Jealous angry bird. #Riansh OS Part 2 (Confession and last part)

Hello guys. Here is the second part that you all have requested me to write it. I have done that for all of you and for the lovely respond that I have received it from you all. Thank you guys for making me reached to 124 comments on the previous os. It is the highest score till now. Thank you so much. So I hope that you all like this part and do comment a lot.
So let’s starts.
Riddhima has got to be very very surprised when she has heard Vansh’s last words.

Riddhima: What do you mean? What do you mean that Vansh’s love isn’t easy? What do you mean by love? I need a justification from you Vansh right now and I want you to get me out of that room immediately.
Vansh was smiling from the way Riddhima was being confused of it.

Vansh: I think that you are smart enough to understand it alone sweetheart. And even if you didn’t have understood, I will not explain anything to you right now. I will leave you to face some confusion for sometime like you have done with me. Today, you are the one who has started the fire of jealousy and I’m the one who will end it. So enjoy your time being locked on the room for some more time Riddhu.
Vansh has said those words in an irritating way to annoy Riddhima with it.
Then he has left after he got sure that Riddhima will not be able to get out from the room.
Riddhima was being confused and annoyed from Vansh.

She was thinking so much about the things that is behind Vansh’s words.
Riddhima to herself: Do by his words he means that he really loves me?! Do he could really owns that special and same feeling towards me?!
A tiny smile has drawn on Riddhima’s face.

She was hoping that what she has guessed is right.
Riddhima to herself: But even if my guesses got right, I will not leave you Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania for locking me in the room like that.
Vansh’s POV starts:
I wasn’t expecting that a short day like that could change so much stuff inside Vansh Rai Singhania.
I wasn’t expecting that this uncomfortable feeling that I was feeling it since morning could make me understand the feelings that I owns it to Riddhima since a lot of time and I wasn’t wanting to accept it or understand it.
But because of my jealousy, I got to understand and accept my feelings towards Riddhima.
I know that she is now isn’t understating the meaning behind my words and that what I meant to do so I could make her pass through the same confusion path that I have suffered from it when she was using my jealousy.
She doesn’t know that I could easily understand her from the way she is looking with it.
That’s why I got to caught her when she was dancing with Ishani and Aryan.
I have caught her while she was trying her best to increase my jealousy so much and to be honest she has really succeeded in that.
I really wasn’t able to control my anger and jealousy when I was seeing Riddhima that near to Aryan.
I can’t bear seeing any guy near my Riddhima.
I can’t control my jealousy when it comes to Riddhima.

I can cross any limit and do anything just to be sure that she will always be mine and with me.
I know that I have taken so many time to accept my feelings, but thank God that at the end I have understood my feelings and now it is the time to do an action.
He was being very confident while talking.

You have just seen my jealousy of anger Riddhima when I was feeling that I could lose you and now you will see how this jealousy could turn into a very special thing that could cross all the limits that is between us.
Just wait and watch sweetheart as still this day is stored for us so many special stuff before it ends.
Vansh’s POV ends.
At night, Riddhima was still being at the room and she was still being locked.
She was being bored and very annoyed from Vansh.
Then the door got opened.
Then a box has gotten putted inside the room and then the door got closed once again.
Riddhima has taken the box.
Then she has opened it.
She has found a very lovely dress inside the box.
There was also a message being putted behind the dress.
The message was written on it:
“I know that you are being very very upset and angry from me, but I promise you after wearing this dress and coming to me all your anger and upset will vanish. So please wear this dress fast as after 20 minutes I will open the door for you so you have to be ready so you could understand what you weren’t understanding it from my words.
Riddhima has smiled a cute smile when she has seen the dress and read the message.

She was feeling that something very special is await for her.
So she has forgotten her anger from Vansh for now and she has rushed quickly to get ready and wear the dress.
Afterwords, she has wear the dress.
She was looking so gorgeous wearing that simple and lovely dress.

Moreover, the door has opened to Riddhima.
She wasn’t finding Vansh or anyone outside the room.
Along with that everything was being on dark mood.
When she starts walking for some moments, she has seen a road filled with roses and lights.

Then there was a small arrow written on it:
“complete walking. Your surprise is really near to you”
She completes walking through this rose road.
Then she has found at the end of this rose road so many lovely pictures of her being putted on a red hearts.

She was smiling so much and she was being very happy seeing all those lovely decorations and surprises.

Then at the end, she has found a table and around it so lovely and bright decorations.

She was liking it so much.

Riddhima( raising her voice): Oh! So you have locked me at the room at morning and you have prepared that lovely surprise at night?! Not bad Vansh not bad. So do you will appear to me or you will leave me enjoying this night alone??
After she has finished her words, she has felt on Vansh’s presence from her back.

He was being very close to her.
Riddhima’s breathes were very high.
It was the first time to her that Vansh could be that very very close to her.
She was being very shy, but she was feeling very comfortable and relaxed.
She was closing her eyes and leaving herself being that close to Vansh.
Vansh was feeling her shyness and happiness at the same time.
So he was just making her more closer to her in a gentle way.
Vansh: I told you sweetheart that when you will come here you will forget all your upset and annoy from me.
She has gotten away from him.
Then she has putted her hand around him by facing him.

Riddhima: Oh! Really?! Do you think that I will forget what you have done with me today?! No Mr. Vansh. I will never leave you without taking my right from you for locking me at the room. You have made me being very confused and alone while being locked in this room. I promise you that I will not spare you at all and you have to atone your mistake.
She was looking at him in a very annoyed and cute way.

Vansh was staring at her so much while she was being that annoyed in that lovely way.

Then he has grabbed her near him.

He was wanting to make her very close to him.
Vansn: Relax sweetheart. Don’t be that angry and annoyed as actually you look so beautiful when you are being that annoyed and I will not be able to bear such an overload cuteness.
He has smiled at her in a very cute way.

Then she has also smiled at him.

She wasn’t able to say so many stuff and she has forgotten all her anger and annoy when he has made her that close to him.
She was just staring at him so much and she wasn’t able to remove her eyes from him.

He was being very happy and smiling while seeing her staring at him that much.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that there is a person here is on another world by staring so much, Am I right or am I right?!

He has putted his hands on her face in a caring way.

She has looked at him in a escaping way.

Riddhima: Yeah I also observe the same, but actually this stuff is from you Vansh not from me as I can observe how you are staring at me since I have came here. It is okay it is okay Mr. Vansh. I will not punish you as of course staring is for free cost. So you could keep staring at me as actually I know how much I’m really beautiful and all the men are keeping staring at me.
He has got jealous from the last words that Riddhima has said it.
So he has pulled her towards him to make her so near to him.

Vansh: There isn’t any man in this world that is allowed to stare at you other than me Riddhima. You are just for Vansh and no one could have the right on you other than me.
After Vansh has finished his words, both of them have stared at each other.

They were sinking on each other’s eyes.
Then Vansh has putted his hand around Riddhima’s face to arrange her hair.

The he didn’t has felt on himself when he has made Riddhima very close to his heart and he has hugged her very closely to him.

Both of them were being very comfortable while being in each others arms.
Then Riddhima has gotten out from Vansh’s arms and she was just staring at him so much.

Riddhima: Vansh, how your attitude has got changed that much? And what you were meaning by what you have said when you have locked me at the room and what is the reason behind all this preparations? I need a direct answer please.
Vansh: Actually, if you start to walk more inside this place you will find all the answers of your questions. Just keep walking and exploring the place and you will understand everything.
Riddhima has started exploring the place more until she has got shocked seeing something that she wasn’t expecting it.
She has seen so many balloons and a small bed and near it there was 3 words being bulbed by the lights and those words were:
“I love you”

She wasn’t believing her eyes from what she was seeing.
She was just smiling so much without saying a word.
Vansh was also smiling while seeing her smiling that much.

Then he has came very very close to her to feel her breathes and sink inside her.

Vansh: I just want you to be mine forever Riddhima. I can admit that I have taken so many time until I have understood that our marriage has got into another level than just a normal arranged marriage. I have understood that very late when I have experienced a different feeling which is being jealous on you. I wasn’t able to believe that you could be for any man other than me. I can’t make you be away from me Riddhima because….
He lays on his knees.
Then he looks at her in a very deep and romantic way.

Vansh: Because I love you so much Riddhima. I didn’t have loved a girl in my life and you are the only girl who is being in my heart. You are the only girl who I just want to make her inside me just to not make anyone be near her. I feel that you are a part of me and I have the responsibility to protect you from anything and everything. I love you and I will always love you so much sweetheart.
Riddhima was being very happy while hearing Vansh’s confession.
She was feeling as if she is a butterfly who is flying very high from happiness.
She was staring at him so much.

Then she has came to be very close to him to feel his presence.

Riddhima: I love you way more Vansh. I love you since I have got to know you better and know how much you own so many lovely qualifications inside you. Everyday I fall more deeply for you. I love you so much my husband.
They have hugged each other very tightly.

They weren’t wanting to leave each other at all.
They were just wanting to stay forever being hugging each other.
Riddhima was smiling so much while she was hugging Vansh.

She was thanking God that she finally has heard the confession from the man that she has just loved him in her life.
Vansh was also being very happy while hugging Riddhima.

He was being very attached and close to her.

He was feeling very relaxed while being that close to his Riddhima.
Then he has kissed her hand in a very romantic way.

Vansh: I promise you sweetheart that I will always shower you with so much love. I promise you that I will never make you be upset from me. I promise you that I will always give you the respect and love that you deserve it.
He has came closer to her.
Then he has kissed her a very romantic kiss in her cheek.

He was surrounding her by his hands to not make her be away from him.

Then he starts to be very close to her to have a kiss.

Riddhima has got shy.
So she has got away from him.
When she has got away from him, her saree got to be a kind of removed and she got to be more shy.

Vansh has looked at her while he was smiling.

Then he has came closer to her to calm her down.
Vansh: Relax sweetheart. It isn’t that big deal. As actually, there is still more stuff that will happen during this day that will make you more and more shy as I will not leave you in this day at all without being so much close to you.
She was shy while hearing his words, but she was happy for being very near to unit with him.
He has kissed her in forehead to minimize her shyness.

She was smiling so much while he was doing that.
Then they have got closer once again and they got to he very very near to kiss each other.

And this time Riddhima didn’t has got away from Vansh and then they have gone into a very long and romantic kiss.

They became very very close to each other.
They have forgotten any limit that could be between them.
Vansh was touching Riddhima so gently and romantically.
He was wanting to be the only one who have the right on her.
The night was so romantic and hot.
It got more hot when they start playing with colors together and they were hugging each other while doing that.

Then they have united in a very hot way.
They have crossed all the barriers and they have just became one.
Afterwards, they were sleeping while hugging each other.
Then Riddhima has gotten a call from her coworker.
So she has waked up and she has picked up the call.
And this what was making Vansh being very angry and jealous.

He was looking at her in a jealous and angry way.

She has found her burning so much.
So she has ended the call and she has putted her hand on his head in a caring way.

Riddhima: What has happened Vansh?? Why you are that angry?
Vansh: Really?! You aren’t seeing that it will never be the perfect time for your coworker to call you at that time?! He doesn’t know that you have a husband who will not accept something like that.
She has looked at him it’s surprising way.

Then she has kissed him in his cheek to minimize his anger.

Riddhima: Oh! So Mr. Husband is returned back once again to be Mr. Jealous angry bird!







The end of the os. I hope you have liked it guys. I have tried my best to end it in a cute way. I hope that I have got succeeded in that. So please guys do tell me how it was and do comment so much as your comments is the thing that encourages me to write more os episodes. As the amazing and special respond that was being on the previous os is the thing that has made me very encouraged to write this one. So do comment so many and many comments here guys so I could know if I will write another new os or not. I will he waiting for all of yours comments and support on the os. I will be waiting for all of yours so many comments to break the record of my previous comments. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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