Jhanak 24th March 2025 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Anirudh confessing his deep love for Jhanak. Jhanak remains firm, telling him that it’s too late. Concerned, Anirudh asks if someone mistreated her, but she says just being there is humiliating enough. He reassures her that he has spoken to the police commissioner, promising nothing will happen to her. Jhanak believes the false accusations will stick, leading to her imprisonment. Anirudh insists that the truth can’t be changed and painfully admits that while he loves her deeply, he doesn’t deserve her. Realizing his feelings even more when he sees her suffering, he pleads with her not to push him away. Jhanak, determined, demands that he never call her again. Unable to abandon her, Anirudh insists on staying by her side.
Meanwhile, Bipasha lashes out at Sarveshwar for his audacity. She condemns his actions and demands that he stop interfering in her life. Sarveshwar, ever manipulative, suggests that Bipasha wouldn’t have to endure anything at her in-laws if she simply worked with him. He paints a false picture of independence, but Bipasha isn’t buying it. She retorts that even hell wouldn’t accept him. Unbothered, Sarveshwar shrugs, saying he doesn’t fear his fate.
Bipasha, determined to cut ties, offers him money and commands him to stay away from her family. Sarveshwar mockingly claims he will return once he spends it all. Furious, Bipasha declares that he belongs in jail. Sarveshwar dares her to call the police, but she walks away, unwilling to waste another word on him. Mrinalini observes the encounter, suspicious about why Bipasha would meet Sarveshwar. She decides to confront her sister-in-law later.
Anirudh, unable to suppress his feelings, informs Jhanak of his decision to divorce Arshi so they can be together. Jhanak firmly refuses. She says she won’t steal her sister’s husband, no matter how strong her love for Anirudh might be. With unwavering resolve, she tells him that not all lovers are destined to be together, and theirs is a bond that fate has chosen to break. She turns away, signaling Anirudh to leave. Heartbroken, he walks away, carrying the weight of his unfulfilled love.
Later, Mrinalini informs Choton about spotting Bipasha with Sarveshwar. Choton isn’t surprised, convinced that Bipasha’s lies about job hunting are part of a bigger mess. He anticipates trouble, suspecting that Sarveshwar is back to stir chaos. While Mrinalini is worried about Sarveshwar’s demands, Choton reassures her that Bipasha can handle him.
Elsewhere, Tanuja notices that Anjana hasn’t cooked, prompting Shubh to suggest Dadi speak with her. Dadi nonchalantly says others can cook if Anjana is unable to, adding that it’s no big deal. Laal soon enters, inquiring about Bipasha’s whereabouts. Anjana nervously claims she went for an interview. Laal immediately questions the credibility of an evening interview, and Tanuja slyly remarks on Bipasha’s daily outings. Fed up, Laal announces his decision to divorce Bipasha, accusing Anjana of ruining his life by supporting her. He even takes a jab at Jhanak, calling her a criminal who deserves to be in jail.
Just then, Bipasha returns. Laal, oozing sarcasm, mocks her presence. Tanuja jumps in, asking Bipasha where she was. Laal demands answers, reminding Bipasha that she’s not welcome. Bipasha claims she was at a job interview, but Laal presses further, asking about the company and offer letter. When Bipasha remains silent, Laal taunts her, determined to humiliate her further.
Choton and Mrinalini join the scene. Without missing a beat, Mrinalini reveals that she saw Bipasha with Sarveshwar at the park. Laal seizes the moment, sneeringly suggesting that Bipasha is planning a trip to Banaras. Mrinalini demands to know why she was yelling at Sarveshwar. Bipasha finally breaks her silence, confessing that Sarveshwar is blackmailing her and demanding money to disgrace her family. Laal, unwilling to hear more, orders Bipasha to leave his house. Bipasha, fighting tears, declares that this is her family and she’ll do whatever it takes to protect them.
Mrinalini advises Bipasha to report Sarveshwar to the police, but Bipasha hesitates, fearing the consequences. She insists that Sarveshwar is dangerous. Laal storms away in anger, while Mrinalini urges Bipasha to stand her ground. Anjana comforts Bipasha, offering her silent support.
Later, Bipasha visits Jhanak in the police station. She brings her food, but Jhanak insists she doesn’t need it. With guilt weighing heavily on her, Bipasha apologizes for never standing by Jhanak. Her regret is evident as she acknowledges her past mistakes.
Precap: A police inspector informs the commissioner about presenting Jhanak in court for the baby-stealing case. Anirudh says that he won’t be able to forgive himself if Jhanak ends up in jail.
Update Credit to: Amena
Is it just me Or anyone else also think that Shristi mukherjee is behind this Baby Swap…
Not directly but indirectly she is responsible bcoz 1st it was shown that man wanted to exchange the baby for his wife sake n later they tried to blame jhanak … Shrishti who was acting gud gud few days back in front of jhanak how come all of sudden she will turn nagetive. .. she must have researched n bribed n planned to blame jhanak … Benefitting her n her daughter n also her puppet kulbhushan ..
The amount of time this family blames n troubles jhanak the more Anirudh will be suffering… No one is seeing this as if they want to brun them both down…
Coming to this new entry piyush… From today’s episode. I dnt know for what they drop him when lead actress is hiba nawab … What story r they gonna create … If he is brought for arshi n then anirudh can easily be with jhanak .. then show will end happily … I hate that anis father shubo . Feeling like taking my slipper n beating him . Don’t knwi how to talk to women in his own home .making faces while they talk back .. he is 1 number shit fellow … I cnt tolerate him I just fast forward it ..
Hope they do some justice to jhanak n reduce her burden n give her new lease of life away 4m all ..let her be independent n successful n rich enought i feed for herself. All this basu mukharjee everyone shud be in roads ..