Categories: Jodha Akbar

Jodha Akbar 6th April 2015 Written Episode Update

Jodha Akbar 6th April 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Murad says i didn’t like the decision of Shahenshah. Daniya says yes making you shah shah instead of salim is his insult. Shaduddin comes and says you should be grateful. usually the eldest son gets this but you are lucky to have it. Murad says i don’t like this at all. Shabuddin says you should enjoy the power. you are not less than anyone.

Jodha asks salima if she has seen Salim? Salima says no i haven’t. jodha says i am really worried for him. he went out in anger. Salima says you know he is aggressive he will calm down. Qutub is with him. And i am sure murad and Salim’s bond wont be effected. You know Shahenshah can do anything anytime. for salim and Murad we are mothers. Its our responsibility to keep their bond intact. you know i am not murad’s

mom but i never let him realize that and you are salim’s mom. We have to handle this. Jodha says you are right. salima says go and rest i will inquire where is salim.

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Salim is out in dark. Qutub says what are you doing here? Jodha has been looking for you. Salim says i don’t wanna go there. the palace suffocated me. People there are so double faced. Shahenshah has been doing this since childhood. Qutub says go and asks Shahenshah why he did this. Salim says kings don’t need a reason. This is because of his dislikeness for me. whenever i think my bond with him is getting better he doesn something that makes me against him. Qutub says he is your dad he can’t hate you. He was so proud when you won the war and he announced to make you shah shah. salim says why did he humiliate me today then? he shows that he loves me but he does the same every time. i wont ever trust him again in my life. Salim says i am not sad that murad has become shah shah but he should have rejected it. qutub says he can’t dare to say no shahenshah. Salim says why can’t he? I went against him too. Qutub says there is difference between you and murad. Qutub says please lets go to palace. Salim says i wanna spend this night out. I dont wanna go there.

Salima says the palace is so silent today. jodha says i am scared of the silence in salim’s heart. jodha says rukiya begum please try to talk to salim. ruks says i talked to him but he didn’t listen. Hamida says he wont listen to anyone. Can’t we find a solution to this. ruks says we could get the solution if jodha had agreed to the condition. Jalal comes in and says don’t say that ruks. I told jodha when i married her that she wont change her religion. Ruks says i didn’t mean it. Jalal says no one will talk about it anymore. this is not about jodha’s religion. I vowed everyone that no one will be forced to change religion. And about shah iran he has to fight with shah hindustan. He will get to know the power of Shah hindustan.

Anarkali is in market. The announcement is made that murad has been made the shah shah. Anarkali is shocked. She says i should go to salim. he needs me at this point.

jalal says i am so glad Rahim. you have proved why you are always trusted. Rahim says i am sad to know what is happening here. jalal asks adka what is he news? He says shah iran’s men have left. They are happy that you are not going from confrontation. Jalal says i will handle shah iran but how will i handlde sheikho? Adka says he will understand your problem. You should tell him that its for his better. Jalal says i should talk to him right now. jalal says i should talk to him like a dad not as a king.

Salim is drinking he recalls when murad was made shah shah. jalal comes to his room. jalal says sit here. Jalal says i thought you would come to me bugged about the ceremony but you didn’t. are you so mad at me? Its not like what you think. you will become king and he is just shah shah. Salim says why did you humiliate me in front of anyone? Jalal says i had to mislead the men of shah iran. I can name you shah shah now. Salim says now you wanna break murad’s heart? for you politics is everything. I am the puppet we all are puppet of you in this. No one can question you. jalal says try to understand. salim says you have proved that you nikkah with jodha is illegitimate and i am your illegitimate son. Jalal is about to slap him. Jalal says you are drunk? You have lost your mind in this hangover. you think that our nikkah is illegitimate? no one can take that throne from you. The only thing that can is your drinking. you lose your mind when you drink. At this time a dad wanted to talk to his son.i will talk to you when you are in your senses. Jalal leaves.

Daniyal comes to murad. Murad says i cant accept this, i think only salim deserves this. i will talk to shahenshah. i will accept whatever punishment he gives me. Danyal says you are right but we should talk to salim first.

Jodha lightens candles. jalal comes to her and says i talked to salin but he doesn’t wanna listen to me. He is mad at me. He doubts my intentions. Jodha says you did better that you talked to him. jalal says do you trust that i love him. Jodha says how can i doubt that? there is just some misunderstanding. Jalal says he takes a different meaning of everything, it scared me. what will he do when when sits on the throne. Jodha says he is young he will learn with time. did you talk to murad? Jalal says murad is not stubborn like salim. He is very obedient, he will understand my point. i will try to solve this. He takes her hand ad kisses it. Jodha says in heart i am the reason of all these problems.

Precap-Jodha says to jalal give me permission to change my religion.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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