Hellooo dearssss Here We Go……
And Ya …..Before We start… i wanna apologizes to everyne About Swara’s entry…. I see many comments demanding Sanky’s lovstory with Swara…… Srry to say guys… It will take a couple of Updates more…. After Ragini’s Past….. We will mve To Swasan story…. Please wait
EP- 28 : https://www.tellyupdates.com/jeene-ki-tammanah-hai-ep-28/
Recap: RagLakSan Bike Ride….RagLak Romance…..
Laksh…Laksh…Laksh…..That’s what Viren could hear around him…..Nothing else…Business… Home.. Newspapers…. Television and Everywhere….Laksh Maheshwari and Sanskaar Maheshwari just spread over their life….Viren craved for respect, love and acknowledgement from only too little people…But they never had an eye on him….
Dadaji loved Sanskaar the most among them…though he never showed it….Viren heard Dadaji saying that he respected Sanskaar the most as he was able choose a different path from Maheshwari and showed the courage to keep his demands and head high…
Gayatri Bua who was a Viren’s ideal woman …also showered her love only on Laksh…. never cared about anyone one else…
His own brother , Adharsh…from whom needed a tap of encouragement …a support …always supported Laksh….never stood for him…In he was the first person who wanted to get Viren arrested during Kavya’s case…..
His parents were fickle …he would always do something to please them by putting down Ram Prasad Chachu and his kids…They would be happy… but as soon as plates change… They would keep themselves safe… The only love and support have in the house was his wife…His sweetheart…Sapna , His cousin Omkara and his wife Soumya …They were the only people whom, he could countdown….can trust that will never betray him.
Its been two months since Ragini’s birthday… Raglak’s life took a romantic turn, much to annoyance of Viren…It was fun to taunt Ragini and Laksh over their incomplete relation…. But that fun has come to an end…On the other hand Viren’s and Omkara’s life has taken a negative turn…..After being found out as Co-conspirators with Kavya…. They have demoted from Directors…. Now they have to strive hard to get their positions back …..and that was frustrating…
“ Please Viren……Cheer Up …Everything will be fine” Sapna hugged to calm Viren
“ How can calm Sapna….how?” Viren broke off from the hug…. “ That Laksh has always been enemy of my being….Always….Full of attitude…. When I asked for a model guy of him…He refused showing Professionalism…. Now Me and Om are doomed because of him…..blo*dy hell… Even Adharsh bhaiyya hates me after that….Argghhhh….”
“Viru…. Just calm down “ Sapna begged
“ not only us…. Look at you and Soumya…. You both are also getting lessons from Daadi because of that Ragini…. Be like Ragini… This and That….. I hate Her…. Arghhh…. It was well and good when they were not in good terms…. Now that he gave her thaali….She has elevated heights…. Disgusting…. “ Viren pulled out his anger
“I know viru…” Om entered Viren’s room with his wife Soumya…….” It was only Sanskaar , Laksh and Uttara…. But they died down after Uttara’s death……This girl Ragini…She is slow poison…eating away us with her fake innocence….. Creepy orphan Girl….”
“ Guys…. I know that you all are disturbed …because of the recent happenings…” Soumya tried calm down the trio….. “ But you know what…. Now its time for us to b happy…. Not Upset…”
“ Somu…..What is that you see here to be happy???” Sapna questioned
“ Look Guys…. Gayatri Bua was Laksh’s strength in this house…. Laksh’s demands get green flag mainly because of her…..but they are not together….So we can play “ Soumya plotted
“ Soumya….I know that they are not close …….. But you need to wipe up your brains into use…a bit more… Laksh is son to bua….Even if Laksh is angry with her…. Bua loves him than anyone…… She would never want to hurt him… by being with us…” Viren shot at soumya…
“ Relax Viren….and Ya…. Hear my plan completely…..Shall you…I am not telling to ask Bua to help us in being against Laksh….Bua will hang us instead , if we pose such a request…. But what we should do is not ask bua to strike Laksh…. But Ragini….” Soumya clicked her fingers
“Ohh…. Now I get You…..great thinking Somu” sapna appreciated “We can bring down Ragini easily….”
“ not only Ragini…..We can have many wins in this game…. When we strike down Ragini…. We can easily flush out Laksh as she is his heartbeat now…….and Sanskaar… he will also be hurt… because she is his weakness too…. And the most important is that we win bua’s trust….Because when we say we are against Ragini….She will easily accept us and trust us….She hates Ragini… She still blames Ragini for the gap between her and Laksh…”
Viren , Sapna,Om and Soumya smirk at their evilness
Viren knocked …to enter Bua’s room….Bua was pale …eve since Laksh started ignoring her….Grew paler day by day. Viren was sad seeing her… Genuinely sad… Even though she never noticed , Viren and om sincerely loved her….
“ Come in Viren…..” She said in a low voice…sitting on her bed…forcefully clutching a book
“Bua… How are you” Viren enquired
“ I am good…. What about you” She asked him
“ Healthy….. Bua we are going to visit Guddu and Chottu…. Can you join us” Viren requested in a stern voice. Guddu and Chottu was the pet names of Viren’s and Om’s 5 year old boys Harsh and Ved.They were in boarding schools….like other Maheshwari grand kids… Adarsh had twins, 7 year old Vividha and Vineeta and Tripthi had a 4 year old Spars…in girls only Boarding.
“No beta …. You guys leave…”
“ Oh com on Bua… you have been sitting in this room for days… You need to feel the outside air….Please come na… Kids are dying to see you..” Viren pestered…..to which Bua had to give in……
They took Guddu and Chottu to a restaurant ……ordering their favourites…..
“Papa…. Have you bought our Family Photo… We need to place them in our room like others” Guudu asked
“ Haa Bade Papa… We need to keep that…. A big one” Chottu supported
“ Haan Apples…..” Sapna caught both of them by chin and kissed on their cheeks. While Soumya took out a big Photo frame with all the Maheshwari family members including Kids exept Uttara, as the photo was clicked after Ragini’s and Laksh’s marriage when Bua was back from her theerth yaatra
“ WOW….. Its Too Good ….” Guddu exclaimed “ Hai na Bua Daadi??”
“ Yes Beta…. Its beautiful “ Bua said “except that witch Ragini” She said it in a whisper
Suddenly a man passed their table……who hit with the photo frame in Guddu’s hand…The frame fell down… and broke
“ Oh … I am really sorry…” The man said….and picked the frame …..He was about to give it to them…. But stopped seeing someone in this photo
“ Excuse me….” Om was irritated “ Give it back”
“ RAGINI….” The man gasped under his breath
The mention of Ragini invited the attention of everyone…..
“ Still living healthy and happy….after all that” the guy smirked evilly….
“Excuse Me …” Soumya got up….. “Ragini is our Bhabhi …. Do you know her??” Soumya threw her bait.
“ Of course….. I am her past after all” The man hissed
A twinkle appeared in those five pairs of evil eyes
“ Wow Bua…. What a story” Viren said sarcastically..” I bet Laksh doesn’t know about this”
All five of them were dazed after hearing Ragini’s story from The man named Karthick…. Her Past
“ she cheated my Son” Bua growled……” Everything till now could have be forgiven… But this she dint do good…..”
“ Relax Bua…… this time God is with us … Otherwise… we wouldn’t have got this torn piece of Ragini’s life….. Lets just simply destroy her…” Soumya smirked… Bua Nodded in support
Bua was determined to get Ragini out of Laksh’s life while others were exicted about destroying Ram Chachu’s family altogether
Screen Freezes on All Five Smirks
PreCap: Ragini’s Past….
What is that Past of Ragini…. which is going shatter her Present ,,,,,,, and prune her future………….????
Will Laksh and Sanky help her to get out of this Mess??? Or will this be the Dead End f their Sweet Bond
guyss…. This Ep dint have any of your Favorites… RagLakSan…Sujju…RP.. Ap… Rucha …Amrita or anyone….Today is was an opening of other Side….. Hope You like it…… Pen down your Views….
And Advance Sorry that i wo be able to post for a while due to my Internalss…..Forgive me and Keep Supprting JKTH……………….
Thank You Dear…………
Missing raglaksan moments, eager to learn more about ragini
Wait for a bit Dear…..I will update as soon as my exams get over….
This bua is dam irretating
I know dear….. Very irritating
Do well fr your exams..
Coming to the update…it was nice dear..am sure sanlak wil support our ragu…
Thank You Dear……lets see what happens
Bt one question…aftr swaras entry raglak angle wil b over?
See Dear…. I am Varun kapoor Fan… I started watching Swaragini after Varun entered…. Intially i thought that Ragsan would end up together……I started Adoring Ragini…. Later she swept me…. even with her negative shade…. That i forgot Varun :P….. Then I came to be a fan of the blo*dy hate wala love of Raglak….. After that i cant imagine any pair than Raglak….. I am a die hard Raglakian…..and even if it is vague… I like the sister in law brother in law relation of Ragsan…. Its not that i dont like Swara…. I like her…. but last among the four…..So even if she enter….RagLakSan will be in the main track…. Its like…She is going to blend in to the main track…thats it…. So chilll
Really missing raglaksan
Thank You Dear…..
I missed raglaksan bond but liked the epi waiting fr ragini past
Thank You Dear…..will update after my internals
Interesting and waiting for next
Thank You Dear
Superb and I’m also missing Raglaksan scenes
Thank You Dear..
I loved the other side of siblings
Who is playing kartick plz dont say the one who play in swaragini cast somepne else
Karthic……. I dont like the guy in serial either…..Suggest me someone…..so that i include him in the next ep……karthic is a negative character …ok?
Thank You Dear
Nyc 1. Update next part soon
Thank You Dear…….
Thank You Dear………………
Thank You Dear…………………………
Awesome, missing raglaksan….. but this part is also important. As far as is know sujata already came to knew about ragini’s past from AP.
All the best for your Internals.
Thank You Dear………… Yup …. You are right Sujata knows her Past……
Suprbbb eager to knw
Thank You Dear
I miss raglaksan. But it was interesting hopefully nothing really bad happens to raglaksan’s relationship. ??
Lets see what happensssss
Thank You Dear
Awesome dear
Thank You Dear……………
plzz give raglak moment next part soon
Sure Dearrr……….
I will surely kill that wicked bua
I will Support You
very nice
Thank You Dear
Perfect… I think sanlak will support her…
hmmmm…..Lets see to it
ohhh nice waiting to see how sanlak will react i know they will support her and plzz do give equal imp to ragini also after swara entry
Hmmmm……. Psst….. They will have equal importance…. I am not like Swaragini CVs…
hmmm they are useless thats why i don’t watch it actually to be true i have inly watched it for short time fraom ragini becoming positive to raglak second marriage awwwww that was best part of raglak story for a ragini fan
and why don’t you bring someone new against sanskar something new
Yaar hey tragedy kab khatham hoga ragini mi zindagi we
I wish ye aaah waala part jaldi khatham kardo kyuki I can’t tolerate this tears and evillness
Anyways thanks for another update :-):-):-):-):-)
Hm…. After Ragini’s past…. Its going to quite light…..
Loved it. Waiting for more Raglak scenes
Thank You Dear….we will have more raglak scenes
Awesome .
Thank You Dear
As usual Superb episode and sorry for late comment
Thank You Dear……..
A lot of suspense n drama coming ahead. I hope sanlak won’t misunderstand rago. I don’t want any misunderstanding to b created between raglak. Also eager to know ragini’s past. Can’t wait for the next update.
Thank You Dear….. will update as soon as i can
Thank You Dear