Categories: Fan FictionUdaariyaan

Jo tera hoyega jaroor aayega (Chapter 2)

” I want to speak with you personally! Can you please follow me” Aaryan requests tejo politely. Tejo tensed up hearing it but did not want to create a drama in between the dance floor and decides to follow him simply and warn him off in a corner if he decides to do anything wrong with her. She nods at him and tells him to move ahead and that she would follow him. She was moving ahead following him when she was stopped by riya who pulled her to another corner of the restaurant.

” What happened Riya?” Tejo asks her

” Say yes to Aaryan” Riya tells to Tejo sternly.

” Say yes to what?” Tejo asks her confused.

Riya faceplams herself seeing her friend not getting a hint, ” to marriage you idiot, he is going to propose you for marriage”

Tejo’s expression changed and she felt furious hearing it, ” have you lost it?!”

” I’m not going to say yes for anything, do you understand” she stamps her feet and was moving ahead.

” yeah Tell a no and get struck in a life where you serve your cheater ex husband’s family and correct your sister’s mistake. Go on live a happy life with your selflessness” Riya sarcastically tells her friend.

” It’s not the case..” tejo begins ignoring the ache in her heart hearing the reality from her best friend but riya cuts her off harshly.

” Then what’s the case Tejo tell me?” riya asks her,” how much more are you coming to sacrifice for everyone”

” When will you became selfish for yourself?” Riya asks her desperately.

Tejo opens her mouth to say something but nothing comes out of her mouth to defend herself.

Riya held tejo’s shoulder, ” listen to me very carefully Tejo! End your selflessness today itself. If you don’t want to marry Aaryan it’s okay. Come with me but I’m not letting you stay here anymore”

Tejo pushes her friend’s hands out of her shoulder, ” fateh and jasmine are very happy! I wanted to see them getting ruined and the family members have slowly started accepting jasmine too”

” How can they be so happy after destroying my life? Why doesn’t karma hit them back?” Tejo questions swallowing her hurt back but still a tear trickled down her eyes which she wiped away immediately.

” They are happy because of you!” Riya points out, tejo looks up to her friend.

” Don’t you see, you keep protecting that family’s reputation out of your selflessness and that’s why they are not troubled over Jasmine” Riya tells her.

” You want to take revenge from them?” Riya asks her looking at her friend’s face who already was struggling with her own emotions.

“The best revenge you could take from everyone who has taken advantage of your selflessness and your kindness is to move on with a better guy than your ex husband can ever be. Let everyone burn in jealousy and envy seeing you happy with someone else” Riya suggested her.

Tejo considers Riya’s words for a moment.

” You want me to marry aryaan to take revenge from fateh and jasmine” Tejo asks shocked at her friend’s suggestion.

Riya immediately denies her statement,” I want you to marry Aaryan for yourself and your future but if it hits another goal also it’s a good thing right”

” But it’s wrong to marry Aaryan for my selfishness. He doesn’t deserve this” Tejo protests against the idea.

” You think Aaryan doesn’t know about this whole plan?” Riya smirks ” trust me he knows everything but he is ready to marry you and he doesn’t care about your past or other intentions”

Tejo was momentarily taken aback by her revelation but she comes back to her senses quickly.

” You planned everything all this from the reunion to this” Tejo states more than asking Riya about it. It almost made sense.

” Yes I did” Riya admitted bluntly, ” what else was I supposed to do when I got informed about your condition and how you were dealing with it”

” And what about Aaryan?” Tejo enquires, “why did he agree for this?”

” He agreed because he has always loved you since the days of our college” Riya reveals,” you were too blind in your family’s Canada love and your dreams that you did not notice plus your sister kept pushing you far from Aaryan because Aaryan had rejected her and was back of you”

” He still loves you Tejo” Riya confesses to her making her friend’s head spin with all this information.

Riya takes a deep breath,” now you decide what you want to do, if you have decided to live for yourself you know which direction to go for” she gives a glass of water to her friend and walks away giving her time to take her own decision. Tejo carefully thinks for whole ten minutes while sipping the water. She closes her eyes as Jasmine’s taunts, Fateh again and again stating to her that he would never love her after she gave herself to him, the Virk’s family partiality to fateh’s infidelity flashes infront of her. She knew in her gut instinct that if jasmine gets pregnant anytime what would be the scenario. Had not she had enough? She was the victim here! When her culprits are leaving happily then why should she leave unhappily and alone. She doesn’t need anyone’s pity and guilt, she wants justice and revenge for herself and if she has to go through twisted ways for it, she will go. Tejo determinedly walks towards the direction where Aaryan had walked few minutes before, Riya sighs in relief from the other side as she sees tejo moving towards the place where Aaryan would be proposing her. Though tejo was doing it for revenge and other motives now but Riya knew Tejo would be happy with Aaryan and once tejo gets Married and moves on, jasmine could be nothing except her pretty face and even the foolish guy who made the mistake of choosing that stupid jasmine over Tejo will realize it. Riya takes out her phone and messages adhiraj that their plan was almost successful now.


Tejo looks around the room as she entered which was decorated with heart shaped ballons and candles, the place looked every bit of romantic but she felt nothing else. Her eyes finally fall on Aaryan who was approaching her with a smile and her favourite music was already playing in background.

” You came?” Aaryan whispered to her meeting her eyes. Tejo’s heartbeat increases as Aaryan stops few inches closer to her body. She could already feel herself surrounded by the smell of the colonge.

” Riya said …..” Tejo begins to say something but Aaryan cuts her off with his next action. He goes on his knees and opens the ring box in front of her revealing some expensive but simple ring.

” Will you marry me?” He asks her huskily making tejo every bit of nervous.

” You know everything right? You know my real motive if I agree for this marriage?” Tejo asks him to see if he really knew the truth.

” Yes” Aaryan confirmes to her looking up at her.

” But it doesn’t matter, if in the end of everything I would get you in my life as my wife” Aaryan reveals. There was a awkward silence between them. Tejo ponders around Riya’s words which she said earlier about how Aaryan still loved her. She feels guilty for using his love for her own motives but he did know why she was marrying him and he was right at the end, she was eventually going to move on with him.

Tejo extends her hand towards him so gesturing him to slide the ring on her finger. Aaryan smiles as he removed the ring from the box and slide it on to her finger. He gets up and guides her to the table arranged for them where the dinner was being served.

” You remember all my favourite dishes?” Tejo asks little shocked seeing most of her favourite dishes on the table as the waiter served them.

” I could never forget anything about you Tejo!” Aaryan tells her softly, tejo feels her cheeks flushing up  by the way he was gazing at her.

” So when I can get my family to fix the alliance?” Aaryan asks her in between eating the food.

” Get them tomorrow” Tejo tells him, Aaryan nods at her and exchanges numbers with her. They finish the food and part their ways. At the end tejo could not believe she had said yes to this but maybe frustration and pain could make a person do anything. She had gotten two times married for her family. . Tejo phones adhiraj asking him to assemble both the families in any of the two houses as she has a important announcement to make.

” Tejo” Riya engulfs her best friend in a bear hug, “you said a yes”

” You will not regret it, Aaryan is far far better than your ex husband can ever be” Riya says to her.

Tejo nods at Riya’s words and leaves the restaurant. She heavily sighs when she realises what she had gotten herself into.


Meanwhile the sandhu family had arrived to the virk mansion. Both of the families were tensed by tejo’s sudden decision to assemble them. They discussed among themselves what tejo wanted to tell them that important and hoped everything was fine. The virk family feared that tejo wanted to leave the house. Jasmine and fateh sat little away from the families both having different ideas in their minds about tejo’s sudden call. They wondered what was going to happen and then tejo entered looking every bit of determined staring at the family. Adhiraj leans on the wall, he already knew the announcement which was going to happen. Riya had already messaged him and adhiraj wondered why had he had not called Riya months before when tejo was alone, maybe Riya could have shown everyone their place for messing up with tejo but anyway since Riya has come back hearing what had happened with her best friend, he was relieved that no would be able to take advantage of tejo’s selflessness now.


” Kya hua Tejo beta? Why have you called us?” Rupi asks his daughter, he rubbed his forehead worriedly.

Tejo looks at everyone present here, she clenched her fists gathering every bit of courage she had and doesn’t look at anyone particularly.

” I have decided to get married again with a guy of my own choice” Tejo announced leaving both the sandhu family and virk family stunned. Fateh shakes his head in disbelief and keeps looking at her as if it is a horrible nightmare and he would wake up soon. Even jasmine looked unhappy for some reason.

Tejo smiles inwardly seeing everyone’s reaction and remembers Riya’s words

” The best revenge you could take from everyone who has taken advantage of your selflessness and your kindness is to move on with a better guy than your ex husband can ever be. Let everyone burn in jealousy and envy seeing you happy with someone else”

” His family would be coming around tomorrow so you people decide which addresses should I ask him to bring his family to” Tejo asks calmly.

Both the families were just coming around the initial shock but tejo snapped their attention by telling about the boy’s family coming tomorrow.

” Marriage but why?” Khushbeer asks his ex daughter in law.

Tejo shrugs nonchalantly,” why not? I had enough of crying and hurt and now I want to move on with someone else and start everything afresh”

” Par tejo if you wanted to get married again, you could have informed us. We could have searched alliances for you beta” Babe says to her.

” No babe, I have seen the last two times what had happened when I left the decision in the family’s hand so I have decided to go by gut instinct this time”

Tejo’s words had the sandhu family looking down guilty.

” So can you people quickly tell where should I say my future in laws to come for the marriage talks” Tejo continues asking.

” Par beta, isn’t it too fast. Let us do a background check on the family first” khushbeer insisted. The other family members agrees.

Tejo smirks,” The whole punjab knows about the kapoor family’s reputation. What’s here to do a check but if you still want to do background checkup please do”

Jasmine gasps hearing it, ” you’re marrying Aaryan kapoor, the guy who had proposed you during your college”

Fateh grits his teeth hearing Jasmine’s words.

Tejo tiltes her head towards her sister, ” you’re right he is the same guy jassu who rejected you, you remember because he liked me” jasmine grimaced remembering her humiliation. She still could not forget the guy who rejected her proposal on her face and said to her bluntly that he likes tejo more.

” He happened to come to the reunion party and to my delight he proposed me with a romantic setup” Tejo says and extends her hand showing the expensive ring on her fingers. Jasmine looked at tejo’s ring and wanted to cry, it was the new designer ring which was in heavy demand. Jasmine was back of fateh institing him to buy him but tejo was already wearing it on her finger and was showing it off proudly.

” How could I say no to this” Tejo comments acting to be little flustered and staring at her ring blissfully.

Colour drained from fateh’s face as he realises that tejo had already accepted the proposal, she was not asking permission here nor convincing them to accept the guy. Tejo was straightway demanding them to accept her decision. The families realized the same thing with shock.

” You can’t do this” fateh said in his broken voice. Jasmine glances at fateh’s sudden behaviour and fear gripping her heart at the thought fateh will leave her now. She holds fateh’s hand and indicates him to keep quiet.

Tejo feigns ignorance towards fateh but she could not help the satisfaction overwhelming her insides watching fateh’s reaction. She was finally getting what she had wanted for a long time and she would make sure at the end of her marriage, fateh feels the same amount of pain she felt and about Jasmine, jasmine is going to regret each day in her life after she leaves from here tejo was sure of this.

” So where can I ask Aaryan to come with his family?” Tejo repeats her question again looking at the elders who were still gulping down the shock tejo threw in their way. The elders wanted to convince tejo to take it slow but they kept their mouth shut seeing tejo’s mood.

” Ask them to come over here” khushbeer tells her realizing that tejo was not going to back down from her decision now, Tejo nods at him curtly and walks towards the room holding her phone and messaging Aaryan to come to the virk house tomorrow with his family. She messages Riya simultaneously about what had happened. After reading both Aaryan’s and Riya’s response to her messages, tejo gets herself changed and falls asleep soon enough because of her tiredness but sleep was far away dream for both Sandhus and virks for the night. They were still struggling to come to terms with tejo’s decision.

Precap: ” kya hai na ji, our boy left tejo that’s why you are getting her” Nimmo tells in a mocking voice. Tejo looks away hurt and humiliated, Aaryan was going to reply back to the taunts but his mother interrupted, “oh kya hai na ji, some people don’t realize the value of diamonds and throw it away for shiny rocks but we know to differentiate between a diamond and ordinary yeah na Aaryan”

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