Jodha Akbar 29th August 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
maham looks at adham’s face smeared with blood, she looks at jalal and says what kind of justice is this? the person lying in blood here, you raised from shildhood by getting his quota of love from me, he is your half brother, how can you kill him brutally, he did crime then you could have put him in jail, which kind of justice is this, you have to answer me as I taught you justice so I have the right to take answer from you, my son did worst crime but why you didn’t take appropriate step? answer me did you call the court? did you asked adham why he did that? did you discussed matter with ministers, no you directly killed him, this is not justice in Mughals. maham says answer me why you did this, why, this matter is finished yet, this will finish when justice will be provided and I will do the justice, the mother of adham, the chief minister of india, she says you decided the fate of mine and my my son, today I will choose the justice for me, I will do the justice by giving you curse, you will also mourn over death your children, maham says to jalal that your kids are in womb of your wife jodha, I give you curse that you also take their dead body in your hand, you also cry on their death, you also gets the pain like I got it, jodha and jalal are shocked., all cant believe what maham said, maham says your child will not be loyal to you, you will not get peace from your son, she says god, today is the day when I prayed for jalal from true heart and accept this prayer, she says now the justice is given to my adham, jalal shouts take her away, maham looks at adham and starts leaving from there, she cries looking at adham’s body and leaves, jalal angrily leaves from there. hamida takes jodha from there.
jalal comes to weight balance and recalls maham’s bitter words, jalal says adham killed my guider, the one who is next to my father and khan baba then how can maham curse me, one soldier comes to jalal but jalal shouts how can you disturb me, go from here, he goes to ruks and says jalal is very angry, ruks says I know his state, I will go to him. ruks comes to jalal, jalal says go from here, she says but.. jalal shouts go from here, ruks gets afraid, jalal becomes emotional.
Scene 2
ruks to comes to ladies, she says to jodha that I tried a lot but jalal is not accepting anything, I never saw him so much angry, hamida says we have to take out his frustration, jodha says I will talk to him, ruks says no don’t go to him, he is very angry, maybe he will get angry on you and hurt you, you are going to be mother and we cant take the risk, jodha stops going to jalal.
jalal is sitting in dark room, he recall how adham said that maham didn’t want to kill you but wanted to take throne, he recalls how abul mali wanted to take throne from him, jalal looks at throne and says its all happening because of you, you make me kill my own, you make my own stand against me, 1st you took khan bab from me then you snatched bari ammi and now you took my guider away from me, today I will destroy you, I will destroy this throne, jalal takes fire stick and burns his throne, jodha who is passing by there, stops and comes to jalal, she says what are you doing jalal? this is bad omen for Mughal saltanat, don’t burn down your throne, jodha brings mud to dose off fire, jalal says no, let it burn, it will also know fire in my heart, all think this is my strength but this throne is my weakness, my all family members went against me because of this throne, my khan baba who gave me this throne went against me just because of this throne, my brother in law mali went against me because of this throne and now he even snatched my atgah from me, I will finish this throne, I will end this saltanat who ate my all relations, its the root cause of all problems so lets finish it.. my half mother, cursed my child today because of this throne, my half brother got killed because of this throne, how can anything happen to my chidren, jodha says nothing like this, nothing will happen to your children, me and you, maham didn’t curse you but she just said that in anger, she cant curse you, jalal says no, everything is finished, this throne took away all my relations from me, you will also leave me, jodha says no, look at me, he looks at her, jodha says we didn’t made relation because of this throne, our relation is strong and I wont leave you ever even if you don’t remain powerful, even if your lose your throne, I don’t wanna go away from you even if death comes to me, I want to die with you, jodha was with you and will be always with you, jalal hugs her and cries, jalal sleeps in jodha’s lap, jodha prays to maa to give jalal strength to fight with all odds.
Scene 3
maham in her room plans to snatch india from jalal, she chalks out plan, she says adham I promised you all these states and I will take all these states, we will win, she listens some noise and thinks its adham, she turns but its jodha, she says jodha, you came to see how I am mourning over my son’s death, so look and go, jodha says I didn’t come here to see how you mourn, I want one answer from you, why did you hurt jalal so much? your son, who called you ammi whole his life, who loved you a lot, maham says wow, 1st time you said right thing, I was wondering same that the same son killed my own son why? you always give lessons to all, you always fight for justice then why you didn’t save adham? look jalal accepted you but I don’t accept you, you are rajvanshi and I am Mughal, jodha says I always respect you as you were mother of my husband, maham says so you came here to give me respect? oh I forgot you give respect to criminals in jail even if its kahibari or me.. she says you didn’t come here to give me respect but you came here because you are afraid of my curse, you wanna ask me to take back my curse but I will sit quietly when you lose your children, you wont be mother ever, my heart will get the peace when jalal will lose his child, he will also mourn over his children, jodha turns to leave, maham says all have evil in their heart, my evil came out in open but all have evil in them and they hide it, jodha turns to maham and says this wont happen, I will prove you wrong, you will see jalal playing with his kids, maham says no, you will see how he will mourn over his kids death, jodha challenges her that she wont let this happen, she wont let Mughal saltanat without its heir, she says she will will give birth to Mughal heir and he will rule india, she leaves, maham shouts no, my curse will not let that happen, Mughal slatant will be finished.
PRECAP- one wife says to jodha that jalal listens to you and take care of you a lot so when kids will come in life then how much he will love you, other wife says to jodha that after becoming marium zamani don’t forget us, ruks listens all this and gets jealous of jodha.
Update Credit to: Atiba
Hey guys Bye guys I don’t think I will be available for 1 week
Due to family matter
My great grand mother expired
So I would not be in my house
H guyea miised u alot
Hey any1 der…
Guys I think I will be available for today’s epi 12 o’clock night will not be there
After 12
Good news goo akbar is back on 1 St position
Sorry it’s jodha akbar
Any1 there
YePpppp….any1 der…geTing bored….no coMents frm ystrDy.
Aaaahhhhnn…really sundays is always boring fr me. Just got freezed at a place. Yep sry fr saying but it is truely kinda bad days…even fr akdha…even fr me..
Any1 there only aradhya has commented today no one else =-O
Hey I think so every one has forget me
Mean mean every one too mean
Never mind š but I was bussy and no one asked for me tooooo sad
Toooo sad
And I do have to study so not online what can I do huuuum let me go bye dear every one be safe be smiling tatatta cgona cm on Monday hehehehe
Curious to knw the story ahead
I am becoming addict fire this show. Wanna stop it. The day atgah and adham died I saw deaths of near and dear ones.. I am scared a bit. So wanna stop seeing
No sree just see it will be interesting ahead chillllllll
Yyaahh sania ur r right.. guys plz see jo ak. U cant say anything bfore nowing anything…so plz atleast fr the trps.
any1 there please comment
Yep i also got scared after i saw many death s but its ok there will be many romantic scenes too so i m ok n happy that today is monday !
I m there deeksha !
Hey aradhya , sania , cutie , deeksha , crystal ,aisha , raj ! Any1 there ??
so waiting for todays epi i am waiting yaar
Hah today is monday ! Its a big relief for me but my school is off for 3 days !!! Waiting for AKDHA’S romance and for todays epi !
Any 1 there !
Any one come yaar i m bored !
Hi deeksha and sanaya !
Oh thank god someone came here u know raj i was commenting like a mad and saying that any1 there any 1 there and no one came and finally atleast u came !
U were commenting like a mad *lol* hahaha
Actually i was also getting bored so came here . But i have to go bye to all !
Hey guyed
Yeah if u have started the drama and liked it at the top of your grossung
U should not leave it at the Ā¼ of the dram cause almost its going to be finish only 2-3 months are left for your king info so it is our choice sweeeeet guyes but …….
As u know better take my ippiniun we’ll enjoy a lot
With akbrs xhot sceen with jodha
I have got a latest news see it in FB that a high classic hot scean is goal a cm on air of jodha akbr where they will kiss but slightly kiss I have read it on
Go see eee š & tell me or views