Jodha Akbar 30th December 2013 Written Episode, Jodha Akbar 30th December 2013 Written Update
Scene 1
mirza gifts rahim and says he is very cute to salima who ask where was he? He says i retured here to complete some mission, actually i got to know that abul mali has sent someone to conspire in palace, salima ask so lets tell jalal, mirza says not now because culprit must be around him.
Benazir comes to soldier with zakira, soldier ask why zakira is with you? Benazir says i was afraid, he says now you are with me so no need to fear, he takes her inside dark room and tries to get closer to her but she stops him and says i was special of abul mali in kabul and now of jalal so its not right, he gets angry and gets up to go to jalal and tell her truth but she stops him and says i was joking with you, i am here for you, she fills drink in his glass, and he gets closer
Scene 2
mirza is practising sword fighting and sees soldier’s deadbody, he comes there, jalal and atga khan also comes there, hakim says he was bitten by snake, atga says we have regular check in garden to make sure there is no snake then how it can happen, jalal ask atga to recheck and be careful. Zakira says jalal also get to know about it, benazir says so what all will think that snake did it but dont know i have poison in my blood also.they leaves. Mirza says if he was bitten by snake then where is the mark, hakim shows him that its on lips. Jalal says that he was a good soldier so do his las rituals properly. Mirza says it was strange how maqsood died and this is not good happening in palace, also abul mali is behind you, i listened him talking against you, jalal ask with whom? Mirza says i couldnt see but he is dangerous, jalal says when you are with me then i have no fear, mirza thinks whether there is some connection between mali and this killing.
Scene 3
jodha comes out with moti and sees that there is no piegeon in garden, mirza comes and says what are you searching, she says piegoen, he murmurs some words like majician and shows piegoen in his turban, he says actually yesterday night snake bite soldier and he died so i asked servants to remove piegeons from here as it can be dangerous, jodha says yesterday night one snake attacked me also, mirza says maybe it was same who killed him. Jodha says nice to see you care for piegoen as otherside your brother love hunting, he says he hunt only wild animals, jodha says you are taking his side? He says yes he is like my god. Jodha says god are not human, mirza says you also says pati parmeshvar, jodha says you take his side, mirza says i can be on your side as bari ami told me you are good cook, and i love daal bhati churma, jodha says for food you will change your side? What if jalal get to know this? He says so what, you both are same whats the matter if i take one’s side, jodha is shy.
Precap- Jodha says he must not be stupid to challenge you in full court, he is not an idiot to come on his own to get killed by you, Jodha says i know you dont like my suggestions but still i will say that not to underestimate the power of his enemies .. Not to give his enemies another chance as it the first step towards destruction,.. Jalal is turning a deaf ear to what ever Jodha is telling him
Update Credit to: Atiba