The Star Plus television show “Jhanak,” produced by Leena Gangopadhyay’s Magic Moment Productions, continues to captivate audiences with its engaging storyline. The drama intensifies as Anirudh (Krushal Ahuja) strives to appear happy and excited in front of Arshi (Chandni Sharma) during their pre-wedding rituals. However, the upcoming episodes promise major twists with the revelation of Janak’s pregnancy.
Viewers are in for high-voltage drama when Janak (Hiba Nawab) faints during Anirudh and Arshi’s wedding, leading to the shocking discovery of her pregnancy. This unexpected turn of events will undoubtedly stir emotions and bring significant changes to the storyline.
Previously, the audience saw Anirudh’s seemingly genuine happiness, which left Janak confused and doubtful about his true feelings. Although Anirudh had assured Janak that his happiness was merely a facade, witnessing him in a cheerful state caused her considerable distress.
How will Anirudh react to this startling news?
Hiba Nawab excels in the titular role of Janak, while Krushal Ahuja and Chandni Sharma deliver compelling performances as Anirudh and Arshi, respectively. “Jhanak” revolves around the story of a talented girl who faces numerous hardships and obstacles in her quest to become a dancer. Since its inception, the show has garnered widespread acclaim, particularly for the stellar performances of its lead actors.
The revelation of Janak’s pregnancy is set to bring new challenges and dramatic moments to “Jhanak,” keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. Stay tuned to witness how this shocking twist impacts the characters and the storyline.
“Jhanak” is a popular drama series on Star Plus, produced by Leena Gangopadhyay’s Magic Moment Productions. The show has received immense love and applause for its engaging plot and the outstanding performances of its cast, especially Hiba Nawab and Krushal Ahuja. The series chronicles the journey of a young girl aspiring to become a dancer, navigating through various challenges and obstacles along the way.
Catch all the drama and emotional turmoil on “Jhanak,” airing on Star Plus. Don’t miss the upcoming episodes as the story takes an exciting turn with Janak’s pregnancy revelation.
Why do most woman in indian serials get pregnant and their partners mostly have other woman marry other woman or leave them now jhanak was a nice story now her partner has to get maried to ashri and jahnak will be an unwed mom just like her mother
Oh God! Not again! I hope at least this serial stays true to its Bengali version where Jhanak moves out and becomes successful. Yes, she fainted while twirling during the haldi dance. And also, Ani and Jhanak just hugged when he was unwell, so why such a cheap pregnancy drama
Exactly, how and when did this pregnancy happened.