and got this from him. Its a notice that we have to go to court tomorrow to know more about our divorce.

Rudraksh gets happy and hugs her happily. She gets surprised.

Rudraksh : Oh sorry! But why didnt u tell me yaar! I thought this was our divorce papers!

Preesha : Your are weird u know that!

He smiles and gets happy.

Precap : They are at court. The judge gives them one month to stay together and then decide if they want to divorce or not. He looks at her and thinks I will make her so happy in this one month. Its a promise.

Guyssss… hehe just lemme know how did u find this episode and if changes are to be made, am listening! Love u all and hope u liked this episode!

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