Categories: Jhanak

Jhanak 27th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Jhanak and Anirudh annul their marriage

Jhanak 27th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Shubh saying I don’t want any problem in Anirudh and Arshi’s life, who knows Jhanak can change her mind after ten years and comes to ask for her rights, what will we do, this is imp to do so that we don’t face any problem now. Shupra says you are right. Arshi asks how can divorce happen when marriage didn’t happen, these papers are to annul the marriage, so Anirudh and Jhanak will sign the papers now. Bablu asks Shubh why are you doing all this today. Shubh says I m a lawyer, you won’t understand this. Dadu says we all are witness of this, Anirudh and Jhanak have no relation. Tanuja says yes. Shrishti asks why is this topic coming up. Dadu asks what’s the need for all this. Bipasha says Shubh is doing what’s the best for everyone. Lal says let this happen, its imp. Arshi

asks why are we arguing. Shubh says I did what is right, I m a lawyer and understand all this well, I have asked their wish, right Jhanak and Anirudh.

Anirudh nods. Jhanak says I will sign, where shall I sign. Shubh says first page. Anirudh and Jhanak see each other. He thinks you rejected me, I worry for you, you never demanded anything, you never said you want to accept that marriage. Jhanak thinks you will get free of me today, I m breaking this bond today, you will be happy with Arshi, I will go away. Shrishti asks them to sign the papers. Tanuja taunts Jhanak and asks her to sign it. Anirudh thinks Jhanak, fight with them, tell them, you won’t sign, you want to accept this marriage. Jhanak cries and signs the papers. Anirudh gets sad. Arshi and everyone smile. Everyone claps. Jhanak says you thought I will refuse to sign, so you are clapping so loud, but I have no reason to not sign these papers today, I didn’t feel bad of anything. Shubh asks Anirudh to sign the papers. Arshi and everyone ask him to sign. Jhanak says it will be better if you sign quickly. Anirudh thinks I m not heartless like you, my heart is shattering, you signed so easily. He says but I have to read this well before signing, I know dad has made these papers, but I should check it once. Arshi says that’s good, relax, I have already read it well, you sign the papers. Anirudh sees Jhanak. He signs the papers. Jhanak cries. Shrishti says good, a problem got over. Dadi asks Anjana to get sweets. Anjana refuses. Tanuja asks Bipasha to get the sweets. Jhanak says I expect that my work is over here. Shubh says yes. Shrishti says you will attend Anirudh’s rasam, enjoy the wedding. Vinayak says give me the address of your house, wherever you are going. Jhanak says I don’t know where I will go, I will happily attend this wedding. She smiles.

Mrinalini and her dad come home. Choton worries seeing them. Her dad says I have seen Choton, he got healthy, why is he hiding, maybe he didn’t identify us. She says he identified us, so he is hiding. He calls out Choton. Choton says she got her dad home, why did my family invite them. He greets them. He says I didn’t see you. Mrinalini asks how. He says I m going to the decorator, you have come for the rasam, right. She says we didn’t come to have food, we were invited, mum couldn’t come.

Anjana and Jhanak get the food plate for Anirudh. Shrishti says you are a guest here, you should be in our house, you are here, do you understand. Jhanak says I was helping Anjana, there is much work. Anjana says stay here, I will manage it, I will feed Appu. Shupra says your daughter didn’t get fine till now. Bablu says its good she is stupid, I love her a lot. She asks isn’t she normal like others. Anjana says she is very loving, she loves Jhanak a lot, if everyone loves her then she will also love them back. Bablu asks Anirudh to have the food. Choton complains to Mrinalini’s dad about her. He says sorry, but you didn’t give her a good upbringing. Mrinalini asks him to keep his manners. She says he has hidden his identity, he lied a lot for one order. He says I didn’t do anything wrong. She says you weren’t honest, you lied to me. She asks her dad did Choton’s mum adopt him. Her dad says no. Choton says you don’t know our family history, don’t talk to my parents about this, I just shared it with her that I m adopted.

Dadi says Anjana made beautiful decorations. Anjana says Jhanak did everything. Arshi says great job, Jhanak, I loved it, did you make any dish. Anjana says yes, she has made the dishes. Anirudh looks at Jhanak. Shrishti says none can cook like my mum used to eat. Jhanak says I learnt it from Nani, you can try it and see. Arshi says I won’t eat it, I m not habitual. Vinayak asks her to try. Anirudh says I won’t eat the dishes. Anjana asks what. Bablu says you like a lot. Anirudh says I will eat what my family has made. Jhanak says I have no problem.

Tanuja blesses Anirudh and Arshi. Anirudh says I love Arshi, I m marrying her. Shupra says I heard Anirudh and Jhanak have an affair. Shrishti says Arshi is your Laxmi. Anirudh says no one can snatch her from me.

Update Credit to: Amena


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  • What's the point of annul the marriage why Anirudh is not taking the stand that he loves jhanak while jhanak has her reasons that Anirudh is getting married with arshi her sister so that is why she is not saying anything as she doesn't want to spoil the marriage but now what after so drama Anirudh will marry arshi I don't think that marriage should be anual so fast and now he is getting married again

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    • Totally agree with your thoughts. Anirudh was wishing for Jhanak to refuse to sign and tell his family she objects but he could see and hear the pressure and taunts of his family was subjecting Jhanak to. After he agreed with dad that the papers should be signed what did he expect Janak to do. He professed that he loves her but he did nothing to prevent the dissolution of the marriage . Then has the courage to be rude to Jhanak in front of everyone. In my view he has no back bone and no one would have an easy married life with him!!

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  • This serial is so illogical, why would Jhanak stay there and undergo the humiliation and mistreatment by Anirudh and his family. Writers just dragging this on.
    Portrays Jhanak very badly. He deserves Arshi. I hope writers find another love interest for Jhanak. That family will continue to treat her badly.
    I don’t watch this serial daily and watch once in a while because of Jhanak’s treatment by other women.

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    • Well observed ! I cant understand why supposedly intelligent and well educated people can be so cruel and abusive to their,'guest' or ' maid' . Bipasa and her husband 's role is just to bully and set Jhanak up for public humiliation, what a waste of money. The story lack substance, not in keeping with twenty first century life.

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  • That TrArshi wont be able to conceive and that evil Shrub and Tanuja witch will want Jhanak to carry the child and give the child and kick her out, they only know to use and abuse, horrible people.

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  • I have some names for those vultures
    False teeth shrishti, I think she is hiding some family secret regarding Jhanak mom, and her husband knows it
    Botox face Trashshi thinks she is best vip, very ignorant person, can't even dance🤣
    Ani knows Jhanak is slow and bit stupid yet he expects her to figure it all, she should know what he wants /thinks, sometimes he's so good with her, to his convenience only, but then turns all insulting to match the others, why can't he explain to her? Idiot
    Well ohh gorsh, if I start on catface, horny bipasha 🤨🤭 all she thinks about is trashshi wedding night🤣🤣 I wonder if she plan to stand next to the bed all night?🤔
    It's best if Jhanak just leave before the wedding of 10 centuries, why she needs to stay there?
    Writers have finally turned this show into garbage, wedding prep dragging on since 2 months and also boring now scenes with Jhanak and Ani

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    • Thank you! you have made me laughed so much today, You are spot on , on all the characters . I cant believe that the writers have such limited imaginations. The police is portrayed badly , family dynamics is very poor. There is no respect for the poor and helpless. Jhanak has worked for them as a housekeeper ( with daily dose of abuse). Without pay but for board and lodging. They know she has nowhere to go in a strange city. They are just happy to throw her on the street. Don't portray the rich and famous in a good light.

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